(NSFW) Would you rather have oral and no intercourse, or intercourse and no oral?
Would you rather only have oral sex but no intercourse (penile-vaginal, anal, or with a strap-on), or only have intercourse (vaginal or anal) but no oral sex?
Just to be clear, I do mean oral sex that’s fairly equal – not just you going down on the other person with little or no reciprocity, or vice versa.
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55 Answers
By far I prefer intercourse.
Engine. Latter. Battalion.
I love oral and will opt for it even without reciprocation. My favorite thing to do.
Intercourse. But I’d sure miss the oral, both giving and receiving.
If you’re asking me to choose one only, that would have to be oral. Sexually, I find it more titillating.
But if my goal was to make another contribution to my family, then two for the price of one is always good, and intercourse fulfills that. Lol.
I’d rather have the oral. To me, oral is the meat and potatoes of sex, and intercourse is like a really great garnish. I can have just oral and be totally satisfied, but I can’t have intercourse alone and be satisfied. If I haven’t been eaten out, it’s really insanely hard for me to orgasm from just intercourse – but once I have been eaten out, you can pretty much just blow in my direction and I orgasm.
@jonsblond Yes, but which would you rather do with it (or have it do to you)?
I just want to know if any woman on the Q is going to say they rather give head than have sex.
@JLeslie Well, but the reciprocity is the key – I don’t want to just give a blow job or go down on a woman and not get anything in return (as the norm – every once in a while is fine). But the most sexually satisfying relationships I’ve had were the ones in which we both did a lot of going down on each other, but didn’t always have a lot of intercourse.
@MyNewtBoobs Orgasm by intercourse is much better than oral. Even if I can’t orgasm by penis alone, my fingers can do the work while the penis is in action.
It’s like licking a Popsicle without putting the whole thing in your mouth. Who wants to just tickle the tip of their tongue with the pop? I want the whole thing in my mouth! ;)
@jonsblond No euphemisms, penises are totally different, but I totally eat my popsicles by sucking on just the last inch or so and licking off any melty parts.
@JLeslie Yes. I like both, and have had sex with both.
@JLeslie I think prisons prove we’re nearly all bi. Most of us have a gender preference, but we;ll take something over nothing.
@ETpro I just wanted to make sure I understood her answer. Many lesbians I know prefer oral to being penetrated, but I am sure that must vary, and they are not giving head (to me head is giving a man a blow job). I don’t know any straight women personally who would rather have oral sex than intercourse if they have to choose one. Especially I don’t know women who prefer to give head over having sex.
If I’m ever in Colorado I’m giving @MyNewtBoobs a call. just sayin’ :D
@JLeslie That might be true – but I’m wondering if that’s because straight women actually like intercourse more, or because they’ve simply have never been in a position in which oral sex was elevated to such a high level of importance (and possibly never learned to be really good at it). And for the record, those sexual satisfying relationships that were primarily oral – I’m only counting the relationships with men when I say that.
@jonsblond Please do ;D
@MyNewtBoobs I gathered that…the oral sex you were so satisfied with was not giving a lot of head. I really think they like intercourse more. I am pissed when I have an orgasm without something inside of me. I am not even very upset if I don’t orgasm during the whole sex thing if I am having intercourse. I can come very quickly stimulating myself, but during intercourse I am very happy to be having intercourse. It is like having an itch scratched, but better and more satisfying. Oral sex is almost like making the itch bigger.
@JLeslie Well, no – but I didn’t want to phrase it as “would you rather fuck or be gone down on?” because it implies a certain one-way sexual relationship. And for me, oral sex (on me or other ladies) is always a combo of both mouth and fingering, so there is something inside of me, it’s just not a penis (real or fake).
Sorry can’t seem to pick one. It’s oral and intercourse with me. : )
@MyNewtBoobs Got it. But, if it is a guy? If it is straight sex do you prefer oral, with reciprocation and everything, to intercourse?
I’m with @mazingerz88. I really couldn’t choose one over the other.
@JLeslie God yes. There’s a certain level of trust in going down on someone and having them go down on you, so guys who don’t go down on me I usually don’t trust enough to be really happy going down on them. But if they do, then I’m more than happy to go down on them, and once we get to that level of trust and intimacy in the relationship, going down on them turns me on a lot and I end up caving in and fingering myself about half way through.
@MyNewtBoobs So you would rather suck his dick and finger yourself than have his cock inside of you? Right? I still think women who consider themselves straight, not bi, are less likely to answer that way. I easily could be wrong though.
@JLeslie Yes, followed by him eating me out and fingering me.
@JLeslie I consider myself straight and I agree with you.
Depends on the situation, there are times when some are more perfect than the other.
I prefer the oral. I don’t think I could give that up.
I would have to go with intercourse, when the front gets boring you can always go backdoor.
I’d rather have both, easy really!
@ucme Well, sure, so would I ;) But it is an “would you rather”, so pick one!
Ooh, aren’t we the demanding one then! ;¬}
Would this arrangement be a permanent one? I gots to know!
@ucme Not necessarily – but long enough that you had to choose. Maybe a year?
Okay, there’s no way i’m going a year without penetrative sex or a blow job, not going to happen.
For “lets pretend” theory time though, i’m going to reluctantly deprive myself of the humble BJ.
@ucme If it helps, you can imagine that there’s a mean genie forcing you to do this with his evil magical powers.
Oh & while I go through this sacrifice he’s humping Tinkerbell right? Some fucking payback that is, I want my 3 wishes bitch!
Interesting question, after reciving oral I ALWAYS want penetration, so it would be frusterating to have oral and no intercorse. So I would rather give up oral.
As much fun as oral can be Intercourse is so much more intimate with so many positions to work with to provide hours of lovin and I could not ever imagine giving that up evah!
You can’t make me pick.So,there! ;)
Definitely intercourse. I don’t even like receiving oral anymore, not sure why. I try to skip it anyway!
Nothing beats being inside a vagina.
Intercourse (and I can get myself off at the same time with a couple of digits).
@FutureMemory Please convince my Diva Cup of that. It doesn’t seem to enjoy being in there today :(
I would rather pleasure my lover/wife orally. I like to taste my lover. But I really wouldn’t want to give it either.
I would rather pleasure my lover/wife orally. I like to taste my lover. But I really wouldn’t want to give up either.
What an evil question!
If I had to choose then it would be for intercourse instead of oral because I have can have multiple glorious orgasms that way.
I would have to say that it depends on the partner and the situation.
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