Meta Question

janbb's avatar

Do you have any personal news that you'd like to share with the Jellatinous Community?

Asked by janbb (63360points) June 22nd, 2011

This idea grew out of a discussion I was leading on another thread. The idea is that this will be an ongoing thread and a place to share important news that is not of a “something great” or “progress” nature. I would prefer that it not devolve into a FB like place with posts like “Hunger in ma belleh” but be reserved for caring and sharing type news. Comments can be made and of course, pms sent as follow-ups. Want to give it a try?

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726 Answers

erichw1504's avatar

I found out yesterday that I am transferring within my company from Illinois to Virginia! I’ll be moving in the next 2–3 weeks. So, I probably won’t be contributing a whole lot between now and when I’m finally settled at my new desk.

In even bigger news: two days ago I found out that we’re having a baby girl!

janbb's avatar


Cruiser's avatar

Finally hired a new Salesman here at work and booked a cabin on a lake for our summer vacation. Can’t wait!

@erichw1504 Congrats daddio!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

A childhood friend with MS,recently had the same procedure as I did a few months ago.
She is now able to walk without assistance.
I couldn’t be happier for her! :D

JilltheTooth's avatar

I think my cousin’s widow will be OK. I was very worried about her, afraid she’d give in to grief and maybe do something drastic, or overdrink or something, but I just spent a few days with her and saw a wellspring of strength I didn’t know she had. It will take some time, but I think she’ll come out the other side.

_zen_'s avatar

Single again. Taking it better this time around – but it’s so frustrating and annoying.

janbb's avatar

@zen But look at it this way, at least you have over 5,000 lurve!

_zen_'s avatar

I laughed.

Dr_C's avatar

I just left a meeting with the hospital’s transplant committee, and now I have to call a mother to tell her that her baby girl can’t get treated here. That’s the sad news.

The cool news is that I’m buying a condo for when Mrs. C and I get married. If everything works out we’ll finally make the engagement official with her family in the next couple of months.

Her family is very old-school, so I have to ask for her hand. Her dad passed a few years ago so I have to ask her older brother who travels a lot for work, in the presence of their mother and other family. To date we have yet to be able to get all of them together in one place.

P.S. “I haz a hunger in ma belleh”

SuperMouse's avatar

It looks like we finally found an affordable, accessible place to live in a nice neighborhood with great schools! We should be moving in a couple of weeks!

rebbel's avatar

Next March my parents will be fifty years married, were it not for the fact that they told me in the last week that they are going to divorce.
Never noticed a thing they really deserve to at least get nominations for the Oscars.

flutherother's avatar

My daughter just graduated and she has got a job.

atlantis's avatar

Gonna join the foreign service! Can’t believe my lifelong dream is coming true! God bless everyone! :D:D:D:D:D

mazingerz88's avatar

An independent filmmaker in Hollywood emailed he is going to pitch the story I’m writing and would love to shoot it eventually.

faye's avatar

I feel pretty good today, no worse than before the procedure so thank goodness I did it. It is a gorgeous sunny day here- we have had nothing but rain. I am going outside to recup on a lawn chair! Can I say congrats to everyone for your good news? Sorry about your parents @rebbel, if it does bother you.

Jude's avatar

Congrats, Dr. C!!!!

OpryLeigh's avatar

In a couple of weeks I have a meeting with a lady that runs a dog training business and is interested in hiring me.

incendiary_dan's avatar

I’m getting a lot of positive feedback for my plan to run a “Zombie Apocalypse Survival” class (it’s mostly just a survival class with good marketing), so I’ll probably actually run it. Just need to find a place.

tedibear's avatar

I am thinking about going back into bank training. I’m finding that the day to day of what I’m doing isn’t as appealing as I had hoped. It isn’t bad, it just isn’t as good as I thought it would be. We’ll see what happens.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I’m sure I mentioned that my daughters’ beloved gymnastics coach left to focus on his other job and his own children, and that we’ve been distraught over losing him…

Anyway, I just received a sweet email from him, in which he included a link to a “private” Youtube video that he made JUST for my girls. My kiddos were SO happy to see his face and hear his voice again, that they were squealing and I had to replay the video the several times. He’s going to call us for a lunch date soon and my girls are all atwitter! After the shit week I’ve been having, getting his email and watching that sweet video completely made my day!

FluffyChicken's avatar

I made my second post on a blog I started in January. I got my nose pierced and I cut my hair. I still miss him.

Seelix's avatar

Mr. Fiance has had a pretty ridiculous week at work so far. He works for one of those online Groupon-type companies, contacting merchants and setting up contracts for deals. On Monday, his supervisor got fired. A different supervisor took over his sales team, and it turned out that this supervisor had very different standards with respect to weekly contract quotas. Suddenly Mr. Fiance is in trouble for getting half as many contracts as he’s now supposed to. The new supervisor started giving him shit without even giving him any time to up his sales. So he thought he was going to be fired – he didn’t go into any great detail, but came home last night super grumpy.

