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mazingerz88's avatar

How far would you go humiliating yourself to be a billionaire?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29284points) June 13th, 2011

I recall that scene in the movie “Arthur” ( old and the remake ) where Arthur agreed to marry someone he does not love so as not to lose almost a billion dollars. How low would you go to have that kind of money?

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24 Answers

sarahtalkpretty's avatar

That’s not just humiliating yourself – it’s humiliating someone else, possibly very deeply. I would make a fool of myself in just about any and every way, but I draw the line at hurting people.

MilkyWay's avatar

I would never do what he did. I value true love over money.
I don’t think I’d want to be a disrespected billionaire.

QueenOfNowhere's avatar

I would go as far as selling myself (just kidding)

I think I would go pretty far as sleeping with guys for jobs etc… (no.. just kdding)

marinelife's avatar

Nowhere at all. I don’t want to be a billionaire.

Berserker's avatar

I denno, eat bugs or like, piss myself in public? I’m not sure anyone would pay someone a billion dollars to see that. Some creeps might for five bucks though…I’m always needin five bucks.

jonsblond's avatar

I know money doesn’t buy happiness, but I’d be willing to get in front of a television camera and tell everyone I can see Russia from my backyard. Heck, I’ll run for president and not read magazines.

anartist's avatar

In Green Card two people were willing to marry for a lot less; she, for the right to buy a larger unit with a garden in her coop building, he to get a green card. The good part is that they accidentally fell in love.

CaptainHarley's avatar

I am who I am, and I must be true to that person. I would not humliate myself for any amount of money.

ETpro's avatar

Sadly, they don’t pay well for humiliating yourself. There’s a bit to be made on doing Jackass interpretations on reality shows, but not enough to make it worth while. I wouldn’t hurt others for money, but for a billion there is no self humiliation that would stand in my way. I could easily cry all the way to the bank.

wundayatta's avatar

A billion fairly easy dollars? I think I’d sell out. Though it depends on the rules. Once I got it, I’d put it to work doing things I believe in—all that good liberal stuff like fair trade business with poor nations and environmental protection and the arts. I’d put a lot into the arts. That’s where my heart lies.

FutureMemory's avatar

I suppose I’d do anything that wasn’t physically dangerous or ridiculously illegal. Eye on the prize and all that.

incendiary_dan's avatar

As long as it didn’t in any way hurt the social and environmental movements I’m involved in, and didn’t make my loved ones’ lives difficult, I’ll gladly be the world’s laughing stock for a billion. Just think of what I could actually do for my loved ones and preferred movements with that kind of dough.

King_Pariah's avatar

I’m not drunk so you probably could get me to do something humiliating (though I’m never dancing down a street to jackass’s party boy in a G String ever again)

anartist's avatar

The most efficient way to humiliate oneself to get the bucks is high end prostitution [if you have what it takes]. It is short-term, cash and carry, and can be discreetly hidden.

Hibernate's avatar

Depends what do I have to do because like most humiliations that feeling passes away .. A lot of the time I get humiliated by mistake or by ” good ” friends and I don’t gain anything so if I could get something out of that experience I’d do it

Just so we’re clear. It depends on what do I have to do since there are things I won’t do.

ucme's avatar

For a billion quid i’d build sandcastles in the Gobi desert.
I’d worship at the feet of Queen Elizabeth II
Why i’d even consider being Justin Bieber’s personal sex slave…..err, okay maybe that’s pushing it a bit.

wundayatta's avatar

@ucme Does Justin Bieber even have sex?

mazingerz88's avatar

@ucme Jutin Bieber’s personal sex slave?! Oh the horror! I know some women would do it for a buck. Lol.

ucme's avatar

@wundayatta & yes @mazingerz88 too! He probably just uses a jelly jar warmed up & full to the brim…hey I dunno!

GladysMensch's avatar

I’ll admit it, I’d humiliate myself in every conceivable way for that kind of cash. I don’t think most people realize just how much money $1000000000 really is. That’s being paid $114/hour, every hour, every day, for 1000 years.

ETpro's avatar

@GladysMensch You just have to pick the right line of work. The average college graduate with a desirable degree will earn $2,400,000 in a lifetime. The top Hedge Fund manager on Wall Street earns $2,400,000 an hour. At the end of their lifetimes, which has actually likely contributed more to the betterment of mankind?

Freelancer's avatar

I’d marry someone I didn’t love to become a billionaire or stay one. I can always learn to love my spouse and, as a matter of fact, most studies show arranged marriages to be happier than those by those who “fall in love” and like Kim Kardashian fall back out in 72 days or 72 hours or 72 minutes.

Real humiliation is like that in The Magic Christian (the Ringo Starr movie) where people are challenged to jump into a cesspool for a million. Or a poor girl with a rotten boyfriend who tapes an intimate act and puts it on the internet. I remember watching David Letterman asking Hilton about the infamous tapes and the poor dear blushed but kept her dignity and didn’t burst into tears or jump up and run off the stage and out the studio and become a hermit or join a convent. Apparently her parents raised her to respect her host and not bolt and she gave David the most touching look I have ever seen. He immediately apologized and she must have forgiven him because she has subsequently returned to his show as a guest. Yes I know that the entertainment shows have branded her as an attention whore but Ms. Hilton won my undying respect by standing her ground by remaining seated that night on the Letterman show. That is my two cents worth.

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