Meta Question

ucme's avatar

If you've ever logged into fluther in a bad mood or emotionally distracted in some way, has this ever reflected in your responses & did you regret it?

Asked by ucme (50052points) June 18th, 2011

This is a purely hypothetical scenario, i’ve never logged into here in any mood other than good/calm. It just struck me however, if anyone had & maybe they were a little hostile or abrupt with someone as a result of their state of mind.
We hear of drunk fluthering frequently, hell perhaps some even fluther while aroused, I dunno. How about “moody fluthering”....thoughts would be nice…....cheers!

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32 Answers

jonsblond's avatar

Yes I have, yes it reflected in my response, and yes I regretted it.

well, I regretted all but one time. that person had it coming ;)

ucme's avatar

@jonsblond I’m guessing that must have felt good, right?

Coloma's avatar

I’m pretty self aware, and if I am in a rare funky mood I just go silent. So, my answer would be ‘no’.
However, I do admit I am less than tolerant at times for emotionally sloppy and over reactive people. I’m a pretty damn emotionally stable person, not perfect, but, I don’t take my moods out on others and I don’t tolerate others doing so to me.

_zen_'s avatar

Yes, and yes.

In some instances, I simply speak my mind. This can be harsh.

jonsblond's avatar

@ucme It did at the time, but the next day I did feel bad because all it did was make me look bad too. I’m usually not the type of person to call someone a petty name.

rebbel's avatar

If i am grumpy, or depressish, i don’t Fluth.
So no, no and no.

wundayatta's avatar

Management here has told me, on a regular basis, that I should take a break, since I was behaving in ways they didn’t think were normal for me. I.e., I exhibited signs of depression.

So yeah, I’d say my moods are noticed and quite well expressed by the way I write and the stories I tell.

Did I regret it? Well, I continued to tell the truth as I saw it. I continued to advocate for myself, although sometimes stronger than I might have, since when I’m depressed, I don’t care what happens to me. That gives me permission to say the things I really think, while my normal governor has gone out to play or drink or whatever it does when I don’t want it around.

It is somewhat freeing to stop trying to be nice and to stop worrying about the consequences of my words. It’s wonderful to be able to rip into someone as sharply as I want when I disagree with them.

Of course, people think I’m overreacting when I do this. You might as well say that I’m underreacting when I don’t do it.

I don’t regret it. Not too much, anyway. It’s nice to be reminded that I’m just another asshole amongst the billions of us. Sometimes I start to think I count for something, but that’s always a bad idea because as soon as I think that, someone comes along and stomps on me, no matter how good I am trying to be.

Better to think I’m just an asshole so that when someone does come along and kick me, I know that I did something to deserve it. Even so, I’m always surprised when I get kicked. I still think I’m being good even when other people think there’s something wrong with me.

It’s funny, considering how much I want people to love me. They have to love me on my terms—that is, love me as I am. If they want me to change, forget it. I can’t do that, no matter how much I might want to. I’ve tried. It never worked. Everyone always saw through me to who I really am. I’m not much of an actor.

So I enjoy it when I feel bad. I stop caring about people’s opinions of me. At least, to some degree I stop caring. Then I can make enemies. And get in trouble. One day I’ll probably get myself banned.

rebbel's avatar

@wundayatta You? Banned? Don’t be ridiculous, i have never read anything from you that breathed hostility.

TexasDude's avatar

When I get on Fluther in a bad mood, I usually cuss more.

Berserker's avatar

Not really, at least not that I’ve ever really noticed, aside from a few rare instances. Even if I’m really pissed or down, when I’m typing stuff, I review and revise it, so I’m pretty sure my mood doesn’t show too much. Although when I’m really tanked, my answers seem to be a little ’‘happier’’ and corny.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Yes, definitely. That is one of those situations where I hate that I can’t delete my own questions/answers.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I’m usually fine when I log on, but sometimes a Q or post will piss me off and I answer with snark which I sometimes regret. Mostly I try to be even. Mostly.

FutureMemory's avatar

What Jill said.

