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Facade's avatar

What makes a person more sexual than another?

Asked by Facade (22937points) June 19th, 2011

Is it the amount of sex they have? The number of people they have it with? How often they think about sex?

How sexual are you?

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20 Answers

TexasDude's avatar

I’m both hyper-sexual or borderline asexual, depending on my mood.

And I’ve had very few sexual partners.

Hibernate's avatar

It’s testosterone indeed but it’s the way they rely to others and how fast they interact.


I have a high sex drive, as I do think about sex often. I blame it on my testosterone, but with the near constant pleasure that it gives me, I try not to look at it as a negative thing. On the contrary, it makes me very sexual, and I think having a good physique from all the swimming and weights I do stimulates that side of me too. The physical stimulates the mental and vice-versa.

ucme's avatar

Hormones, a vivid imagination & piston like thrust of the hips…...grrrrr!

blueiiznh's avatar

someone who knows the Kama Sutra inside and out. No pun intended :D

nailpolishfanatic's avatar

How much they think about it.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Imagination and creativity and lack of inhibitions. If it feels good, do it kind of attitude.

Jude's avatar

It is lack of inhibitions for me. When I am ovulating, I am horner than a two peckered owl.

Give me bootay over tittays, though.

Facade's avatar

@Jude How about both ;)

Jude's avatar

I’ll take both!!

wundayatta's avatar

Well, take my wife. Please!

Seriously, she likes sex once or twice a month. I like it three times a week, and could do it twice a day for weeks at a time if I were in the mood. It doesn’t take all that much to get me in the mood. So I’d say there is a disparity between me and my wife and it has been the subject of many a counseling session. Ultimately, I don’t think there’s any solution other than to accept that you will never be fulfilled that way.

plethora's avatar

@wundayatta Have you suggested a surrogate sexual partner for yourself? Just to take the edge off, of course.

mazingerz88's avatar

What makes a person more sexual? You said it. The number of times, the number of partners and the amount of thoughts put into it. Whoever has the highest score in these categories would be the most sexual human there is.

wundayatta's avatar

@plethora That was a pretty big non-starter.

envidula61's avatar

Testosterone, they way they are brought up, the company they keep, desire, the amount of porn they watch, the amount of pain they seek to hide, love, lust, a whole shitload of things.

plethora's avatar

@wundayatta It was….just seemed funny to me at the time…sorry.

mattbrowne's avatar

Body language. Tone of voice. Pheromones.

blueiiznh's avatar

It is about their ability and actually being more sexually engaged. This creates more sexual desire, energy, pheremones, ect.

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