General Question

mvgolden's avatar

At what point in your career can you have a two page resume?

Asked by mvgolden (824points) April 26th, 2008

I am updating my resume after getting a Masters almost 9 years ago and working three jobs in my field. Can I go to a two page resume now?

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5 Answers

richardhenry's avatar

Leave enough out to be brief and to the point. Have enough in to make people really want you. If then, and only then, your resumé demands two pages, you’ve won.

judochop's avatar

Well, really you now have 3 pages. Don’t forget that you need to add a cover letter on top of what you already have.
Perhaps you can simplify the resume to be just one page and add the work speak on the cover letter, in no more than 3 paragraphs.

wildflower's avatar

With 3 jobs, I’d expect there to be considerable education, associations and achievements if it’ll take up two pages. A C.V. or resume generally shouldn’t exceed 2 pages (even after 10 jobs). Consider the resume as the overview, fact list…...resume, and highlight the relevant skills, training and experience briefly in your cover letter. Consider the application a taster for the employer, give them enough to want to speak to you without having to make a commitment just to read all the way through. The aim of a resume is to awake enough interest to land you an interview.

spipes's avatar


As someone who interviews a lot of candidates I can tell you that all i need to know is the name of the place you worked at, what your title was, and how long you were there. The rest is just filler.

nephrons's avatar

i agree with wildflower, write in your resume only relevant facts, that will give the person who reads it an interest, for you to have an interview.

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