This morning he contacted HR about a customer service position that was just posted, and tomorrow he starts his “new” job, away from the evil supervisor (to whom, by the way, Mr. F had to listen as he verbally abused a merchant for not wanting to renew a contract – threatening him with legal action, blah blah blah).

LuckyGuy's avatar

I found out yesterday that we will be receiving a huge (for us) 2 year contract. Life will get very complicated in a few months. More employees, audits, asset tracking…. ugh!
I’ve often heard the expression:“Be careful what you wish for. You might get it.”
Well, we got it!

faye's avatar

@Seelix good news on the job change- I could never be a salesman. Evil supervisor will either be fired or Peter Principled higher when enough merchants complain.

KateTheGreat's avatar

After having a dangerous mishap with medicine in Europe, I am now proud to say that I am recovering very well. I wasn’t able to eat, sleep, or many other things for a few weeks (hence my absence a little while ago), but now I am able to eat some food, sleep, and my liver is doing somewhat better.

chyna's avatar

A very good friend of mine and his wife had twins about 3 weeks ago. One of the twins is in critical condition and has yet to be diagnosed. Last night they took him off the ventilator and he drank a bottle for the first time in over a week.

YARNLADY's avatar

I got a chance to meet my grandson’s friend when she visited us for two weeks. I think she will probably move in with us.

I mashed a finger on my right hand Monday and spent four hours in the ER, they had higher priority things to do. No bones were broken, thank goodness. It’s hard to type with my left hand and one index finger, especially since most of the letters are worn off my keyboard.

harple's avatar

I received an email today offering me a harp-teaching post at a school I used to teach at before I moved away 4 years ago! After moving back to the area 9 months ago, I’m gradually building back up to being able to earn my full time living just from peripatetic music teaching again – hooray!

lovely post idea @janbb , thank you

faye's avatar

@KatetheGreat Oh dear, what happened to you?

ninjacolin's avatar

I met my nephew for the first time over the past 2 weeks. He’s heading back home (15 hrs away, by car) on sunday. :(
sooooo cute!

MilkyWay's avatar

Going to a party tomorow, very excited for that.
I’m going to be moving house soon too, later on in July.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I decided to leave one of the organizations I helped found. My heart is no longer in it.

laureth's avatar

I am going up north to see my grandpa this weekend. It’s probably the last time I’ll ever get to see him. The lung cancer is advancing and they’ve run out of treatment options. On the other hand, he’s almost 84 and has led a good life. I’m glad to be almost 40 and still have a grandpa.

faye's avatar

@laureth I’m envious.

Berserker's avatar

It’s not really important news, but the silly kindergarten side of me just needs to point it out…

After hooking up on Facebook, @blueberry_kid and I just wanted to tell everyone that we share the same name. :D

AmWiser's avatar

While visiting my Pop’s grave site on Sunday, my Mom had brought a small bottle of wine and some cups to toast to the ol’ man. While we were toasting and remembering good times, my 6 year old great granddaughter took a quarter out of her pocket, dug a hole next to the headstone, and said “I’m going to leave PaPa some money, he might need some while he’s here at the scenery.” (Cemetery). I wished I had my video recorder.

blueberry_kid's avatar

@Symbeline I KNOW! It’s freaking awesome. I was surprised at first, but with the help of Facebook, we have the same name…


I just farted…

Berserker's avatar

Our name rocks.

dannyc's avatar

All of my kids are out of the house as of July 1. (4 of them) Let the party begin!

Rarebear's avatar

I bought an inexpensive Martin DM Dreadnought guitar and I have my first guitar lesson tomorrow morning.

bkcunningham's avatar

I @AmWiser, awww. That is so amazingly sweet. I wish you’d had a video recorder too.

downtide's avatar

A week and a half ago, I found out that my department at work is to lose 20% of the staff, to be moved (whether they like it or not) to a different department. On Monday this week I found out that I’m not one of them – my job is safe.

_zen_'s avatar

Best thread in a long while Bubs.

janbb's avatar

My son, his wife and Jake will be moving back to Paris in the Fall. He has accepted a job with Google there.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Well, @janbb , it’ll be great to visit them there, but I know you’ll miss the accessability! Bittersweet…

erichw1504's avatar

@janbb Google! That lucky bastard!

bkcunningham's avatar

I know you must be relieved @downtide. Good news.

laineybug's avatar

I’m going into ninth grade next year and I already have some people looking out for me. :) Those people aren’t my sisters though. :(

tedibear's avatar

@laineybug – I’m glad you have back-up! Even if it’s not your sisters, you at least have a little comfort.

