Social Question

blueberry_kid's avatar

What random thing is on your mind right now?

Asked by blueberry_kid (5960points) June 15th, 2011

As the question asks!

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716 Answers

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Why is the neighbor’s dog in my back yard?

erichw1504's avatar

How wasted everyone was on pancakes during last nights nekked pancake party.

MilkyWay's avatar

How @Wundayatta actually asked that dungeon question.

wundayatta's avatar

How quickly will my story will mount in the rankings. I wrote it this morning and already it has 74 views or so. Number 13 on the list.

laineybug's avatar

What I’m going to do all day now that school is out. And why it takes my mom so long to wake up and get down to my dad’s house. And that I have too many things on my mind all the time to fully answer this question.

rebbel's avatar

Shall i ask that fisting question, or not.

Coloma's avatar

I thought I de-lizarded my house thoroughly yesterday, but, just saw another little dinosaur run behind my shinto screen.

Yesterday I spent an hour trying to get one out that was stuck between the sliding window and the stationary window, another that ran into the broom closet, another in the bathroom.

I swear…if I made a dollar for every f——ing lizard I catch I’d be a millionaire within the month. lol

Vunessuh's avatar

If @rebbel will ask that fisting question or not.

Mamradpivo's avatar

I’m bummed that I’m going to miss the lunar eclipse because it won’t be anywhere near dark yet.

FutureMemory's avatar

Counting the seconds til 12:55pm

Amazebyu's avatar

Wondering what to do during lunch… Coffee or not.

erichw1504's avatar

Hmm… I wonder what chloroform smells like…

creative1's avatar

Wondering if Casey Anthony is going to be aquited of murder of her beautiful little girl. I have been watching the trial and I don’t think the state made its case without a resonable doubt. I wish I could say differently but if I feel this way I am sure some on the jury must be having these doubts because before this I wanted to see her go down and still would but there is doubt of what actually happened and if her father was involved. So many questions I have!!!!

HudsonHero's avatar

What restaurant should I go to tonight for my anniversary. Man, I am hungry now.

wundayatta's avatar

Is Queenie serious or joking?

Afos22's avatar

A black and white picture of a black and white dog.

FutureMemory's avatar

She hasn’t realized yet what a sexual dynamo you are, @wundayatta.

MilkyWay's avatar

@FutureMemory Oh, I think I have…. ;)

wundayatta's avatar

Uh, @FutureMemory I’m not sure I’ve yet realized what a sexual dynamo I am.

Oh. I can just imagine it:

“What kind of sexual dynamo is Wundayatta?”

I’m not even going to write down the details.

Jude's avatar

My ass hurts ( from sitting at a desk) and the fact that Nessuh and Rebbel asked about fisting. chubby gained

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

How I love that Snow Patrol ‘Be The Lighning in me” song lyrics. Got the last two lines tattooed on our wrists with my partner yesterday. Just really sums up how we feel for each other.

erichw1504's avatar

@Jude from sitting at a desk… really?

Jude's avatar

@erichw1504 haha..It’s been a long day. :)

Jude's avatar

You like my lurve, erich? ;)

MilkyWay's avatar

If I’ve offended @wundayatta… :-/

erichw1504's avatar

@Jude yes, thanks for pointing that out.

Cruiser's avatar

I wonder if she is wearing any panties?

erichw1504's avatar

I wonder if she is wearing any pants?

Cruiser's avatar

@queenie Pink or white or red or black bikini ones…I like to be surprised! ;)

redfeather's avatar

I want a weave.

FutureMemory's avatar

@Cruiser I wonder if she is wearing any panties?

She isn’t.

MilkyWay's avatar

@FutureMemory How do you know? :P

erichw1504's avatar

I wonder if he is wearing any panties?

rebbel's avatar

Here kids, have a ….. ~
Or a ….. for that matter.

Jude's avatar

Isn’t Queenie 14?

erichw1504's avatar

So… how bout them Yankees?

MilkyWay's avatar

@Jude Woah, no way!

Jude's avatar

@queenie Sorry. I thought that you were young. Now that I think about it, someone (a jelly) said 15 or 16. :)

creative1's avatar

I would hope @queenie isn’t 14 the way I hear her talk in here, she gives me an education sometimes lol

erichw1504's avatar

I thought @queenie was 79.

creative1's avatar

@queenie inquiring minds want to know your true age?????

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Will we get enough rain this week to break the drought?

MilkyWay's avatar

I’m 17 everyone :)

redfeather's avatar

I win for being closest!

Jude's avatar

^^ ding ding ding.. we have a weiner.

creative1's avatar

You get the boobie prize of -1 lurve

erichw1504's avatar

So, I was close.

MilkyWay's avatar

^ You win the prize of being the farthest.

Jude's avatar

@redfeather Haha.. I wouldn’t touch that with a ten foot pole. Really, I wouldn’t.

redfeather's avatar

@Jude me either. He ruined the word “weiner” for me.

Jude's avatar

We’ll let @erichw1504 have him.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

EE f froag ze naow

ucme's avatar

I’m wondering who to place a bet on in tomorrow’s US open golf tournament.
Looking likely another European win could be on the cards….hmmm…..

erichw1504's avatar

M’encanta la llum

AshLeigh's avatar


Haleth's avatar

Something that happened the other day:

I hung out with two friends, H and Z. We started the day at 2 PM at an amazing Mexican restaurant, and they couldn’t seat us right away so we got a pitcher of margaritas at the bar and a round of tequila. Nobody had eaten anything yet at this point. We ordered every kind of taco, including beef tongue and grasshopper, plus some strange and innovative ceviche. Then we had a hookah by the waterfront and Turkish coffee to take the edge off. Everyone at the waterfront wears sundresses or khaki pants and a polo shirt. Every. Single. One. There were boats pulled up to the dock and one of them was called “options,” which is clearly some rich guy’s midlife crisis boat.

After that we went to Z’s place and he cooked up some goat curry on the bone while we watched man vs. food. The first words when I turned on the tv were: “An ENTIRE STICK OF BUTTER!” and that’s pretty much what we ate. The curry was full of ghee, yogurt, habanero peppers, and dried chiles. H was hamming it up the whole time, acting like we were in a fancy restaurant and quizzing me on my wine choices. H was wearing a hilariously oversized Hawaiian print shirt, and Z owns the most hideous bathrobe I’ve ever seen, a faded paisley terrycloth monstrosity. We chowed down like there was no tomorrow. The whole day was pretty surreal, and that’s what I’m thinking about right now.

