Meta Question

mazingerz88's avatar

In a "Twilight Zonic" episode, what would happen if all Fluther jellies wake up under the ocean, inside a nuclear submarine?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29393points) June 17th, 2011

And there was no single professional crew aboard?!

Would the jellies able to organize and cooperate in order to control the submarine? Would they even figure out how to run the ship in light of who they really are in life? Is someone going to go crazy faster than anyone else?

Who will end up leading or following, be a calm presence or pessimistic agitator? Would they survive? Would you save money by switching to Geico? LOL. : ) ( Oh this is going to be fun! )

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73 Answers

MilkyWay's avatar

<———Grabs some popcorn and sits back…

blueiiznh's avatar

@queenie pass the popcorn please

JilltheTooth's avatar

We’d be really crowded. Hey, @blueiiznh and @queenie get your damned tentacles out of my…oh, never mind.

zenvelo's avatar

Those of us who are “no nukes” would be put on a life raft – “you’ll get plenty of sun, how’s that solar power working for you now?”

blueiiznh's avatar

Sounds more like a Voyage to the Bottom of the sea episode.

Since we Jellies have no heart, bones, eyes or brains, and are made up of 95% water, we still are remarkably efficient and effective!

One thing is certain, a jelly would never get in a nuclear sub.
Jet propulsion is the Jelly way man!

erichw1504's avatar

Nekked pancake party!!!

Coloma's avatar

Mmmm..I am a bit claustrophobic, not horribly, like the little air jets pointed at my face when I fly. But, I have a good personality, I could be a co-leader, just better have some good air circulation in that cigar. lol

Michael_Huntington's avatar

I propose we have a meat-ing in the deck. We should mustard all of our strengths and skills to operate and survive in this damn thing. Lettuce prevail and live for tomato!

mazingerz88's avatar

I think I’ll go looking for the ship’s manuals first. Anyone with me?

Kardamom's avatar

Hopefully @augustlan would step to the front of the sub and say something like, “Any of you jellies who have technical knowlege or expertise, please step forward. Thank you @WasCy and @jerv and @lightlyseared and @koanhead, @mattbrowne @johnpowell and @Stinley. Anybody who is prone to panic attacts or outbursts, please team up with another jelly who has a calming effect such as @Jeruba and @tranquilsea, and @Jude and @blueiznh and @worriedguy, @Jillthetooth @seaofclouds and @adirondackwannabe. Anybody who might have some non-traditional ideas that may help us out of this situation, ideas that are not obvious to the rest of us, please step to my left. I’m guessing that @wundayatta and @Pied_Pfeffer, @fiddleplayingcreolebastard, @Katethegreat and @incendiary dan might be very useful in this situation. Any of you, that can cook, move to the back of the sub, where the galley is located, maybe @JLeslie, @Gailcalled, @SamIAm, @creative, @Crisw, @josie and @Incendiary Dan. @MissAusten can be your helper and sous chef. And anyone who has any talents such as singing, stand up comedy (or just an awesome sense of humor) does poetry reading, or has a great knowledge of an interesting subject, please step to my left. We might be here for awhile and we’re going to need some entertainment. So again, I’ll call on @Katethegreat, @queenie, @filmfan, @aprilsimnel, @zen, @symbeline, @yarnlady, @Nullo, @Quingu, and @Coloma. If anyone is having a medical problem, please see @Rarebear. If anyone causes any trouble, I will immediately place you in the custody of @john65ennington. Now for my last statement, can I have some volunteers for the possibility that we may end up on a deserted island, knowing that some of us will not make it out alive, it will be your duty to procreate and continue the Fluther line. Any volunteers??? Now, who shall lead us in song with _Octopus’s Garden and We all live in Yellow Submarine?

MilkyWay's avatar

I’m with you @mazingerz88 and @Kardamom ;)

erichw1504's avatar

@Kardamom needs more jellies.

Coloma's avatar

Sounds like a good crew, I’ll volunteer for the comedy and happy brownie baking for the more intensely stressed. lol
Hmmm…how does one adjust baking temps. to underwater elevations?

MilkyWay's avatar

@erichw1504 Any chance you won’t get nekked on board?

erichw1504's avatar

@queenie prrrrrobably not gunna happen.

