Are you this Jelly? The Jelly below me______ Part 20!
Asked by
AmWiser (
June 16th, 2011
The game rules are:
Respond to the question/statement from the poster above.
Ex: I might make the statement:
The Jelly below me drinks 10 cups of coffee daily
The response might be:
False! I hate coffee or,
Then they might state:
The Jelly below me has blond hair.
There are no right or wrong answers, so be as creative as your heart desires.
Happily, this is becoming the Never Ending TJBM Game. Hopefully all most Jellies will join in.
Observing members:
Composing members:
856 Answers
TJBM is happy to see part 20 of this thread. I am:D
There is a kernel of truth to that! Loading times were getting loooonnger!
TJBM is taking the pets to the vet soon.
True, well just one pet.
TJBM is feeling the burn.
what burn?
TJBM wants bacon, cheese and gravy on their fries.
@reijinni -No thanks.I like mine with malr vinegar,catsup or nothing at all.
TJBM has a pony.
TJBM has been to Jamaica.
True. A lonnnng time ago. Barely remember it.
TJBM is savoring fresh cut flowers from their own garden.
TJBM thinks this should go to part 21 already.
TJBM is watching CNN.
TJBM is watching TBS.
False. I even had to look up what TBS is…
TJBM looked up an entry in Wikipedia in the past 24 hours.
TJBM slept on the couch last night.
TJBM is wearing a hat.
False, it’s not Wednesday.
TJBM knows what this Saturday is.
TJBM has morning breath
True, and afternoon breath and evening breath and night breath.
TJBM was recently scared.
not that i know of.
TJBM has sabotaged a mission trip.
TJBM once had morning breath during a scary trip.
TJBM wants to dress up just like Don Cherry.
TJBM wants to dress up like Katy Perry.
False. Used to be, now I’m not.
TJBM kissed a girl, and liked it.
TJBM goes in spaceships instead of cars
Yes now take me to your leader
TJBM loves strawberry jam
True :D
TJBM loves scones
True. My local bakery makes the best maple-chocolate scones, and, I am eating toast with blackberry jam right now!
TJBM loves Lasagne
True! With all my heart and soul.
TJBM has won significant money on a horse race.
TJBM loves all Italian food :D
TJBM won lasagna for eating a scone during a horse race.
Starbucks scones and a latte to go with it, and a Buca’s lasagna, thank you!
TJBM just went on the Tilt a Whirl at top speed.
TJBM is moving soon
Only if I die. lol
TJBM is going to MAKE lasagne tonight I am, I am, have my killer spaghetti sauce defrosting now
Unfortunately False.
TJBM wants to go over to @Coloma ‘s for dinner
True, I’ll bring the pancakes.
TJBM will be bringing a dish to @Coloma lasagna party tonight.
I wish!
TJBM wants @Coloma‘s lizard fighting killer spaghetti sauce recipe
@Blueroses Oh crap, thanks! I almost walked out the door without one!
False, eating lunch as we speak.
TJBM wonders if clothes are optional during @Coloma‘s lasagna party.
TJBM wants to wear pink panties to @Coloma ‘s party
TJBM didn’t receive an invitation to @Coloma‘s lasagna party, but will crash it anyway.
True, I’m a born gatecrasher ;)
TJBM will go to the party with me
True. I’ll be there, since it’s MY party! lol
Okay…TJBM will bring 5 loaves of garlic bread
Done :D
TJBM will bring a frizzer to store the leftovers.
TJBM has a wine hangover
Oh, woe is Coloma, she cracked open a bottle, of cabernet last night and went full throttle.
On the phone with a friend, and before she knew it, the bottle was empty, you could see right through it lol
TJBM will NOT bring wine to the party
False. Double and triple false. I’m bringing a frizzer full of wine. Hair of the dog, my dear Coloma.
TJBM wants some new clothes if the lasagna party is not nekkid.
True. Drink enough wine and I bet we could max out the hot tub. haha
TJBM will like Colomas tomato, cucumber and black olive italian salad
False, I despise tomatoes and olives.
TJBM will show up to @Coloma‘s lasagna party nekked whether clothing is optional or not.
Hmm, I’ll think about it.
TJBM is hungry and waiting for dinner
Nope, just had it.
TJBM is a women a manly one at that
TJBM is also resigning their weiner.
TJBM thinks that vegetarian foods are a joke.
True, for me
TJBM is having bangers and mash
TJBM is having mash and bangers.
TJBM is dancing with vegetarian bangers and mash.
TJBM wants some Coke
TJBM once ate moldy cheese.
Never I say, NEVER
TJBM likes pickles
TJBM wants a Mountain Dew
False, already have one!
TJBM has played ladder ball before.
TJBm played disc golf once.
yes and more than once.
tjbm has lost a frisbee to a stray dog before
TJBM likes to play catch with dogs
True, although, they tear up all my rolls of tp and I have to buy a new package.
TJBM has played washers before.
False. I played with Pogs though, is that similar?
TJBM is putting off doing a necessary chore.
No, got them done yesterday.
TJBM has been woken up by their little brother via baseball bat (if I hadn’t had to fill in the father roll for the brat for nearly a year and if he weren’t so cute at playing innocent, who knows what I would’ve done)
False, I’m glad ;)
TJBM wants some coffee
False, Mountain Dew.
TJBM needs to shower.
Haha..true. Colomas hangover is getting worse. It is 12:30 now.
I WILL be going out soon, but I am draggin’. :-/
TJBM has a marine aquarium
No i don’t
TJBM is dumb and needs call of duty 5!!!!
False and false.
TJBM does not like video games
True i love video games.
TJBM watched the hockey game last night?
TJBM now knows the security code to my alarm.
True, it’s [REDACTED]
TJBM does not like video games
True, I love video games.
TJBM is an expert web surfer.
False, actually got a decent amount of sleep last night.
TJBM has family far away.
True, I’ve got relatives all over the planet Earth.
TJBM lives on mars like @erichw1504…
TJBM lives too close to Erich because of the smell.
TJBM is going to go dream a bit now
TJBM can fill in the _____.
TJBM has never had gelato
TJBM loves ice cream
TJBM will tell everybody to not give me anymore lurve because I would like to stay at 22222 forever!
GA! Hey everyone Don’t give @erichw1504 anymore… whoops >:D
TJBM thinks I’m a jerk for lurving @erichw1504‘s answer.
False, lurve all round ;)
TJBM is stingy with love
TJBM is upset with @King_Pariah for giving me a GA.
TJBM will wait until @erichw1504 reaches 33333 and give him lurve again.
yes, I am _______
tjbm is really blank
TJBM wants to snuggle up in bed and go to sleep
_ _ _ _ is really not blank.
TJBM will quit with the ______
Ok. True.
TJBM wants to have a water fight!
TJBM will bring the Super Soakers.
False—it’s against my religion to allow water to touch human skin.
TJBM is afraid that mutant cockroaches are insinuating themselves into the highest levels of government.
True, teenage mutant cockroaches.
TJBM just derped on the merp.
What the fuck does derped on the merp mean?
@erichw1504 just looked it up and no.
TJBM is going to a faraway land this summer.
Possibly true.
TJBM knows how to do the sticky rhino.
um… false…???
TJBM also has no clue what that is?
I can only find this so I’m gonna say True
TJBM likes lemonade in his/her iced tea
TJBM once did a dupple flip over two grafters.
I never did that, but I did climb a crane once. Tried to have a smoke on top, as celebration. Too much wind.
The jelly below me is an expert at throwing hand axes.
TJBM has found a box of abandoned kittens.
No, but I did once find an abandoned kitten in the rose bushes out back. He’s my pet now, a macho ’‘I’ll kick your fuckin ass’’ Terminator cat. :) (he acts like that, but he’s all sappy and cuddly :D )
TJBM has a thing for cowboys.
