General Question

nikipedia's avatar

Will exercising while hungover make you feel better or worse?

Asked by nikipedia (28098points) April 27th, 2008

Just wondering….

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9 Answers

paulc's avatar

Yes but the real problem is convincing yourself to start doing it. We used to play soccer on Sundays after a bunch of us would go out on benders the night before. After the game I always felt better. Just be sure that you don’t overdo it and drink a lot of water. I am so feeling your pain today as well.

peedub's avatar

I always feel better afterward. If you can, go swimming. The cool water is nice.

row4food's avatar

The actual real problem is that you are dehydrated. The only thing that will make you feel better is consuming fluids. If you exercise and do not replenish your fluids, you will become more dehydrated, which can be very dangerous. As long as you put back in what you lost the night before/ what you will lose during exercise, you will feel better.

zaid's avatar

worse at first. then better. exercising will help detox you. but yeah, drink enough (but not too much).

Babo's avatar

Drink lots of water though, you’re probably dehydrated!

loser's avatar

I can’t think of a worse thing to do

stuff12's avatar

I never get a hangover, whenever I go drinking the next day I feel fine, one time I threw up from drinking too much, but I felt fine in the morning, no headache or anything

peedub's avatar

@stuff123— I’m going to guess that you must be pretty young.

midjam's avatar

Much better, i think as it gets your blood flowing, also i think most of the hangover is in the mind, if you sit and feel sorry for yourself you will feel like shit better to get out and do something.

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