Joker94's avatar

I would immediately get up and ask you what my dream meant.

erichw1504's avatar

@Joker94 it means your pregnant.

wundayatta's avatar

First thing we do—is kill all the lawyers.

Sorry. Bad joke.

I think @Kardamom has the right approach. We want to identify people skills and figure out the tasks we think we need to accomplish. We need to identify the problems we think we need to solve and prioritize them. Then we want to put the people with the right skills on each problem, together with a few people who know nothing about it, so they can ask questions.

We’ll need a coordinating team to keep track of the problems and people and the resolution of those problems and to constantly reprioritize the problem list.

I think we’ll need to resist the urge to hand things over to the experts. So, for example, if we have some submariners with us, they shouldn’t take the lead. They could be lead technical experts, but we need to resist the urge to allow technicians to set priorities. That has to be done by the group as a whole, via some system of representation.

Of course, I don’t know why I’m writing this down. It’s all perfectly obvious.

blueiiznh's avatar

What do you live under a rock, we won’t save money by shifting to Geico!

mazingerz88's avatar

Seriously, after locating the ship’s manuals I’ll go next to communications and figure out a way to contact the right people for advise. I’ll also look for a camera so I could take a picture of the jellies and send it through the Internet to, oh well, Facebook. ( groan )

I wonder how one figures out if the submarine is actually moving or not and which direction? Those dials huh?

Not so seriously, if ever the jelly crew succeeded in running the ship, I’ll suggest going to Libya, surface outside Gaddafi’s beach house and threaten to launch missiles up his ass.

Coloma's avatar


Well, no happy brownies for the missle launching crew, that’s for sure! Oops, boomarang missle, we’re atomized!

‘Ladies & Gentlemen, this is your captain, I regret to inform you that we have had a mis-fire and you have 97 seconds to live, thanks for traveling with us.”

erichw1504's avatar

I would leave the submarine and live in a pineapple.

MilkyWay's avatar

@erichw1504 Good. It was gettin smelly with you on board.

mazingerz88's avatar

@erichw1504 Since we are submerged and it would be boring if we just let you out through a normal outlet, can we launch you in a torpedo? Lol.

mazingerz88's avatar

@erichw1504 Yey! I’ll be on the bridge and ask whoever jelly might be running the show to let me push the launch button after uttering the words, “Fire photon torpedo!”. Diggity!

MilkyWay's avatar

Won’t it be “Fire stink bomb!” @mazingerz88 ?

erichw1504's avatar

If you come with me @queenie, then it’ll be “Fire extra-stinky bomb!”

KateTheGreat's avatar

I’m pretty sure we’d do an alright job at organizing ourselves. But then everyone’s true colors would show and we’d be a little pissy!

erichw1504's avatar

@KatetheGreat yeah, mine would be green.

King_Pariah's avatar

I’d find a way to get all the nukes to launch thus start WW3. Oops. :D

Michael_Huntington's avatar

Everybody’s got a job to do.. to move…Everybody’s got to move and groove.

ucme's avatar

Like a fart in an astronauts suit, the atmosphere may turn a little tense.
Mark your depth at 750 meters, zero bubble…....yes i’ve seen Crimson Tide.

thorninmud's avatar

I’ll mind the onboard orange tree, so we don’t all get scurvy.

Coloma's avatar

Okay, call me clueless but what IS the Orange tree? :-/

Kardamom's avatar

@Coloma It’s kind of like the Black Fungus, only it’s orange and it’s a tree : )

poisonedantidote's avatar

I’d want to do my own thing, I would end up wandering off and being replaced by “the thing”.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I having a “calming effect”??? Wow. Cool. Yeah, that’s my take-away from this. It’s all about me.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

@poisonedantidote That statement was either ridiculous or really deep. If it was meant literally, you aren’t going far on a submersed submarine. If you meant it figuratively, it’s quite brilliant (think Jack Torrence from The Shining).

Personally, I feel like we need your talents on board. You know how to manage as well as entertain a diverse group, you are well versed in the hotel business, and if I recall correctly, you have mastered several languages.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

@Kardamom Thank you for the nod for the ‘thinking outside of the box’ category and being included with those noble others. When off-duty, I’ll volunteer to clean the bathrooms and do laundry. May I be assigned to the early-to-bed sleeping quarters? I promise to get up early and keep the coffee pot fresh and full.

