Boring question #57: Old TV and movies did she go to his bed or did he come to her bed?
I first realized it when I watched reruns of ”I Love Lucy” and realized Lucy and Ricky, though married, slept in twin beds. When I watch the show as a child I never was all the way hip on how babies were made, they didn’t have all the sex and bedroom scenes as they do today with all the porn on the Internet to fill in the gaps, so it didn’t seem at all odd, even after Lucy became pregnant with Little Ricky. Then I started noticing it on all sorts of old show and movies, husband and wives in separate beds. That got me to thinking those couples who had children, in those days you were a couple fornication actually meant something then, did she go to his bed or invite him to her bed for the baby making in the TV world? In the real world I know they had a queen size or a king size and I bet many slept nude, even if they never told anyone.
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13 Answers
Queen and king size beds were uncommon back then. The biggest bed that was usually in a home was a double size bed.
As far as I know, the term twin bed is actually from those times (in real life), when adult married couples often slept in separate beds. Twin beds meant two identical beds – headboards and all (which was normal for husband and wife). These days, twin bed simply means size of one bed. Many people confuse twin bed with single bed ..but there’s usually a slight difference among different single beds.
As for baby making ..the couple usually pushed the two twin beds together.
The first time I discovered that not all real life couples sleep in the same bed was by playing at a friend’s house where her parents had two beds in the bedroom. For years, I found this odd, until later discovering that one partner, or both, may be prevented from getting a good night’s sleep while sharing a bed with someone else.
My SO and I have slept in twin beds while on holiday more than once. Sometimes, it is the only option. We are equal opportunity employers when it comes to one of us sneaking over to the other’s bed for a cuddle.
Neither. They did it on the floor to avoid waking up the other members of the household.
It depended on who inititiated.
Why do you ask questions that you think are boring?
Lucy was sleeping with Fred….in his bed. ;)
@janbb There are a few reasons for that.
1. If I ask boring, unchallenging questions is no difference than asking one that makes people think outside-the-box.
2. The questions that I feel are thought provoking and challenging seem to go over the heads of many and they don’t understand the spirit and context of the question.
3. Because of which I can only really rely on myself if I ever want to get to 20k if I find it worthwhile hanging around until then; might run out of boring questions.
4. With my daily quota of questions I know if I am active even with boring questions that would not challenge a potato I am guaranteed nine points of which I don not need to worry about anyone giving me
It’s all speculation who went to which bed, because the same code that called for separate beds also barred any action that even hinted at sex actually occurring in a scene with a bed.
@Hypocrisy_Central So you are saying you ask questions just to ask three questions a day. You might want to rethink that strategy but who am I to say?
@janbb So you are saying you ask questions just to ask three questions a day. No, I would ask about 5 to 7 questions a day if they let me. I can spend 15 minutes composing a question I thought was quite pertinent and thought challenging and have it go ignored just as easy as one I took all of three minutes to muse over in a whimsy and three minutes to compose. In those times where there is not a mind challenging question, I feel need posted no matter if it will be ignored or not I post some fluff. Not all my point will come from questions I know slightly more will come by simply answering but all of that is activity and without my activity doing something I would achieve nothing here. Why cook a four course meal when the amount of people that will show you could feed with a hand full of tacos?
You are quite condescending to the rest of us re: the importance of your profound questions. I try to wait until I genuinely have something to ask – even if it’s only once a month. Howeve, we can agree to have different approaches.
@janbb You are quite condescending to the rest of us re: the importance of your profound questions. How so? Because I like many others believe they have thought provoking questions, even if it is of a personal nature? I can’t say I am sorry I don’t have many personal questions to ask about problems or relationships I am in. If when I do have a question I thought was profound and there was a history of them answered with interest maybe I could afford to wait. Since 80% of all this lurve comes straight off my activity or lack of it, to have activity that scant I might as well stop because I would be dead or closer to it by the time I amassed enough for “Admiral”, or “Blackbeard” badge; which is about the only thing keeping me going at this point.
I had assumed that the “Boring question #.....” part of the questions were an attempt at sarcasm. I don’t think of them as boring ..just sort of random.
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