Cowboys look sexy in their boots and hats, but, nah, I like artsy, creative men.
TJBM is wearing a sundress
False. Wearing a nightdress. It’s midnight and the guests have just retired, so I guess I will too.
TJBM often suffers from insomnia.:(
Yeah. Unless I’m drunk.
TJBM thinks they’re God.
False.. I’d never challenge the gods. xD
TJBM is tired, bloated, yet hungry. :)
False, just had a munchy
TJBM has a birthday tomorrow, like me!
Nope, I have a very merry unbirthday tomorrow.
TJBM “dreams a little dream of me” (from Louis Armstrong)
You don’t want my dreams.
TJBM would be willing to give up sandals for the rest of their lives.
TJBM wears socks with sandals.
Not, you should know better. ;>) I subscribe to GQ.
TJBM has over 20 magazines or newspaper subscriptions.
maybe half that. I steal the rest from dr offices
tjbm has their weekend planned out
TJBM ate a bagel for breakfast.
False, I haven’t eaten yet. My fridge and cabinets are empty.
TJBM really needs to go to the store.
TJBM wears a watch.
False. I have never liked watches.
TJBM needs to drop a few lbs.
False, the opposite actually.
TJBM went to the store wearing a watch and dropped a few pounds.
False, I went to the grocery store to buy ice cream and beer, oh me little ass is gaining. haha
TJBM will make Eric a giant omelet with cheese to pump up his pecs
True, I make a killer omelette :D
TJBM wants some of my omelette
True, and I want to know how to SPELL Awmillette properly too! LOL
TJBM wants Coloma to fed-Ex them some Lasagne
False, I had too much at your lasagna party last night.
TJBM saw too much skin at @Coloma‘s lasagna party.
TJBM has a hangover feom drinking too much wine
False I am sooo much better today, thank gawd!
TJBM wants to make a dress out of Lazania noodles pasta fashion
False, I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from eating it.
TJBM loves Lasagne too much
TJBM would like to see Arianny Celeste in a lasagna dress.
Don’t know who she is. Personally, I feel wearing food is just plain wrong.
TJBM can’t stop singing
i didnt start, so nope
tjbm is still thinking about edible clothing
True, as you’ve just reminded me :P
TJBM likes to dream
True, and, I had a doozey the other night, must have been the wine
TJBM is craving potato salad
TJBM is having ice cream :D
I wish
TJBM wants to fry up some hamsters.
False :/
TJBM recently got a message…
True. My daughter called and is paying me back $100 out of the $450 that owes me. Of course, by the time I take her to lunch it will only be about $75 lol
TJBM has been enjoying the full moon this week
TJBM typed their response with one hand.
True, I’m on an iPhone
TJBM needs a day just to relax
TJBM wants to have a nice soak in the bath
Only if someone joins me….
TJBM has the secret to relieving compartment syndrome.
TJBM has smelly ass syndrome.
Unlike you, False.
TJBM needs to have a shower because they stink
False, but @queenie does.
TJBM has been in a fight before.
Not just one
TJBM thinks that someone needs to take shower cuz it’s getting pretty stinky all up in here.
True, I think @erichw1504 should, definitley.
TJBM buys cheap cologne and thinks it smells nice just like @erichw1504 does…
I don’t do cologne.
TJBM is AKA ‘Thunderpants’.
False. My indian name is sleeps with frogs
TJBM has had a frog in their bed before True story here, I woke up to a tree frog on my pillow once
@Coloma what did you do?
TJBM wonders what @Coloma ‘s reaction was
It was surprise! No, I didn’t kiss it. haha
I love the frogs, just not in my bed.
TJBM is having a sandwich
False, though I did have some today
TJBM wants to know what kind of sandwiches @Coloma is having
Tuna salad and chips. :-)
TJBM can’t believe @queenie is already at almost 7500 lurve!
TJBM is going to @Coloma‘s tuna salad and chips party.
We’ll play tuna twister. lol
TJBM wants to see Eric covered in tuna salad with relish dripping off his you know what
Mmm, oh yes…
TJBM is feeling like taking a nap…
nope…..wired and motivated
tjbm wears glasses
true, but usually only when I drive.
TJBM has wonderful plans for the upcoming weekend.
True: five nekked pancake parties to attend. You heard that right, five! That’s a record-breaking weekend.
TJBM won’t be attending any of the parties because they have to feed their fish.
False, I don’t have any fish.
TJBM is having beef steak for dinner :D
TJBM has been involved in a riot before.
Yep. We wanted recognizable meat in the lunch room.
TJBM hates meat.
False, I love meat.
TJBM is off to bed
False, I’ll sleep when I’m dead.
TJBM likes escalators.
TJBM has used OS/2, Win3.1, or DOS 4.0.
False, I go as far back as Windows 95.
TJBM has used a cassette player.
Yup, but I perfer vinyl
TJBM loves music
True, especially techno kitteh adventures!
TJBM has Nyan Cat favorited on YouTube.
True. Who doesn’t?
TJBM tweets regularly.
TJBM know’s some good zombie movies to watch
True. Shaun of the Dead is a good one.
TJBM can recommend some wonderful German Techno music.
False. But my daughter probably could, she’s the resident musical expert. :-)
TJBM has seen roadkill today OMG, I just got in, it’s the dead zone on my roads today, deer,raccoons, skunks, cats, squirrels and a turkey. Damn, a bad night on the mountain.
Yes, we had some “road pizzas” FULL MOON LAST NIGHT
TJBM is going to a BBQ this weekend. No road pizza though.
False, I’m not doing anything.
TJBM is going to have a roadkill BBQ.
TJBM spent too much money yesterday.
Nope, I don’t have any money to spend.
TJBM loves how much this conversation has changed.
TJBM is going to dream… wherever that is…
Not for at least 4 more hours, but I had some wild wine dreams a few nights ago. lol
TJBM worked today
Not today….
TJBM will be wearing BOOTS tomorrow.
False, I don’t own any boots
TJBM has an imprint of a zipper on their face.
I fell asleep on my jacket
Hahaha….no, can;t say that I do, but, it was just sublime to get home and rip off my bra.
TJBM likes Saurkraut how the hell do you spell saurkraut anyway?
Sauerkraut with apple slices and onions and caraway seeds. I checked spelling
TJBM has had a flat tire in the last three months.
False, but I need my back brakes done soon, the front brakes are only a year old. Cars!
TJBM has a big yard
False, I wish. I only have a balcony.
TJBM likes chocolate chip zucchini muffins.
false, hate zucchini.
TJBM wants some italian pie.
Hmm, maybe.
TJBM wants tomatoes
True. I love tomatos.
TJBM is BBQing tonight
I wish.
TJBM had beef steak, mash and fried mushrooms for breakfast.
False. PB & J on toast.
Saving my calories for the big dinner tonight.
TJBM is having 90+ degree weather today
for the next few days.
TJBM is still using Windows 95.
TJBM uses hand moisturiser
Yes, but not for my hands ;P
TJBM has a new computer (within the last year)
TJBM loves the Irish accent
I don’t mind it on men but I don’t like it on women for some reason.
TJBM has eaten Indian food recently.
TJBM is enjoying father’s day.
False, it’s over.
TJBM wants a glass of milk
Only if you give me a cookie
TJBM scared the hell out their Dad on Father’s Day by playing dueling banjos while hiking (I am evil)
TJBM regards swimming pools like they’re nothing but a giant toilet.
No. I’m not that paranoid.
TJBM has had their hair cut recently.
TJBM had cereal for breakfast.
false…coffee and oatmeal
tjbm knows when summer starts
True, June 21st.
TJBM can’t wait to experience smell-o-vision.
