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mazingerz88's avatar

If you are filthy rich, what ridiculous reason would you use a room in your house for?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29341points) June 15th, 2011

The late Aaron Spelling’s ( a Hollywood billionaire ) mansion in Beverly Hills just sold for 100 million dollars. It has amongst its many, many areas a room just for wrapping gifts. The one who just bought it joked about using it for her daughter’s four dogs. At least I think that was a joke.

But if it was you, what eccentric, far-out and ridiculous use would you have for a room in your mega-mansion?

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70 Answers

MilkyWay's avatar

A rollercoaster room.

FutureMemory's avatar

A cardboard box room.

quiddidyquestions's avatar

I want a room that’s wall-to-wall mattress.

tom_g's avatar

Combination music and art studio or sound-proof meditation room.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

A driving range room.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe—Oh,yeah??? Well,I have a room with a house in it for my poolboy’s capuchin monkey’s….uh…..hmmmmm…uncle’s poolboy. XD

wundayatta's avatar

I need a room for dust-bunny racing.

mazingerz88's avatar

I would have a room with a room in it.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille You could have a room for extracting each different flower.

mazingerz88's avatar

I would have a room with 100 dancing poles in it surrounded by seats exclusive for Fluther guys.

FutureMemory's avatar

A room just for Halloween costumes.

mazingerz88's avatar

I would have a room just for meatloaf. @queenie‘s meatloaf.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe -I do have a room with a low ceiling for pogo stick practice.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

…and a separate one for aspirin. ;)

laineybug's avatar

I would have a room with nothing but a couch and Ipod speakers in it. Everything would be black though. It would be my dark room. I would also have a room with things that make me happy, just in case I spend too much time in the dark room.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@laineybug -I have a room that is used only for thinking about couches.__Nothing in it but a recliner__ Deep thoughts prevail!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@laineybug That’s a little creepy. All black?

mazingerz88's avatar

I would have a room turned upside down. Sofas, tables, pool table, carpeting and what have you in the ceiling and light fixtures on the floor.

erichw1504's avatar

A room with wall-to-wall trampolines.

laineybug's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Sometimes when I’m upset I just feel the need to be surrounded by blackness to make me happy. I don’t particularly know why all the black would make me happy, but it would, and I know eventually it would make me kind of depressed again. That’s why I would also have the happy room.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I’d have a room on Jupiter….for my mother in law ;)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@laineybug I’ll have to think about that for a few. Interesting.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I’d have a room for a pony!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe—Don’t do that in the “Couch Contemplation” room.It’s not allowed! XD

MilkyWay's avatar

@mazingerz88 Gulp. My… my meatloaf?

Blueroses's avatar

I want a room that’s a ball-pit just for grownups. It makes me so angry when places only let little kids jump into the ball pit. Mine will forbid anybody under 18. So there, toddlers! Go play in the street!

erichw1504's avatar

A room full of games like pool, table tennis, washers, ladder ball, air hockey, etc…

mazingerz88's avatar

@queenie Pink room for your meatloaf and I’m going to hire Brad Pitt to sit and eat it all just by himself while a butler attends to him.

mazingerz88's avatar

A room with 100 scary looking clowns. ( Oh wait, does the Capitol Hill building has that already? Lol. )

laineybug's avatar

@Blueroses But I love ball pits! I think I’m just old enough to not be let in ones for kids too. This just sucks. Why am I not allowed in ball pits anywhere?

MilkyWay's avatar

@Blueroses I’m quite rebellious, I’d gatecrash your ball pit :P

Blueroses's avatar

Alright. I’ll lower the age limit to 13 to accommodate Fluther teens :) But NO children!

MilkyWay's avatar

@Blueroses Daaww, I knew you were a softie ;)

erichw1504's avatar

@Blueroses Well, that ruins some of the fun I was going to have in the ball pit.

MilkyWay's avatar

@erichw1504 Oh no! you’re gonna be in the ball pit too?!!
@Blueroses I change my mind, you can have your ball pit.
(( runs away pinching own nose ))

erichw1504's avatar

@queenie Well, now that @Blueroses has lowered the age to 13, I’d better stay out or else something bad could happen.

MilkyWay's avatar

@erichw1504 Yeah, our poor sensitive noses could be extremely damaged…

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Can my pony come to the ball pit? I’ve heard he doesn’t smell worse than some jellies.

MilkyWay's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe I know @Blueroses is in charge and all but, does your pony wear cheap cologne?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Only little Eau de horse.

Blueroses's avatar

Final rules: after 9 pm it’s Adults over 18 ONLY , everyone showers before entering, the pony must wear a diaper and anybody who pees in the ball-pit will be taken out and shot immediately.

downtide's avatar

It would have a wargaming room for my partner (huge tables and lots of storage space round the walls for boxes and books). And for myself a proper art studio, with huge windows and a skylight to let in lots of natural light.

MilkyWay's avatar

@Blueroses What if they have bladder problems…?

wundayatta's avatar

Wow, @Blueroses, I knew you were a ballbuster, but don’t you think this is going a bit far?

Blueroses's avatar

Hee hee hee. Hey. @mazingerz88 asked what you would do with your room? My room, my rules, my balls. You want something different? Get your own room and do what you want with your balls. :)

wundayatta's avatar

@Blueroses But you weren’t born with any balls. So your ball room would be conspicuously ball-less.

I’m off to the dust bunny races. Tra-la, tra-la!

Cruiser's avatar

I’d have a complete spa/changing room for the water park outback with full time Masseuse so she could rub out the the cheek muscles from smiling so much.

erichw1504's avatar

Indoor waterpark. There will also be a water tag area; it’s like laser tag only with Super Soakers!

rebbel's avatar

If i were really, really rich it has to be this.

