Hopefully @augustlan would step to the front of the sub and say something like, “Any of you jellies who have technical knowlege or expertise, please step forward. Thank you @WasCy and @jerv and @lightlyseared and @koanhead, @mattbrowne @johnpowell and @Stinley. Anybody who is prone to panic attacts or outbursts, please team up with another jelly who has a calming effect such as @Jeruba and @tranquilsea, and @Jude and @blueiznh and @worriedguy, @Jillthetooth @seaofclouds and @adirondackwannabe. Anybody who might have some non-traditional ideas that may help us out of this situation, ideas that are not obvious to the rest of us, please step to my left. I’m guessing that @wundayatta and @Pied_Pfeffer, @fiddleplayingcreolebastard, @Katethegreat and @incendiary dan might be very useful in this situation. Any of you, that can cook, move to the back of the sub, where the galley is located, maybe @JLeslie, @Gailcalled, @SamIAm, @creative, @Crisw, @josie and @Incendiary Dan. @MissAusten can be your helper and sous chef. And anyone who has any talents such as singing, stand up comedy (or just an awesome sense of humor) does poetry reading, or has a great knowledge of an interesting subject, please step to my left. We might be here for awhile and we’re going to need some entertainment. So again, I’ll call on @Katethegreat, @queenie, @filmfan, @aprilsimnel, @zen, @symbeline, @yarnlady, @Nullo, @Quingu, and @Coloma. If anyone is having a medical problem, please see @Rarebear. If anyone causes any trouble, I will immediately place you in the custody of @john65ennington. Now for my last statement, can I have some volunteers for the possibility that we may end up on a deserted island, knowing that some of us will not make it out alive, it will be your duty to procreate and continue the Fluther line. Any volunteers??? Now, who shall lead us in song with _Octopus’s Garden and We all live in Yellow Submarine?