SpatzieLover's avatar

Lovely, our 12 year old parakeet died today. This makes three elderly/infirm animal-type family members for the year so far. :(

Twelve years ago on a forty degree early May day, our cat Tigger was looking out the window and “barking” at our resident chipmunk. A normal scene at the time. When it seemed that his “barking” went on for longer than usual, my mom stepped over to find out what was going on. There was a white and blue parakeet at our bird feeder. Tigger began pawing at the screen to tell mom about the bird.

After both mom & I went out to catch him, I held him under our sink faucet to attempt to get the mud off and warm him a bit. He bit my thumb until it was bloody and swollen.
He didn’t look ill at all, just very young (maybe 6mos old). Since my boyfriend (now husband) had gotten a cat, we had his budgie living with us. We put Lovely in with Buddy. Buddy spent the next day cleaning between Lovely’s toes, picking at his eyelids and carefully preening each feather. The two were inseparable after that.

I suppose I’ll need to start another thread as I did the last time this happened (name our bird) We won’t allow Blue (His full name is Little Boy Blue) be alone for more than a couple of days. Time to head out to the Avian Rescue Center to find at least one new friend…Maybe three? Our aviary is big enough to house four budgies.

MilkyWay's avatar

I just came back with first prize for the singing competition!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Congratulations sweetie!!

SpatzieLover's avatar

Just got the phone call: We’ve been approved to adopt 3 budgies from the rescue center. My son jumped for joy.

syz's avatar

Well, I’m currently feeling like a coward. I bought my motorcycle, and then promptly laid it down. Now I’m intimidated. But I’ve decided that I need to have it lowered – it’s too hard to control on tiptoe. But the good news is that I now know that I can pick up a 500+ lb bike. (Being short sucks. Seriously.)

And the camping trip that I just got back from was awesome. When you go 6000 feet straight up, it’s much cooler. High of 67 there, came home (just 3 hours away) to temp of 97. I may turn around and go back.

tedibear's avatar

@syz – Yes, but are you okay?

syz's avatar

@tedibear Minor road rash, major embarrassment.

jonsblond's avatar

My husband’s previous employer threatened to withhold his final paycheck that is due to him tomorrow if he doesn’t return keys to their property. (Jon threw the keys in a moment of anger in one of the sheds on their property. They are lost somewhere in the shed).

I just did some research, and thanks to our wonderful governor, Pat Quinn, he just signed (this year) the Illinois Wage Payment & Collection Act. Employers who withhold an employee’s final pay are subject to penalties. Jon can receive 2% interest per month, for each month it is unpaid, if they try to withhold his paycheck. (These people didn’t do their homework. That’s how stupid they are)

Bellatrix's avatar

Wow @queenie! First prize in a screetchin…. sorry SINGING competition! Well done!

I don’t really have any amazing news of my own. I am very happy that my daughter looks like she might have been head hunted for a new job and since she isn’t very happy in her current position I am hoping it all goes through for her.

redfeather's avatar

My little girl is speaking a lot and showing her sense of humor. She keeps me cracking up.

I’m signing up for a new job tomorrow, yay!

Next week, my boy cousins, ages 12 and 9, are coming to stay with us for a while because they’re driving their mom crazy. Lord, beer me strength.

@erichw1504 congrats! Baby girls are the sweetest!

FluffyChicken's avatar

I have a fever and I’m at work. I am also very depressed. I’m normally a very happy person, but I feel terrible right now.

I don’t care about anything anymore.

faye's avatar

@FluffyChicken Tell work you’re sick, buy some soup and crackers, orange juice, and chips, rent some movies and go home.

bkcunningham's avatar

Aww, @FluffyChicken I’m sorry you are sick. You really should tell someone you are sick and need to go home. Get some rest and drink plenty of fluids (no alcohol). How long have you felt bad?

Seaofclouds's avatar

My son was diagnosed with congenital hypothyroidism and had to start thyroid medicine today. I’m feeling pretty crappy about it. There is so much that is up in the air with it, but all of it makes me feel sad. There are other things making me feel sad about all of it as well. Basically it boils down to me feeling like I failed him because of everything that happened with why I was induced early and now this. I hope tomorrow is a better day.

faye's avatar

Oh, I am sorry, sick baby is so hard.

jonsblond's avatar

@Seaofclouds (((hugs))) I’m so sorry to hear about this. Sending good thoughts your way.

Seaofclouds's avatar

Thanks ladies. I’m sure it’ll all be fine in the long run, I’m just a bit emotional right now.

_zen_'s avatar

Now I feel terrible too @Seaofclouds I lurve you tons and wish you guys health and happiness.


