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roundsquare's avatar

Is it time to overhaul the world's food production?

Asked by roundsquare (5537points) June 12th, 2011

This article made me wonder.

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4 Answers

obvek's avatar

This book has a similar thesis. Here’s a sort of condensed version for free.

incendiary_dan's avatar

It’s been time to overhaul it for a long time, at least 500 years. Industrial agriculture is extremely inefficient, even more so than other forms of monocropping. To produce the amount of food we need while building topsoil, we need to use methods involving perennial polycrops like is done in permaculture. Less complex companion planting would also help greatly, as would sustainable pastoralism.

Plucky's avatar

Yes. Long overdue in my opinion.

Schroedes13's avatar

I think we just need more Malthusian checks! We also need people to stop consuming ridiculous amounts of food and food that has a much more prominent environment footprint than others.

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