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JLeslie's avatar

What is the most important day of your year?

Asked by JLeslie (65903points) June 12th, 2011

Your birthday? Easter? Christmas? Yum Kippur? Or, something else?

Why is it so important to you. The day has many memories? For religious reasons? Other? Do you have a ritual or tradition associated with it. If you cannot celebrate is it extremely dissappointing?

Has your most important day actually changed over the years? Maybe it used to be your birthday, and now it is your anniversary?

This is a question about a reoccurring most important day. Not the most important thing that happened this year like the birth of a child, or a graduation day.

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27 Answers

Rarebear's avatar

Your spelling of Yom Kippur amused me since you can’t eat on that day.

The answer to the question, though, is the day that I leave for my annual Sierra Nevada backpacking trip.

creative1's avatar

Waiting for it to occur still since we are still in the fight, I am trying to adopt the first child placed with me and it will be the best thing in my life to happen to me when her adoption finally gets finalized! My first adoption was a celebration too but this one has been such a struggle for 3 long years that I will always remember when this ended and our lives as a full and complete family finally began and I will want to celebrate it always.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

June 6— Slayer Day. Self explanatory.

JLeslie's avatar

@Rarebear Too late to edit. :).

CaptainHarley's avatar

The fourth of July, or ( in the last four years ) the day I leave to ride back to visit my children and grandchildren in North Carolina. : ))

marinelife's avatar

I don’t have one special day.

gailcalled's avatar

Any day in which I wake up, discover that I am still breathing and notice Milo sitting on my chest.

JLeslie's avatar

@CaptainHarley You just reminded me I would like to do something special for 4th of July this year. Thanks.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Every day I am able to walk this earth….that is the truth…and nothin’ but the truth :)

mcbealer's avatar

New Year’s Day!
brand new day of a brand new year, can’t help but smile.
I used to also get a brand new time-off bank, until I switched jobs. Oh well.

cookieman's avatar

“Got’cha Day”

The day we adopted our daughter.

chyna's avatar

@cprevite Love the name of your day. What a wonderful family your daughter has.

cookieman's avatar

@chyna: Aww, thank you darlin’

jrpowell's avatar


Jay484's avatar

March 1st my b-day and me and my gf anniversary (4 years this march_

Jay484's avatar

@CaptainHarley were abouts in northern Canada?

gailcalled's avatar

@Jay484: Psst. North Carolina

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

May 2: the anniversary of my sobriety


July 4: my birthday and an all-around fun day in the USA

Cruiser's avatar

My birthday. It works 2 ways…as a cruel reminder that life is too short and get off your ass and live it and also as a day when people do special things for you! :)

woodcutter's avatar

I don’t have a special day. Having one of those just means there will be somebody or something that will wreck it. All I ask of life is to surprise me with one.

wundayatta's avatar

Thanksgiving is a very special day, but I really don’t have an important day.

faye's avatar

Boxing Day for the obvious reasons!

Plucky's avatar

Hmm ..Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I just love sitting with my lady, and beasties, near our Christmas tree. Cold outside ..but toasty warm fuzzy slipper-like inside. The lights, the music, the fire ..everything.

I think it was the one time of year, growing up, that felt really happy in our house. Not just for the presents ..but all of it.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

The birthdays of my wife and children and my wedding anniversary.

ucme's avatar

Hmm, the kids birthdays are obviously right up there. Got to mention the wife’s too, but when all’s said & done I frickin love christmas!! Yeah, christmas just shades it :¬)

tinyfaery's avatar

Meh. The days just blur together. This year is my 10 year anniversary, so that will be special.

obvek's avatar

Some of my happiest days are around President’s Day, because I am snowboarding and enjoying pura vida Durango-style with my sister’s in-laws.

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