JilltheTooth's avatar

Oh, @Seaofclouds : what a sucky thing! Give nimmy a kiss for me and hugs for you guys,too.

janbb's avatar

—Sending you love and hugs.—-

JilltheTooth's avatar

OK, I’ll put this out there. After reading this thread I downloaded the book to my Nook, read it yesterday, and quit. Let’s hope it takes. Wish me luck, Jellies!

Seaofclouds's avatar

Thanks everyone.

@JilltheTooth Congratulations! I hope things go well for you.

FluffyChicken's avatar

@bkcunningham & @faye I just worked through it. I didn’t have any other symptoms besides dizziness and a headache.

…I wish I could afford to buy soup and crackers.

faye's avatar

@JilltheTooth Good for you! I’ve been ‘quit’ since mid Dec, but I’m having a hard time with the sun and fires outside. I’ve had a few if someone was smoking and would give me one. Yeh, it should have blown my head off but did not, I was born to smoke!

Dutchess_III's avatar

I didn’t lose my job due to budget cuts. Had to accept a position teaching at the jail to keep a job….and guess what. I LOVE IT!!!

Yesterday two of my guys were intently watching a movie that is part of a fine arts lesson. It’s called Musicals through the Years. They watch one musical from each decade since the 30’s. I had to snap a picture of them with my phone. One of them said, “Hey! Why’d you do that??!!”

I said, “Because! If anyone wants to talk about how scary it is to teach you bad ass, convicted felons, I’ll just show them this picture of you guys seriously getting into Snow White!” : )

Jude's avatar

My back healed up! :)

Bellatrix's avatar

@Dutchess_III, I think you are doing really important work. Good on you.

_zen_'s avatar

@Dutchess_III Start a blog and put me down as a subscriber. You know I teach ESL – mostly to adults – I’d love to hear about teaching convicts. I could learn.

Or you might start a thread something like Would you like to hear about my experiences teaching convicts?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Thanks guys…I’ll tell you more tomorrow!

FluffyChicken's avatar

I had a really fantastic and productive day!

janbb's avatar

Not personal but I am so happy – NY legalized gay marriage finally!

FluffyChicken's avatar

I wake up depressed every morning. It takes concerted effort to make it a good day. Today shall be a good day though. I plan on throwing away more junk I don’t need, and then going to a friend’s going away party. I will have attended two going away parties in the last month, and I’ll have missed two as well. Everyone is leaving. I feel left behind and can’t wait to leave.

I need to get on this whole learning to drive thing!

MilkyWay's avatar

I’m changing my username.

Berserker's avatar

How come?

MilkyWay's avatar

Someone I don’t want to be recognised by does recognise me by my current username. :-/
Any ideas what I should go for? Right now I’m thinkin jailbait.

Stinley's avatar

I just had a pillow fight with my four year old which was hilarious. I said: be careful, she said: why (as usual) and for some reason I said: you’ll come a cropper. This then descended into her lying on her back kicking her legs saying: I’m a cropper – you’ll be a cropper if I zap you. ZZZzap – suddenly now I’m a cropper and I’m lying on my back kicking my legs! Probably not the game for just before bedtime but we were giggling too much to stop.

_zen_'s avatar

Bubs – when you reach 100 posts, could you start a new one? It takes forever to load…

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

One of my best friends just bought me a 5th gen iPod Classic from ebay, for no reason other than “I wanted you to have one”. I’ve never owned an apple product… this is so cool importing all my stuff, WOOT!

FluffyChicken's avatar

@queenie It could be a bad idea to shout out to everyone on the internet that you are“jailbait.” There’s a lot of psychos out there and it’s disturbingly easy to track down where someone lives via the internet.

Cruiser's avatar

Just dropped my 15 yr old off at Boy Scout camp to be a Counselor for 3 weeks…took my breath away to hug him goodbye for that long. It goes sooooo fast!! ;(

MilkyWay's avatar

@FluffyChicken I get you. But as you can see, it’s already been changed… but I’ll be careful.
I’m not really jailbait though. Quite legal in my own country :)

Mariah's avatar

I am getting extremely good results from an anti-depressant. Hallelujah.

Berserker's avatar

I think I poisoned myself by eating too much shrimp gah.

incendiary_dan's avatar

@Symbeline Are we talking mercury or other contaminant poisoning? Or just general food poisoning? For the former, eating a lot of cilantro is supposed to be good.

KateTheGreat's avatar

After many years of being too poor to afford to straighten my teeth, I finally got a retainer!

I have a lisp, but I will be beautiful soon!