Kardamom's avatar

@JilltheTooth You definitely have a calming effect. You can be funny without pissing people off and you have a good mother’s wisdom.

@Pied_Pfeffer We definitely need someone to step up to the plate to do some cleaning around the sub. Thanks for offering and not having to be told to do it.

No one has yet stepped up to the plate to re-populate our Fluther world, aren’t there any volunteers?

@poisonedantidote When you talk about “the thing” do you mean “the thing” that they speak of on The Nanny? “The thing” that got taken back?

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

If we are in the sea long enough for a member to procreate and carry a baby to term, there better be some exceptionally brilliant and creative people on board. It would require coming up with ways to create energy, oxygen, and a boatload (pun intended) of other resources needed in order to survive. For those that do not survive, you have the choice of either ending up on the KP’s menu or a trip in the torpedo chute.

Kardamom's avatar

@Pied_Pfeffer That just reminded me of the Star Trek movie where spock died and they put his body into that plastic space coffin and shot him out of the torpedo bay. Subsquently his body ended up down on that planet in which cells re-generate and he was born again (not in the Christian religious sense) but as a newborn baby.

Only138's avatar

I don’t know, but we’re blowing somebody up.

talljasperman's avatar

I call captain!!

Coloma's avatar

I’m not going to war, I’ll just take my happy brownies and suit up to ascend to the surface. YOU guys can blow up! lol

_zen_'s avatar

Have towel, will travel.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Pied_Pfeffer It is after all a nuclear sub so energy is no problem at all and it makes its own oxygen as well. As far as baby making activities, well, we can designate the Captain’s quarters as honeymoon suite I guess. : )

So who would like to reserve the Captain’s quarters first? Anybody?

King_Pariah's avatar


Coloma's avatar

Ya know, the captain ALWAYS goes down with his ship. haha

mazingerz88's avatar

@King_Pariah And your partner issss? “Solo flights” are not allowed in the honeymoon suite. : )

@Coloma Are we going to have a female Captain then? Lol.

Coloma's avatar

Wait, wait, WAIT a minute here….I JUST noticed it said NUCLEAR submarine..okay, I missed that, Coloma is going on a luxury cruise, Bon Voyage my radioactive comrades.
I’m taking my brownies to Jamaica! lol

King_Pariah's avatar

@mazingerz88 I’ll snatch one or two lovely ladies then. And it isn’t solo, it’s Palmela Handerson and her five daughters, sheesh. lol

augustlan's avatar

Up periscope! Where the hell are we?

JilltheTooth's avatar

@augustlan : Just curious…when you are in your jelly form do you still have the whip? Or have you had one of your tentacles embellished with precious gems and spikes and just use that?

mazingerz88's avatar

@augustlan Periscope lens showing some bleeding on what looks like swollen glands. Computerized periscope analysis reports or PAR, indicates we are now looking at Gaddafi’s chronic hemorrhoids. : )

Coloma's avatar

Spy goose will infiltrate.
He is testing the latest underwater technology in the hot tub, micro camers attached to his flappy feet to scan for enemy subs.

MilkyWay's avatar

I’m gonna go into a corner and sleep.

talljasperman's avatar

@Coloma Maybe sometimes the Captain will pretend that the ship is going down… and tell everyone to get off the ship… then have the whole ship to himself…hahaha

Coloma's avatar


Hahahaha….duplicitous captains, right, we should always question the authority figures. lol
That made me laugh so hard, I think our humor is cut from the same cloth!

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Required reading/listening for all on board would be Michael Abrashoff’s It’s Your Ship and Get Your Ship Together.

MilkyWay's avatar

@talljasperman It’s a submarine, not a ship. Lol!

talljasperman's avatar

@queenie Not after I sell it on E-Bay and trade down to a nice ship

MilkyWay's avatar

@talljasperman I’ll buy the sub, and everyone on it ;)

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

I’m now the property of @queenie. I like that.

MilkyWay's avatar

Oh how I love owning all of you wonderful jellies :D

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

@queenie Tattoo time. Pick it out girlfriend.

erichw1504's avatar

I love lamp.

MilkyWay's avatar

@Pied_Pfeffer Jellyfish please ;)

WasCy's avatar

Lord of the Flies

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