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For medical people! What are these itchy white spots my gf has just picked up?
We’ve just come home from a meal out and are trying to figure out what has happened to her skin. We walked out in the rain through a busy town centre to the restaurant (TGI Fridays, yum) and she had a medium-well steak with fries and mashed potato and a wild mushroom sauce and some of my ice cream cocktail with a little irish whiskey in there.
On the walk home she complained of feeling itchy and I noticed small white blotches on her face that soon grew in number and spread to her back, shoulders and chest within 20mins.
She’s a little scared because she’s never had a skin break out before and so we’re searching for the cause now.
Any clue what this is, Fluther?
These look much less ugly from a normal distance but I thought close-ups were best for a fluther diagnosis! Any advice on how to deal with them? Thanks!
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