Wait a STINKING minute, I did in the in 1960 Smell o Vision by Mike Todd Jr.
TJBM remembers the first “Flintstones” cartoons.
TJBM just found out Ryan Dunn died.
tjbm knew that Clarence Clemons as also is not comming down for breakfast.
Will sadly miss the big man!
TJBM will have a moment of silence for The Big Man and the Jackass.
Nope just had a cup of tea, God I’m such an English stereotype :P
TJBM just got a great answer
only if you make it so
tjbm love giving lurve
To you Blue…of course, true Blue. :-)
TJBM stayed up waaay too late last night.
Just have
TJBM will have his answer directly below mine
False. :P I’m a she.
TJBM lives in England
False… I’m a Russian English stereotype :P only kidding TRUE
TJBM lives in Europe
False. I live in the Northern Ca. In the town where the California goldrush began in 1848 when our river coughed up the motherlode. :-)
TJBM has an unusal pet
TJBM had or has a pet rock.
False I’m a bitch kind of guy, just got a new female puppy, she’s so cute
TJBM loves Nyan Cat
False, don’t know who she is
TJBM lives in Warwickshire
TJBM has a chicken.
TJBM’s name is McDonald
TJBM’s name is McFallisternickle.
False, it is La Bohemian
TJBM has great visibility for star gazing at their house
False, I’m English, no stars anywhere near me (other than the sun)
TJBM has heard of Biffy Clyro (my favourite band)
True!! :D
TJBM loves the songs “When we collide” and “Bubbles”...
*Many of horror is the correct name for when we collide
But true, yes. I prefer the songs on Puzzle though, they just have more rawness to them (I like that)
TJBM likes the Scottish accent in music
True, when they’re singing.
TJBM likes The Script
False, not heard of them but will look them up when I get back from work.
TJBM likes Twin Atlantic
I haven’t heard much of them to be honest.
TJBM is feeling hungry and wants dinner
Yes correct, well tea (not the drink)
TJBM calls the evening meal dinner
True, is that non-British of me?
TJBM feels worried
@queenie yes indeed it is!
Yes my lurve question is going down quite negatively and their jelly stings hurt
TJBM loves sand (I hate it)
At the beach yes, in my shoes and my food no.
TJBM has wicked allergies today blah
False, I don’t have any. Phew!
TJBM is feeling insanely hungry
TJBM senses a rattyness in my tone
False, just frustration. I feel your pain, I need some food too.
TJBM is starving
False, though I haven’t eaten since yesterday.
TJBM knows how to write a check
TJBM is getting increasingly angry
TJBM left a surprise at @queenie‘s porch.
A bouquet of flowers <3
TJBM is a first time poster in this thread
TJBM has been with this since part 1.
TJBM gargles with hot sauce.
False, I gargle with semen (of course not)
TJBM loves the smell of freshly cut pubic hair in the morning
True. ~sniff, sniff~ ahhhh!
TJBM loves the smell of @queenie in the morning.
of course
tjbm knows that napalm is not about telling your palm no.
Haha good one, I do
TJBM knows that being a neo-nazi is wrong
False, I haven’t heard of a neo-nazi….
TJBM just had a highly satisfactory dinner
TJBM will die as he/she types his/her response
Nope, still here, alive and well.
TJBM is a ghost
True, and I’m going to haunt you forever @queenie.
TJBM doesn’t believe in ghosts.
False, I believe anything is possible…. mwhahhahaa ;)
TJBM is feeling flustered
No just ill… I’m off
TJBM will feel sorry for me
not really
TJBM refuses to say the pledge.
That’s nice. I refuse to say the pledge now.
TJBM will be a daily user of Fluther
True, already am.
TJBM has a vet appointment today.
False. Those ended 2 weeks ago today when I put my cat Marley to sleep after a month long terminal illness. :-(
TJBM loves summer nights outdoors
@Coloma I am very sorry for your loss.
TJBM wouldn’t know what to do if they lost one of their pets.
True. It’s the worst part of having pets, but I wouldn’t know how to live without any.
TJBM wants to go play mini golf today!
TJBM wants to go bowling today.
False. I like bowling, but, I’m a lefty and it’s mostly gutter balls for me.—lol-
@erichw1504,——Thanks I miss him, he was a special guy.
TJBM likes to freeze a washcloth and put it on their face in the morning haha, it’s awesome!
@Coloma what does being a lefty have to do with bad bowling skills? I’m a lefty and bowl very well.
TJBM freeze Reese’s peanut butter cups and eat them.
nope…i like them gooey!
tjbm has eaten a smore in the past week
False, I don’t remember the last time I ate s’mores
TJBM had an apple fritter for breakfast
For me, it’s the curve thing, everything I throw has a boomarang reaction. I don’t do well with sports involving balls. maybe ;-)
False. Only been up an hour, having coffee still
TJBM is in a heat wave our 1st 100 degree day dawns
False, had one last week though.
TJBM wants to go surfing. Web surfing, that is.
yes…but later
tjbm has body surfed
Nope, never even surfed
TJBM lives by the sea
False. 100 miles inland in the hills.
TJBM loves watermelon
True, I do love watermelon. Why can’t anybody make a watermelon flavoring that doesn’t suck?
TJBM goes barefoot whenever possible.
TJBM is in a crapy mood
TJBM is eating lunch.
False, not yet.
TJBM is following the Casey Anthony trial and is pretty sure the defense is retarded.
False. First time I hear about it.
TJBM has heard of E. coli O104.
False. I’m a cool one, not overly neurotic about anything.
TJBM has almost drowned
Nope I can hold my breath for a long time and never really pushed myself
TJBM has felt the dangers of fire firsthand
Yes, and due to testosterone, I still haven’t learned. lol
TJBM has woken up on a beach to find themselves buried up to their neck in sand.
No but I have done that to someone :P
TJBM is stingy with the luuuurve
False. I am quite generous, especially for the newbies that are low on lurve.
TJBM is dealing with several less than professional service people right now Gah!
Nope, not right now
How generous of you @Coloma
TJBM has visited Greece on holiday (I certainly have)
Does “visiting” a Greek girl over Christmas count?
TJBM has eaten stingray.
No, not one for exotic foods as such
@King_Pariah have you?
TJBM is sleepy
False. Hungry. And now I want Greek food.
TJBM wishes he/she had maid service and room service at home.
True! I have a maid every 3–4 months, but, that luxury is fading.
TJBM loves spinach dip and fresh, fresh, french bread!
TJBM will be moving this summer.
Hopefully if the damn house gets a buyer
TJBM has moved in the last year
TJBM has a lead foot.
My car is fast, it is very forgiving, handles well, and I know the roads like the back of my hand. Yeah, I push it a little sometimes. No tickets ever! lol
TJBM plays drums I don’t wanna work just want to bang on the drum all day
TJBM is wondering what to wear to a party on thursday
False. i got an exam that day :(
TJBM is spending time with family :)
TJBM is feeling excited
False. Neutral.
TJBM has blonde hair
False VERY VERY Dry.
TJBM Can smell smoke outside, right now. BBQ – Wildfires – Dump Fire – Etc
TJBM likes the word false
TJBM can kill with looks
TJBM is singing in the rain right now.
TJBM is eating dinner
False it’s only 2:15 in lovely California
@FPSMadPaul yes I have
TJBM wishes it would rain so they wouldn’t have to go out and water the lawn.
TJBM likes rainstorms
Only if I’m inside during them! Makes me feel all cosy and warm
Cough… Cough TJBM likes manly things unlike the word cosy
False, i quite like the word cosy.
TJBM knows someone called Paul
:O I do, I do, it’s me I’M PAUL, RIGHT HERE. WOW GREAT THAT, know why? Cause I’m Paul =D
TJBM wishes she was a queen
Oh and by the way, just as a sidenote I’m Paul :~]
I am a queen! You may bow now. lol
TJBM hangs the TP OVER not under
TP? What is a TP? Sorry.
