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JLeslie's avatar

Have you ever not scratched open a mosquito bite?

Asked by JLeslie (65918points) June 13th, 2011

I think I have scratched open every single one I have ever had. I know they tell you not to, might get infected or scar, etc. I have 6 right now if my count is right. They love me the mosquitos.

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21 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I’ve never had an itchy bite, but I don’t get bit very much. I don’t think they like the way I taste or something.

rebbel's avatar

Put a bit of toothpaste on them, wait for a minute, et voila, the itch is gone, thus no need to scratch.

gasman's avatar

I hit it with hydrocortisone cream 1%, then try to scratch with two fingers going to the sides of the bite straddling the wheal.

JLeslie's avatar

Middle of the night I wake up scratching. During the day of course I can control myself and put stuff on it.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Nah. I scratch them down to nothing. I have zero self control when it comes to mosquito bites. The toothpaste trick really does work, though. Only thing I’ve ever found that actually stops the itch. It has to be paste, though, not gel.
I recently read an article that said scratching mosquito bites does make them itch more.

woodcutter's avatar

The mosquito bites I can handle but the tick bites take a very long time to finally heal because i scratch the shit out of them, I need to use frontline as my dog has way fewer ticks than I get walking in the same bush

JLeslie's avatar

@woodcutter Tick bites itch? I wonder if the one on my side is a tick bite? That one is just crazy. I am actually black and blue near it. Never had anything like that.

Cruiser's avatar

I HATE that!! Try putting vinegar on them…I found that can shut down the itch pretty effectively.

woodcutter's avatar

@JLeslie Black and blue? That seems wrong for either. Possibly a spider bite?

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

No matter what causes the constant itch, be it an insect bite/sting or some sort of vegetation like poison ivy, I recommend Band-Aid® anti itch gel.

JLeslie's avatar

@Pied_Pfeffer That stuff is awesome! I used to buy it in FL. Where do you buy it here? I don’t remember seeing it in Walgreens last time I looked.

Lightlyseared's avatar

I’ve never been bit by a mosquito.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

@JLeslie It was either Rite-Aid or Walgreens.
@Lightlyseared Be thankful that you haven’t experienced one. Although not lethal, they are still an annoyance, especially while one is trying to sleep. In the city where I live, a truck comes by and sprays the neighborhood with pesticides to kill mosquitoes.

Edit: It might have been a CVS.

JLeslie's avatar

@Pied_Pfeffer I’ll check again next time I am at the drug store. They opened a CVS near me, I should try there.

JLeslie's avatar

Maybe @Lightlyseared doesn’t get the skin reaction? What a nice thing that would be.

marinelife's avatar

I refrain from scratching mine open, because if I do I can’t use Caladryl on them, and that is the only thing that gives me any relief from the itching for several hours at a time.

tinyfaery's avatar

Skeeters and blood suckers don’t like the taste of me. When I do get bit, it’s just a little red bump and doesn’t itch much. Just slap it. Hard. That works just as well as scratching.

bubba3778's avatar

I know how you feel, getting all those mosquito bites. I went hiking the other day and came back with 10 bites, most of which were on my legs. lesson learned, don’t wear shorts in the woods. Anyways, I’ve found that if you leave them alone and resist the urge to itch like crazy, they tend to go away faster. One of my bites was ridiculously itchy and I ended up making it bigger from itching it all the time, but if they really become a problem for you, you can go to your doctor and they might prescribe antihistamines to help with the swelling and itch.

Brian1946's avatar

I don’t think I’ve had a mosquito bite in about 30 years.

I guess that’s because the nearest mosquito habitat is about 3 miles from me, and very few skeeters ever have Bri on their menus.

However, fleas think that I’m yummy and their bites can be quite itchy.
I sometimes scratch them open. When I do, I apply some Bactine anti-itch gel for some DEEP and long-lasting (at least 12 hours if not permanent) relief.

Stinley's avatar

No, always end up scratching them. I get a red spot, then a huge white patch about a palm width then a red, hot area circling that. Hydrocortizone helps, not tried toothpaste. I’ve just bought a zapper that is a small electric shock thing which is supposed to stop the histamine reaction occurring. We don’t have mozzies in Scotland (just midges) so I’ll have to wait till my holiday in France to try it.

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