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MilkyWay's avatar

What is the first thing you do after coming home from work/school?

Asked by MilkyWay (13914points) June 13th, 2011

Put your keys down on the table, take your shoes off, dump your bag/briefcase…?
What’s the first thing?

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38 Answers

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I always did my homework after school.;))
I work out of my home.

Cruiser's avatar

Put down the keys and change into something way more comfortable…then goof off as much as possible before someone notices I am home!

WasCy's avatar

Hang up keys on the back of the entry door.
Shoes off. (Then slippers on if it’s cold or cool, otherwise socks off, too.)
Dorg out.
Change clothes.
Check mail.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Ditch the keys, the shoes, and the briefcase and straight to the old sweatpants and a tee shirt.

Joker94's avatar

Drop my bookbag, hang up my jacket, take a trip to the bathroom, then vegetate until I feel like doing homework, which isn’t often, and play some piano.

MilkyWay's avatar

@Joker94 You play the piano!!?
Wow :D

Joker94's avatar

@queenie I do :D And thank you!

snowberry's avatar

Disarm the alarm, then hang up my keys before I put them someplace “safe” where I’ll never find them again.

gondwanalon's avatar

Give my cats a treat and prepare my breakfast for the next morning.

mazingerz88's avatar

I hop, skip and jump to my harem. Lol. Seriously, these days I click on Fluther. : o

nailpolishfanatic's avatar

Put my keys, school bag in their places. I immediately change into something comfortable like my PJs. Then I eat something and maybe watch an episode of Hannah Montana or something else that is interesting on TV, if not then I just watch some beauty videos on Youtube and check my Fluther. After that I get straight to my homework because I really enjoy studying… especially if its something that is hard because then I can be prepared for next class and participate. Later I either go for Soccer practice or just hang around and do some chores.

ucme's avatar

Greet my dawg, who by now is all over me…...dawww!

_zen_'s avatar

Fluther, eh?

wundayatta's avatar

Lean my bike against the wall, and/or empty my pockets.

woodcutter's avatar

Visit with my dogs who are on the porch, visit with the wife who is in the living room, then head to the guest bedroom and get a power nap. Don’t be messin with me when I go in there.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

If I got kids after work, I make sure they change their clothes and wash their hands. If someone else got the kids, I go look for them.

rebbel's avatar

Feed and pet kitty.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Open the garage door, park the car, then check the mail. The car keys get hung up on a dragonfly hook on the side of a kitchen cabinet just inside of the kitchen door.

blueiiznh's avatar

Give my daughter a hug and ask how her day was.
Then take the dog for a walk.

Hibernate's avatar

Open the pc [ actually only the monitor since the pc is running constantly ].

OpryLeigh's avatar

Open the door so the dog/s can go into the garden.

ddude1116's avatar

I hug my mom, take off my shoes, dramatically fall into a chair, complain about my day, eat, put on a record, sleep, then go upstairs.

woodcutter's avatar

@ddude1116 I need to know how it’s done- to dramatically fall in a chair. It could be useful.

bunnygrl's avatar

Very first thing I do is hug Jade, I get such a lovely welcome when i get home from work it almost makes it worth going there to get home again and be welcomed with much wagging of tail and kisses from my furbaby :-) hug hubby, whistle at Wallace (our budgie) go for a shower, put on nice fluffy jammies, then go sit on the sofa and hug Jadie some more while hubby brings me a cuppa. This is a sweet question honey, huggles xx

MilkyWay's avatar

@bunnygrl Haha ((huggles back)) ^_^

bunnygrl's avatar

@queenie :-) <throws mountains more huggles…. goes off to fetch Jadie and she throws some furbaby huggles too> xx

tedibear's avatar

I take of my shoes. I hate wearing shoes, so that’s literally the first thing I do when I go in almost anyone’s door, not just my own. Then I put down my bag, take of my coat, etc. But shoes are the top priority.

Plucky's avatar

Greet my dog.
Put items away (shoes, keys, jacket, etc).
Change into something comfy.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Throw bag (or coat if necessary) on bed.
Kick off shoes.
Visit the loo.

shariw's avatar

Well, it’s not always the same thing, but usually say “Hi’ to my dog and get something to eat for both of us.

bubba3778's avatar

Always gotta use the bathroom when I get home, I can’t stand the dirty school bathrooms! And after that I usually eat and take a nap to make up for the lack of sleep during the night before.

cookieman's avatar

Get mail.
Water tomato plant.
Shoes off.
Keys on hook.
Plug in iPhone.
Turn on Roomba.
Straighten up first floor.
Prepare/eat dinner.
(help daughter with homework)
Read or watch TV.
Go to bed.

Berserker's avatar

Kill a bunch of people.

And then I dump my dead bodies bags on the floor, take off my boots, leave my stuff where everyone can trip on it, as I so annoyingly did as a little girl and my dad always tripped on my lunchbox, schoolbag and coat haha.

I usually go to the bathroom, then make coffee, fix a little snack, feed my cats, and have a smoke. Then I go pick up my stuff. I might do that before, depending on if I left my smokes in my bag or not.

Then iI just go and kill a whole bunch more people.

perspicacious's avatar

Regardless of where I’ve been, I come in the door and the shoes come off.

Plucky's avatar

I forgot to add ...before changing, I let my dog outside.

Magdalene's avatar

I keep my things in place and have a shower

lianna1969's avatar

shoes off, socks off, slippers on.

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