TJBM knows what a TP is
Toilet Paper
TJBM is relieved to finally know what TP is.
What do you use to wipe your behinder with? lol
Oh is that an Americanism because I’ve never heard it called that. And I’ve also never heard of behinder but I am guessing that is playful slang for your behind :P
True, SO VERY, VERY TRUE I shall shout it to the world “I know what TP is”
TJBM laughs at my Englishness
False, I know how you feel.
TJBM likes typing in bold.
I do like boldness
Like my new name?
TJBM likes my new name
TJBM has a mad avatar :P
MaD whO’s MaD ceRtAinlY n0t Me?!
TJBM likes Papa Smurf
True, I used to love them all when I was younger
TJBM loves old cartoons
If Pinky and the Brain count as old then yes
TJBM is going to help out in what I do everyday, TRY AND TAKE OVER THE WORLD!
True, narf!
TJBM has goofy teeth and says “Narf!” a lot
False. But my new favorite expression is: Manky. As in: “ smells manky in here near the workout room…”
TJBM would like to recommend a vehicle I consider for my next car purchase.
Honda Civic, the new model is just too cool.
TJBM knows what I’m talking about
I’m guessing you’re referring to the NGV 2012 Civic aka: Civic GX… which is pretty dang cool I’d agree… Unfortunately, I’m in need of a larger capacity vehicle (I have 3.5 kids)
TJBM loves the sound of rain to fall asleep to at night..
TJBM loves sports cars
True. But not to own @geeky_mama get a Subaru Outback. Best all-around hauler ever!
TJBM likes the smell of geranium leaves.
Germakin’ me crazy
TJBM would like some yellow roses
Yes please. They’re my favorite.
TJBM thinks @paul is kinda adorable :-)
True! And..@Blueroses you are SCARING me—that’s exactly the car I test drove this afternoon and I’m leaning heavily towards factory ordering the exact Outback I want.
TJBM prefers other fragrant flowers (stock, peonies, lilac) to roses.
@geeky_mama I love, love, love my Outback! If it were legal in this state, I’d marry it!
Wait a second @Blueroses favourite roses are blue someone alert the authorities
Thanks all, I try
True, don’t forget @queenie
TJBM misses @queenie‘s old picture though
I’ll change it back if you want :)
TJBM is off to bed
True, but Fluther keeps calling me
TJBM will be @queenie with her picture back =D
Right I’m logging off now Goodnight
True, I’m logging off too though.
TJBM will continue after me
True, it’s not even dinner time yet.
TJBM has had fugu before
True. Many times. But then, I lived for several years in the safest place to eat it. (The fugu from the waters off the Kunisaki peninsula in Oita prefecture are famous for lower toxicity fugu – see reference here)
TJBM prefers MOS burger to Fugu.
False, don’t care for either.
TJBM likes to watch “Happy Tree Friends”
TJBM wonders what Happy Tree Friends is and is going to check it out.
False, I know and love Happy Tree Friends
TJBM loves pizza
I LOVE Pizza (extra pepperoni).
TJBM will watch Countdown with Keith Olbermann on Current TV.
Lol @Jay484 that was close, but I am a fast texter too when I am on my phone like I am now.
False, can’t stand the guy
TJBM can complete these lyrics:
Lima beans, collard greens, peachy keen,__________
Boiled spleen?
TJBM prefers my new lyrics :P
TJBM has played hacky sack before.
Nope, not aware of that game
TJBM likes Cricket
Once again never heard of it
TJBM likes british bulldog
The dogs you use to go Fox hunting? lol
TJBM will tell me what British Bulldog is?
Sounds like a blast
TJBM likes noughts and crosses
TJBM likes to play washers.
Never heard of it again
TJBM lives mouse trap
Mouse trap? No, I rescue the mice from my cat, I think they’re cute. lol
TJBM likes deviled eggs
True. I like deviled everything. I’m bedeviled.
TJBM is annoyed by something today.
My Mac that was supposed to arrive today HASN’T you physic bastard
TJBM is pleased by something today
True. I am pleased that all my watering chores are done for another day of this heat wave. Now I can just enjoy all the little birds in my birdbath. :-D
TJBM wants a beach vacation trade ya my country mountain house for your beach digs ;-)
TJBM is annoyed with customer service.
True. I have been waiting two weeks for a repair person to come back and fix what they didn’t fix the 1st time. Bah!
TJBM has a headache
True, getting one.
TJBM is wearing a hat.
TJBM has walked a dog today.
TJBM has walked a turtle today.
TJBM has tried to herd cats.
TJBM is happy that i can now drive legally
Enjoy driving @Jay484
TJBM uses a mac
False. Unless you mean mac & cheese
TJBM loves finding shade under a leafy tree.
Oooh yes! My front yard looks very inviting right now, all shady and cool from being watered this morning. :-D
TJBM is eating spinach dip and french bread Mmmm
False, wish I was though.
TJBM is hungry but needs to go to bed.
False, on both
TJBM has got their tongue stuck on a frozen metal pipe
@Paul, I was looking for Veggie Tales
False. Heavens NO!!!!
TJBM will happily congratulate @erichw1504. It’s a girl!!
And if you don’t know what I’m talking about go here
True. I already did! :-)
TJBM lives in a safe area where they can sleep with their doors and windows open all night
False, I wish
TJBM gets paranoid
True, so true
TJBM believes chocolate milk comes from a chocolate milk cow
it does
TJBM believes chocolate milk shakes come from epileptic chocolate cows
not really
TJBM believes that ice cream comes from frozen cows.
That’s preposterous, they come from a cow eating ice and then it comes out of their udder!
TJBM believes me
TJBM believes that chocolate milk comes from brown cows.
Only if Strawberry milk comes from RED cows.
TJBM has lunch waiting for them.
No, you got me, I’m lunchless
TJBM thinks the grass is always greener on the other side
@Tropical_Willie, definetly
False. I keep my own grass green
TJBM is still waking up
TJBM likes flavored cream cheese.
TJBM likes Magnum ice cream.
Not like, LOVE
TJBM likes malteasers
Are those like malt liquer type drinks? Then yes. lol
TJBM has been outside this morning and it is a b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l day in their zone
TJBM picks their nose.
Yes, but only in private I might add.
TJBM classes Fluther as their favourite site.
one of them
TJBM can eat 20 moon pies in a single sitting.
Probably, if I had a Happy brownie first. LOL
TJBM lives somewhere that is 90 degrees today, but, has 4 feet of snow still only an hour above their elevation
TJBM is a nut enthusiast.
True. Cashews, Almonds and Pistachios, not necessarily in that order.
TJBM feels happy today I do, I do!
Yes, I got my first Mac and it’s AMAZING
TJBM also has a Mac
False. I’m a PC.
TJBM watches So You Think You Can Dance.
“You” are a PC? Well, how’d you sire that baby girl of yours? A special flashdrive ey? LOL
False.—I don’t watch TV, only DVD’s
TJBM is STARVING right now I need food
TJBM is also a PC.
@Coloma I stuck my floppy disc into her slot.
True, you gonna do the same to me now? :P
TJBM is legal
Well i can legally drive now so True :P
TJBM likes whip cream
TJBM can legally put whip cream on their PC.
False, but I am a mom ;-)
@erichw1504 Well it couldn’t have been too floppy. hahaha
TJBM likes swimming
@Coloma then you don’t know me.
TJBM likes bike riding.
True but haven’t had much time for it recently, now if I get on it my arse hurts :(
TJBM know the feeling of hurting their arse and not through anal sex you dirty minded scum ;)
TJBM has noticed @Paul‘s 666 lurve.
