What kind of a walk do you have [look below to clarify]?
Asked by
ucme (
June 15th, 2011
Yes I know, you put one foot in front of the other &.....hey presto!
What I mean though is, are you conscious of a certain way you walk, or the way you hold yourself? Has anyone ever commented on your gait?
The wife & others have said on one too many occasions that I wiggle my arse about the place!! Like Marilyn Monroe on steroids…. I mean, really? How about you?
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24 Answers
I walk in a relaxed way, but at a brisk pace. People who walk with me often complain about me walking too fast, but it’s just the way I walk.
I don’t walk “all over the place” as I tend to keep on one side of the footpath, and I don’t think I jiggle my arse all over the place either ;)
Depends on the situation. My walk ranges from the redneck saunter, to the annoyed skulk, to the brisk stride with a purpose.
I walk like an epileptic crab.
I walk in a straightforward manner, not bent over at all, head up. My gait is a little faster than average (people occasionally ask me to slow down).
One thing that annoys others is my pace is the same speed regardless of terrain. On a backpacking trip a friend complained that I was the same speed climbing a mountain, on the flat or going downhill. When my girlfriend goes on a walk or hike with me, it drives her crazy too. I tell her she has to set the pace and I will match, otherwise she has to keep up.
Nothing too specific about my walk but the boyfriend does accuse me of swaying my hips. Totally not on purpose.
I parrot @queenie
I walk at a pretty brisk pace, leftover from years of walking/running, and others have asked me to slow down.lol
I walk fast, unless the person I’m walking with is slow. Then it’s painful. Quietly. Have a hard time holding a straight line, and walk into the person I’m next to too much by accident. So I try to walk on the edge, so I have a line I can unconsciously follow.
My body’s usually of good posture, but my head tilted downward or else my eyes wander to everyone, and there are some people I don’t want to meet eyes with.
My feet behave bizarrely. Unless I’m consciously not, they place the pinky-metatarsal-joint down first, and roll from there to the inside-middle of my heel.
I like to walk fast when I can. ;)
Relaxed, not too fast/nor slow, a bit of an ass sway. I am 5’2”, so, it takes me awhile to get somewhere.
Cheers folks, good stuff!
I have to say you women walk incredibly fast. Can’t keep up with the wife, actually neither can the bloody dawg!
I walk fast, even if I have plenty of time. I can’t help it.
Haha..me too, 5’3 ish
I used to walk with a frend who was 5’10–11 in her bare feet, we were also both horse lovers and owners at the time, we called ourselves ‘Ginger & Merrylegs’...damn, her stride was 3 to 1, and this little pony was at a constant, unrelenting trot to keep up. Some good workouts! lol
I stride, heel to toe in a pretty steady way, little counterbounce or excessive sway. My walk is one thing I’ve had many compliments on over the years, especially in heels. I was taught to tighten my abs and slightly tuck my bum, letting my tummy be the power behind the motion which makes a softer sounding step. One ex of mine wrote a poem about my walk which was embarrassing but also flattering.
I have long legs in proportion to my height, and I walk fast. People I’m with will constantly keep asking me to slow down and I can for a little while, but as soon as I stop thinking about it, off I go again.
People always tell me I have a stiff walk, so I guess I’m stiff. My hips only move when I have on heels…My posture’s good, and I look people in the face when I walk by them. For whatever reason, people like to put their heads down when they walk by me. I think it’s because I was looking at them lol! I walk a pretty moderate pace, but my legs are short, so I’m not moving that quickly.
Like I’m always on a mission, leading the attack…. :-/
I stroll semi-awkwardly and nonchalantly.
I rarely walk like a grown-up. I hop onto and off of curbs, jump over cracks in the sidewalk, stomp in puddles if I’m not wearing good shoes and can’t resist balancing on the edge of garden walls or jumping up to touch low-hanging branches.
On a not entirely unrelated topic, I avoid treading on drain covers & such. Don’t know why, just do.
I walk as fast as the music I’m listening to.
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