Social Question

How do you handle a false accusation?
So this morning as I was getting out of my car in the office parking lot a woman approached me and said, “A few days ago someone hit my car and never left a note, and I notice that you have red paint marks on your white car. Were you the one that hit my car?”
Quick background: My car looks the part. It is over 12 years old and is in very good shape besides a minor ding over the driver side wheel (from my spouse hitting pole whilst backing out of a parking garage) and a decent amount of paint chips on the front and rear bumpers from my time living in DC and having to endure inexperienced parallel parkers. So while my car does look like a POS I did not hit this lady’s car.
I explained that the red paint on my car bumper has been there for months because I used to live in a metropolitan area and I have many a paint chip from careless folks trying to parrallel park.
She then continued with, “Well I parked in front of the security cameras so I hope that it wasn’t you.”
I can definately understand her frustration because it sucks to have your car damaged, but I thought the accusation was a little harsh.
I tried to empathize by letting her know that my car was broken into at that same lot 5 months earlier whilst in front of the security camera. Unfortunately after several weeks of correspondance with the security folks it was clear that they had no idea how to access the security footage.
She then responded by saying, “Well you better hope that you don’t get caught.”
This is where I got a bit snippy and said, “Thank you for the accusation?”
which prompted an equally sassy reply, “Well, I’m sorry you feel accused, but I have the right to ask.”
I don’t know who this woman is, but she and I obviously work in the same building each day. I can’t remember the last time I spotted her arround the building, but I don’t want chance encounters to be awkward.
How could I have handled this situation better?