Social Question

jonsblond's avatar

Is there a difference between Unknown, Private and Restricted phone calls?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) June 20th, 2011

I’ve received calls on my caller id before that read Private and Unknown (usually bill collectors), but never Restricted, until today. I didn’t answer to find out who it was.

Because of certain things happening in our life right now, it’s possible I may receive harassing phone calls from a private person (not company), this is why I didn’t answer.

Is there a way to tell if this call is from an individual or a call from a company?

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5 Answers

KateTheGreat's avatar

Restricted is normally a person blocking their phone number. That’s what shows up whenever I get prank calls from friends. Unknown calls are mostly from bill collectors and such, while private calls are people who have their phones set to private.

If someone called you from a restricted number, they don’t want you to know who it is before you pick up the phone.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@KatetheGreat Not always – sometimes restricted is also private (like when therapists call you back).

KateTheGreat's avatar

@MyNewtBoobs In some cases that is true. In most cases, it is what I stated above.

jaytkay's avatar

It can also depend on the receiving phone. I have a friend who shows up as Private on my landline and Withheld on my cell.

perspicacious's avatar

Unknown and Out of Area are calls which do not carry Caller ID information with them—they are usually originated outside of the USA. Private or Restricted means that either the caller has purposely blocked their number from Caller ID delivery or the call is coming from an entity that never delivers its Caller ID information, i.e. womens shelter, law enforcement.

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