[ NSFW ] What is the most exciting and the most boring thing you did while in bed with somebody?
I don’t mean to be nosey but…ok I’m going to be nosey. Lol. The answers do not have to be sexual in nature but if it is, then great. I’m quite certain I’ll be getting surprising and intriguing answers, what with the lovely and rowdy jellies around here. : )
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35 Answers
The most exciting thing I did was to just be me. The most boring thing was to fall asleep.
Oh well…
I flipped him into the wall with my legs when he jumped on top of me.XD It was more amusing than exciting…
the most boring thing would have to be sleeping ;)
Most boring: that orgy which included booze, fine food and nekkid ladies of the female sex.
Most exciting: obviously the ten hour sleep i will have…, starting….now!
@rebbel Share the pictures buddy will yah?
The most exciting things did not happen in bed.
Most exciting: Getting 14 hours of sleep without one interruption.
Most boring: Doing spreadsheets with my mum.
Most exciting involved a tremendous amount of foreplay, sex, tickling, foreplay again, sex, sex, leaving the bed going into the shower for more sex, going to the pool for sex, going to the jacuzzi for respite, then tickling, then foreplay, then more sex, sex at breakfast, shower sex, back in bed for sex… yeah, not just in the bed but most of the time was spent in bed.
Most boring was… well i have the most frustrating, trying to keep the mosquitoes off on a really hot and humid night.
We set the bed on fire (literally) when we first started dating…that was beyond hot and why I knew we would be married some day.
There really have been no boring moments….maybe trying for that last orgasm we were both too tired to do but even that was fun and a new record!
Most boring: I slept.
Most exciting: I slept.
You have no idea how exciting sleep can be when you reach a certain age. I’m pretty sure every young person has spent a lot of time fighting off the boredom of sleep, only to succumb at the end.
I’ve yet to do the most exciting thing I ever wanted to do in my bed. That would be for me to get a full body massage with a gentle warm breeze caressing my body as I doze off extremely relaxed.
I have done the most boring thing. For me the most boring and fustrating thing would be to spend about an hour tossing and turning before falling asleep. That hour can suddenly feel like the longest night of your life.
@Pandora “For me the most boring and fustrating thing would be to spend about an hour tossing and turning before falling asleep. That hour can suddenly feel like the longest night of your life.”
My goodness yes.
Naked sock & pillow fights followed by a good hard shag!!
Contemplated whether to close the window or not.
I shall leave it up to the reader to decide which was exciting & which was numb arse boring.
I’ve spent hours tossing and turning
The most exciting things have been done away from a bed.
The most boring things that have been endured have happened on a bed.
When I was small, my cat gave birth to kittens on my bed!
When I was twenty, I flipped over when biking in Italy. I lay in bed in the hostel with stitches and couldn’t move. Everyone in the hostel had to clear out, so I was alone for the whole day in bed. It doesn’t sound boring now, but at the time it seemed like one of the longest, and one of the most existentialist day of my life.
Most exciting time in bed: Watching Criminal Minds
Most boring time in bed: I’m never bored in bed.
Most exciting: ....... :D
Most boring: the day I couldn’t find any Xena, or Hercules to watch, and I was sick. :(
Most exciting; reading Nintendo Power in bed.
Most not exciting; not finding any Xena to watch lol.
As far as the sexual stuff goes, that ever barely happens in a bed, so…:p
Snuggling as my arm’s circulation is cut off and my girlfriend fast asleep. Best Snuggling with the perfect position for the arms.
I am not sure what the most boring thing I did in bed was, if it was that boring, I am sure I forgot it. I can’t remember what the most exciting thing was, as there was too many of them. One incident that rank high toward the top was shaving her taco, nibbling, licking and snacking it as a massage, applying a blindfold and waist cuffs to her and buggering her good, before other sex.
I don’t kiss and tell. Rude, crude, socially unacceptable. And some events are best savored by yourself.
Well, I think that only applies to people who know all the parties IRL, @NomoreY_A. You don’t have sex with a girl in your class, then go tell all the guys in gym class. That’s cruel to her.
Unnamed strangers, who cares? We’re grown ups.
Hey, I’d never have discussed anything I did with girls in school with anyone. If they wanted to broadcast what happened, that was on them. But no one would have ever gotten it out of me. I still think that would be BS. I always had a cornball sense of chivalry anyway, still do. I could never do that to any woman, on principle. OK, I’m weird, so sue me.
That’s nice. In high school I had guys who I never let touch me tell their friends they “nailed” me. It really sucked.
Anyone over 20 bragging about their sexual exploits I would assume was super juvenile and immature and never should have left Jr. High.
Assholes like that are a dime a dozen. Nailed you, huh? In whose universe? Lordy it must suck to be a female. Amen to the last remark. Jr. High might be a bit too highly advanced though.
Especially a pretty, well-endowed, slender female. Yes, it sucked in many ways.
I’m sure it did, and truly sorry to hear that. I always liked women, can’t handle all the stories of abuse and BS some guys put you all through. Cant even begin to imagine that garbage.
The most boring thing is to turn them down. The most exciting thing is anything that leads to lots of panting. Sometimes are hotter than others but all in all I’ll take what I can give and get.
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