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Who gets the highest priority when it comes to avoiding causing offense?
Before the US Open broadcast, NBC showed a video of the “Pledge of Allegience”
NBC edited out the words “Under God”
We can only assume that this was done to avoid offending atheists, Muslims, Buddhists, and UFO worshippers.
On the other hand, I am sure it offended people who believe the the US exists under the watchful eye of God.
It created enough of an issue that NBC apologized on the air.
Anyhow, what or who determines who gets to be offended, and who does not?
Note: Please leave ME out of this. I am a devout atheist, but saying the word God does not offend me.
And although I did my best (and maybe my worst) in the service of the nation for which the flag stands, I am not sure about reciting the Pledge of Allegience. It sounds a little Big Brother-ish to me.
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