Becase you just pointed it out yes, but it won’t last long.
TJBM now wonders what we’re talking about because @erichw1504 will now give me a great answer to confuse you all
TJBM wonders why @Paul wonders what I’m talking about.
False I’m lost in translation
TJBM wants @Paul to make us some Figgy pudding
TJBM has big plans for July 4th.
True. Going to BBQ then a baseball game ( college summer league ) and finally FIREWORKS > >> BOOOM ! !
TJBM will have Hot Dogs, I’m going for cheeseburgers.
TJBM is heading home from work.
Nope it’s 22:21 in England and I don’t work shifts
TJBM loves England
Sorry, but the Irish in me hates England. :P
TJBM loves Ireland
The accent yes… but the people are terrible!
^The latter half of the above statement is false^
TJBM now likes the English a tad more
….Still not feeling the love, The Scot in me isn’t feeling it either. :P
TJBM likes “Danny Boy”
TJBM gets my comment on his future post
Uh, not really, but a Scottish girl here, Annie Laurie…bagpipes and kilts..oooh, a man in a heart be still, even better if he climbs a ladder so I can look up his skirt. hahaha
TJBM like French beer..Stella Artois cocktail hour on the west coast :-)
don’t do beer.
TJBM is wondering how @queenie will celebrate July 4th.
TJBM just hopes no one starts a wildfire come July 4th.
Extremely true! I live in forest fire land, fireworks are illegal in my county, but, that does’nt stop a lot of people
TJBM is diggin’ a really lovely sunset
missed it
tjbm just came in from skinny dipping in the pool
TJBM is renting a home.
TJBM appreciates the work of Andrew Lloyd Webber.
Nope, I thinks he’s over rated and, though it has no effect on his work, he is one of the fugliest people alive!
TJBM agrees with this statement^
not sure.
TJBM has an itch to scratch in a strange place.
Yes, well actually I woudn’t class my foreskin as strange unless I was Jewish.
TJBM is Jewish
TJBM has been on a yacht before.
TJBM is going to tell me what state of America they live in
TJBM is going to tell me their mother’s maiden name.
McGillicuddy’s like this Intense Mentholmint Schnapps. FALSE
TJBM has reoccurring virus attacks on their “puooter”
False. A few weirdnesses now and then that my comp. geek handles.
TJBM knows that I live in California
I do now
TJBM realizes that I’m English
TJBM knows that I’m at least part Scot-Irish.
Now I do, hey there laddie from a lassie, I am almost 100% Scottish, with a splash of German and Welsh.
TJBM is happy it is Friday!
False. Its Friday by Rebecca black _
TJBM Hates that song
True, so very true
TJBM loves hearing this
TJBM is sick of the song links now :P
nope….i can ignore them
tjbm has a hot date this weekend
True, it’s just me and you, bottle of lotion.
TJBM once wrote their own song.
TJBM has cooked something that they wish that they hadn’t.
Not today.’s happened before.
TJBM has tall grass that needs mowing.
Nope, all nice and freshly cut
TJBM has something they need to do but can’t be bothered to do it
Mmmmm…..need to wash my car, probably tonight.
TJBM is going away for the weekend
True. If the g.d. rain ever stops, I’m going camping.
TJBM is sick of unreliable people.
True! I’m having a flurry of unreliability from attorneys to phone service to spa repair guys right now. Grrr!
TJBM knows that Dreyers Orange Sherbert has vitamin C in it wonders never cease, a great excuse to eat orange swirl ice cream lol
I do now :D @Coloma do you mind if I ask what on Earth do you need an attorney for?
TJBM is off to bed, I am.
False, only 4:20 in California
Divorce atty, ongoing blips that need revision
TJBM wishes Paul sweet dreams on the other side of the ocean
HELL NO, when the sun sets in Cali, IT“S PARTAAAAAAYYYYY TIME!!!!!!!!
TJBM wouldn’t mind getting wasted with me (I swear I’m not gonna steal your keys)
not tonight, I have a headache
TJBM is happy for New York.
What happened in N.Y.?
TJBM likes Vanilla Wafers
They’re not bad
TJBM loves jam dohnuts
False, I think they’re nasty
TJBM just pulled an all nighter.
I did, couldn’t sleep
I didn’t, slept like a baby (never got that saying babies wake up every couple of hours)
TJBM will explain that saying to me
slept without a care in the world…yes
tjbm slept like a log
TJBM wants to legalize same sex marriage in their state.
I see no reason why not. yeah for NY
tjbm has a party to go to tonight
TJBM does not celebrate 4th of July as it is for Americans
Im up at the cottage for the 4th of July and there are many Americans on our lake so we celebrate July 4th as well
Not sure about my plans, but it might involve doing nothing.
TJBM has the most lurve in this thread.
Not by a long shot.
TJBM feels sorry for my lurve
True, But you short little blue dwarfs take time to catch up. ;-)
TJBM is having a splendid afternoon
*Evening, and I was before an event about five minutes ago
TJBM is having a pleasant day
True. Lovely California afternoon, not too hot, not too cold, just right.
@Paul I hope your event was not too eventful lol
TJBM wnats @Paul to share his unsplendid event
TJBM is feeling unsure about something
just on what to do after noon tomorrow.
TJBM wants to help @Paul with his lurve.
TJBM likes cheese sticks.
Love them.
TJBM is hungry
Yes, lunch time.
TJBM has car with over 50,000 miles on it.
False, just sold my Neon that had 168,000 though.
TJBM likes deep fried iguana tails.
No, never tried them. Fried Gator tails with spicy dip are G8 !!!
TJBM likes to eat fried food.
True, but not too much
TJBM wants their tea
TJBM has had their tea
TJBM just beat another jelly to the punch.
False. Just arrived in this zone.
TJBM is hungry
False, just ate lunch.
TJBM can say “She sells sea shells by the sea shore” five times fast.
TJBM can wriggle their ears.
TJBM can recite Edgar Alan Poe’s Annabel Lee from heart.
TJBM can arch their eyebrows one at a time
TJBM learned to arch their eye brows from watching WWF back when Dwayne Johnson was the Rock (Can You Smell What The Rock Is Cooking?)
False, just concentrated really hard and practised in front of the mirror.
TJBM can make their tongue into a clover shape
TJBM can make their tongue into a star shape.
TJBM can clean the area between the legs with their tongue.
TJBM thinks these pants make my butt look big.
No, just right ;)
TJBM knows that remark was entirely heterosexual
True, and I am willing to forgive and forget.
TJBM is pleased to see NY sign the bill for gay marriage.
True :)
TJBM can stand on their toes.
TJBM can lift a 30 pound dumb bell.
TJBM is mad at me for stealing
Nvm, false
TJBM is happy he beat me
TJBM once stole a candy bar from a convenient store.
True False
TJBM snatched candy from a baby
He offered it me and I politely took it
TJBM believes me
TJBM is a crap liar
TJBM is taller than 6 foot.
:( False
TJBM has a Napoleon Complex and is in denial if they say false.
TJBM just created a new word.
Nope, that was you
TJBM is proud of themselves
TJBM has published something.
Nope, does a couple of blog posts doesn’t count.
TJBM likes my blog the little amount of content there is
it’s a start of something.
TJBM wants to buy a e-book from me.
TJBM is about to leave work.
nope, about to go to work.
Tjbm will explain why he doesn’t want my e-book.
I’m not a he, but…
I will not buy any e-book because I am rather obsessed with hard copies. Also, I am currently without discretionary income.
I will not buy your e-book because your difficulty with grammar and sentence structure would quickly drive me crazy.
TJBM really likes homemade mashed potatoes.
TJBM does not eat any other kind of mashed potatoes, except homemade.
