What do you think about a 51 year old man marrying a 16 year old girl?
Asked by
chyna (
June 21st, 2011
An actor, Doug Hutchinson, 51 married Courtney Alexis Stodden recently. I think that is a huge age difference. I also don’t think she looks 16. Picture
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55 Answers
Looks like they photo shopped her to twenty eight.
The difference is quite big, i agree, but if they both are in love and there is not something like persuasion involved i think it could be okay.
Sixteen sounds possibly not totally mature but some girls are more mature then twenty five year olds.
Also, if i had met my girlfriend when i was thirty i guess there would’ve been some eyebrows frowned too we differ fifteen years.
I think they are in it for the sex or the money. Think about it. In 40 years when the guys gone she gets his house and money for another 45 years.
I think they’re probably living in a distorted reality. Good luck to them.
She looks like she is in her late 20’s. Oh god!!!
As recent as the 20th Century, it happened more often than you’d think. Women used to die in childbirth frequently or die young from multiple births, poor health, poverty, etc. and the men would remarry quickly to provide a mother/guardian for their kids. It was seen as a man’s duty to provide a “mother” for children and to keep on making children as long as he could.
Nowadays it’s odd to us because we don’t see women often with so few resources as to consider an older man as a partner or helpmate unless he sweeps her off her feet with something else out of the ordinary such as a lot of money/great lifestyle/reputation/fame.
I just googled him. He’s 51? Now that’s good plastic surgery!
As for the marriage: It’s quite disturbing to me only because 35 years is a huge difference. My grandmother was married at 16. But her husband was 21.
Even at 37 I can’t imagine being able to connect mentally with someone as young as 16. Does he have kids? If he does there’s a good chance they’re older than his new wife…that’s a little creepy.
My cousin is 17 and interacting with her is like talking to a child, I can’t even conceive of trying to have a relationship with someone that age.
@futurememory I agree. Some of my friends have kids that age and I can’t find much to talk about to them.
She looks like the trashy side of late 20’s. He looks like late 30’s, early 40’s. (he was the jerk guard in Green Mile)
I read that she actually had to get parental consent to marry.
This cannot last.
Does he like Justin Bieber?
I say let her live and learn, he is older and only wants the arm candy, ego boost etc etc, but she has a lot more to loose. If she thinks she loves him then who are we to judge.
However as I have a son the same age (16)....well there is a whole other argument!!!!
Well if she doesn’t look young, I guess it’s ok lol. I give it a year.
In NY he can be put away for Rape 3rd – a Class E Felony – 1½ – 4 years in prison, and put on a Sex Offender list for life. When she turns 17, it is OK for him to bang her like a rabbit on amphetamines and Viagra.
Don’t get me started!
I think it is the behavior of a pedophile. I also think her parents are neglectful and abusive if they had to sanction it.
@worriedguy, her parents gave their consent. Even in NY, I think that’s allowed at 16. I don’t know why, but it is.
I loved him in The Green Mile and I thought for sure that he was gay. Beard, perhaps?
Anyhow, not sure what’s going on there.
Hmmmmm… where’s ragingloli….
My dad was younger than that when I was 16.
I don’t really think such a huge gap in age compliments bonding as lovers do. Opinion.
I’m with @perspicacious on this – that’s, at best, icky, and really unhealthy, and her parents are abusive and negligent.
Narcissistic nonsense.
The guys an idiot and the girls not far behind.
Probably a pretty good psychological match, 16 + 16…might add up to an average of 32, but doubtful. lol
Borderline pedophilia if you ask me.
Meh. The parents okayed it. That’s the legal hoopla out of the way. As for their love, who knows?
We got used to 80 year old men marrying twenty something year olds – and living with three or more at a time, right?
Feminism was a very important movement in the 60’s and has certainly changed a lot for the better. It has also been the catalyst for other things, like this. We are not supposed to frown upon this – as it is their choice, right?
Of course, society has become so fucked up, so irrational, so narcissistic and money/fame chasing – I do not imply it is only because of feminism. It does take two to tango. Two fucked up individuals whom I can only wish well. Oh, and see you in a couple of years in the courthouse – sorry – just statistics.
I don’t know any 16 year olds who are mature enough to make that serious kind of choice, but they all believe they are. That’s what parental guidance is for, and her parents failed her.
I thought that we was cute in The Green Mile.
I’m 51, and the thought of a 16 year old boy not only gives me the creeps, but, makes me laugh.
Right, well, I guess I could learn to love gaming, NOT, and hmmm, I could afford to keep him in acne medication and teach him how to drive, and keep him in clean sheets for those wet dream accidents. OMG! Sick, sicker than sick..Coloma must go outside and commune in nature now. lol
Her dad is four years younger than her husband.
I just hope he could keep up with her in more ways than one. Wow, I just realized that Doug Hutchison was that freakish guy who could squeeze into very tight spaces in one of X Files’ early episodes!