Soubresaut's avatar

If I’m distracted, I won’t be able to concentrate enough to finish an answer. Bad mood, if it doesn’t have a target, then I usually wind up accidentally pressing the wrong buttons and losing my answers, then don’t feel like trying to rewrite them, figuring it’s all better lost in the abyss of cyberspace.

What I’ve regretted most often is answering when I’m extremely tired. Because then I usually wind up answering just from one place in my mind rather than cross-checking, and it gets twisted and mutated and not very helpful. Of course, I can do that when I’m not tired, too.

I do worry if what I’ve written is worth being read regardless of my mood, and try to avoid anything too terrible, but I can’t always tell.

ucme's avatar

@ANef_is_Enuf Well said :¬)

gailcalled's avatar

When I feel more exasperated than is my normal wont, I answer nothing and usually just leave and go do a crossword puzzle or learn a new tense of a Greek verb.

Cruiser's avatar

I can’t think of a time where good mood or bad mood my answers would be any different.

wundayatta's avatar

@rebbel I’ve been attacked privately at times. I can lose it when that happens and write back some pretty angry things, forgetting that the moderators do look at pms and that people never see the first shot; just the retaliation. If the person brings my pm to the attention of the moderators, I can (and did) end up with a threat of some disciplinary action if I didn’t shape up. If anyone ever wondered if the moderators treat people with more lurve differently, this should make it clear that is not the case.

Also, I was pretty shocked at how mild a private missive will receive such a warning.

Brian1946's avatar

As the recipient of 168 Perfecto-fish awards, it’s reasonable to conclude that I edit and review the hell out of my posts regardless of my mood, so although my posts have occasionally revealed an edited reflection of my moods, I’ve never regretted what I’ve said.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Yes. And not anymore than normal.

lillycoyote's avatar

Yes and yes, but sometimes, when I am extra cranky I know it’s time to take a break before I wear out my welcome here.

And, @Brian1946 Beat ya! I have 280 Perfecto-fish and that’s with my writing some of my posts in text edit before I even post them here, and I still end up saying things I wish I hadn’t and having typos and misspellings. I need to be even more obsessive compulsive. But you’re definitely up there with the perfecto-fish titans, I think, at least. But @Jeruba has me beat and DominicX has more than Jeruba does. I don’t know who the perfecto-fish overlord is, though if it’s not Dominic. I would be very curious to know who the top contenders are for the honor. Not that I’m competitive about these things.:-)

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Do my comments reflect my mood???? I’m sorry, have we met? :P

Brian1946's avatar

Sometimes I come here feeling like a completely different person. ;-)

Brian1946's avatar


“I have 280 Perfecto-fish…. I don’t know who the perfecto-fish overlord is, though if it’s not Dominic. I would be very curious to know who the top contenders are for the honor. Not that I’m competitive about these things.:-)”

It’s nice to meet others who are also OC about their posts. ;-) At my current rate of fish perfection, I’ll have about 334 P-f’s when I’ve written as many responses as you have.

I’m also curious about who the Perfecto-Poseidon is. IIRC, Wundayatta only has 6 of them, so I’m still wundering who it is.

Bellatrix's avatar

Very occasionally I have and I have made one or two posts I wish I hadn’t. Mostly if I am in a snarky mood, I will probably not feel like responding to questions anyway.

augustlan's avatar

I feel the need to point out some errors in @wundayatta‘s post.

A) Moderators do not look at PMs. Only the site’s founders and the manager (myself) can see them.
B) We don’t go around looking at them for no reason, only to investigate a problem.
C) When something is reported, we most certainly do see the ‘first shot’, not just the ‘retaliation’.

Berserker's avatar

@augustlan Oh that’s good…then that means mods didn’t see that PM I…sent to…someone…about wanting to, er..I HAVE NO ANUS OBSESSION. Thanks.


Bellatrix's avatar


jonsblond's avatar

phew, Jon and I send many dirty, nasty pm’s to each other. That’d be free porn for the mod’s. I was about to ask for some money.

@Symbeline I deleted it. Don’t worry. ;)

Bellatrix's avatar

Hmm what is said in pm, stays in pm… well until Auggie publishes the book :D

Berserker's avatar

@jonsblond What?! Damnit I wanted to see lol. :D

ucme's avatar

Cheers folks, good stuff! :¬)

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