Also, my recent job interview. I’m anxiously checking my phone and F5ing my inbox every two seconds to see if they’ve gotten back to me.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

That the very thought of God or Him being in control scares the heebie jeebies out of a lot of people.

mazingerz88's avatar

My inner thigh itches.

erichw1504's avatar

Hmm… this looks infected.

6rant6's avatar

Do a deer…

__pervs… The Sound of Music__

mazingerz88's avatar

NSFW – Will she swallow or will she spit? LOL.

Faidle's avatar

My cousin is driving me crazy, with her nonstop texting. Even when I stop replying, she’ll text again, and again, and AGAIN.

TheIntern55's avatar

What ice cream truck plays that kind of music?
@Faidle I HATE when people do that!

GoJessGo's avatar

Why does the day keep dragging ON and ON and ON and ON and ON….....blerg.

6rant6's avatar

My 4:30 meeting could be life changing. Should I order fries?

Facade's avatar

Dear blonde bitch at Starbucks who got me so angry my legs were shaking on the way back to my car:

I’m sorry you don’t know that ”.5 caf” means that you should put in half the regular amount of espresso into the little paper cup, but please don’t take that out on me by speaking in code to your fellow coffee makers. I cracked your code and responded in kind, but alas, you are a complete idiot.
I thought you should know that you succeeded in getting my pulse rate to 84; congratulations. While I work on not causing anything physical harm because of my extreme agitation, please also take this time to review your arithmetic (That’s math, sweetie) book from the 2nd grade, so that you’re prepared next time someone throws a “calculus problem” at you.


Jude's avatar

^^I’m scared of you. ;)

Kardamom's avatar

I’m wondering why people put long, detailed questions (with missing, but essential details) on Fluther, only to tell you later, after a bunch of people have responded with heartfelt and useful answers that the question was only hypothetical?

Also, thinking about lunch! Shall I make home made chili or spaghetti?

Facade's avatar

@Jude Words cannot express how fucking furious she made me. I left the house because I was pissed. She was just piling it on. I feel like going back there…

Faidle's avatar

Haha. You’re awesome. xD

Facade's avatar

@Faidle I like to think so =)

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Does you chewing gum lose its flavour on the bedpost overnight?

Plucky's avatar

Why am I not working on the garage…

redfeather's avatar

not what half caf means…

creative1's avatar

how much I would really like to meet someone real

Jude's avatar

@Facade Give me her name. I’ll beat her up. ;)

Jude's avatar

Thinking? Go Canucks! (also, is he really gay? —a guy that I went to school with whom I just found on Facebook).

Facade's avatar

@Jude Her name is probably Becky. Try it and see =)

Plucky's avatar

Go Canucks!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

That my favorite menswear store’s website purposefully expired their fantastic sale on a common payday (today). I went to order a suit and voila!, the price had mysteriously returned to 4 times the sale price. GARRRRGH! I’m wondering if I should gamble that sale to come around in the next 3 months.

Berserker's avatar

I’m thinking about Gauls duking it out with Caesar’s army for some reason.

tinyfaery's avatar

I’m thinking about how good True Blood is going to be this season. Can’t wait.

wundayatta's avatar

I’m thinking, what am I thinking? What am I thinking? What am I thinking? No. Don’t you dare think that. Stop it. You can shove that thought away. Just concentrate on fluther. fluther is the real world, not the real world. Parse that suckers!

Cruiser's avatar

Bubbles??? or no bubbles….hmmmm…..

linguaphile's avatar

Thinking about my long, long, long “to do list” and how much I wish it was my “done” list…

Jude's avatar

I’m thinking about that picture that I just sent via text to my partner and that it is a nice before bed pic….

graynett's avatar

I should be @ bowls not here

blueiiznh's avatar

oreo cookies!

woodcutter's avatar

If I quit scratching this tick bite will it it finally go away.Then why do I have tick bites and none on my dog.

Jeruba's avatar

I have to remember to call and make that @%&#$! appointment tomorrow.

Kardamom's avatar

@Jeruba Thank you for reminding me! I have to make a mammogram appointment tomorrow.

Jeruba's avatar

That’s the one. Gahhh.

keobooks's avatar

Why did I click on the link of Willow Smith singing “Whip My Hair ?” Now it seems lodged into my ear forever. I think in Hell, this song will play 24/7.

linguaphile's avatar

1999 lurve! Gonna party like it’s 1999!

Faidle's avatar

@blueiiznh made me want Oreo Cookies… O_O

Cruiser's avatar

Should I sneak home for a Nooner?

erichw1504's avatar

My spoon is too big.

redfeather's avatar

There is no spoon.

erichw1504's avatar

Tuesday’s coming, did you bring your coat?

Jude's avatar

No creamer left, so, I must have Baileys.

erichw1504's avatar

I’m a banana!

creative1's avatar

@Cruiser I could go for a nooner but it isn’t a nap

Cruiser's avatar

@creative1 Exactly!! be back in a bit! ;)

erichw1504's avatar

I worked with a guy named Bobby Nooner. True story.

blueiiznh's avatar

I know Jack Schitt

erichw1504's avatar

I thought I smelled something!

MilkyWay's avatar

You smelt yourself, remember?

wundayatta's avatar

I’m really sleepy. My “nooner” would actually be a nap. Except if, lightning struck, and my wife had other ideas.

linguaphile's avatar

That I should get off Fluther and attend a graduation party that I have to go to out of courtesy to the family.

erichw1504's avatar

That it smells in here.

MilkyWay's avatar

That I wanna kick a smelly person up the arse
That I wanna give @erichw1504 a hug.

erichw1504's avatar

That I don’t feel like hugging smelly people.

creative1's avatar

@erichw1504 if it smells so bad there, just hop in the shower and clean up with some good old fashion soap and water

Afos22's avatar

Thinking: @erichw1504 must not venture far from his computer…

erichw1504's avatar

That @Afos22 doesn’t work in the IT field.

seperate_reality's avatar

I’m in the “present” currently, so no thoughts to speak of. I am listening to Abba on my headphones, so am enjoying the present.