False. My mother hates even the tiniest chunks in her mashed potatoes, so whenever we’re together, we tend to have dehydrated mashed potatoes. Personally, I only make real ones when I’m cooking for anyone else. Perhaps I’ll have to invest in a ricer so she can have real potatoes without chunks.
TJBM will tell a funny story from when they were learning to cook.
I made biscuits that my dad couldn’t break in two with his hands 0.o
TJBM is good at baking now and enjoys it
True. Baking is my favorite!
TJBM has a brownie recipe that is better than Ghirardelli boxed brownies.
TJBM doesn’t like brownies
False, I don’t but my stomach does
TJBM has something they love and hate at the same time.
@King_Pariah So true.
TJBM has felt disgusted by someone recently.
very much so
TJBM is hitting the pillow early tonight
True. Big work day tomorrow, but first, I must water my little green acres. ;-)
TJBM is having a cold one
TJBM woke up not feeling well.
TJBM often quotes lines from movies. (e.g. ‘Inconceivable!’ or ‘I’m not a witch, I’m your WIFE.’ or ‘Run Forrest, Run!)
Totes MaGoats, I mean True.
TJBM knows what movie I just quoted.
No, but I stayed in HOLIDAY INN last night!
TJBM knows the city where the first Holiday Inn was built.
False, I learned it in a history class, but I don’t remember.
TJBM cooks meals in advance for the week.
TJBM will know what movie I quoted above.
I love you man
TJBM knows that was said in a nonsexual way.
TJBM is a narcissist.
TJBM has too little self-confidence.
TJBM smells like rotten eggs.
TJBM is histrionic
Not since I divorced my ex. lol
TJBM is passive aggressive boo!
… uh 3 out of 7 docs say yes so… no.
TJBM got carried away with a careless whisper
TJBM is happy its sunny today
True, or I’m pretty sure it’s going to be a nice sunny day
TJBM did their laundry today.
TJBM believes this needs to go to part 21.
not yet
TJBM likes climbing onto roofs.
TJBM still cuts the crust on their sandwiches.
False, already have one.
TJBM is still afraid of the monsters under their bed.
Yes, I have a bear trap set under my just for monsters. NOT
TJBM is making lunch to go with their soda.
False, wife made my lunch last night.
TJBM still plays hide and seek with their neighbors.
yep and they are still hiding
tjbm plays peek-a-boo with their neighbors
True, they still can’t see me.
TJBM still plays with dolls/action figures.
True, but only when babysitting
TJBM is wearing something black today.
yes, my shoes and socks
tjbm will jump in the pool or ocean today
None nearby :3
TJBM lives near the ocean
yes, but will only jump in the pool today due to timing.
tjbm has lived under a rock at one point in their life
False, I’m no crustation!
TJBM knows if I spelt crustation right without Googling it
True, it’s actually “crustacean”.
TJBM once competed in a spelling bee.
TJBM shakes their soda before opening
False, I shake sodas before handing them to others.
TJBM is full from lunch.
False, no lunch yet, It’s not even 11 in Cali
TJBM is hungry for lunch
nah…..hungry for many things. lunch is not one of them.
tjbm is awaiting a requested visitor
False. I am eating veggie pizza. :-)
TJBM has broken a bone
TJBM recently heard police sirens in their area.
False, glad about it too.
TJBM knows someone who has been to prison.
tjbm knows someone who works in the prison system
Yes. A customer of mine at my river store who kayaks. He is a prison guard at the famous Folsom prison about 35 miles from my area. Very nice guy, not a jerk at all. A rare one. He has told me a lot about his work.
TJBM is tired today
False, got a good amount of sleep last night.
BM knows someone who works in the film industry.
yes i do. zooey should be there by now.
tjbm had a pickle for lunch
False, but Zooey is about to.
BM is going to see Transformers this week.
TJBM likes playing catch
BM likes playing catch up.
I wouldn’t know, I’m much too fast.
TJBM has big biceps
TJBM wants to know where everyone went in the scrabble zone
TJBM will head there now
True. Just did.
TJBM is playing scrabble
In a moment, yes.
TJBM will join us
Already there.
TJBM knows what I’m talking about.
True, I can’t come up with anything :(
TJBM will wait for a nother jelly to respond
TJBM is not currently playing Zens’ scrabble
False. Going back now to see if I can meet the challenge.
TJBM likes words
True, I love learning new words
TJBM loves the smell of citrus.
True. haha, I thought you said, “loves the smell of, no.
TJBM likes pineapples
True Wish we could grow them here.
TJBM has been in a field of pineapples.
False I have never seen a pineapple field
TJBM is drunk and on fluttering.
never drunk
TJBM hates Glenn Beck
I wouldn’t say hate, but an extreme dislike
TJBM loves the Pink Panther (cartoon series)
True (also the movies)
TJBM prefered the movies
Meh…I like Steve Martins, but, they are a little too stoopid for me.
TJBM has had debit card fraud happen to them
Yep but thankfully the bank caught it before they could take much money.
TJBM ate lasagne today.
Friends making me lunch, it’s a surprise. haha
TJBM is still waking up
True. And I’ve been “awake” for nearly 3 hours. Good thing a long holiday weekend is in my near future…
TJBM is looking forward to a holiday.
yes I am
TJBM eats poutine with chopsticks.
BM has great style.
Mmm…quirky, I call it bohemian classy, dress it up or down, from farm woman to Gypsy queen. lol
TJBM has flowers growing in their yard
Roses, Day Lilies, and Bougainvillea.
The Jelly Below Me—knows what a Bougainvillea flower looks like.
BM is ready for this weekend.
Maybe, I’m not sure
TJBM is tired
True, but that’s a constant condition. Ain’t no rest for the don’t grow on trees…
TJBM has mouths to feed and bills to pay..
bills, yes. mouths, just mine.
TJBM sleeps with the fishes.
False. I sleep with a cat and sometimes lizards run across my bed. lol
TJBM had pizza for dinner OMG! I am sooo stuffed, I won’t eat for a week, I ate 6, count ‘em..SIX pieces!
false, that’s saturday’s lunch
TJBM wants to stay at a motel by the interstate this weekend.
False. I live in the hills, the interstate is only a necessary evil for me, not a vacation destination. lol
TJBM woke up to a beautiful morning!
True. England is finally showing some signs of summer.
TJBM has got a specific song stuck in their head.
True, The Good Life by OneRepublic (God help me!)
BM has to use the facilities.
Haha…just did.
TJBM needs to go grocery shopping
not this time
TJBM is celebrating Canada Day.
No but maybe I will go and get 6 pack of Molson’s.
TJBM Uses air conditioning this time of year.
True and fans, fans, fans,
TJBM would like to come sit on my cool grassy hill and play with my goose? lol
TJBM is confused and dissapointed.
False, focused and fulfilled
TJBM has over 1000 more lurve than me.
TJBM just gave @Paul lurve to help him on his way.
TJBM is jealous of @Coloma‘s wonderful sounding life. Not only does she live in one of my favourite parts of the world but she also has geese. Could life be any better?!
not really
TJBM will sleep in tomorrow.
TJBM wonders why we are not on part 21 yet
Awww, thanks, but, it’s a helluva a lot of work too, going out now to do my morning chores. But yes, I do love my little zone. :-)
True. Maybe by the time I get home at 11 tonight after a 4th fling in the park the shift will happen.
TJBM is celebrating the 4th of July today
False, I’m English
TJBM is celebrating
False, I’m English as well.
TJBM likes watching the fireworks at London every new year.
Certainly do Queenie, I mean Milkyway, I mean @jailbait, are you a BBC or ITV girl?
TJBM has no clue what we’re talking about.
False @Paul I’m more BBC, but I watch ITV too.
TJBM likes watching Mock The Week
True False, I love watching Mock The Week kind of gone downhill since Frankie left though, do you agree?
