Meta Question

Should one insult on fluther result in the banning of the user?
First and foremost, i want you to answer to include (in this regards) a description of what you would like if this were your site, as i have done in the last paragraph.
Secondly.I was going to first ask this of the moderators but, upon looking at the list, I found that I’d already been insulted by a couple of them. Even more so, there would not be a site without the users so I ask you.
Also, having been the source of insults myself I understand the reality of the saying, “By your words you shall be acquitted. By your words you shall be condemned.“To try to avoid any further insults, I know I condemn myself and have no dilemma accepting this.
A great source of pain in life is the effects our actions have on another – myself included. I’m sick of it! Look, if I’m wrong to assume that we’re intelligent enough to know what unacceptable behavior is, please correct me because i have yet to believe
that the majority does not. Believing this to be true, i fail to see what leniency should be given to any of us from this point on when it’s obvious that it is an issue and that we do know better.
Stricter guidelines, in my opinion, whip people into shape,and “without limits people cast off restraint”, as the saying goes. It’s like church. I mean, whether you care for it or not there is a consciousness that arises with the limits imposed by the environment so that one, for the short time they are there, one cleans up their act for a bit. Why should this be any different? Especially when considering the high percentage of users already finding it extremely difficult to cope with the burdens they already have! I mean, is the reality of the “straw that
broke the camels back” nonexistent?
Well, I’ve presented my case and want the collective input. If this were my site, Taking into account that we know better than to insult another even in clever,subtle ways, i would ban a user at the first insult or, at least, make it possible, for the individual user to ban another from answering any of their questions in the event of conflict. You?