Facade's avatar

I can’t believe I left the house in these shorts…

Jeruba's avatar

Did you do it, @Kardamom? I did. You made me.

Kardamom's avatar

@Jeruba I forgot I had a breakfast date with an old friend this morning, a gal who I really needed/wanted to see. We went walking around the lake and then went out for Mexican food, but I put a big fat note in red lettering on my bathroom counter, so I’ll call to make my appt. tomorrow. I told her that I needed to make my appt. then she remembered that she also needed to make her annual physical appt. So thanks to you, both of us remembered appt. we needed to make. : )

blueiiznh's avatar

gotta cut the grass

redfeather's avatar

Chocolate Cheerios are actually really tasty.

erichw1504's avatar

Imma bout to hurl. Two bagels for breakfast. GAArrgoboo.

creative1's avatar

rain, rain, go away, come back another day

erichw1504's avatar

How does tomorrow sound?

MilkyWay's avatar

It’s a date ;)

erichw1504's avatar

And don’t be late!

MilkyWay's avatar

Won’t be, unless it’s fate.

blueiiznh's avatar

been so long since I held you tight

erichw1504's avatar

Maybe, just maybe tonight.

MilkyWay's avatar

Be careful @erichw1504… you might give him a fright.

erichw1504's avatar

No, @blueiiznh and I are alright.

blueiiznh's avatar

And with the three of us, it will be outta sight

Kardamom's avatar

I hope there’s some of those deviled eggs left, that I made yesterday. Yum!

MilkyWay's avatar

Are we meeting tonight?

blueiiznh's avatar

yes, under the pale moonlight

MilkyWay's avatar

There will be some wine, right?

erichw1504's avatar

I’ll bring twelve bottles with all my might.

blueiiznh's avatar

We will share curiosity, wonder, and spontaneous delight

MilkyWay's avatar

Until the morning when the sun shines bright.

erichw1504's avatar

And all of our faces are looking white.

MilkyWay's avatar

Drunk, but we don’t end up in a fight.

erichw1504's avatar

Instead we fly a kite.

blueiiznh's avatar

and fly it on the grave of Benjamin Franklin: sheerly out of spite.

erichw1504's avatar

That’s not Benjamin’s, we’re at the wrong site!

blueiiznh's avatar

Oh my god run, we are about to spontaneously ignite!

MilkyWay's avatar

Do you bite?

erichw1504's avatar

No, it must have been the height.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Looking at turkeys that are not white.

erichw1504's avatar

Let’s all go to the campsite.

AshLeigh's avatar

All this rhyming isn’t right… :P

Jeruba's avatar

@AshLeigh, don’t be impolite.

MilkyWay's avatar

I just saw a dust mite

blueiiznh's avatar

When you saw it did you feel flee or flight?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Ukuleles are neat instruments.

Plucky's avatar

Wondering why I feel so blehhhh.

wundayatta's avatar

Why do I so love to feel bad about myself?

woodcutter's avatar

Why is Hef getting married?

AshLeigh's avatar

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!?!?!?! D:

redfeather's avatar

He’s not anymore, she called off the wedding. But not before they printed Playboy’s with her on the cover calling her Mrs Hefner. Too bad. :P

woodcutter's avatar

I just heard it on CNN just 10 minutes ago its still on now.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

She better be smart and get it while the getting is good.

woodcutter's avatar

ya, the clock is ticking

AshLeigh's avatar

This was more fun when everyone was rhyming.(:

woodcutter's avatar

But it all requires too much timing

krrazypassions's avatar

The werewolves outside are whining

AshLeigh's avatar

I found a good tree for climbing. :)

krrazypassions's avatar

I got to the top of that tree first by flying :D

MilkyWay's avatar

The flowers outside are dying :(

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Sci-Fi is sometimes logic deifying.

MilkyWay's avatar

And @Tropical_Willie spells it “deifying” instead of defying…

krrazypassions's avatar

Over spilt milk, there is no use of crying..

MilkyWay's avatar

Your into spying! :o

krrazypassions's avatar

Spying!? If i say no and if i am a liar, would i be lying?

AshLeigh's avatar

This is indemnifying. ;)

Cruiser's avatar

Who am I going to hire come Tuesday??

krrazypassions's avatar

Lie Lying , Die Dying — Fly Flying , Cry Crying

AshLeigh's avatar

What are we identifying…? O.o

blueiiznh's avatar

@AshLeigh we are identifying why applying drying to an underlying egg frying is really denying all trying while spying the event of misapplying heat while sighing.

AshLeigh's avatar

I’ll just pretend to comply. :)

erichw1504's avatar

Even though I don’t know why.

krrazypassions's avatar

When you fluther, time just seems to fly

erichw1504's avatar

Especially at work, wearing a tie.

MilkyWay's avatar

My throat feels quite dry

wundayatta's avatar

Why do I keep falling asleep?

krrazypassions's avatar

the “Wow! signal” was only a beep.

MilkyWay's avatar

The water is way too deep.

wundayatta's avatar

removed by myself as I hit answer a fraction of a second too late.

krrazypassions's avatar

I went into the jungle in a pair of trousers and a jeep.

MilkyWay's avatar

I just ate a date.

krrazypassions's avatar

Little Bo Peep lost her sheep..
everyone has to meet one’s fate…

MilkyWay's avatar

@krrazypassions Would you stop two-timing mate?

krrazypassions's avatar

No double-timing- ABAB was the scheme of the rhyming

erichw1504's avatar

Stop it with all that nickle and diming.

AshLeigh's avatar

I woke up at 3:30 PM today… Terrible timing.

erichw1504's avatar

Look at that guy, he’s miming.

wundayatta's avatar

Seven more days.

krrazypassions's avatar

Until the eighth day

mattbrowne's avatar

The dental implant I need.

blueberry_kid's avatar

I don’t know!

blueberry_kid's avatar


Tropical_Willie's avatar

Intestinal gas . . .

AshLeigh's avatar

Three days… And… I can’t find my duffle bag. D:

MilkyWay's avatar

Have you looked under the bed?

