Describe your best friend?
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AshLeigh (
June 22nd, 2011
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38 Answers
He is a quadriplegic in his 40s who got hurt playing daredevil in his youth.
He is kind but tends to say foul things to people he doesn’t like and sexually aggressive things to women. When I look at him in horror he says, ‘if they don’t laugh, I just pretend I am mentally damaged too. People don’t expect a lot of quadriplegic’s’.
He moved away and bugs me to come visit.
He is a bit of a drunk and a amazing cartoonist. He works a normal job and drives a Nissan. And he likes the grilled cheese sandwiches I make.
He’s witty, used to watch southpark/youtube videos with me. He’s a great cook and used to bake me things. He always knew when I was upset without me having to say anything. He just totally got me. If he wasn’t gay I’d totally be in love with him.
I miss him.
I got no best friend .. I have friends but I cannot make ranks between them saying that one is first or another is on fifth place.
I can rely on them all and most understand me and do not try to change me. Most back me up whenever I do something wrong or when I’m in trouble.
I share a lot of things with them [ thoughts and items , ideas etc ] though not the same thing with everyone .. it’s just that I share things we have in common. [ not likely to talk about gaming to someone who does not enjoy playing pc game .. you get the idea ]
Smaller than me, long red hair, very much into keeping herself in shape, goes to the gym regularly. Eats healthy. Has freckles.
Cheesy answer: The wife
Uber cheesy answer: My kids
Real answer: My drinking, farting, swearing, football loving, neanderthal buddies ;¬}
He’s tall, tan, lanky. and uncoordinated. We have a similar personality, but he was raised under completely opposite values. He was raised in Michigan, his family is conservative, and they are evangelical christians. I was raised in Florida, I’m liberal and atheist.
He is intelligent,confident,creative,strong,handsome and has a quick wit and alot of charm.
He loves animals and is great with kids.He is protective of me and always has my back.Any time I am with him,I feel safe…(as do others).He has varied interests and a natural curiosity that I find very appealing.He appreciates the little things and is a very thoughtful person.I can tell him about something that interests me and months later, he might gift me with a book or show me something relating to what I had told him about! He truly is amazing :)
He has strength of character like no one I have ever met and will stick to his word.No BS from him ever.
She’s a bit of a cyber punk come rock chick.. Bright red hair, usually in pig tails… alternative dress code….. 5’ 6” Studying for a degree in micro biology. Very thoughtful & generous.. Best of all she’s very grounded & not the least bit up herself :-/
She’s a big fan of everything alfresco… ;-)
She is incredibly smart, ferocious as a bull dog and won’t put up with BS from anyone including me. She is an absolute riot to be with and fun to just take a walk with. She is compassionate, loving, affectionate, knows how to erase a frown and make you smile when you need it most. She is the mother of my 2 beautiful sons that are the highlight of my life. She has taught me how to be a better person and she reminds me everyday that I am a special person in her life. She has stood by me for over 20 years and the whole reason I am successful in my life and all these reasons are why she is my best friend.
She is the nicest person in the world. She’s just about my height so, maybe 5’5”. She’s really silly, has a sense of humour. She has short brown hair, has glasses like me until I got contacts. She always wears millions of hair clips in her hair. We’ve been best friends since second grade, so for 6 years. And, on Facebook it says we’re married. I honestly have 3 best friends but I’ve known this one alot longer.
Sasha has the best dimpled smile, contagious laugh, and adorable curly hair perfect for french-braiding. She is admirably aware of problems in the world and current situations and fights to change the world for the better every day. When she is not out helping people, she is across the couch from me watching a romantic comedy while we give each other foot massages. She is the friend who brushed my teeth for me when I had a broken arm overseas, the friend who jumped in the ocean fully clothed with me one Independence Day, the friend who glimpses a piano and starts playing ragtime, and, most recently, the friend who introduced me to the Mexican culture. We’ve only been friends for four years, but we will be friends for at least eighty more. Mexico is far away, I miss her! <3 <3
My best friend’s name is Katie. First of all, we are totally different people. She is extremely skinny, I am athletic and I’ve got a huge butt, our political views are VERY different, she’s terrified of guns and I’m not, and there are so many more.
Katie and I met when we were in an all girls singing group together. The only reason we were talking is because we were making fun of all of the drama in our class. Since then, we’ve stuck together like glue.
My only real friend is: healthy; physically very fit; competitive athlete; healthcare professional; adventurous; beautiful; intelligent; happy and interesting personality; adored by everyone; my wife.
She’s 31, married for two years with a 9-month-old baby boy. She works as a nanny (or did – she’s not sure when or if she’ll go back to work now that her husband is rakin’ in the bucks) but her dream is to open a daycare.
We met in 1989 when her family moved in two doors down from mine, and though we went to different elementary schools and haven’t always lived in the same city, we’ve always been close. She’s one of the kindest, funniest people I’ve ever known, and I love her like a sister. We have one of those friendships where we might not communicate for a couple of weeks (or, once, a year) but can pick up where we left off with no problems.
