Meta Question

jonsblond's avatar

Do you flag the bad apples, or do you play with them?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) June 13th, 2011

Trolls and spam. What do you do?

Flag or feed?

I flag spam, trolls are harder to resist at times.

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24 Answers

Coloma's avatar

Humor, rarely flag, ignore. Same goes for the very few more ‘difficult’ members that have issues with differing opinions.

Meh…if anyone takes serious offense at cyber nuts, well…check your ego at the door. lol

wundayatta's avatar

I don’t have a very good troll detector. I tend to think more things are allowable than other people do. So I guess I’d have to say I “play.”

chyna's avatar

I flag spam. I stalk trolls, or actually just watch it all unfold.

zenvelo's avatar

I just flagged some spam about three minutes ago. But I’m not very good for figuring out if someone is a troll or just an obnoxious asshole.

Cruiser's avatar

Trolls and spam are catnip for me.

Kayak8's avatar

I tend to flag spam and illiteracy, but trolls . . . yum, yum, yum . . .

Berserker's avatar

Most of the time when I flag something, it’s because it isn’t in the right section. I flag flaming if I see it. I’ve flagged a few things I thought were unhelpful, and I flag spam too. I don’t ’‘play’’ with people though. I’m a vulture, not a snake. XD

FutureMemory's avatar

Play, definitely.

everephebe's avatar

Both usually. For spam or trolls I flag, then play.

JLeslie's avatar

I do both.

AmWiser's avatar

By the time I detect a troll, because I’m in awe as to what I just read, then I’m wondering is this what a troll post look like, someone else has already taken care of the problem (thanks). I will flag a poster if it flame bait, even if it is in jest. Some things are just not funny.

ucme's avatar

I like to toss them about the place in a similar way to those weird talking trees on The Wizard of Oz.

Stinley's avatar

Flag. I’m a rule follower…

Coloma's avatar

Whatever happened to the ‘Cactus up my ass’ person? lolol

Jude's avatar

Cactus up my ass?

SpatzieLover's avatar

As a general rule I Flag ‘em & Forget ‘em…but I must admit, had I seen the “cactus up my ass” question, I’d have played a bit.

erichw1504's avatar

I eat them for breakfast.

lillycoyote's avatar

It depends on my mood and what kind of bad the bad apple is. Sometimes I prefer to mess with their heads; sometimes I flag them. Spam I generally flag, and sometimes tumblrs. I used to just ignore the tumblrs but they started to really annoy me after a while.

Stinley's avatar

@jonsblond that cactus story is v funny. Love it :D

Blueroses's avatar

Wasn’t Cactus up ass an immediate follow-up by the same poster to “prolapsed anus from dildo”? Guy just really wanted everyone talking about his butt. I was sad that he got banhammered before I could play. We need a troll-torture playground.

Stinley's avatar

@Blueroses I’m a bit of an innocent soul about these things but I was thinking he was someone from here, doing it for a laugh. It all seemed too knowing. Or is that what trolly types do?

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