TJBM likes to watch Live at the Apollo
True True True!! @Paul Yeah, it’s a shame he had to leave, but you still gotta love it though :D
TJBM likes Dara O’Brian
True, although his solo comedy is sometimes lacking
TJBM likes Michael Mcintyre
BM has a headache.
not anymore
tjbm is on vacation
I wish. nope, still paying off last years vacation. lol
TJBM is enjoying some cooler weather after a few days of a heat wave
BM is annoyed by the way I type “TJBM”.
nope, beside there are more annoying things you do. :)
tjbm want’s it NOW
False, I know exactly what he means.
TJBM likes it rough
I suppose learning internet technology can get rather rough yes.
TJBM is named after a chocolate bar.
True, off to bed tata
TJBM is also off to dream land
False, still have work to do.
TJBM is angry at someone.
only at conservatards.
TJBM eats cabbage and beans before going to bed with their S/O.
False 0_0
TJBM is feeling queasy now
False. Just had lunch, feeling better. haha
TJBM dislikes smartass people
False, I find them entertaining. They think they know everything XD
TJBM loves geese
yes, and the ones in my backyard are loved even more
tjbm loves the taste of pheasant
False, never tried it unfortunatley.
TJBM would like to try some pheasant meat.
I’ll pass, not really into gamey meats.
TJBM likes Otter Pops.
What are Otter Pops, so, no
TJBM admires the Jelly above me
not really
TJBM loves Vanilla Pepsi
TJBM dislikes the American justice system.
Otter Pops are frozen popcicles oops, oxymoron lol
I already got reamed for stating I am apolitical..oh well.
TJBM loves baked potatos with sour cream
TJBM wonders what Tater Tots are
TJBM will enlighten me.
That smurfs went out a long time ago. Is that what you were thinking?
TJBM might be able to enlighten the The Jelly Above Me better
TJBM thinks this really needs to go to part 21.
TJBM is going to be the one to get me to 1k lurve.
TJBM wants @blueiiznh to run with the bulls.
TJBM looks like a celebrity.
Mmm..I have been told I look like Juice Newton and Joni Mitchell, sans the beak nose. lol
Last year at a dinner party some young guy said I looked like Janis Joplin..clearly, I’m a 70’s girl. haha
TJBM likes the mountains more than the beach
TJBM finds full moons very romantic
TJBM finds mooning very romantic.
Unlike you, False.
TJBM thinks there’s something wrong with @erichw1504
TJBM thinks there’s something wrong with @MilkyWay.
not really
TJBM would like to eat peanut butter and jellyfish sandwich.
TJBM likes to moon people while eating a peanut butter and jellyfish sandwich.
not really
TJBM would like to moon a church.
TJBM would like to moon a police officer
False, I have nothing but respect for the humble British bobbie.
TJBM knows what a bobbie is.
TJBM wouldn’t like to do any mooning at all.
TJBM once spooned a koala bear.
False I’d like to XD
TJBM would like to spoon a panda
Pandas may be cute but they are mean, so no. Spooning is fun though.
TJBM thinks The Jelly Above Me is a great addition to fluther.
TJBM would like to moon a panda.
False. I’d get my arse bitten off. Panda’s are quite intelligent.
TJBM thinks @erichw1504 lies a lot.
False, he always tells the truth.
TJBM thinks @MilkyWay should change her user name again.
What about you guys swapping names?
TJBM has dirty fingernails
TJBM trimmed away all of their fingernails.
TJBM likes to sniff glue.
False. I wish to preserve my brain cells, aside from the occasional happy brownie cocktail hour. lol
TJBM doesn’t wear underware
True False.
TJBM doesn’t wear pants.
TJBM eats ex-lax and weed brownies.
True, I’ve been doped up on ibuprofen for the past three days.
TJBM is cold.
True. But the solution to this is for me to leave the lower level of the house and go outside and paint in the sunshine.
TJBM has home improvement projects in process.
TJBM is feeling anxious
TJBM likes Milky Ways.
True, I’m looking for a chocolate treat, fluffy and light
‘Cos I knows it’s something that tastes just right.
TJBM prefers the new lyrics (2009)
Um. Wha?
TJBM once blacked out.
False, I have never fainted in my life.
TJBM likes sleeping
True, it’s my favorite time of the day.
TJBM just beat @Paul!
Response moderated
False. Bahahahah.
TJBM is a rage-aholic.
TJBM has a quiet voice.
If I use my inside voice, IF I USE MY OUTSIDE VOICE.
TJBM is @erichw1504 and loves to suck cock. very tired.
Um, I’m not @erichw1504 and I don’t like to suck anything apart from lollys. And True, I am tired.
TJBM watched Mock The Week
False, have no clue what that is.
TJBM finds @Paul‘s comments a bit disturbing.
TJBM knows what Mock The Week is.
Is there an Erich vs. Paul thing going on here?
Simmer down boys. :-D
False. What is ‘Mock the Week’?
TJBM has tree frogs around their house, in their house, on their house….
False. I’m sure I can handle them, but I really wouldn’t want them hanging out with me in the house.
TJBM saw some of the pictures from the dust storm in Arizona.
False. Dust storm? Hm. Must turn on tv news occasionally I guess…
TJBM is getting ready for a bunch of parties… woo hoo!
not really
TJBM likes to watch TWiT.
False, have no clue what that is.
TJBM is ready for the weekend.
Too right!
TJBM has been to Yosemite.
When I was one year old, and that was more than sixty-three years ago.
TJBM has outdoor chores to do this weekend.
I’ll drink it, but what else are you putting in with it and the ice?
TJBM can play on more than one kind of musical instrument.
TJBM is a master of sitar
Not master but played one in the mid-sixties.
TJBM knows what a sitar is and who Ravi Shankar was?
True, false.
TJBM is watching the news.
TJBM likes to play chess
TJBM uses Google Chrome.
tjbm has a car with chrome bumpers
TJBM is in the chat room
TJBM has more than 3 computers at home.
True. Not all mine though.
TJBM has a blue background round there picture.
Um, wha? On my avatar? False?
TJBM recently ate spaghetti.
TJBM wants dinner soon
False, just ate lunch.
TJBM uses chap stick.
Always! I can thank body shop lip balm
TJBM gets frustrated with their iPhone on a regular basis. Damn you technology!
False, don’t own one.
TJBM gets frustrated with their chap stick on a regular basis.
True, it doesn’t come up when I turn it. I always have to buy another one. x-/
TJBM went up a bra size.
Since when? Since I was 18 yes. haha
They DO get bigger as you get older.
TJBM has a fly in the house
False, but I often do. The cats usually eat it within 5 minutes.
TJBM is still at work.
TJBM knows the difference a skunk and a preacher.
TJBM is going to watch a movie tonight.
False. I rarely get to see movies.
TJBM has a house full of teenagers.
Me & my friend
TJBM is also a teen
False, I’m 24
TJBM knows what S.P.C.A stands for.
Yes. It’s the same as R.S.P.C.A without the R (Society of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals or something like that)
TJBM has seen Monster with Charlize Theron.
TJBM is a movie goer.
TJBM has been on the stage
True, not really very professionally though.
TJBM thinks this REALLY REALLY REALLY needs to go to 21
TJBM will see @Coloma in the next reincarnation….
Hope so :D
TJBM believes in reincarnation
TJBM loves the movie Four Lions.
“We should bomb the internet..” XD
Great movie, great.
TJBM likes Phonejacker
Ummmm. Sounds perverted. Nope
Tjbm will tell us about Phonejacker
No, sorry can’t, no idea what it means.
TJBM will answer TJAM’s question
Phonejacker is a program where one person pranks calls lots of people as different characters.
TJBM is not human.
