NSFW- Would you or not want to sleep with a virgin?
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57 Answers
Yes and no. Yes because I’d know they were clean. No because I’d have to teach as we went along, not as much fun.
Its like a brand new home, no one has lived on that carpet or put their furniture in there but you. They are a blank canvas; you can mold them to be the lover you always wanted that you could not undo in others. Why not be the 1st to plant your flag on that mountain?
It does not matter to me.
I wouldn’t mind taking the extra time to teach someone what to do in bed…
I feel like they’re all I ever seem to sleep with, and usually they’re older.
It doesn’t matter to me at all. Virginity is way overrated.
Lol guys I’m sure they KNOW what to do in bed…They aren’t like completely clueless. TV and internet is pretty dirty these days.
Sex on the internets is ≠ to sex in real-actual-life.
I don’t care. Probably not though.
@Hypocrisy_Central You’re disturbing. Stick your flag elsewhere away from virgins please. You’re the reason people hate sex for the rest of their lives.
I sleep with whoever I want to sleep with. If that person is a virgin, so be it. It’s not something I look for and if a person looks for that, they’re a dick.
@QueenOfNowhere ohhh common misconception… Sure guys can be virgins, watch a ton of porn, and basically know. But porn is staged. You gotta hafta kinda know how to move, where to touch, and how to work with each other.
@everephebe @redfeather True but the reason why some people don’t want to have sex with virgins are= they have to teach them everything.
that’s kind of exaggerating I think…
I don’t care either way. I mean, at my age, if he is a 40 year old virgin, that would be very odd to me, I cannot imagine dating someone who is a virgin considering I am in my 40’s. If I was younger though, it wouldn’t matter. I don’t care about the whole more experienced can please me better line.
Ugh I’ve done that five times. Never again. I just feel like a pedophile or something and, yeah, they have no idea what they’re doing.
It never mattered to me, at all. I enjoyed virgins and more experienced partners equally, for different reasons.
I think the question is, would you want to sleep with me?
@Simone_De_Beauvoir I sleep with whoever I want to sleep with. If that person is a virgin, so be it. It’s not something I look for and if a person looks for that, they’re a dick. Read the question, it didn’t say would you ONLY sleep with a virgin? it said Would you LIKE, there is a difference.
Wow, no one can get the metaphor of being the 1st to climb a mountain? I have to say this get pissed if anyone wants. Not too long ago someone alluded in a question that atheist were more intelligent and there are a lot here live up to that question and don’t make amateur conclusions.
@Hypocrisy_Central The question is “Would you want to sleep with a virgin?” ..not would you like.
Anyways ..I understood your metaphor just fine. I just find it disturbing. That’s my opinion.
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I have to say I do find it very icky that a man would prefer or seek out a virgin to be the first to conquer that territory. It is more unseemly than some simple archaic view of being a virgin is expected at the time of marriage. Ugh, maybe many men hold that view who want virgins. I never really put the two together.
Sure, I believe we’d form a tight unit ;¬}
In reality of course my answer has to be no, coz the wife would have my guts for garters :¬(
@QueenOfNowhere it’s not exaggerating… I’ve slept with virgins and it’s not that great. They’re either to shy and boring, or too rambunctious and end up hurting me. I’m sure not all virgins are like that, but that’s definitely my opinion.
I want to sleep with the person. We can work out the other stuff later. Although that may come from experience.
I slept with one virgin. I had the opportunity to sleep with another and I turned it down. I did not want to be her first.
Nowadays? Assuming I was no longer married, no. Unless I really loved her. Then yes.
I’ve had one virgin…and he had me. We’re doing quite well together (14yrs and counting), and aren’t looking for any sort of fulfillment elsewhere. So, if there should ever be a need for me to find another partner, yes, a virgin would be fine by me. And if he were a 40yr old virgin (as mentioned above), and he were intelligent, warm, and compassionate, that’d be fine by me too.
I’ve been with two virgins in my life (my first was not a virgin). I was rather experienced already by the time I got to each. It came with perks and downsides (all pending your own personal prospective). On the plus you got to “show them the ropes”, and they were really into it and wanted to do it a lot since it was new to them. On the downside you have to deal with the often volatile emotions that come with just losing your virginity, and the worries (std’s/pregnancy/etc) that come with it… as unfounded as you being an experienced person know them to be (having used protection, been tested, etc). Also in my experience women seem to have a proclivity towards not wanting to only be with one man, so neither relationship ended up working out (though in fairness that was not the core or only reason for either).