Berserker's avatar

@incendiary_dan Well I’m not puking, but I’ve had food poisoning before from meat, and it kind of feels like that, but lesser. What’s cilantro?

incendiary_dan's avatar

@Symbeline It’s an herb used in a lot of different foods, particularly (in my experience) in Mexican, Vietnamese, and Thai cooking. I’ve heard reports that it helps take heavy metals out of the body. If you’re just upset in the stomach, ginger is a better remedy.

augustlan's avatar

My oldest daughter, (you may know her as Fly on Fluther) was nominated for and attended Girls State. Apparently, it’s a pretty big deal. She was gone for a week, at Salisbury University – her first time away from us for so long. She did well, and made a lot of new friends. I’m pretty proud of that girl. <3

jonsblond's avatar

@augustlan That’s great! What a wonderful experience for her. It will also look good on those college applications. =)

janbb's avatar

Yay for @Fly!

MilkyWay's avatar

I’m changing my username again.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@augustlan Congrats! That is just awesome!

@jailbait You could just be the Fluther User Formerly Known As Queenbait.

Seelix's avatar

This past Friday, I came to the conclusion that I’m not the 18-year-old punk rock kid I once was. I went to see NOFX live, and the first 20–30 feet back from the stage was all moshers. I had so many people jumping on my toes that I couldn’t really walk to the subway afterward… luckily none are broken :/ In my defense, I wore steel-toed Docs back in the day, so I was probably jumped on just as much without realizing it. And Mr. Fiance can finally hear out of his left ear again as of this morning.

Makes me kinda sad.

incendiary_dan's avatar

@Seelix It takes a lot to keep up that sort of pain resistance. You let it slide and before you know it, it’s gone.

Seelix's avatar

@incendiary_dan – I just need to get a better camera to record video – then I can zoom in and stand closer to the back ;)

erichw1504's avatar

@jailbait change it to @smellygirl.

Aster's avatar

I found a “Doo Wop” singer from the fifties and sixties on Facebook, we’re Facebook friends now and we chat and crack jokes. It is Really fun! He sold MILLIONS of records !! don’t even think of asking me who.

Berserker's avatar

Yesterday when going to the store, I found a Saw III hard movie poster on the side of the street. When I came back, I picked it up, and took it home. A nice find for me. ^^

Dr_C's avatar

I’m leaving the office today before 8 pm for the first time this year, with every intention of purchasing a new set of golf clubs.

chyna's avatar

I found out today that they are trying to create a position for me at my temporary job. They have a meeting scheduled in mid July with corporate HQ to find a position for me! Snoopy Dance! Even if they don’t come up with something, I’m very honored they are doing this.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Happy feet, @chyna! What a kudo! That is fantastic!

janbb's avatar

@chyna They really like you!

JilltheTooth's avatar

@chyna ; I love that they are doing this! How cool is that!

chyna's avatar

I know! Shocked the heck out of me!

JilltheTooth's avatar

told you you’re adorable!

augustlan's avatar

@Dr_C Nice. Enjoy your ‘early’ night!

@chyna I knew it! Anyone would want you working for them. :)

erichw1504's avatar

I am eating shredded wheat cereal.

Cupcake's avatar

Fetus’s first ultrasound today… I’m 9–6/7 weeks along and the heart rate was 168… looking good!! :)

@fireside was such a proud papa!!

erichw1504's avatar

Had a filling today, haf my mouf is shtill numb.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Geez, @erichw1504 , stop drooling all over!

JilltheTooth's avatar

I am figuring out how to do all sorts of things on my iPhone. This is not good. There is too much fun to be had, and all the colors are so pretty and there’s some shiny stuff, too. I am afraid.

erichw1504's avatar

Killed a bug last night in the house. Still don’t know what kind it was.

Jude's avatar

I’m changing careers. I am going to be working with troubled youth in the Fall. :)

KateTheGreat's avatar

@Jude That’s so great!

augustlan's avatar

@Jude Excellent!

I just had Merry Maids clean my house. It’s the first time it’s been this clean in at least two years. Whoo hoo!

Mariah's avatar

@Jude, that is awesome!!

My third and FINAL!! surgery is scheduled for July 20. I haven’t been as excited as you would think because I’ve been assuming we’d have to reschedule it for later; I did not think I would be physically ready by then. But, I’m starting to think otherwise. My huge surgical wound that I’ve been packing for two months is starting to grow a layer of skin. I’ve gained about three pounds this week. Everything’s going really great! Although I’m nervous, I can’t WAIT to get this last surgery, and be DONE with it, and not have the ostomy anymore too! My optimism is reflected in the fact that I bought a bikini yesterday, which is not wearable until the ostomy is gone. :P

KateTheGreat's avatar

@Mariah Good luck with everything! You’re a wonderful, strong girl that can make it through anything!

faye's avatar

@Mariah Good for you!! Keep your chin up though, if it ends up being August 20. My kids used to get so disappointed!! and this is much more important.
I got a little cocky with moving around, doing too much gardening, because I was feeling so good, so now today, I’m resting. I kind of hoped I was good to go, in spite of the doctor saying 3–4 weeks.

josie's avatar

Good luck with that. Get well soon in advance.
On a lighter note, I found a hundred dollar bill in the washer after I did my laundry. Next round is on me!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@josie Well, slap me naked and hide my clothes! $100?? Wish that happened to me on laundry day!

