Social Question

Is the "Get Motivated Business Seminar" a scam? Has anyone here attended one?
The “Get Motivated Business Seminar” is coming to my city. Supposedly it has all live speakers, such as: Gen. Colin Powell, Bill Cosby, Steven Forbes, Rudy Giuliani, Erin Brockovich, Gen. Stanley McChrystal, et. al. Big, high priced, reputable names. It costs $1.95 per person to attend or $9.95 for everyone in the office. This smells like too good a deal. What’s the catch? Is it a scam? Are they stealing our credit card information? Are they a bunch of religious fundamentalists? Or Pyramid scheme marketers? Has anyone here been to one of these and is it worth spending a full day attending? Did you learn anything at all? Did you get motivated or did they only try to motivate you to open your wallet?
Any info would be appreciated. I’d hate to waste a day on it.
(I’m putting this is Social because I don’t mind a little satire or sarcasm when it’s deserved .)