Would you behave any differently if Fluther was held in person?
Asked by
Facade (
June 19th, 2011
Would you have a different personality? Way of speaking? Or even, viewpoints and opinions?
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55 Answers
Probably a little, as I couldn’t hide my rolling eyes or exasperated sighs of frustration and impatience with some Jellies. And I’d feel obligated to brush my teeth before speaking.
As most of my work colleagues will tell you if anything I’m worse in RL.
Wouldn’t know how to, same old same old.
I’d probably point & giggle at some “head up the arse” folk though. Just couldn’t help myself ;¬}
That would be exhausting.
Yes. I’d be much quieter. I’d let people who talk more easily than I do, have the floor. I’d have the same opinions, but I don’t tend to fight to be heard. In person, I think you’d have people talking over each other. In writing, you get to say what you have to say without interruption.
Same as @Sunny2. I’m much more quieter in real life. Otherwise, not much different, same veiwpoints and all.
I would be less gregarious and would join far fewer conversations. My opinions, attitudes, and personality would be the same; you just wouldn’t see so much of them.
Besides, I wouldn’t attend.
I would sit somewhere where I could hear all the conversations that perked my interest.
Then I would just curl up tiny and try to listen to them all.
I’d also avoid everyone. Because I do that, in real life; I avoid people. Bad habit.
I would speak up very little.
Not at all. I really like talking, so I’d be everywhere!
I would be so much more boring because I wouldn’t say anything controversial. I mean, we’re talking serious Z’s here. Better than Ambien.
I would have fun actually poking them with a real stick.
Can I bring a pointy stick, too?
@JilltheTooth We can tag team and take care of the real antsy Jellies. XD
oooh, the list is soooo long! XD
Please don’t poke me; I’m sensitive!
Naw, I’d still be an opinionated bitch. :P
I’d probably be hanging out with the Mr. & Mrs. Blondes, drinking some beer, and forget why I was there.
First of all I would never attend. I’m not a joiner. If, if I did, I’d be a lot less able to ignore all the stupidity I see here. You have no idea how much I hold back.
OK. Lip Girl, now I’m a bit frightened!
Oh, @JilltheTooth, you should never be frightened of me. Just letting the people know I have an evil Willow lurking inside me.
Gosh, I kinda liked evil Willow! And could she rock that oufit or what???!!!
My answers would be the same, but I would probably find it more frustrating because I couldn’t skim read or ignore some of the longer posts/posts I find irritating and since I am not good at hiding my feelings, people would be really pissed off at my facial expressions.
I don’t think it would work though. The more outspoken would hog the whole thing and those who are quieter and more introverted wouldn’t be heard and that would be a pity.
No, not a bit differently. I’d be sitting on my couch, on the computer, listening to music, playing cards and surfing the Net, alone.
I get tongue tied in person and it takes me awhile to get acclimated.
I probably wouldn’t say anything at all. And if there were a question that made me angry enough to answer out loud, I’d probably be shaking and stumbling over my words.
I much prefer typing.
I don’t think that I would have a different personality, but I’d certainly have a different way of speaking. Internet communication is different from face-to-face communication. The former lends itself to speaking in paragraphs more than the latter, whereas the latter is more fluid and allows for immediate interruptions/clarifications.
My internet persona is radically different from my actual self. In real life, I’m really rather quiet and shy most of the time. On here, I have a tendency towards the brash and vulgar.
I think I would probably be a little different. I don’t really know how people read my comments since interpretations could be different.. nobody can really hear me or my tone of voice. My viewpoints of course wouldn’t change, my way of speaking would not change (but it may sound different to other people). Well, I also don’t really know how my “personality” on fluther is determined.. I’m sure I treat the internet and people that I talk to directly differently though.
I am quiet calm in real life. I have an easy time socializing and I am pretty laid back. I’ll be laughing and carrying on. If you’re a dick, I’‘ll speak up. :)
No, I wouldn’t. While I know we all have different faces depending on the situation, I’d say mine is about 98% the same in most instances.
In other words, I believe can acquit myself as myself and I’m fine practically anywhere I’d happen to go, from, say, meeting the Queen to going back to the old ‘hood.
*quite calm, I meant. Not quiet. :)
Nope. I say nothing here I wouldn’t readily repeat to your faces.
I would hug more, as ya can’t hug over the Internet, and I probably wouldn’t chat with y’all naked, as I am frequently with my iPhone.
I am afraid I would reduce most of the collective to hurling food at me or flipping me off and stomping off in a huff.
I’d probably fall asleep from boredom.
Oh, I find it much easier to talk than type so I’d love it! But I also have the eyeroll thing I’d have to not do.
If I were there at all (I hate crowds), I’d be exactly the same, I think. The jellies I’ve met in person tell me I am the same in person as I am online.
No, @augustlan , you’re not the same. you’re infinitely better. And, Jellies, she really does have a whip! I’ve seen it!
There’s a picture somewhere. Probably should be titled “Personal Modding”. I was mightily afeared.
@JilltheTooth I sent Auggie that whip in hopes that she would use it on me, but I’ve yet to feel it’s lustful sting. :*(
Come to think of it – I might act slightly differently in person. Without “mods” in real life – I’d probably swear more and tell people what I really think of them – and I migt beat the shit out of a few people here.
Whoa! Back off Rambo. It was only a stink bomb. It’s a joke. Come one. Get it? A joke!
Some people have no sense of humor, ya know?
I’m much louder IRL. That would be the only difference I can think of.
I’ll have the same viewpoint but I’ll be a good deal less articulate and more reticent. I thought that’s why people were on fluther in the first place, to be louder where they don’t have to risk the negative fallout that would happen to them IRL.
@atlantis, that might be the reason for some, but for me one big attraction is that I can get here without leaving my house, and another is that I don’t have to stand around with a plastic cup in my hand looking for an exit from a boring conversation.
@Jeruba : And you don’t have to brush your teeth if you don’t want to.
I do want to, @JilltheTooth, or I can’t stand myself. But I do not have to put on shoes. Anything I can do in slippers has a lot going for it right from the word go.
By the way, when you joined us, I thought your username meant that you were a dentist. I had a boyfriend who always referred to his dentist as Danny the Tooth.
My friend married a dentist who had an office on a converted tug boat. They called it the Tooth Ferry.
tell us how you’re doing, Jeruba
How kind of you to ask, @faye. It’s off topic, so I’ll be brief. My hand therapist says I am making excellent progress in regaining wrist movement and finger flexibility, and there is very little pain now. The foot fracture hasn’t healed up, but it seems to be improving gradually, and (puzzlingly) doing better without treatment than it did in various casts. So I think I’m mending well and expect to continue as long as I use good sense about what I can and can’t do.
I’d contribute more consistently. And depending on the mood I was in at a given moment, might swear less or more.
And I might be forced to throw popcorn at @JilltheTooth for such a gobbler of a one-liner :D
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