AshLeigh's avatar

Under my bed is empty. :(
I bet Justin took it. That little butthead.

woodcutter's avatar

If I fall off that ladder tomorrow my wife will probably divorce me.

erichw1504's avatar

@AshLeigh Have you looked under the swimming pool?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Lets open the frizzer door ! !

blueiiznh's avatar

mmmmmmm cake!

erichw1504's avatar

Is this the beginning of a nekked pancake party?

MilkyWay's avatar

I’m gonna wear my pink panties. Is that allowed in a nekked pancake party?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

“Clothing optional”

AshLeigh's avatar

I might have tried looking under the swimming pool, if I had one. :P
On that note….
(I found my duffel)

blueiiznh's avatar

pack lightly for nekked pancake parties

erichw1504's avatar

@queenie No, but I’ll let it slide just this once. Nekked = Full birthday suit.

AshLeigh's avatar

If I was loud to go nekked packing WOULD be light…

blueiiznh's avatar

done packing

wundayatta's avatar

Where is the party? No one told me where it is! I know you’re trying to keep me out! I know it!

erichw1504's avatar

@wundayatta you know where it is. Think about it.

wundayatta's avatar

Oh! Of course! In the ocean. Where else do jellies congregate. But hmmm. Which part of the ocean? The San Fransisco bay?

MilkyWay's avatar

The dungeon :P

Cruiser's avatar

The soil PH of my garden…hmmm

Ghajini's avatar

Bungee Jumping

MilkyWay's avatar

I’m hungry.

wundayatta's avatar

What does jailbait eat, anyway?

MilkyWay's avatar

Vanilla ice cream :D
I’m in school and bored.

blueiiznh's avatar

fruit loops

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Why is the sky blue and not orange?

erichw1504's avatar

Why is grass green and not red?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Why is erichw 1504 and not 1492?

MilkyWay's avatar

Because he lies about his age. He was born in 1492 really, but he doesn’t want us to know that.

erichw1504's avatar

I am not 519! I am really only 507, I swear.

MilkyWay's avatar

@erichw1504 Sure, we believe you. ~

erichw1504's avatar

Fiiiine, I’m actually 519 years old…

Tropical_Willie's avatar

So next year you will be ================================== an old Fat Ass.

erichw1504's avatar

Exactly. I’m going over the hill.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Can’t wait to get to be THAT old then is can be ====================== an old Fart.

AshLeigh's avatar

I now have my own Mexican kid…... O.o

MilkyWay's avatar

^^^ ?????????
i didnt know you were preggers

AshLeigh's avatar

I wasn’t.
I saw a Mexican, and I said “Dibs!”
He is now mine, and his name is Gage. (Cool name)
Dibs are legally binding.

erichw1504's avatar

Well, in that case I call dibs on Zooey Deschanel.

blueiiznh's avatar

@erichw1504 nice job! Zooey just got up an oddly said she needed to go see someone. I guess your dibs worked.

erichw1504's avatar

@blueiiznh Excellent, I’ll be waiting for her. Wait… what was she doing at your place?!

AshLeigh's avatar

I should learn to break dance…

MilkyWay's avatar

@AshLeigh Come on over, I’ll teach you ;)

AshLeigh's avatar

@jailbait that would be absolutely wonderful. Haha.

AshLeigh's avatar

This question was so much fun while it lasted…
Resurrection, anyone?

Afos22's avatar

No matter if it’s old or I’m old, this game of Fable is really fun.

blueiiznh's avatar

ice cream

laineybug's avatar

Christmas music.

MilkyWay's avatar

^ That is so not random XD

AshLeigh's avatar

I like turtles. :)

Meego's avatar

I’m myrtle the turtle affectionately known as murt.
I know you ^^ can’t stop thinking of me..and I know you ^^like me

AshLeigh's avatar

Skipping school tomorrow? I think so. ;D

Meego's avatar

Am I good enuff.

AshLeigh's avatar

Yes. Yes you are.

AshLeigh's avatar

Shayne: Will you be mine?
Me: You bet, champ!

FutureMemory's avatar

Eddie Murphy.

FutureMemory's avatar

i want(ed) my butter to melt faster.

blueiiznh's avatar

turtle eggs

MilkyWay's avatar

Santa Claus is comin to town…

Tropical_Willie's avatar

What color is fog?

blueberry_kid's avatar

Like a bluish-grey.

laineybug's avatar

A Christmas commercial that I haven’t seen at all today. The song got stuck in my head.

MilkyWay's avatar


blueiiznh's avatar

Long Legs

laineybug's avatar

A new band I might be in.

Ela's avatar


Ela's avatar

drizzled icing

Ela's avatar

cinnamon rolls

Meego's avatar

All over you ;)

AshLeigh's avatar

Oh my… Shit just got complicated!

blueiiznh's avatar

where is my pillow

Ela's avatar

Oh my indeed…. <covers eyes>


blueiiznh's avatar

where is suzy chapstick when you need her

Meego's avatar

I’m falling fast :/

MilkyWay's avatar

I’m falling faster :(

blueberry_kid's avatar

I’m falling fastest :((

AshLeigh's avatar

I’m not sure where to fall…

MilkyWay's avatar

Um, the bed?

AshLeigh's avatar

That’s not one of my options. Haha.

blueiiznh's avatar


AshLeigh's avatar

What an awkward little boy…

blueiiznh's avatar

where is my crown

MilkyWay's avatar

Pride and Prejudice

blueiiznh's avatar

Is that you Darcy?

AshLeigh's avatar

Grrr. People I know invading Fluther. And not the good ones. D:

blueiiznh's avatar

out with the bad

Ela's avatar

in with the new!
oh and and sex…. but that’s not so random since it’s on my mind a lot : (

AshLeigh's avatar

Oh snap. @EnchantingEla is a horndog! O.o

Ela's avatar

Oh snap!! lol maybe i should retract that random thought…..

AshLeigh's avatar

<—Wants to know the random thought. XD

AshLeigh's avatar

I have an idea…..
Lets walk up to strangers, say “They told me I’d find you here. It’s going to happen in…” Looks at watch “Three minutes. You can do this.” then hand them a chicken and run away. :D

MilkyWay's avatar

I am SO gonna do that :D

Ela's avatar


AshLeigh's avatar

I need to find a chicken, so I can do that. :D

blueiiznh's avatar

I have flying monkeys and I am not afraid to use them!