Well, at least not your regular brand of human, lol.
TJBM has a running dialog insider their head all the time.
I’m sorry, did you say something? I was listen to the dialog in my head.
TJBM has taken a trip of more the 200 miles in the last month.
False, I wish.
TJBM is a seeker.
Aren’t we all!
TJBM has a secret crush on someone
TJBM will answer TJAM’s answer with True.
not quite.
TJBM likes to dip their french fries in blood instead of ketchup.
Why not both?
TJBM likes Garlic Mayonnaise.
Love it! , though I can’t stand sour cream with garlic :-/
TJBM dislikes sour cream
False. Maybe. ;-)
TJBM like Wasabi mayonaise
Like Wasabi anything…....
TJBM has a couple of different Wasabi items in their kitchen.
False, I don’t keep things I don’t like.
TJBM wears glasses.
TJBM likes this song.
It sounds cool but I can’t understand all of it.
TJBM is going to dance naked in the rain.
The last time I did that…......
TJBM Is waiting for the weather to cool down.
True, and it IS!
90 today and down to 88, 85 and 83 midweek! Yay!
TJBM has an allergy headache
True, the weather is really messing with my allergies.
TJBM is bracing for another round of storms tonight.
No storms until Wednesday, heat index of 105 to 112 though for Monday and Tuesday.
TJBM just let the animals out or in for the night.
no animals to let out.
TJBM has changed their citizenship.
False. American still, probably forever, but, I want to fill up my passport more. :-D
TJBM cannot believe there are 756 answers I got excited YESTERDAY that this was going to roll over to part 21! It’s all Pauls fault!
Oh i believe it and helping it on its way to 4 digits.
TJBM hopes it stays at 20 for a long time
Out’s not really the right word, more like posted but alas… PART 21
TJBM is going to continue posting on this thread
That would just be awkward and it takes a while to load already.
I’m not going to leave you a TJBM so you’ll have no choice but to convert :P
nope, but you can give @Paul a big wet kiss for me
TJBM wants to feel the wind through their skirts.
True, if I had skirts. It’s so bloody hot here!
TJBM wants an AC
nahhhh, have one, a pool and an ocean nearby
tjbm wants it to snow
TJBM likes spring time
True, better than summer, damn hayfever
TJBM wonders how @MilkyWay carried on without a TJBM
False, I’ve done it countless times before :P
TJBM sometimes forgets to put a ‘TJBM’ in their posts
Never, only ever on purpose.
TJBM thinks it’s actually quite fun, if confusing, to have two Are you this Jelly’s going on at the same time.
True, it’s a lotta fun :D
TJBM is a pro at doing more than one ‘TJBM’ games at a time.
I am now.
TJBM likes The Vaccines.
TJBM likes the song “All In White”.
True :D
TJBM is (jealous/envious :P) of me going to see Arctic Monkeys with The Vaccines supporting.
Grrrrrrrr. Yes, I am.
TJBM thinks @Paul is a show-off :P
TJBM is willing to move to Canada.
True, I know quite a few people there, and it’s so beautiful.
TJBM thinks that the legal drinking age is too high in Canada though
What? Isn’t the legal drinking age 18 in Canada (as opposed to 21 in the US)?
Granted it’s been a while since I’ve cared about legal drinking age…(like 20+ years since I’ve cared..)
TJBM is having a productive Monday.
TJBM thought the drinking age was 19.
False, 18.
TJBM lives an a place where it’s 21.
False, 18.
TJBM lives in England
TJBM will come up with their own god damned question.
Ok, Part 21 is out
The jellie below me and all other jellied will desert this thread for part 21. See you there.
tjbm skipped breakfast
TJBM will post the link to part 21.
TJAM didn’t leave me a question. True or false?
I looked and looked and looked….......question is missing.
TJBM is on part 21.
TJBM is still on this as well though.
TJBM finds backtracking extremely fun!
Oh, @milkyway you have no idea how applicable this is to what I do for a living, and yes I admit it, I enjoy it.
TJBM won’t exist because we are all going to go to part 21.
I think . . . therefore….... I am.
TJBM is waiting to HIT the “redneck pension plan” . . . . . . . LOTTERY
Ahh, but don’t we all play the what if ticket
TJBM is a hold out
TJBM is a knock-off
No I’m an original.
TJBM is very curious about, ummm, things
TJBM answered in that thread^
TJBM had an early end to there summer break :/
False, also it’s their not there, prehaps you should study some more English!
TJBM thinks that was harsh^
Not particularly.
TJBM has a very cute puppy
i do
tjbm has a cute kitty
I wish.
TJBM wants a kitty to cuddle
TJBM is now relaxing
TJBM recently had a holiday
True. had to come back early though
TJBM has a nice summer day outside today
tjbm parties like its 1999
Not a party person.
TJBM is.
TJBM is a stay at home animal.
how true
tjbm will let us what book they are reading now
Silent Boy by Torey Hayden.
TJBM is going abroad soon.
Nope, to Ireland next month.
TJBM is going somewhere more exotic.
True :-/
TJBM likes The Script.
why yes I do
tjbm like mumford & sons
False, never heard of it. But I do like Sanford & Son;-)
TJBM like banana splits.
False, hate banana.
@blueiiznh M&S are great.
TJBM likes Twin Atlantic.
tjbm likes Twin Peaks
False, never heard of them.
TJBM is still following Part 20 :P
Obviously :P
TJBM is feeling sleepy.
TJBM thinks me and @MilkyWay should have a chat on Part 20.
Already am :P
TJBM has had dinner.
TJBM knows I’m back.
TJBM is now asleep.
TJBM will be awake for many many hours
Going to sleep now.
TJBM wishes me a good night.
TJBM is going shopping soon.
TJBM thinks this thread temporarily died while @MilkyWay was busy having daily orgasms :P
True…. Girls love there shopping
TJBM is going to the beach today
TJBM will go to the beach to surf in the hurricane
Would do.. but can’t.
TJBM uses reddit.
TJBM has NSFW dreams every night.
TJBM dreams in color
TJBM knew that dogs see in only black and white
False, it’s a common myth.
TJBM learnt something new today.
Most definitley.
TJBM hates Controlled Assessments in school…
True, I had one today :/
TJBM had one in English.
I’ve done two, and have another one tomorrow.
TJBM also has a historY CA to work for in the christmas holz.
Nope, we do our History in class time for some reason. Prefer it though :)
TJBM is doing Jack the Ripper.
TJBM will tell us what subjects they’ve chosen in school
ICT, History & Separate Science.
Applied for Computing, Maths, Chemistry & Physics at College.
TJBM will tell me.
Tell you what? :P
TJBM will tell me what it is they want to know…
What you have picked of course.
TJBM knew I had to put this line because those are the rules.
True. I’ve chosen English Lit, English Language, Religious Studies, Textiles, History, I.C.T, Science, Urdu and Maths.
TJBM will tell us why they chose to go to College instead of sixth form…
College is Sixth Form over here.
TJBM will inform me what country they live in (I have forgotten).
UK. And it’s not the same thing.
TJBM knows the difference between a College and a Sixth form.
TJBM will enlighten me.
Sure . Colleges provide lots of courses whilst in sixth form you have a limited number of courses that are available.
TJBM likes watching Mr.Bean.
A bit off topic but sure :)
TJBM enjoys Rowan Atkinson.
Always :)
TJBM likes watching Live At The Apollo
TJBM likes Russell Howard’s Good News
True, but I don’t watch it as often.
TJBM wishes it would snow already.
it did over a month ago
tjbm hiked today
TJBM can’t wait for Christmas
False. I can’t wait for it to be over.;-}
TJBM is dreading having to travel during the holidays.
Only if it is a blizzard
tjbm does not travel for the holidays
Answer this question