FluffyChicken's avatar

Life hurts. I guess I’m not a kid any more. I wake up depressed every morning. It takes so much effort to get out of bed any more. I really don’t want to go to work today. I hate my job, and I hate the town I live in. I need to get out.

Stinley's avatar

@FluffyChicken I’m not a hugging sort of person but I want to give you a hug just now.

FluffyChicken's avatar

I could use one. I guess this too shall pass. (like a kidney stone)

Stinley's avatar

Go and find someone who will give you an unconditional hug. It will pass but getting help might make it pass quicker. I’m Scottish – we are not known for being in touch with our inner feelings but 6 weeks of counselling helped me 5 years ago.

FluffyChicken's avatar

Yeah,it’s kind of hard to get help when you live out in the middle of nowhere and can’t drive… I’m doing a lot better than I was though. I’m going through a really rough breakup. Talking to friends really helps, and being stoned.

Stinley's avatar

Take care x

FluffyChicken's avatar

Thanks. I’m working on it. I wish I could at least feel normal when I’m sober though. I don’t like the idea that I’m kind of depending on being stoned lately. I just can’t seem to get out of the depression without it though.

faye's avatar

@FluffyChicken Get mad- have a friend over and talk about how much better off you are now and how wrong and awful he was.

FluffyChicken's avatar

I’m past the mad stage… He broke my heart in a terrible way, but he himself wasn’t awful, just young and inexperienced.

KateTheGreat's avatar

After tons and tons of hardship and lack of communication, one of my ex-boyfriends and I have finally made a breakthrough.

We had dated for a long time and things were absolutely wonderful. After a year and a half of dating, we were having a few problems. Things weren’t going so good in my life and he had a few personal problems of his own, so we ended up parting ways. He moved away and I tried to move on (which eventually ended up very badly, I dated a new guy who cheated and hit me). So today, he came back to my city, bought me flowers, and asked to talk to me. We sat down for a few hours and talked things out and we’ve decided that we might be getting back together. He was the only one that I’ve ever truly loved, so this is super exciting for me.

I feel like a fucking ray of sunshine.

faye's avatar

Rhizotomy seems to be working, I’ve had 3 good days, time to try a walk.

Stinley's avatar

I finish my job today and my kids finish school. They have a 9 week summer holiday ahead because we break up earlier here and where we are moving too goes back to school later. This is exciting but only helping a little with their sadness of moving away from here where we have lived for 8 years. I’m sad too at leaving my work friends. I’ll really miss them.

JilltheTooth's avatar

One week smoke free. Still loaded with bizarre unfocused manic energy, but there are a couple of dozen tasks in my house each 5 minutes closer to completion. It’s just so hard to concen…oh! Look over there! I wanna do that now!

AmWiser's avatar

@JilltheTooth that great news. As they say take it one day at a time!

FluffyChicken's avatar

@KatetheGreat Oh, what a dream come true!

redfeather's avatar

I’m now blonde.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@redfeather : No you’re not. I can see that you’re still red… XP

KateTheGreat's avatar

@FluffyChicken You know it! I’m so happy :)

redfeather's avatar

@JilltheTooth curses…. You saw right through me.

FluffyChicken's avatar

I would really like a day without moodswings depression and crying. And the shitty thing is, even if I had him back, I know we’d still be miserable. Beacause I know he doesn’t find me beautiful, and because he resents me for not being her. And because I resent him for resenting me. At least we’d have each other to be miserable with.

erichw1504's avatar

@redfeather you now need to change your name to @blondefeather.

redfeather's avatar

@erichw1504 my hair color changes far too frequently for that..

erichw1504's avatar

@redfeather OK, so how about: @redblondebrunetteblackfeather?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Don’t forget purple.

redfeather's avatar

@erichw1504 that really rolls off the tongue. Your ideas are the greatest.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@erichw1504 Maybe @MultiFeather or @RainbowFeather?

redfeather's avatar

guys… Red is my favorite color.

tedibear's avatar

I talked to my sister last night. She had knee replacement surgery last week and everything is going really well! The physical therapists are amazed at how good her range of movement is in such a short time. I can’t imagine the pain she was in. The doctor removed seven bone spurs prior to putting in the replacement. She says she looks forward to no longer walking like Chester from Gunsmoke.

