Do you abandon your moral code whenever it's conveninent ?
To abandon or not to abandon one moral code… ?
... a though question.
A while ago I asked about changing your principles and now I’m curious about your ways of seeing things .. a different perspective when it comes to pushing your moral code into freeze if they won’t suit you in certain situations. I won’t give example so you guys won’t debate only around them. [ use your brain to figure it out ^^ ]
So when it’s convenient do you abandon your moral code ? Or you stick by it ?
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15 Answers
It depends solely on the situation. I only abandon a moral code if another one seems more justified and practical. For example, say a man who is desperately poor and has a very sick child at home who needs medicine, but cannot afford to buy what his child urgently needs, breaks into a pharmacy and steals it. If I witnessed that, my first moral code would be telling me to call the cops and have him arrested. But if I knew he was desperately poor and had a dying child at home, and that that was the only way he could get the medicine, I would abandon that moral code and pretend I “didn’t see him break into the drugstore and steal the medicine.” For me, letting the poor man steal the medicine for his gravely ill child is the greater morality.
Not unless it’s to save a life.
Not really, but my moral codes are pretty complicated and fraught with exceptions, such as the one @MRSHINYSHOES mentioned.
My moral codes are based off established societal norms which in my opinion is nothing more than a moral compass to help keep the peace in a very diverse society that without these codes to live by might become chaotic and out of hand. That being said I have and will do things not included in these established societal norms because life is too short not to! No abandonment, just shoved off to the side for a spell. So there!
I rarely do abandon my moral code; it generally keeps me out of trouble.
I certainly like to think not but I have at times acted in ways that are against my moral code.
The greatest good for the greatest number.
Yeah. I never abandon that idea, but it is also damned hard to figure out how to accomplish it most times. There are no rules. Just a principle. The results of any one given action could take years to identify. Things that society might identify as bad in the moment could turn out to be very good in the long term. Who knows? Can’t predict the future.
But then, figuring out what is moral is a fraught business. It always kills me when people are so certain of what is right. I guess that’s why you find me questioning so much on fluther. Sometimes I feel quite immoral based on other people’s opinions, but in my own mind, I am doing what I think is right. Well, they say it takes all kinds.
How can it be a moral code if you abondon it? It is just something that sounds good if you are willing to abondon it. Even choosing to ignore a moral code to save a life is not abandoning your moral code, because that is the legitimate exception for you, that is part of the code. Of course there are times we falter, we are human, But, the question seemed to imply a cavalier attitude towards not living up to ones code.
Those that do are usually personality disordered or otherwise very disturbed characters.
Using situational ethics to their advantage only.
Not even possible for me: I use my moral code to make all decisions.
Not to my knowledge. I try very hard not to.
I was wondering if this would be what you mean? hypothetical: I believe drinking alcohol is a sin, but the store I work for sells alcohol. If I ring it up for the customer, am I compromising my moral values?
I let my moral code out for a walk about 10 years ago, it was pulverized by a speeding van.
No, but I do alter it a little sometimes. There are always things I haven’t thought of.
No. If my moral code is altered is because of educational reasons. If I learned something about my belief system that was wrong the whole time. I will reevaluate my stance and then work in what I learned.
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