What is your favorite loud sound?
Forget about soft sounds like babbling brooks, gentle rain, and warbling birds.
Tell us your favorite LOUD SOUND?
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73 Answers
I don’t think I have a favorite, but I do enjoy the sound of aircraft taking off. I guess I’m going to go with a space shuttle launching.
Fireworks, a jet fighter, or thunder. Really close lightning is really cool.
Sound of thunder.
Generally i dislike loud sounds very much, but thunder (or any sound made by Mother Nature) i can appreciate.
There is a certain kind of fireworks that are always used in our local fourth of July show, sprinkled in among the usual Chrysanthemums and glittery showers, that just appears as a vivid flash of intense white light. I love seeing that, then waiting that delicious half-second for the muscular THUMP! that’s felt as much as heard. It’s like getting whapped in the chest by God’s pillow.
The tornado siren that gets tested every Saturday at noon. It is loud and annoying attention-getting, and I am thankful every week that it works.
I love the sounds of a good thunder storm.
The drumline of our marching band. That is the best sound of summer to me. ...Also, thunder storms, fireworks, and a really good low-brass section over 5 decibels. :)
Trains and mass bagpipes.
Thunder, the louder the better!
A concert (band of my choosing please). I also enjoy thunderstorms, a loud engine note (as long as it is a good engine – Corollas with big exhausts sound like overgrown flies), and a good strong explosion.
That one relative you just can’t stand bouncing off the pavement would be ok as well.
When my neighboor is moaning in the night.
The most annoying sound in the world from Dumb & Dumber.
It may sound silly and a bit syrupy, but my favorite loud sound is the sound of my boys wrestling and goofing around with each other. They make such a joyous, unbridled noise that it always makes me smile – until someone gets hurt that is!
Rolling thunder that echoes off into the hills.
An orchestra moving from pianissimo to full volume. You feel it all through your body.
My home is about a mile from a busy railroad track. The engineer on the train, always blasts away, when entering an intersection. I did not realize that I was so accustomed to the sounds of the trains, until the tornado of 1998, that struck Nashville. Sitting on the front porch without electricity, I just then realized that we had absolutely no sounds of any kind. No birds singing, no dogs barking, no clickaty click sounds from the trains and especially no train horn warning blasts, that we were so use to.
Good question. Plus 1. jp
My son moved to Seattle years ago. On one visit home, he heard the train’s horn and said, “what is that?”. I told him it was the trains horn that he grew up with. He was amazed and rightfully so.
@jonsblond You’d love it where I live. I’m am about 100 feet from the river. Lately, I’ve been hearing foghorns going off at night and first thing in the morn. I love it, too. :)
@Jude Our old house was just a couple miles from the river and we could hear the barge horns every night. It always reminded me of the foghorns I grew to love when I lived on the central coast of California. That is one thing I miss about our old home. My new favorite sound has become the sound of the trains that pass on the railroad track just ½ mile from us. There is something calming about the rumble of a heavy freight train in the evening. =)
@john65pennington I do enjoy listening to the trains as they pass. We have a crossing down the road and I’ve learned to tell the difference between an Amtrak horn and a freight train horn. I think I would miss the sound if we moved, even though there are times I barely notice them now that I’ve become accustomed to the sound.
Loud rock music.
Rainstorm with really big raindrops. They make a loud noise too.
Wolf howling.
@john65pennington ahhh you struck on one of mine too. My grandfather was a railroad man and I got to spend some time with him while he worked. So no matter the time of day, I think fondly of the sounds of the railroad.
I was trying to refrain from using this one because it’s kind of mean, but I can’t help it. Have you ever heard the sound of a goat butting someone in the head? It sounds like hitting a coconut with a hammer. But it’s funny, in a mean kind of way.
Thunder, yes! And, I like my neigh-bors 3 mini-donkeys, they are hilarious and SO LOUD, they go on morning braying jags when they want the hay NOW! lol
It is impossible to describe the noises they make, like fog horns, sometimes when I have city friends up they almost fall out of their chairs when the donks go off..I tell them it is last call for boarding on Jackass cruise lines. haha
The sound of thunder is magnificent and commanding. I am not surprised that it’s the choice of quite a lot of us here. I also like melodious and loud sounds of drums and guitar riffs, rock and roll screams of Bon Scott, Ozzy, and Ronnie James Dio.