MilkyWay's avatar

I’m using my rubber chicken ;)

blueiiznh's avatar

chicken rubbers are fowl!

MilkyWay's avatar

So are ricken chubbers!

Meego's avatar

I am not good enough

AshLeigh's avatar

Good enough for me. :)

blueiiznh's avatar

all is good

MilkyWay's avatar

Let’s do it on the same day :D

AshLeigh's avatar

… What? XD

blueiiznh's avatar

same hour

MilkyWay's avatar

Then we can tell each other what happened XD

AshLeigh's avatar

Get home an hour later. Half a credit for watching movies… Worth it. :)

blueiiznh's avatar

where is the snow?

AshLeigh's avatar

We have enough of it in Alaska. Want some? I’m done with it. :)

MilkyWay's avatar

Yes please.

AshLeigh's avatar

We just got like 6 inches, last night. And it’s still snowing. :(

MilkyWay's avatar

I want some bloody snow!!

blueiiznh's avatar

Baggage claim 3

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Fractal reproduction > ? ? ?

Ela's avatar

Under no circumstances should fractions reproduce!

AshLeigh's avatar

Hehe. I skipped school today. :D

Ela's avatar

kinda mc esherish ⤴ imo ; )

AshLeigh's avatar

@MilkyWay @MilkyWay @MilkyWay @MilkyWay!!! I don’t know what “tut tut” means. :)

Meego's avatar

I wish I was a wolverine.

AshLeigh's avatar

Pickles is the name of my panda. :D

blueiiznh's avatar

jelly beans

MilkyWay's avatar


MilkyWay's avatar

Bird footprints in the snow that I can see on top of my rooftop through my bedroom window.

Ela's avatar

lime jello with pineapple

Dutchess_III's avatar

GO ABERDEEN! (Why am I just now finding this question??!!)

Ela's avatar

<pings grapes off @Dutchess_III‘s head…> it’s fun!

Dutchess_III's avatar

It is! And I can’t believe that I didn’t know about it till now!
Where’s my beer?

MilkyWay's avatar

I drank it by accident

Dutchess_III's avatar

Give it back! O. Wait….nevermind. I’ll just get another. : )

AshLeigh's avatar

O.O I went ice skating, and didn’t even fall down!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Was ET a real person?

blueiiznh's avatar

where is my down comforter

MilkyWay's avatar

Down the rabbit hole of course.

Meego's avatar

Funny I just took a down comforter to the 2nd hand store, I didn’t think you wanted it.

Ela's avatar

<wonders how ya’ll keep warm! gonna be a nipper tonight>

AshLeigh's avatar

<———Really wants skittles.

MilkyWay's avatar

<—————Wants Skittles even more then @AshLeigh

AshLeigh's avatar

<—- Doubts that’s even possible!

blueiiznh's avatar

<———-bought a hundred pound bag of skittles today

AshLeigh's avatar

<—- Seriously doubts that!

blueiiznh's avatar

true…i wonder if there is an expiration on them

Meego's avatar

Taste my rainbow, there is no expiration date on that :)

Dutchess_III's avatar

My cat keeps jumping in the dryer when I’m putting clothes in or taking them out. Should I leave him in there and turn it on for a second for a controlled kind of hint that he don’t want to do that???

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Swimming pool . . .

AshLeigh's avatar

What the heck do you get a boy for Valentines day…
I’m getting him Oreo’s… He loves Oreo’s…

Ela's avatar

umm… i forgotted…

MilkyWay's avatar

And I got my heart broked again. It hurted for a while and it didn’t felt very nice but now it’s okay.

AshLeigh's avatar

My nostrils hurt. O.o

Dutchess_III's avatar

What is all that unidentifiable crap in my frizzer??

AshLeigh's avatar

What is a frizzer?

MilkyWay's avatar

A Fluther thing.

Ela's avatar

@AshLeigh Get him a half eaten bag of Oreos with a heart shaped note that says “My kisses taste like Oreos.”
This is something I would do on no particular day and for no particular reason, so it may not be valentinzie enough. I would also mist the note paper lightly with my perfume. ; )

AshLeigh's avatar

@EnchantingEla Haha. I bought him a big box of Oreo’s, and I think I’m gonna put them in a star wars tin can. He loves both of those things. :D

MilkyWay's avatar

Monster Munch

blueiiznh's avatar

its now oreo’s

blueiiznh's avatar

red twizzlers

AshLeigh's avatar

I named my moose Wundayatta. :D

Dutchess_III's avatar

Crunch n Munch for Wudayatta.

Ela's avatar


Ela's avatar

and garlic bread

MilkyWay's avatar

* Growling stomach *

AshLeigh's avatar

* Singing *
Alcoholic kind of mood.
Lose my clothes, lose my lube!
Cruising for a piece of fun,
looking out for number one.
Different partner every night.
So narcotic, out of sight.
What a gas. What a beautiful a$$.
Comes across all shy and coy. Just another Nancy boy
Woman, man or modern monkey, just another happy junkie!

blueiiznh's avatar

He’s the Twistable Turnable Squeezable Pullable
Stretchable Foldable Man.
He can crawl in your pocket or fit your locket
Or screw himself into a twenty-volt socket,
Or stretch himself up to the steeple or taller,
Or squeeze himself into a thimble or smaller,
Yes he can, course he can,
He’s the Twistable Turnable Squeezable Pullable
Stretchable Shrinkable Man.

Ela's avatar

a nap would be nice…

Ela's avatar

and a hug…

Ela's avatar

come to think of it… a cuddle-nap would be bestest

blueiiznh's avatar

i feel sleepy

MilkyWay's avatar

^Was that a sexual reference?

AshLeigh's avatar

@EnchantingEla, I’ll get you a big teddy bear, and you can take a cuddle nap with it. :D I’d hug you myself, but I don’t want to get you sick… D:

Ela's avatar

@AshLeigh you’re such a sweetums! : ) I’d love a big teddy bear to cuddle-nap with.

Dutchess_III's avatar

That was NOT a good dream.

blueiiznh's avatar

who is bringing the pizza?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Pineapple pizza?

Ela's avatar

yes, but are you cuddly and…...... do i smell pizza?....

Dutchess_III's avatar

I have a tummy ache.