I would not mind being with a virgin, in fact in some way its nice to know you’re the only one they’ve been with…. but its not a requirement I go looking for or anything. At my current age it would be hard to find a virgin who I would consider dating (most virgins would be younger, and probably outside of the maturity level I would accept).
I would have been fine with a virgin when I was younger, up until I was 25 or so. But at my age it means I am either having sex with someone way too young for me, or near my age but sexually repressed for some reason. One of the great things about dating women over forty is that most of them know what they want and are open to having sex to satisfy their needs.
(For the age thing, I believe in the rule of thumb of ½ your age +7 years. Anything younger than that gets icky.)
@tedd having sex has nothing to do with maturity. are whores mature smart women?
I’m OK with sleeping with a virgin.
@QueenOfNowhere That’s not what @tedd said. He said (similar to what I said) that anyone attractive to him that is a virgin is probably too young and immature. I feel the same way he does.
@QueenOfNowhere I never implied that sex is linked to maturity. What I said was that all the virgins I could likely encounter would be young, as in 17–21 or so, and that that age range is more often than not below the maturity level I would be looking for in a partner.
Not anymore. I’m too old. Anyone who stayed a virgin long enough to make it into an age group I’d consider sleeping with wouldn’t be someone I’d consider, at all.
When I was younger I slept with a few virgins. No big deal.
On a side note, girls who have sex with girls for the first time (though not virgins) are awesome. It’s almost like they had been holding in so much sexual energy for so long they just explode. Almost literally.
YES. I would like to sleep with another virgin since I am one. I think it would be a great experience for both of us. On the other hand I don’t think there would be any trouble sleeping with a non-virgin. I would like to as well but I think it would be a llitle weird..
Well, I’ve done it, but I have no real preference either way. Everyone starts out as a virgin, so I don’t know why everyone makes such a big deal about it. Plus, any time you start out with a new person, there’s a learning curve as you figure out what works for both of you and the sex can be pretty awkward. That doesn’t just go for virgins, it goes for people with experience, too.
I should clarify, as others have said, at my age (43) it’s a pretty sure bet I won’t be sleeping with any virgins (never mind the fact that I’m in a monogamous marriage). Either they’d be far too young for me, or, if in my age group, unlikely to attract me.
@PluckyDog Like, want, we can split hairs on the wording all day long but it won’t change much. Even if I said a wanted to sex a virgin does not mean that is the only goal in town, or even the specific goal. If the opportunity cam I would want to, though that ship has sailed. I can bet my donuts to anyone’s dollars there are not many virgins in the collective, even those who are not 18 yet. Someone had to be the 1st in. To say it is icky to want to have sex with a virgin makes it sound to me a virgin had to beg the guy to get her naked and deflower her. That he somehow had to choke back the bile coming up in his throat because he had to be the 1st. I don’t have the chance anymore to have a virgin but if I did, I sure would take it and be very glad.
Poor analogy or what, it is special, like a new car. No one else was 1st behind the wheel when it left the lot and they never will. It is one of those once happening moments than gone forever. That would be like telling an explorer finds himself on a mountain rage or series of peaks no one has been to, and him saying I don’t want to go up there because I would be the 1st one, no one has been there before me. You can wait, and go up after many people have before and left their litter all over the place or you can go and experience it unadulterated.
The bonus is, that it is a blank canvas you get to paint the scene to. Someone has to start.
@Hypocrisy_Central I think the reason people find it icky is that you are equating women with objects and possessions. We are people, not to be conquered, claimed, or be adulterated.
I’ve slept with a virgin. No different than anyone else. I don’t care either way. In fact this virgin was better in bed than my first and he was not a virgin.
Yes, they are absolutely clean and D/D free
@DrBill That’s not for sure. Depends on how adventurous they are before having intercourse. And who says they’re drug free? (One of the “D“s).
I have slept with a virgin for nigh on thirty years now—ever since I got married.
@augustlan I think the reason people find it icky is that you are equating women with objects and possessions. I am not saying the woman is in place of the car or the mountain but the experience equals being the 1st off the lot in the car or the first to stand on a peak no one has step on. Have a view over the valley no one else has beheld before. You will never have the first footsteps there once another has been there before you.
