What is the style in which you talk?
I know it’s rare these days to physically speak to someone with all the smartphones and Facebooking going on, but think for a second. When verbally speaking to other people, what kind of mannerisms do you exhibit?
What do you do when you talk? How fast do you talk? Do you express with your hands or your face a lot? How do you stand? What do other people think of the way you speak? Are you engaging or do you just like to make your point and move on?
What is the largest audience you have ever had to speak to?
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36 Answers
I tend to use my hands a lot to express what I’m talking about and I speak fairly quickly. I also look for something to hold or lean on when talking to someone, otherwise I feel awkward just standing there.
When I talk in front of an audience, or face to face (does not include webcams) I feel really engaged with the people I’m talking to. I gesture with my hands to emphasise some points and I stand straight whilst at ease. I’m not usually stiff and often pace around if there’s room for me to move. I do use facial expressions at times when I think they’re needed. I think I talk in a confident manner when talking about something in particular, as in a subject. When it comes to conversation however , I really don’t know what to say. I become all shy and fidgety.
The feedback I’ve had is that most people enjoy listening to me talk about something and think I talk in a clear loud voice. Except during convo,,, I just don’t know what to say.
I do not talk fast [ though I can talk fast if I need to ] but I talk loud ,, a lot of the times people around me tell me to speak softer ^^
I do gesticulate but not that much. I express myself with gesture from hands, body and face .. someone can see me smiling only by looking in my eyes.
As for the largest audience .. I do not know .. hence I acted in theaters a lot I do not know how many were there to listen and watch but there were a lot.
My girlfriend says that I sound like Jennifer Beals. Soft, low voice, yet feminine. Apparently, my voice is very calming.
I don’t use my hands much, I talk at normal speed.
I don’t use my hands or a lot of gestures when I speak, but I do have an extremely expressive face. My face’s reputation precedes me.
I’m often told that I’m articulate, which is flattering, and friends and family have often asked me to speak in their place regarding important matters. When I’m nervous, however, I tend to talk way too fast. I also talk a lot.
I speak like Edward G.Robinson.But only in the bedroom.
Ethyl Merman and you hear me sing in the shower!!
Fast and smoothly, unless I’m having tongue-coordination issues, then I’m tripping all the time and slow. Quietly unless there’s something causing me to be loud—but I’m not good at forcing loud when I’m quiet or forcing quiet when I’m loud.
I rely on my hands, and actually whole body. Sometimes the words won’t come, and I wind up miming out much of what I say to people. A little awkward.
Largest audience… about 400, that was the size of my K-8 school, and we had class plays yearly. But that was quite a while ago now.
Honestly, I don’t know. I tend to forget a lot of words, so probably there are pauses as I search for a suitable alternative. When I have clients, I have found myself talking very fast lately. Probably leaning forward. I get excited, too.
Mostly, though, I don’t like group conversations, because I don’t like fighting for air time. Personal conversations are.
I’ve been told that on the phone I sound sexy. All in all, I prefer the reaction I get on the phone although I really am not a fan of phones.
@wundayatta I remember hearing you when you called in on Jon’s radio show.
@Jude Which number podcast is that?
@Jude Thank you for not commenting. Notice that I am not claiming this. It’s just I’ve been told it—at least a couple of times. No. More than that.
@Jude I can’t believe you can remember. I don’t even remember.
It depends on who I’m speaking to. I speak faster and smoother if it’s a family member and slower if it’s an acquaintance. Not just because I’m nervous (though, sometimes I do get nervous) but I want to see that I’m not just blabbing, that the other person has a chance to speak if s/he wants to and that I’m processing the other person’s words carefully before responding. There’s nothing worse to me than realizing I completely missed the point someone else was making because I was talking too fast. I do gesticulate and use facial expressions. They just happen.
I talk fast in compared to people from the southern states being from new england and originally from Massachusetts I have a strong MA accent, but as for up here I talk the norm with no great speed. Its all in where your from as to what way you take a northern accent and speed in which the talk.
I make a lot of faces when I speak. Pretty expressive.
I talk fast, sometimes to the point where I have to start over because nobody understood what I said. I use my hands a lot, especially when I’m excited about something. I also use a lot of expressions. I talk in a wide range of volume, depending on what I’m talking about. All I know about what people think about how I speak is that people find my use of hand gestures a little weird, and sometimes I’m made fun of for it.