Well then, if he could do that kind of squeezing with her, he’ll be fine.
Actually, that would be the only good part – the squeezing into tight spaces.
Jeez, I’d have to wait 5 years for the kid to be able to go wine tasting too. lol
I doubt if it will last more than a few years. If that. It’s hard to imagine there being any kind of intellectual relationship there. It is all about sex and image. Won’t last.
@Coloma I’ll go with you to the wine-tasting after we drop your young husband off at the daycare center.
Seriously, I agree with @Simone_De_Beauvoir. Parental approval was given, so what does it really matter? And @chyna, I agree, she doesn’t look 16 in those photos. If it wasn’t true though, don’t you think someone would have stepped up with evidence by now?
Hahaha….that so made me laugh! Yes, we’ll leave him at the teen center! lol
I predict this marriage won’t last. In time she will be a young woman taking care of an old man in his declining years and she will be lonely, or she will start seeing other men. Her friends won’t be his, and vice versa. If you add children to the mix the story will get even sadder. My daughter is living this reality right now.
@Pied_Pfeffer Well, parental approval doesn’t really mean shit. There are mothers who approve the fathers raping their daughters, parents who have their children kidnapped, parents who approve beating their kids till the kid has broken arms… Legally, it might uncomplicated things, but it hardly means there’s no issue.
@MyNewtBoobs I won’t disagree with you on the examples given for cases of bad parental consent. And who knows why Ms. Stodden’s parents agreed to it. I don’t know if they have been good parents or not, as I doubt any of us do. Nor do we know Mr. Hutchinson or Ms. Stodden. There are more factors than a large age difference to take into consideration before we raise a big red flag.
@Pied_Pfeffer Why, exactly, do we need to be so concerned about raising a red flag? Red flags are kinda useless if you’re too cautious to ever raise them. What red flags are ok to raise without more info – is an alcoholic? Was raised by Hell’s Angels? Has been to prison? I used to take this “gather more info before making a decision” route, and I was in a lot of abusive relationships. And when I finally learned to listen to my gut and the red flags, and stop saying “ok, but maybe…” I stopped being in abusive relationships.
@MyNewtBoobs Like you, I listen to my gut instinct, but it is when it pertains to my own circumstances. If we have no interaction with those involved and only react on what is reported in the media, especially in a situation like this, then society is in trouble.
A prime example is The West Memphis Three. Essentially, it is a case about three young boys who were found murdered. The accused, three other boys who were slightly older, were accused, tried and convicted of the murders with no evidence, other than a coerced confession and suspicions of local residents because of the boys’ different ways.
When the story first broke, many followed the stories and took the word in the media for the truth. It now turns out, 15 years later, that DNA evidence from the crime scene points to another culprit and not the three young men who have been locked up all of these years.
So who knows whether this marriage of young Ms. Stodden and older Mr. Hutchinson will last? Without knowing the parties involved, all I can do at this point is hope for the best for them.
I think it’s none of my business & act accordingly.
Ick. My oldest daughter will be seventeen next week, and she looks quite a bit older than she is, too. The thought of a 51 year old man wanting anything to do with her freaks me right the fuck out.
@aprilsimnel The parents can give consent to marriage. But, if he has sex with her before marriage, he can be charged and convicted as a sex offender – (even if it was willing.) DAs love these cases since they are easy to win. It is purely a case of looking at both birth certificates and presenting the facts to a judge/jury.
(She sure looks a lot older than 16.)
Apparently this stunt is doing wonders for their careers.
I’m sure the old gent is getting the best end of that deal.
I am not worried at all with the age gap (I am obviously biased here, being in an age gap relationship for the past 5 years), what concerns me is the age of the girl. I am not exactly an oldie myself but, to me, sixteen years old is still a child and so I am questioning how genuine the feelings are and so, because of this, I can’t help but feel that the marriage won’t last.
I agree with @Leanne1986. 16 and 51 is a rather large age gap for someone who’s still a minor. If she was with someone only a few years older, it would be a different story. With that said, I’m not sure I believe she’s actually 16—she looks much older. At any rate, I question how a 51 year old can mentally connect with this girl if she’s as shallow as she appears in her music video. But it’s probably just a publicity stunt. I don’t expect it will last long.
@worriedguy – She looks older than me, and if I married that dude, no one would blink an eye!
I don’t know. What does the Bible say? ~
I haven’t heard a word on them since then.
There was a whole article on Gawker today about this girl posing in a Pam Anderson-on-Baywatch-style suit that was posted from her Twitter along with some (apparently) ridiculously overheated Tweets.
I did see a head line that she was saying sex was really hot with her husband. Didn’t read the article as I was at work.
Surprise! There is a mention of the couple considering a reality show of their life at the very end of the film clip on this link.
That’ll be on my “must see” list.~
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