(NSFW) Would you ever have an intimate moment with the same sex?
Its not like you should pick whether or not. Would you ever just do it in life. Men to men, women to women ;)
just curious! x
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48 Answers
I’ve never been remotely sexually attracted to other men, so it’s not something I can envisage doing. Never say never, but it’s highly improbable.
Nope…not that the sex couldn’t be enjoyable and all…I just couldn’t bring myself to make out with a dude.
So far it seems very unlikely, but who knows?
No interest what so ever.
Nope, I wouldn’t go for the full experience. Sometimes (especially with women, I think) the lines get blurred between sexual attraction and feelings of affection for a friend. I remember feeling a female friend was so beautiful and loving her as a person, even holding hands or being cuddly and wondering am I bi? But I realize that I’m not because I don’t want to be naked with another female…no offense to those who do.
I would never turn down love..if it happened, then I’d go for it.
From here to eternity, it is extremely unlikely that it would ever happen.
No I haven’t even come close. Not that I don’t find some guys attractive, but I prefer the shape and feel of girls better. I’m just not sure I could get past the whole—-penis—- thing. For me, personally, THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE!!
I am a virgin and my answer is YES. I would like to try it.
@QueenOfNowhere what’s up with you and these sexual questions today? ;)
Nope I like men too much and feel no attaction to women. To be honest I find so many faults and flaws with the female body where I love and admire the male body I just don’t see how men or anyone else can stand to look at the female body and find it attractive. But it is what makes us all different
Yes, for one night, definitely! i would feign a headache that evening though.
@nailpolishfanatic haha… I guess I’m a curious person.. If I was to ask something about what a flower makes you feel, I’d be considered crazy
For me, that’s never going to be an option. Although i’ve kissed a mate on the cheek before, but that was just a drunken football celebration. Carried away in the moment, it happens :¬)
Yes but I’m much more selective.
I have not yet but I can’t say I never would. I guess it might depend on circumstances at the time. You just never know.
Female and 48 here. I still hold my sister’s hand when we take a leisurely stroll along the beach and still kiss our mother on the lips. Both are intimate, but I don’t think that is what you mean. :)
I had a 12 year old ‘exploration’ with a little girlfriend many moons ago. The summer of love scene. haha
Otherwise, I was very attractive TO gay woman in my younger years, for whatever reason, had many proposistions, maybe it was my extra girly little blonde pigtailed bohemian self, or, my outgoing personality.
Dunno…but, nope, not at all, I like my big bananas! haha
Maybe, but more leaning towards no. But i can tell you i had a sexual experience with my neighbor…had to admit though…it felt really good, but i was like super young. But most likely no. PLUS i have a girlfriend and i don’t want to lose her. She’s not worth loosing over a sexual relationship with a guy.
Not while I am married. I am faithful to my wife. But if I were single, sure. I’m open to intimacy where I find it. :-)
No, don’t think so, never, you have to be kidding, absolutly not, na da, uh ugh, no siree, I’ll pass, not even when hell freezes over, zero, and nope.
I find the prospect of sexual intimacy with a male to hold no appeal or interest for me.
While I don’t ever want to be single again, I know I find women very appealing and interesting.
Ya, @Vunessuh I’m with bob. Don’t believe you, prove it. ;) Does @willworkforchocolate know about this?
no interest in it for me. I have been hit on many times over the years by men, but nah…
Never, except with myself but thats as far as it goes.
Of course. I am in a same-sex relationship.
Although I think many women are extremely beautiful and/or sexy, This One in Particular, I am just not sexually attracted to women at all, so I can’t imagine getting intimate with one. Although I do have very deeply comitted friendships with women.
@Kardamom Wow! Would it work for you if I had sex with her and let you know how it was? :-)
@Kardamom Wait, wait, The Nanny has curves. Madison Avenue tell us curves went out with Marilyn Monroe. Bread stick skinny is in if a stiff wind can’t blow you like a kite across three counties you can’t be sexy. You have to look like http://eur.i1.yimg.com/eur.yimg.com/i/uk/mov/g/svc3.jpg a death camp survivor, now Madiaon Avenue says that is sexy
Hope you had water with all that sarcasm, they say it is the dish best served dry.
Only if that “same sex” person was “same-sex looking”, and underneath it all was a girl who just happened to look like a boy. Lol.
If I wasn’t married and the woman was right. Sure.
@ETpro Although that picture of Fran Drescher is from a few years back, she still looks awesome! Her new sitcom started last night on TV Land and it looks like it’s going to be pretty funny. She is un-married you know (because it turns out that her husband, who produced The Nanny as well as her brand new show turned out to be gay) so you might have a chance with her. : – P
@Kardamom Thanks for the encouragement, but I’m married and faithful to my wife. I am also 67 years old and not wealthy. What a woman in her shoes would want with the likes of me is too far a reach even for my vivid imagination.
@ETpro Franny is so awesome! Hopefully you can give your wife all of the passion that you and me both feel for Fran! : ) I’ll bet you’re quite a firecracker! A 67 year old passionate man beats a 20 something dude with no technique, interest or passion any day! : )
@Kardamom You are too kind. Thanks and I bet you’re a firecracker, yourself.
So far it seems very unlikely, but who knows?
shit, Gail already said that
Toistaiseksi näyttää erittäin epätodennäköiseltä, mutta kuka tietää?
I ask myself this same question constantly.. ‘will I ever have an intimate moment with the same sex?’
My serious answer is yes, it is my preference. Except when I’m in a massive drought like right now (16 months, daaamn).
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