Social Question

FluffyChicken's avatar

What is your opinion on dating an ex's friend? What about a friend's ex?

Asked by FluffyChicken (5521points) June 21st, 2011

Yeah, there’s similar questions, but they aren’t quite the same and they’re old.

So is it OK? Under what circumstances? Why or why not? Any other thoughts on the subject?

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9 Answers

Kardamom's avatar

There are millions of other people in the world. By getting mixed up with friend’s exes and exes friends you are just inviting bad feelings. Even if people tell you that it’s OK. It’s never really OK. It creates un-necessary drama and weird alliances.

_zen_'s avatar

The latter is inviting trouble – so no. The former is trickier – it depends on the relationship with the ex – because you know they’re gonna talk about you all the time. I’m gonna say no on both counts – stay clear of anyone that has to do with an ex. There are so many jellies in the sea.

chyna's avatar

Boyfriends/girlfriends come and go. Good friends are hard to find. Don’t mess with your friends ex’s.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I don’t do it, my friends don’t do it. I’ve had the same group of friends for going on decades.

perspicacious's avatar

After I had been divorced for a few years, some friends of mine divorced; I was friends with both husband and wife. About a year later the husband asked me to go out. I went but I told him we couldn’t date because I felt like I was doing something wrong. He was respectful of that, but we did a lot of things together. We had daughters the same age who were friends from school. When he needed a date for business or social things, he often asked me to go with him. So, my opinion is that I couldn’t and wouldn’t do it. I don’t have an opinion about what you or anyone else could or would do.

zenvelo's avatar

I think there are different answers at different times of life. In a fraternity/greek system at college, there was quite bit of dating of people who had dated friends. There seemed to be a “cooling off” period until the next quarter, but after that no one was “off limits.

Later in life, though, the whole thing gets way to complicated with marriages and children. I wouldn’t get involved with any friends exes, because I value my friends. And I sure as hell don’t want to be around any of my ex’s friends. I am tired of that insanity.

Plucky's avatar

I’d say no on both. Don’t mess with ex anything ..unless you enjoy the drama.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I have never done either.

tedd's avatar

If it was a major relationship for your friend, their x’s are off limits in my book. Have had a major falling out with a guy who was my best friend as of a result of him hooking up with my x’s.

Hooking up with your friends X imo is faux pas. I wouldn’t do it unless it were years later and/or they weren’t friends anymore, or if the X had seriously wronged me.

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