My guitar being played through my 40 watt tube amp at full volume, gun shots, cannon fire, trains, ship horns, high power engines, cans of ant spray exploding in bonfires….
My neighbor’s loud sex in the middle of the night. ~
Probably the sound of a tragic opera aria. I love the dramatics!
@Coloma lol no, but I was hanging out at my best friend’s house years and years ago and we had a little bonfire going. I stepped out into the field to take a phone call when I see him running out of the woods away from where our fire was. Soon after, I heard a loud BOOM that made it feel like the ground dropped out from below my feet. I asked him what happened and he said he threw a can of ant spray in the fire. The can exploded and took off like a rocket and embedded itself in the door of a chicken coop. It was gnarly.
LOL My friends and I just handed out chocolate covered Milk Bones to kids on Halloween, haha The ‘trick’ part escaped the parents that had a problem with our trickery.
@Coloma that’s hilarious! How did the parents react?
@Coloma oh, so you were younger when it happened! I thought you might have done this recently ;-0
The one that doesn’t exist because it isn’t loud. I have sensitive ears.
The deep rolling rumble of thunder, the sound of jets and military transporters lifting off, and the loud rumble of a real Harley.
I went to the fair last week and they had cows, sheep, goats, chickens and chickens in the big barn. So there was this wonderful cacaphonous sound of mooing and braying and baaahing and clucking and gobbling that just made my heart melt. It was really funny, but very comforting at the same time.
Love dem critters. It was funny, a friend brought their dog up with them for a BBQ at my place last night. She has never seen any of the farmy animals in her life. She was very well behaved, extremely curious about the geese, but later, at dusk, the big mules, Dove & Hilary came galloping up the creek bed below my deck from the woodsey pasture and she completely freaked out! “Whoa….what are these giant creatures galloping towards me!” She stood in rapt attention staring and yipping nervously under her breath looking down on them from the deck. Very funny!
@Kardamom @Coloma One of the nicest sounds is a barn full of cows at night after they been fed. It’s so quiet and peacful with just the sounds of them eating. Not loud but nice.
Thunder and rock music IF I’M IN THE MOOD FOR ROCK MUSIC. And fireworks unless I’m trying to get to sleep.
What about all of them ALL at ONCE? Sounds like a party! :-D
Rock music and fireworks? At once? Not my kind of party. lol Now now.
The obnoxiously loud sound of a lovely rave.(:
@john65pennington I remember that overwhelming feeling of silence in the days right after September 11th with no planes in the air. It was very surreal.
A choir of beasts raging like the storm!
And more serious, I love the sound of trains, and huge rig trucks zooming by. Big ass trucks are awesome.
I like fireworks, thunder, and guitars at concerts. Anything I can feel in my chest that makes me worried I’ll get a heart murmur.
How about music that is so loud it pushes you back into your seat and hits you in your stomach?
Only had that experience once, in a strip joint.
^^^ yeah, I’m sure it was the music doing that…~
I forgot to mention, we used to have a Field Spaniel who had the most beautiful, deep howl. He would only do it every so often but I used love that noise.
A train whistle, from far away. And, when I’m in the mood for it, loud kick-ass music.
Love all the answers.
@queenie – what she said!
also the crash of a really big waterfall
Rain on a metal roof.
A brigade of bagpipers and drummers.
Marching bands.
The applause at the end of a U2 concert.
My Pastor yelling when he preaches. :)
Cody telling stories about nothing.
@Kardamom I went to a U2 concert in 1987. It was The Joshua Tree tour. The last song that was played was I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For. As everyone left the stadium and began walking to their cars, a large group of us kept singing the lines from the song. There must have been hundreds of us all singing together. It was very loud! That’s a moment a person never forgets. =)
I also love the loud snoring sound my cat is making right now. So sweet and so cute : )
I love when both my cats are in my bed when I’m going to sleep and they purr. It’s all loud and funny.
When I’m not feeling stressed, and I don’t have a migraine, I love the sound of my children laughing loudly while they play. This is Day 3 in Migraineville and their play sounds more like screeching and wailing than laughter. UGH.
The sound of us moaning loudly during lovemaking. ;)
comfort sounds from the past amplifier noise while adjusting and skateboards
Me at a concert, and the music.
The sound of the leather soles of my shiny black dress shoes squeaking loudly (and my heels clicking) as I walk down a clean floor in the office hallway! It’s truly an “executive” sound. lol
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