Social Question

LuckyGuy's avatar

Is the "Get Motivated Business Seminar" a scam? Has anyone here attended one?

Asked by LuckyGuy (43890points) June 15th, 2011

The “Get Motivated Business Seminar” is coming to my city. Supposedly it has all live speakers, such as: Gen. Colin Powell, Bill Cosby, Steven Forbes, Rudy Giuliani, Erin Brockovich, Gen. Stanley McChrystal, et. al. Big, high priced, reputable names. It costs $1.95 per person to attend or $9.95 for everyone in the office. This smells like too good a deal. What’s the catch? Is it a scam? Are they stealing our credit card information? Are they a bunch of religious fundamentalists? Or Pyramid scheme marketers? Has anyone here been to one of these and is it worth spending a full day attending? Did you learn anything at all? Did you get motivated or did they only try to motivate you to open your wallet?
Any info would be appreciated. I’d hate to waste a day on it.
(I’m putting this is Social because I don’t mind a little satire or sarcasm when it’s deserved .)

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4 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I’ve to a couple of the remote Seminars in the past, it was with people I worked with once, the other times were solo.

The price is to pay for the “Big, high priced, reputable names. ” and the time is well spent.

LuckyGuy's avatar

But I don’t understand what they get out of it unless they are selling courses or collecting names or something. I figure the $2 per attendee can maybe pay for a couple of the speakers. There has to be a catch.

Cupcake's avatar

I heard a commercial about it this morning… so when I saw your question I googled “get motivated business seminar”. Interesting reading…

I’d love to hear from someone who actually attended.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The ones I went were at 100’s of remote locations, the venue we usually went could handle 700 people. Yes they try to sell you “Rudi Gazoottsie” latest book or whatever. The main auditorium could hold thousand at much more than $1.95, closer to $250 each.

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