I talk on the fast side, not so much fast, as in, hard to follow, but I have a fast brain that sends the words quickly and succinctly to my mouth. lol
I make good eye contact, speak clearly, am quite articulate and very humorous.
Not a shy bone in my body and I’m great at ad lib.
Yep, I have the gift of gab, just don’t ask me to do any calculus, brain doesn’t go there. haha
Depends on the day. I talk at a normal speed, unless I’m REALLY hyper. Then I talk fast.
The largest group? It was like 150… I passed out.
@Jude Oh my, Jennifer Beals ;)
I normally stand in a firm position, having sturdy legs, and I don’t like to sit. I speak quickly, but I enunciate fully and people seem to understand me so I see no problem.
I am actually very articulate when I speak and use normal language when I speak to my peers or other adults( like my teachers at school). I do use facebook quite a bit but I don’t use that kind of talk except with my friends.
just like @Assassin_15 i am very articulate when i speak and i usually prefer to talk in person. all my friends get mad because i don’t reply texts or messages on facebook. even when i type i type in full words. sometimes when i’m in the mood i’ll use correct punctuation and capitalization, but more often than not (and right now) i just type to get the words out. I use A LOT of hand motions and talk VERY FAST. I’m from Jersey but I don’t have that exaggerated jersey accent. I don’t say “dog” like “dawg”. I say it more like “dahg”
I can talk a leaf off a tree!
I talk extremely quickly and at an unnaturally high volume. It’s literally physically uncomfortable for me to whisper for any long period of time, and I’m not very good at whispering at all. If I’m angry, upset, or very engaged in the topic of discussion, I’m even louder than normal. I talk a lot. I talk with my hands a lot as well, and sometimes develop a bit of a strange accent as I go on that is somewhat southern. I’ve been told I talk in a righteous manner, or “like a superhero.” When I get excited I start to jumble my words together. I hate speaking in front of a large group, but have no problem doing it excessively any other time.
I can convince a toaster to get hot.
I don’t know what I sound like, but sometimes my speech’s clear, other times it’s not. I rarely ever use my voice—it’s uncomfortable and feels like I’m talking with a plastic bag in my mouth. Because of my mom’s strictness, fortunately, I don’t grunt or have a disturbing voice. My “voice” of comfort is American Sign Language!
I talk fast and with tangents. I make people laugh and I can come on strong, so they say.
I usually talk slow and quiet. I don’t exagerate my face (unless I’m trying to be funny) or talk with my hands very often. If asked a question, I usually touch my chin, neck or ear. My voice tends to calm people. It has put many to sleep ..lol. Apparently, it’s not because I’m boring; it’s my tone. I’m told that when I do have something to say, it’s usually worth listening to.
The few people that I am quite comfortable with (vocally) tell me that, when I’m playful, you can’t shut me up once I get going. I usually do that on purpose to bug them though ..lol.
Hmm, if I’m standing while talking ..I tend to put my hands in my pockets. I have a non-threatening and reserved stance.
I am not very engaging when it comes to strangers or authority. I’m engaging with those that I feel I can trust. I usually need to be invited to speak. I don’t usually make eye contact.
The most people I had to talk in front: a couple college class assignments (probably around 25–30 people. I thought I was going to have a heart attack. Most of my professors understood and would let me get the assignment done in other ways.
It depends on the setting. If I am speaking to an audience, I will speak at a moderate rate and project my voice and be careful to speak clearly. I do know when I get really into my topic, I can pace a little too and talk with my hands. It depends on the context though, how long I am speaking for, the audience etc. I speak publicly in my job and the audience my be 300 plus or just a few people.
When I speak in a more relaxed setting, I can speak quite fast, I am told I speak well, and I definitely talk with my hands. I am quite expressive in either setting in terms of facial expressions, making eye contact and the like.
In a relaxed setting where I have not planned what I am going to say, if I am excited about the topic I can go off at tangents and demonstrate what a friend calls “sparkler-brain”. Fifty thousand thoughts exploding at once.
Completely depends on who I’m speaking to. It varies from person to person. One thing I tend to do with everyone is use my eyes to show emotion. I’m not one for hand gestures so I use my eyes to express any reactions.
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