Plucky's avatar

I love the ball-pit idea lol. A Willy Wonka room would be super cool ..with Oompas and everything.

erichw1504's avatar

A room full of nekked ladies!

ucme's avatar

I’d have a velcro room & i’d furnish it with a troop of bald dwarf clowns. Then I could toss the little bastards off the walls & ceiling at my leisure.
Such high jinks seeing each one dangling at kinky angles like that. Think of it as a substitute for a punchbag & gloves type affair. Blows the frustrations of the day clean away ;¬}

ddude1116's avatar

I would make my own private aviary.

mazingerz88's avatar

@ddude1116 Cool. What kind of birds? I would want to see a woodpecker make a hole from start to finish. Lol.

6rant6's avatar

A writing room.

Porifera's avatar

@rebbel of course…me too :)

Haleth's avatar

Something sort of like a man-cave. Only instead of traditionally manly things, it would have one of those cabinets that keeps wine at cellar temperature, lots of old movie posters and art stuff, bean bag chairs, board games, a hookah, hippie beads on the door and a record player. It would be a lot like a college dorm room, actually. I’d keep my “grown up” stuff in the rest of the house, like Ikea furniture or kitchen appliances or whatever.

Kardamom's avatar

I would have a room that had one wall that was entirely dedicated to jars and bottles of hot sauce and salsa, on another wall, would be a big fridge filled with cheese of all kinds (‘cept for that maggot cheese one of you mentioned awhile back) and a big flat screen TV that could be used for looking up and organizing recipes (and watching The Nanny while I cook), and a whole area devoted to gourmet cooking, with a 6 burner stove, double oven, industrial pancake/burger griddle and all of the cool cooking gadgets like food processors and emulsion blenders etc. And a huge, well stocked pantry. Down the hall from this room would be a mushroom cultivating area.

Blueroses's avatar

I’m also going to buy original Seurat, Monet and Van Gogh paintings and each piece will have its own room. Just a white room with one white ottoman facing one work of art.

mrrich724's avatar

I’d definitely have one as an ultra-fortified bunker full of guns, ammo, food-stores, whisky, and other essentials for a fall out :)

Too bad I lost the only guns I had to the sea in a boating accident :(

Also, my motorcycle would no longer be required to live in the garage!

Plucky's avatar

I think I’d want a dance and art studio. A huge wood floor with mirrored walls ..and a killer sound system. And maybe skylights with remote control blinds (I like seeing the stars at night). Then a section where I can draw, paint and sculpt.

A very large vivarium would be really awesome. Not entirely sure what different species I’d have in it though.

Although, a huge toy room would be pretty cool too. I’d have all kinds of neat toys and video games.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I had a childhood friend whose mother kept one room for collecting gifts and wrapping stuffs. It was marvelous and a lot of fun. Also, she never had to worry about finding something that had been tucked away for later.

My ridiculous room would a wood floor one for roller skating to my favorite music from an old fashioned jukebox friends could select music from.

Kardamom's avatar

Or an Ice Skating Rink!

mazingerz88's avatar

Ok @Symbeline, I’m waiting for your answer. Lol.

Berserker's avatar

I’d totally make a Silent Hill room. I always wanted to do that. For those who don’t know, Silent Hill is a survival horror franchise. The video doesn’t give much of an idea since it’s all shoddy, but the games are real creepy.

I’d make one big room into a SH room, probably a hospital room. No specific place from the game, but it would have the flare. I’d buy some antique gurneys and wheelchairs, or at least that sort of equipment from the seventies…preferably, it would have to be used up and all busted up and shit. Place them around in disarray, but leaving a ghost of past order. Old medical tools, and some random bed tables, drip stands, and messed up posters on the wall that subtly talk about house fires and the end of the world. I probably wouldn’t need much money to do that actually…just a lot of time. But I’d want my Silent Hill room to look really authentic. It would need to look really ancient and abandoned, and I’d have to find ways to make it look like that. I haven’t decided if I want it in the normal world or the game’s alternate reality. The alternate reality would be a lot more work, as the floors and walls would have to be made of rusted metal and gratings. Maybe a huge fan somewhere.

I could add health drinks and a melee weapon somewhere. Unfortunately I couldn’t have any real monsters, and I wouldn’t want some dummy…unless it’s a mannequin from Silent Hill 2…yeah…that might work! With a flashlight round its neck, and wearing some creepy dress.
Well the point of this room would be to capture Silent Hill’s supreme feel of despair and solitude. I’d spend a lot of money building one, if I could. then I’d just leave it unattended, so it really would get all old and dusty. That would rock, the closest I could ever get to really being in the game. Without the worry of getting myself killed, of course.

Second room I’d make would be a huge horror movie room. The walls would be covered with shelves full of horror movies. All sorts, as many as I can get, past and present, from all sub genres. It would be like a sort of horror chronicle/documentation room, where I’d strive to eventually have one copy of every single horror movie ever made. I’d also have horror paraphernalia and posters everywhere.
And finally, a huge ass TV to play them on, and a big comfy couch to invite people over to watch them.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Symbeline And we are talking about just one room here. I think the Spelling mansion has 27 rooms. Imagine what you can do with that. : )

Berserker's avatar

Well, I’m using one room in respect to the question…if I had enough money to buy an entire abandoned town, I’d recreate the whole fucking Silent Hill game. I’d devote my life to it. :D

blueiiznh's avatar

A Jelly Room. For all Jellies to gather.

Plucky's avatar

@Symbeline Ooo Silent Hill scary as that game is, I just may pay to visit that. The horror movie room sounds awesome too.

erichw1504's avatar

A massive indoor skate park!

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