Ela's avatar

french toast

AshLeigh's avatar

Still siiiiiiiiick. :(

MilkyWay's avatar

A Thousand Years…

Dutchess_III's avatar

And fourscore agoes.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

. . .darn cable box remote won’t let me press “5” “8” or “0”.

MilkyWay's avatar


AshLeigh's avatar

AshLeigh: Your fly is opened.
Justin: I’m advertising!
Freaking love my brother…

Ela's avatar


AshLeigh's avatar

I’m late, I’m late, for a very important date!

Ela's avatar

peanut butter foldovers : )

blueiiznh's avatar

“One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. Which road do I take? she asked. Where do you want to go? was his response. I don’t know, Alice answered. Then, said the cat, it doesn’t matter.”

AshLeigh's avatar

Neon green fingernails.. :)

blueiiznh's avatar

glow in the dark ______

Dutchess_III's avatar

Amwiser’s toe nail clippings. : (

blueiiznh's avatar


MilkyWay's avatar

Spring has arrived. It’s been 15 degrees for 3 days in a row. >,<

AshLeigh's avatar

MOTHER OF GOD!!! My leg is giving birth to an elephant! D:

AshLeigh's avatar

Shut up and enjoy my penis.
Saw it on Youtube.

Ela's avatar

bubble baths

Dutchess_III's avatar

That orange furniture polishing stuff smells soooo nice.

blueiiznh's avatar

road rash

blueiiznh's avatar

road rash still

Ela's avatar

how much I wanna crawl back into bed

AshLeigh's avatar

Susan, don’t hurt me! D:

blueiiznh's avatar

black liquorice

blueiiznh's avatar

are we there yet?

Ela's avatar

thunder and lightening storms

Dutchess_III's avatar

Human centipedes eat black liquorice is my thought for the day.

@EnchantingEla aint it wonderful!

blueiiznh's avatar

need a good t-storm

Dutchess_III's avatar

I need to start collecting unique salt and pepper shakers.

AshLeigh's avatar


AshLeigh's avatar

So. Your one true love dumped you, and you can’t go on living? It’s rough being twelve these days, huh?
And to make matters worse, you can’t go see a movie to cheer yourself up, because all the movies are PG13. :(

Ela's avatar

strawberries & sex… in that order ; )

Dutchess_III's avatar

I figured out how to get those mini-bagels out of the toaster…just POP! And grab them in the air.

MilkyWay's avatar

Nope. The rock song.

AshLeigh's avatar

@EnchantingEla, ironic you would say so….................... o.o

Ela's avatar

more foreplay

Ela's avatar

@AshLeigh! i’m gonna be jealous if you got s&s!!

AshLeigh's avatar

@EnchantingEla Strawberries and sex? One out of two ain’t bad… XD

blueiiznh's avatar

more strawberries

Dutchess_III's avatar

Carrot cake.

MilkyWay's avatar


Ela's avatar

just stuff…

AshLeigh's avatar


Dutchess_III's avatar

Ham, egg and cheese Croissant from Casey’s General Store.

MilkyWay's avatar


Ela's avatar

I can’t say cuz it’s durty… : p

AshLeigh's avatar

I hope you mean dirty.

Ela's avatar

Durty is a naughtier kinda dirty. ; )

AshLeigh's avatar

I’ll understand when I’m older?

Ela's avatar

LOL maybeeee… I’m a ‘lil hard to understand sometimes : (

MilkyWay's avatar

So… is ‘nawty’ a dirtier word than ‘naughty’?

blueiiznh's avatar

durty, nawty, hawtee

MilkyWay's avatar

Aw, shucks… (blushes).

Ela's avatar

peaches! and….

Ela's avatar

peaches and strawberries and
i need this…

blueiiznh's avatar

i walked ever so slowly past the whipped cream in the grocery store today and pondered for a while…..

Ela's avatar

^^ with whipped cream and sprinkles now ; )

AshLeigh's avatar

I think I love this kid. :)

Ela's avatar

soft, sweet, adoring affection <sighs> that is so sweet @AshLeigh…thank you for that

AshLeigh's avatar

Anytime. ;D

blueiiznh's avatar


MilkyWay's avatar

Don’t forget the chocolate sauce ;)

Ela's avatar

<adds whipped cream to my shopping list>

blueiiznh's avatar

cleanup, aisle 7!!!!

Dutchess_III's avatar

I gotta go to da bathroom.

MilkyWay's avatar

@Dutchess_III You also need a spelling lesson and a lecture on the use of English Grammar.
I will give you a dictionary on your birthday, okay?

Ela's avatar

i need a morning jump start…

blueiiznh's avatar

i need an evening jump start

blueberry_kid's avatar

i need an evening die down

AshLeigh's avatar

Shipping… Yesterday they were in Tennessee. Now they’re in Indiana. You know what’s between Tennessee and Indiana? Kentucky. It took 24 hours to fly through Kentucky? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

blueiiznh's avatar

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens. Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens

MilkyWay's avatar

^ I like that.

Hell is other people.
—Jean-Paul Sartre

Hell is other people who
No matter what you do
Always find something to judge
They drag you through the sludge
And see through your thin disguise
As they shred you with their eyes
All their faults and lack
They place upon your back
Unable to see their own transgression
It becomes their only obsession
To find all of your flaws
And all your broken laws
And they won’t even let you live
Because they refuse to forgive

Heaven is other people who
No matter what you do
Choose to see the best
In you and forget the rest
They don’t dwell on your sin
Since they want all to win
They don’t create divisions
By their prideful derisions
Of those with whom they differ
For they know that the transfer
Of their own guilt to another
Will come back and smother
Their efforts to be free
And their search for unity

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, I don’t have to go to work until 1:00, and I get off at 4:30 and we almost never have any students in there on Friday and it’s a really BEAUTIFUL day so…should I not wear any make up to work today?

Ela's avatar

Do it!! Go to work nekkid @Dutchess_III!!!!
I wanna nap… thinkin bout nappin nekkid now!

AshLeigh's avatar

<—- Hates makeup.

blueiiznh's avatar

likes the new avatar ^^^^

Ela's avatar


AshLeigh's avatar

Thanks @blueiiznh): @FutureMemory picked it. Hah.