MilkyWay's avatar

@tedibear Oh dear, I’m glad she’s doing so well, and wish her a speedy recovery.

tedibear's avatar

@jailbait – Thank you! She has always recuperated well and quickly, so I’m not surprised. But I sure am happy about it. And at 62 years old, she’s ready to do at least 20 or 30 more years of walking on it. :D

bkcunningham's avatar

We have been working on a house we bought to flip. We closed June 15 and it should be on the market July 7, if the good Lord is willing and the creeks don’t rise. Actually, we could use some rain for the sod we had laid. It is our first flip and it has been a big deal learning experience for a newly retired couple.

bkcunningham's avatar

Oh geez, @tedibear, I hope she continues with her recovery. Knee replacement and the bone spurs. That has to be tough. Knee replacement is amazing these days. Seems so routine compared to, what; ten fifteen years ago. I hope she has a speedy and healthy recovery.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Acupuncture yesterday, re-balanced, energy not manic today, slept well last night. Life is good. $30 richer for not having smoked this past week. Now I can justify those books I download to my Nook…

tedibear's avatar

@bkcunningham – Yes, the surgery really has evolved. They now have replacement parts in different sizes. They used to scale them to the average man, now they have them smaller for women. I’m sure her recovery will continue well. She’s one of those people who actually does what the therapists and doctors tell her to!

erichw1504's avatar

@redfeather OK, so… @redredfeather?

redfeather's avatar

Ay dios mio…

Dutchess_III's avatar

My daughter is on day 31 of not smoking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dutchess_III's avatar

She’s coming over and I want to show this to “Give it up for Corrie Lee!!!”
Whooo whooo!!! Clap clap!!!

tedibear's avatar


JilltheTooth's avatar

Wahoo for her!!!!

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL!!! @tedibear My daughter just saw your transposition!!

tedibear's avatar

Oh no! As long as she laughed! GO CORRIE LEE!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Was that really an accident?? That’s even funnier! I’ll be calling her Gorrie from now on, you know!

Thanks @JilltheTooth!

Dutchess_III's avatar

We’re even now @tedibear! I crashed your 10K party. ; )

augustlan's avatar

I finally figured out how to award the Guacamole to the fine jellies I’ve met or received things from! I’m ‘Fluther headquarters’ these days. :D

Dutchess_III's avatar

HA!! We fell behind on our mortgage payment, so we’ve been making extra payments of about $150 on top of the regular payments. I thought we had about $300 or $400 to go to get current. I made my payment today. Usually I just go through the phone prompts, but this time I talked to Customer Service. I asked how much I needed to pay to get current. She said, “Forty-four dollars and sixty-six cents.”
I yelled, “WHAT??!!!!”
She repeated it. ”$44.66.”
I repeated it back, like this: ”$44.66???????
She said “Yes.”
I said, “Well, hail!!!!!”
WE’RE NOW CURRENT ON OUR HOUSE PAYMENT FOR THE FIRST TIME IN, LIKE, A ZILLION YEARS!!!!!” We’d go out to eat to celebrate but we’re short about $44.66 to do so this pay period!

I’m SO excited!!

tedibear's avatar

@Dutchess_III – Getting out from under like that feels great. Congratulations! Wait! party? Must look!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Party party!!!!

flutherother's avatar

My son just got a girlfriend. She seems a very nice girl.

redfeather's avatar

I’m employed! Hooray for monayyyy!

MilkyWay's avatar

Yay! Great going @redfeather :D Really happy for ya.
We’re going on a “working holiday” soon. My dad’s gonna take us all to Pakistan… 0_0
Apparently, it’s a good place for property investment.

tedibear's avatar

@jailbait – I may be out of line here, and if so, just take my apology now. But Pakistan??? I could be mistaken but aren’t things a little dangerous there right now? At least for a non-Pakistani? (Big assumption on my part that you’re not, but I’m taking the chance.)

Bellatrix's avatar

I say again, I love this thread. @Dutchess_III what a great feeling for you. You must feel like you have climbed a mountain. And @redfeather… congratulations on your job. I hope you will tell us more. Flutherother, a gf and a nice one, wow, quite the coup!!! And a holiday @MsJailbait.. we insist on photos and more info about the holiday.

Nothing to report here but I am loving reading other people’s news!

KateTheGreat's avatar

I’ll be able to get my hand cast off in four weeks! Two weeks less than they were expecting. :)

tedibear's avatar

@jailbait – Sorry, I never saw that thread. I was really just being stunned that your dad was taking you there. In any case, have a good time and let us know how it went!

