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Are you upset by the death of Clarence Clemmons?
If you don’t know he was the sax player, and a charismatic figure in the E Street Band, then you won’t appreciate the question.
Bruce Springsteen was the first rock musician that I “discovered” all by myself, and followed as a fan. Not my parents music, not somebody else telling me something was cool, not what the radio or MTV said I should like.
I heard it, and I liked it, without peer approval or discussion.
I was a kid when I first heard “Sandy” on a local radio station when I was in Cape Cod.
Hooked on the spot.
One of my first dates with a girl that I seriously liked was a Springsteen concert. I have seen him several times.
Anyway, Clarence Clemmons died this weekend, and I am a little upset by it. Certainly, so are his friends and family, and their attachment is obviously more significant than mine.
But speaking for myself, I feel like something big (not a pun) has gone away from me.
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