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mazingerz88's avatar

What just happened that made you say, "I love my job!" ?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29377points) June 15th, 2011

Some people hate their jobs, some people love them. I can think of so many reasons why one would be bored and unsatisfied with their occupation but I wonder about those moments when someone gets such a joyful rush that they end up saying, “I love my job!”

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22 Answers

redfeather's avatar

When I got my paycheck.

SpatzieLover's avatar

My son is now reading. Hooray! StayAtHomeHomeschoolingMom He’s also begun doing some Algebra & Geometry, quite well

incendiary_dan's avatar

I got paid the last two days to go camping with a bunch of homeschool kids. I even got fed with some pretty good grub.

Paul's avatar

@redfeather beat me to it GA :-)

Coloma's avatar

Sunday at my river store, playing 60’s rock-n-roll and hanging out with the hippie river kids, rafting guides from Australia, New Zealand and all over, handing out flyers for the ‘big fat party’ that night at our mexican cafe overlooking the river for a fundraiser for a sick child in our community, and, of course, Crackers, the shop dog. :-D

Haleth's avatar

Unemployed here. I woke up at noon today, so that was pretty cool, I guess.

koanhead's avatar

I used to get a big charge out of identifying spammers and then deleting their accounts when I worked for a hosting provider. It was especially good when they claimed that the spam wasn’t coming from them and I had proof to cite.

Dutchess_III's avatar

: ). I teach an adult high school degree completion program. All of my students were HS drop outs for whatever reason (it’s heartbreaking, really…) Well, recently I had an older student who “discovered” the Periodic Table. After gradually increasing discussion he couldn’t get enough of atoms, molecules, science in general. : ) He asked if he could take this old, hard back science text book home to read. That makes me love my job!

Coloma's avatar


Awwww…a new world for him, how cool is that?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yessss. That’s what teaching is all about!

Bellatrix's avatar

My boss unexpectedly gave me a bonus. It has to be used for specific purposes but I wasn’t expecting it and if felt really good finding out about it.

Also, I have received a few emails from students telling me, we (myself and my teaching team) are getting it right. Since providing our students with a great learning experience is what we are all about, that’s great. That really makes the difference.

Coloma's avatar


I admire all you teachers so much! :-)

Bellatrix's avatar

Aww ty @Coloma .. And may I say, your lovely response made my day a better day too. :-)

Dutchess_III's avatar

: ) Grinning to beat the band here!!

linguaphile's avatar

Getting a hug and a warm, genuine “Thank You” from graduating seniors. I teach high school English—some classes are 60 minutes of glares or eye-rolls everyday, but I just watched the best bunch of seniors I’ve ever taught walk across the stage. It was a very bittersweet moment, knowing they were getting ready to go on to bigger and better things, but knowing also that I’m losing an excellent bunch of kids. But… then they turn around and give me a big grin, saying thank you. Aww….

Coloma's avatar


Awww.. how special!

My daughter is 23 now, I can’t BELIEVE it has been 6 years since HS graduation!

Dutchess_III's avatar

@linguaphile ..I need your email address! I teach a high school diploma completion program…it is not a GED program. I teach all the courses, and I do fine…except in English. Oh, thump! And I hate not being able to do right by my students, every. single. time….

@Coloma I know. Never thought it could happen, right? I mean, WE just graduated from High School! Remember the party?!

yankeetooter's avatar

I didn’t know anything had…stuff like that usually only occurs when the students are at school, and they’re off this week…everything else is the same old BS…

sliceswiththings's avatar

Good question, I just thought that the other day. I really do love the restaurant I work at, the regular customers, the Jamaican cooks, and my boss when she’s in a good mood. I made a mental note the other day to remind myself that I love it there when it’s the height of the summer and the tourists are everywhere and drivin’ me nuts.

woodcutter's avatar

Last week I collected almost a grand in paychecks. It doesn’t happen like that much but its kinda cool when it does. plus the fact no one is the boss of me.

blueiiznh's avatar

When I come up with a solution that helps someone who has been struggling.
Also when I design a new feature or solution for the people in the company to use and I get and feel positive feedback.

Vincent_Lloyd's avatar

When I got my money! Yes I have a little job. Nothing major though.

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