If Americans are willing to truly see what is going on…blinders off…leaving partisan politics behind…yes. If Americans are willing to see how they have been hoodwinked by the banksters and how they have been sold a bill of goods, not just in this administration, but in the last few decades…yes. If Americans are willing to switch off their IPads, IPods, stop listening to the mainstream media and doing research to find out the real truth…yes. If you are willing to stop trashing Palin or Pelosi or whoever the whipping girl is these days that are tossed in the fray as merely diversions from the real problem which is the erosion of your liberties….yes. But for so many people, politics has become “Hollywood” and that means that looking for the “next attractive fab soundbite politician” is more important than the essence of what the people who can really help are saying.
The only way is to stop the bickering between “you are right, I am wrong” and “CNN is right and Fox is the devil” or “CNN is socialist and Fox is the only truth”....“The Democrats care for people, the Republicans are the party of the rich”....all that is ridiculous pablum to keep your eyes off the real issues and to divide you so that you become weakened and more anesthetized to the truth: that you can do anything if you are united and if you are willing to see that all of you are enslaved in one way or another…it is just to the degree that you differ in that enslavement. America is gradually going to become a country with only two classes: the rich and the poor. You cannot control a people who are doing well, but you can control a people when they have no food on the table. Learn to be more self-sufficent_ turn off the boob tube_ stop listening to the sound bites, begin to organize, know your neighbors, get off the consumer grid as much as possible.
Living in the UK, I can tell you that America is not respected here anymore. I moved here during the height of the 9–11 fervor and it was amazing how sympathetic and pro-American people were. They were outraged at what happened, they were on our side. But then, the honeymoon was over. It started with Bush’s cowboy policies and Obama along many of the same routes. (Not bashing either one of them, simply stating what the thought is here). What happened to ending the wars? What happened to abolishing the Patriot Act (and furthering the cause of Big Brother)? This is what I mean. When Bush (and I am not a fan of his either) enacted the Patriot Act, he was chastised by the left. When Obama extended it…nary a whimper. Why is this? It is the same policy, nothing has changed in it. Why did Obama who could have absolutely done something stellar for himself, back down? (Well, it’s complicated, yes, I am aware that it isn’t simple…but the Patriot Act is one of the most heinous things ever introduced into America.)
You have to live in a country where you are watched constantly, where you are not given the right to decide your country’s fate (as in the UK and all the members of the EU) in order to truly recognize what you had in America one time. In the UK, the Brits were not given the choice whether to join the EU or not. The Prime Minister simply signed over the country so to speak without a referendum to decide its own fate. Now, we are privy to the rights of the EU, and not sovereign. We are now having to bail out Greece, and next will be Portugal and Spain. Ireland (gorgeous Eire) attempted to fight the vote, they voted it down the first time and the EU made them vote again and were strong-armed into the acceptance. Guess what happened? This thriving nation (they were doing so well) tanked completely when it had to take on the Euro. It is a huge mess on this side of the pond and I fear that this sort of “union” will next be introduced in the United States. Are you willing to start bailing out other countries when your own country is flailing? That’s what we are having to do to the tune of 40 million pounds a day (that’s 65 million US). I live in a nanny state of handouts and amazingly mind-boggling benefits (welfare in America) fraud. With people on welfare living in 6million pound homes paid for by the government. Or three and four generations of families never having worked at all. Meanwhile, the elderly go without care in our NHS hospitals, left to die in their own excrement and education is cut for students…but we are enabling strong men, boys and women who can work to sponge off the system. And we continue to send billions of dollars to the EU daily for them to line their pockets, have huge salaries and parties and bail out other countries. We do need to help others, but we need to help countries help themselves through trade and commerce as the EU was first intended. Now, it is this devouring monster eating up our cash and liberty. It is absolutely appalling. I realize that Michael Moore extolled the virtue of our National Health System, but I’ve been there, it’s awful. If you want to have a baby, or get some penicillin for an infection_great_, but most of the care is abysmal. You hope to God you get a good and caring doctor, but most can’t be bothered to help you or they are so exhausted, they just ship you through like on a conveyor belt. America, this is your possible future.
You don’t have as much control anymore_ you just think you do_. The difference is that in America you still have a chance to change things if you are courageous enough to step up to the plate _and stop bashing your neighbor because he doesn’t believe exactly as you do. All of you are in the same boat. Do you want to argue about who is manning the ship? Or do you want to row to shore before you sink?
There are only two mainstream American politicians today who are willing to stick their necks out for the truth and they are ridiculed. We know who they are and in Europe, they are considered heroes. Will they ever be President? Probably not because they don’t cater to any special interest groups. Someone once said, “we may elect a President, but we don’t select them.” Most candidates are groomed years in advance, vetted to see that they can tow the mainstream line. If they step out of line…well….the Kennedys, case in point.
An American spring? Perhaps…but Americans have to recognize first that they are living in an American winter. That means facing the truth, beyond politics, beyond Palin and Pelosi and beyond the pap that is churned out daily by people more interested in protecting their side of the fence instead of tearing it down and working together. And I don’t mean in the Congress or the Senate…I mean in your own towns, farms, and all across America as a grassroots movement to take back what you have lost.
You can still do it. You really can….but you won’t do it with politics as usual. Politics has little part in redeeming the sovereignty of a nation, it is all done primarily with individual courage and vision.
(I am sure I am going to naff off people…I didn’t write this to start an argument. I write from an American who has lived what is on the other side of the fence for you…if you don’t wake up. I am not here to play |partisan politics or anything like that. Nor do I want to get dragged into some silly argument. The time for division is over. Let me say this again…it’s not about the Dems or the Repubs or the Tea Party or the men on the moon or the slumber party….its about your future.)