FutureMemory's avatar

Yeah, I’ve been fascinated with her new Frankenstein boots :D

Ela's avatar

oozy, goozy, warm cimnin rolls with, not tons, but just the right amount of icing… <drools a bit>

Dutchess_III's avatar

I did it @EnchantingEla! I did it! Furthermore, I usually throw some curls in my hair, but I didn’t that day! I went over to my co-worker and whispered “I’m not wearing any…... dramatic pause while her eyes grew wide in alarm… makeup! And I didn’t curl my hair, either!”
She said she didn’t think I’d lose my job. :)\

Gathering up elm tree seeds to plant at the land. It’s so hard to believe such huge trees can come out of such tiny, tiny seeds. lol

Ela's avatar

@Dutchess_III Curlless?! <gasps!> LoL You are too funny! <ruffles your hair> yay for you!
You are so awesome @Dutchess_III you are truly one of my favo jellos.

Dutchess_III's avatar

thank you! Now I’m really glad I said some thing nice about you in the last question I answered!

Ela's avatar

Love…. my thought are running too deeply this morning…

AshLeigh's avatar

HSGQE’s this weeeeek!
Wish me luck?:D

Ela's avatar

two lips times two

GL miss @AshLeigh!!!!!!!!!!!!

blueiiznh's avatar

two lips two times infinity

@AshLeigh good luck and prayers your way!!!!!!

AshLeigh's avatar

Psst… Thanks guys!
Pretty sure I passed reading… Writing tomorrow.(:

Ela's avatar

Hope you passed @AshLeigh!!

Trying to understand why I feel like I’m wired wrong

AshLeigh's avatar

Over slept. Missed church. :(

FutureMemory's avatar

Feeling nervous about meeting up with my landlord in 2 hours to “discuss” my desire to get a cat. WTF is their to discuss? It ain’t a dog that’s going to disturb the neighbors by barking all night… If he says no in the end I’m going to be super pissed.

AshLeigh's avatar

Good luck, @FutureMemory!
Hope you can get a kitty! :)

FutureMemory's avatar

Thanks Ash!

AshLeigh's avatar

Any time, homeboy. :)
Still beating you up, though.

FutureMemory's avatar

He said go ahead and get the kitty! I’m so happy :)

Dutchess_III's avatar

FOOD!!!!! FOOD!!!!

blueiiznh's avatar

Where are you???????

Ela's avatar

where are who? where are you?!?!?!?!?!?!? <looks under the table>

Ela's avatar

Hope ya found them : )

mood music

AshLeigh's avatar

I love Doritos.
So much happiness in one bag. :)

Dutchess_III's avatar

Wait! I was looking for the “Tell us something great” thread, but I can’t find it, so I’ll post it here.
I was at the dentist office, reading Reader’s Digest. I was in the “Life in These United States.”
A dad was talking to his three-year-old son.
Dad says, “You want to know a secret?”
Boy says, “What?”
Dad says, “I love you more than anything in the whole world!”
Boy says, “You want to know a secret?
“What, ” Dad says.
“I’m batman.”


blueiiznh's avatar


Dutchess_III's avatar

Banana bread. Which I am going to make today.

blueiiznh's avatar

Midnight snacks

AshLeigh's avatar


blueiiznh's avatar

Makeup sex

Ela's avatar

@AshLeigh : (
kissing and making up

AshLeigh's avatar

Makeup sex, FTW!
No wait… The argument is with my homosexual neighbor, and my mother…

blueiiznh's avatar

@AshLeigh it was what was on my mind and not related to your thought. Eeeeek

blueiiznh's avatar


Ela's avatar

wish i’d get some severe weather : (

Dutchess_III's avatar

The last two mornings it’s been raining…and I didn’t have to get up for work! So you can have my severe weather during the work week, @Ela.

Ela's avatar

I’ll take it @Dutchess_III! It rained good today but I was short changed. No booms or cracks : (

AshLeigh's avatar

Thanks @Ela! Haha. :)

blueiiznh's avatar

Happy Birthday @AshLeigh Awesome Cake too!!!!!

blueiiznh's avatar

Birthday Cake!!!!!!! unrandom

Ela's avatar

balance… and now cake

Hope your b-day was spectacular @AshLeigh : )

blueiiznh's avatar

Welcome to the jungle

Ela's avatar

mud wrestling

Dutchess_III's avatar

Tetanus shots.

AshLeigh's avatar

Eating pop rocks in the movie theater = hilarious.

blueiiznh's avatar

who moved my mouse

Dutchess_III's avatar

I did.

I gotta wash my dogs.

blueiiznh's avatar

Is it brunch time yet?

AshLeigh's avatar

Hooo, hooo. There’s blood on the shoe.

Dutchess_III's avatar


What is wrong with your foot, @AshLeigh?

AshLeigh's avatar

@Dutchess_III, haha. Nothing. My sister was telling me about this super weird version of Cinderella. The girls apparently cut off parts of their feet, so they’d fit. And the birds went “Hoooo, hoooo, there’s blood on the shoe.”

Also, LMAO.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh Gawd. I heard that version about the step sisters! That is just not right!

Your link was a HORRIBLE link! Brings back too many memories of bars… :( Yech!

What WAS on my mind? I don’t remember now!

AshLeigh's avatar

Haha. I want to see it so bad. But she doesn’t remember what it’s called. XD

And it made me laugh! Haha.

blueiiznh's avatar

drats My random thought was black liquorice and it would not post. funny little website

Ela's avatar

the versatility of licorice rope

blueiiznh's avatar

still stuck on licorice^^

AshLeigh's avatar

I’m afraid of an ending. If I wanted a lifetime, would that be selfish?
God, I want forever, and I can’t help it…

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’ll be OK, AshLeigh. “This too shall pass”

I’m hungry!

Ela's avatar

♫ ♪ I don’t like slippers and snakes, but that aint what it takes to love meeeeee…. ♫ ♪

Dutchess_III's avatar

Spiders, @Ela. ”♫ ♪ I don’t like spiders and snakes ♫ ♪!” Now tell me how you did the music things without copy/pasting like I did!

AshLeigh's avatar

Sex, drugs, and rock n roll.

Ela's avatar

going to the library to check that ^ ^ ^ out ; )

blueiiznh's avatar

no, no, no, wear the blue wig!

Ela's avatar

Hope we get some stormy weather tonight.