I think this hole conversation has just become pathetic, and gross.
Everyone was a virgin once. Remember? :P
@Hypocrisy_Central Why? Why does it matter that you are the first? If you go to the Alps and witness the beauty of the mountains, does it matter that others have been in the same location as you and witnessed that view also? Does it make the mountain less beautiful? I really hate to make an analogy concerning a woman’s body and a mountain, but you seemed to have reduced us to a thing. It must be some sort of bullshit conditioning in childhood I guess for you to be with a woman, her beautiful body naked by yours, touch her, enter her, and be thinking I am the first, as a selfish act, rather than thinking about it as her first time I hope she is ok. I would say in the moment I would not even want to dwell at all on first time or not, but simply what is going on between me and the other person, emotionally, physically.
@Hypocrisy_Central Just curious, do you judge women who have multiple partners? Do you want your SO to be a virgin or less than 5 lets say, partners in the past?
@JLeslie Why? Why does it matter that you are the first? If you go to the Alps and witness the beauty of the mountains, does it matter that others have been in the same location as you and witnessed that view also? Does it make the mountain less beautiful? It might be just as beautiful depending on who left what there. You can climb Half Dome but it would be a lot better if you didn’t run into everyone else’s pitons on the way up. Being 1st is not the only thing it is not like sleeping in the cold 3 days to get some dang iPod. If you had the chance to be the first why would you turn it down just because you were? Every gal here and will come here will have a first, if you are not a virgin someone was first. That beach would still be beautiful but just a tad nicer when there aren’t other people’s foot prints tracking all over it.
Just curious, do you judge women who have multiple partners? Do you want your SO to be a virgin or less than 5 lets say, partners in the past? If I wanted her to be that I would be looking overseas or in Utah because I would not have much luck finding her here in the US. My SO might have had about that or more the 5 years prior to me meeting her, I don’t really care to know about any exes less what mental garbage they left and they always leave some that I have to step over or sweep up after. Has that helped her or hurt her in this relationship? I don’t know because I don’t know how those pass relationships shaped who she is and if she never met them who she would have been.
@Hypocrisy_Central Yuck. I am saying first is irrelevant. I can’t imagine my first ever thinks in terms of him being my first. For that matter when I think of him I never think of him being the first person I had sex with, I think of him as the guy I dated for many years during high school and college, my first serious relationship. He didn’t want to have sex to be my first, he wanted to have sex to have sex. The way you state is like you would purposely pursue a virgin to be her first. Gross. Like she is more valuable as a virgin, I just find that so horribly awful. The order of my sexual partners means nothing. And, I have only had sex with 6 men including my husband, so it is not like there are so many I can’t keep them straight.
I can see why couples might feel it is special that they have only been with each other, but only and first are two different things.
No. Virginity is overrated. I would enjoy sleeping with someone more experienced in intimacy and life.
@JLeslie @Hypocrisy_Central I get what HC is saying I think (he’s just explaining it poorly). There is some kind of “honor” if you will in knowing that some person, let alone a girl you probably adore and find beautiful and amazing, chose you to be the first person she shared such an intimate experience with. I don’t really have feelings for my X’s who were virgins anymore, but I still remember the times that I took their virginity and that I was their first… and as awesome of girls as they were its kind of like…. I dunno a point of pride that they chose me.
If the girl is your current partner too I can understand it a bit more even. Guys are naturally “possessive” of girls. Obviously in today’s day and age we can control that significantly, but its still a base instinct we have. For example I know not to get pissed and that nothing is going on if my g/f has a close guy friend and she talks to him on the phone or something. But deep down all guys have that brute “my girl, not yours, ug ug!” response to some level. Knowing that you are the only boy who has been with your g/f or SO or whatever kind of feeds that base instinct and “satisfies” it. Stupid as that may sound.
In the grand scheme of things it doesn’t matter. But in the grand scheme of things a lot of crap doesn’t matter that we put a great importance on.
@tedd Glad you think it is so special. I think for most women, mostly what it is is you were the guy I was dating when I was 17.
There are far more important characteristics of a woman.
I can’t think of anything worse. I like a man to know what he is doing.
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