She’s always been there for me, and I hope I’m there for her in the same way.
My best friend has dyed red hair ( used to be a natural looking red, now it’s an almost purple red) and is awesome. we talk to each other pretty often, even in school when we didn’t have any classes together. She’s a self-proclaimed awkward freak geek, as am I. We’re not letting the fact that we like the same guy come between us in any way, and I love her like a sister.
Everyone’s best friend sounds so great!
My best friend is amazingly intelligent and a terrific writer. She has a heart that is as big as the sun and would do anything that she could to help a friend. She is hard working and has gotten as far as she has in her career because of that. (And because of her smarts!) She has a great smile and gorgeous eyes, and she’s always doing something fun with her hair. It makes me a little sad that she’s overweight, not because it makes her look bad but because it really effects her health. Selfishly, I want her here forever!
Unfortunately, she died. She always listened carefully. She supported me no matter what the problem was. She had a wicked sense of humor and a great sense of style. We just thoroughly understood and accepted each other. I miss er. I never had another friend like that.
He’s a natural genius. He’s friendly, fun, caring, careful, generous, hilarious and multi-talented. In fact, he’s got this knack for being able to master whatever he happens onto. If he skis for the first few times then he becomes better than most everyone else. If he takes up archery then he becomes champion in his league. If he takes up target shooting then he’s an ace shot and is courted to be a range master- stuff like that. You’d think it would be easy to be jealous of him but no, everyone loves to be in his company. He is as at home dressed to the nines as he is grubbing around in rags. He is a true gentleman.
She’s wonderful! She helped me through some very hard times in my life with her strength and wit. She can be challenging to talk with sometimes because of her ADHD, but it’s an aspect of her life that makes her her. She shows her compassion and great knowledge everyday with her patients (she’s a nurse) and others. I really appreciate her.
My BFF is turning 40 next month. She moved from FL to Cali, so I nicknamed her CaliKat. (Kathleen).
She is a redhead, 5’4”, the most generous, loving kind, open, intelligent person I know. She is working on her PhD in exercise science and sends me tons of free workouts and nutritional advice.
She doesn’t know how amazing she really is, and that I look up to her so much. She is my soul sister in every aspect. We have similar experiences at the same time, even though she is on the other side of the country.
She is a great listener… and very sensitive also. I miss her so much, but she is always here with me in spirit!
One has crappy humor, in the Navy, taller and heavier than me, nerdy, a Lutheran, brilliant, a ginger, and has a nose that would make Michael Jackson proud.
The other, has the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen, flamboyant, a tad clumsy, humorous, supportive, patient, and unfortunately I’ve become “that” friend with her, but can’t stay stuck chasing a rainbow that isn’t there anymore, can you?
The longevity of help, razor wit, commiseration, partying, placating, and the occasional bickering make us the true odd couple of different personalities who love each other.
He’s very intelligent, has a good sense of humour, is the most faithful of sons, has amazing writing and painting/sketching abilities, is a person of true integrity, creative beyond measure, is kind, giving, listening, with a sharp mind for considering various scientifically-oriented topics, can be as stubborn as I’ll get out (!) and, well, is one of the most fascinating people I’ve ever met—- he’s one of a kind & people just don’t get any better than this. (!)
Wish I could sit with him on my porch & sip something cold next to him right about now & simply ‘shoot the breeze’ about nothing in particular.
She is the dream of any person; intelligent, funny, good listener, understanding, generous, she always find a solution for any problem, she cares about others, has the heart of a child and the brain of a genius…I always take advices from her she is MY LEADER, MY MOM, MY SISTER, MY SOUL…
She is like exactly like me, same personality as me, funny, stupid, annoying, like the same things ( most), we think the same most of the time, finish each others sentences, loyal, great friend, fun, crazy, most of the time hypo and random hahah
We have been friends for 10 yrs now goin on to 11, she’s more like a sister then a best friend to me :D
Hahahaha well we are practicly joined at the hip, we think the same, act the same and she is just awesome and I love her to bits (as a friend) she is crazy, stupid, hates it when I poke her but its funny when she goes spaz, annoying, loyal, trustworthy, hypo, random, just one of the BEST people that you will ever meet.
We have been friends for 10 years… nearly 11 now and I just can not imagine where I would be without her :) lol Kiss Kiss Biatch ! <3
@megzybrahh123 love you <3 hahah one thing I would know that would happen if I didn’t know you is I mite actually be normal heheh and the pokin is to far :/
@pashley_108 brahh but its funny <3
sorry Love ya for everrrrrrrrr!!
Yes we are awesome hahahaha
Nahh we are the biggest dooshes ever lol XD
She’s a very good person, she’s kind, helps me all the time, and is always there when I need someone to talk to. She’s beautiful, and loves sailing and horses. Sometimes we fight, because we aren’t the same, and we argue a lot. But it doesn’t matter, ‘cause we love eachother. Sometimes it’s like she knows what I’m thinking of. Also, we sometimes say the same thing, at the same time. I love her so much.
compasssionate, thoughtful, funny, energetic!
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