Dutchess_III's avatar

My dear friend (my “baby,”) got released from prison today. I’m glad for him, but sad, too, because I’ll probably never seen him again.

blueiiznh's avatar

Orange prison pants

blueberry_kid's avatar

Young teenage lovers

Ela's avatar

i wonder where i’m going…and how i really, really want to eat this big-o, honkin, gooey cimmin roll sitting right in front of me…

blueiiznh's avatar

Melon balls

AshLeigh's avatar


Tropical_Willie's avatar

Typing classes in the eighth grade.

blueiiznh's avatar

Double latte-da

Ela's avatar

kickin it up a notch

Dutchess_III's avatar

Nattie. Lite.

blueiiznh's avatar

Dutch Tape

blueiiznh's avatar

Dutch Oven

AshLeigh's avatar


Dutchess_III's avatar

:) Dukes of Hazard.

Ela's avatar

coco chip cookies, nummmm

Dutchess_III's avatar

Ima Hungry!

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m getting confused between this thread and TJBM and the “What do you think of when you hear the word ___” thread and the “Yes/No game” thread!

blueiiznh's avatar


Ela's avatar

yes, no, maybeeeeee…. i derno dutchess!! tell me, tell me!!!
that ^^ and a bubble bath

AshLeigh's avatar

A fat man just called me a bitch… So I offered him my shirt, because he didn’t have one.
I don’t think that’s something a bitch would do. I think it was rather kind of me. :DD

“You don’t know what I’m capable of.”
“Deep throat?” :DD
I crack myself up.

blueiiznh's avatar

Waffles again!!!!!

Ela's avatar

@AshLeigh nice of you to offer but your shirt has lumps in it… he prolly dun want a lumpy shirt. lol

AshLeigh's avatar

His man boobs would have fit. :)

Ela's avatar

@AshLeigh haha! omg i dislike moobs immensely <shudders>
i am such an oob snob : (

AshLeigh's avatar


blueiiznh's avatar

Uber funny

Dutchess_III's avatar

I just used the words “pedal pushers” and I don’t know if that’s an outdated term. Did I just date myself? >_<

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Dutchess_III Can you say mullet hairdo ?

AshLeigh's avatar

I saw a kid with a mullet today.

AshLeigh's avatar

It’s hard out here for a pimp.

blueiiznh's avatar

Shaken, not stirred

Dutchess_III's avatar

My foot hurts like HELL.

blueiiznh's avatar

Gourmet Brownies

blueiiznh's avatar

Chocolate covered Gourmet Brownies

Dutchess_III's avatar

Chocolate covered peanuts. That all fell out of the package and into the bottom of my purse.

Ela's avatar

That’s why you buy the clusters, @Dutchess_III. They are much easier to retrieve.
omg… I love, love, love peanut clusters! Wish I had some right now! I’d even settle for the indivies… <riffles thru @Dutchess_III‘s bag>

Ela's avatar


blueiiznh's avatar

brownies in a mug

AshLeigh's avatar

^Guilty. :)

blueiiznh's avatar

Brownie smoothies.

Dsg's avatar

Brownies with choc. Frosting and a cup of french vanilla java.

Ela's avatar

belly dancing

Ela's avatar

parallel parking is sooooooooooo dam sexy

Dsg's avatar

Red legoman

Dsg's avatar

missing someone

Ela's avatar

a white christmas

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Jingle Jingle Jingle . . . .

Ela's avatar

melt in your mouth sugar cookies

Ela's avatar

toasty warm blankets and poofy pillows

blueiiznh's avatar

First Class Ticket.

AshLeigh's avatar

Having a heart attack.

blueiiznh's avatar


Ela's avatar

mouth to mouth and mistletoe ; )

Dsg's avatar

Snuggled in close

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Cajun sausage

Ela's avatar


blueiiznh's avatar


Ela's avatar

tongue n groove n bed with no sleep

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Holstein and Friesian

Ela's avatar

i wish i knew how to fix my sons computer… god i really hope tomorrow is better than today…

AshLeigh's avatar

I feel sorry for people who don’t have dogs. I hear they have to pick up food they drop on the floor.

blueiiznh's avatar

just put your lips together and blow

blueiiznh's avatar


Ela's avatar

squirrel’s nests. way up in the tippy tippy tops of the tress

AshLeigh's avatar

Vikings. Fo’sho.

blueiiznh's avatar

This ain’t the kinda place you wanna go to the bathroom

Ela's avatar

watching the snow fall…

blueiiznh's avatar

tastes like sugar

Ela's avatar

sweet dreams full of candy coated kisses

Ela's avatar

It snowed softly throughout the night and continues to do so…
I needed this serenity to recharge me. I am feeling extremely content.

blueiiznh's avatar

put your slicker on

Ela's avatar

I love how cold tap water is during the winter

blueiiznh's avatar

objects in the mirror are closer than they appear.

AshLeigh's avatar

Lusting after someone I shouldn’t…

Ela's avatar

If someone treats everyone special – doesn’t that essentially make no one special?

blueiiznh's avatar

not especially….

blueiiznh's avatar


SnoopyGirl's avatar

Sharing special thoughts together with a cup of coffee/tea in the crisp, Fall weather.

SnoopyGirl's avatar

big bear hug

Ela's avatar

fireplaces ~ the warmth, the smell, sitting in the dark watching the flames dance…

jungle_girl's avatar

I got this bottle of Perrier and it was this Andy Warhol special bottle… and my roommate was like.. “who’s Andy Warhol?” How do you explain that? I thought everyone knew who Andy Warhol was? Really? So I showed her a book I had of his work and she was like “this is lame”.. Then she asked if he was still alive… Is it wrong to think that’s common knowledge??? That is what’s on my mind.

SnoopyGirl's avatar

Snuggle time. Getting lost in your eyes.

SnoopyGirl's avatar

Black licorice

blueiiznh's avatar

Bourbon and Blue Roses

SnoopyGirl's avatar

Turkey, stuffing and you!

SnoopyGirl's avatar

Hot cocoa with peppermint schnapps and whip cream….warm slippers.

blueiiznh's avatar


SnoopyGirl's avatar

Baby it’s cold outside

SnoopyGirl's avatar

Birthday cake & birthday wishes

Ela's avatar

We always have time for the people and things that matter the most to us.

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