Social Question

Do you find depression to be salubrious sometimes?
There are times when I feel like I haven’t a chance of fixing one psychological problem or another. Like right now, entertaining the idea of being a human being with any worth generates gales of interior guffaws. I know a lot of people around here would probably get all judgmental about that, perhaps saying I’m “just” looking for attention.
I am. I’m not sure there’s anything wrong with that. I could use some love. Not that I would accept it.
So my conclusion is that I actually like being depressed on some level. It kind of fits my sense of self. It makes it easier to be in the world. I can poke fun at myself. I can agree with everything people say is wrong with me. It just makes life so much easier than having to deal with compliments or actual real-world affection.
Anybody else as nuts as I am about this? Anyone think it’s perfectly fine to be this way and no therapeutic help is necessary? Or are we all agreed that the people who don’t fit our model of health should be ignored until they are willing to seek therapy?
Should be interesting to see if I get any answers. Perhaps everyone will ignore this question. There’s always hope.