YARNLADY's avatar

@KatetheGreat That’s good news. I have restored limited use to my smashed finger, and I though a whole week of not using my right hand was bad.

jonsblond's avatar

@Dutchess_III How I know the feeling. My husband complains that we never have extra money to do anything, but at least the bills are paid! I hate the feeling of being behind on payments. Can you at least go get yourself a Blizzard from DQ to celebrate? :D

Now that my husband has a new job, we are finally saving a little bit of money. We put less than 100 miles on our car this week. He was driving that in one day with his old job. What makes this even better is seeing gas prices consistently dropping. I can put $10 in the tank and not worry about having to fill up the next day!

MilkyWay's avatar

YAY for @KatetheGreat :D
I’m gonna go bra shopping with my mum tomorrow. Not quite sure why I’m telling you guys though…

MilkyWay's avatar

I’ve started a blog :D

OpryLeigh's avatar

@jailbait Care to share the link?

I have made the decision to get a tattoo after years of really wanting one. I just need to get my partner on board as he’s not a fan of them and for the past few years I have put off getting one because of his views.

MilkyWay's avatar

@Leanne1986 Sure, it’s in my profile.

linguaphile's avatar

Yikes, I’m a Johnny come lately here but… here goes! I cleaned out my “hoarder-looking” garage! To my defense, I didn’t make it hoarder looking, but I sure made sure it no longer looked like it qualified for some cheesy tv show XD

laureth's avatar

I finished cleaning out the (nasty) storage unit I’ve had since 1993. So, I feel your joy, @linguaphile! :D

redfeather's avatar

My cousins are staying with us. The youngest is 9 and he was scared of me and wouldn’t talk, but we’ve made a break through! He bit my arm this morning! I think I’m in!

Dutchess_III's avatar

You won’t be in until he hides a fake snake in your bed @redfeather! That’s what nine-year-olds do. Hey…I have lots of get-even ideas for you. My son was an expert at laying traps for me, so I had to learn fast!

MilkyWay's avatar

I’ve got hiccups.

FluffyChicken's avatar

I had a really good day!

Bellatrix's avatar

The new Harry Potter movie starts soon :D

linguaphile's avatar

@bellatrix, are you sure you aren’t a HP fan? ;)

Bellatrix's avatar

Lol .. well…...... uurm… I like the films but I haven’t yet read the books. Not for any reason other than I haven’t had time. I have read a good part of one, but only because my husband and son insisted I read it to them while we were on a road trip.

It’s a family regime. We all go to see Harry Potter in Gold Class. We used to go and see all the Lord of the Rings films. We have seen all the Narnia films (except the last one). It’s a nice thing to do as a family.

KateTheGreat's avatar

I just found out that one of my sisters, who I have not seen since I was 9 years old, will be flying to America to come see me! We were separated a long time ago and she has been searching for me for 5 years. She found me on Facebook! I’m so happy!

MilkyWay's avatar

@KatetheGreat I’m seriously grinning hard right now. That’s so cool! I hope you both have a great time :D
I had to miss school today due to PC’s, but I’m feeling much better now. Just finished my very late breakfast: Tea and toast.

Dr_C's avatar

I played 27 holes of golf yesterday. Today I feel like I got hit by a dump-truck. I love this :)

Dutchess_III's avatar

I FINISHED PAINTING THE BEDROOM!!! Only six weeks later.

My life is on a ROLL!!

Dutchess_III's avatar

@KatetheGreat Oh wow!!! wow wow wow!!! WOW!

chyna's avatar

I rode in a hot air balloon this weekend and I’m scared of heights! It was great!

KateTheGreat's avatar

@Dutchess_III Wow! Yeah. Haha, I’m pretty stoked!

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’ll bet you are! That is just so exciting! Where is she flying from?

KateTheGreat's avatar

@Dutchess_III She’s flying in from Russia! :)

Dutchess_III's avatar

Man! How’d she end up in Russia? You have to post pictures!

KateTheGreat's avatar

@Dutchess_III I am originally from Russia and I was adopted at the age of 14. When I was adopted, she was elsewhere and I never got to see her. We lost touch and just now started talking to each other. I moved to America and she has stayed in Russia all of her life.

augustlan's avatar

@chyna That is one of my biggest fears. Good for you! Pictures?

chyna's avatar

None of us had a camera with us. :-(
Next on my bucket list, flying with my friend in a 4 seater. Two Saturdays from now. If you don’t hear from me after that…

Jeruba's avatar

I have just now switched back to mousing with my right hand for the first time since February 26th. Hurray! The world is going to regain its proper shape at last.

It did make me feel good to be able to master so many tasks and accomplish so much with my weak hand for the past four months. I am a big fan of redundant systems.

bkcunningham's avatar

A four seater plane? I’ve done it three times. Twice in a Cesna twin prop. Once with a stunt pilot. OMGastrointestinal tract!

chyna's avatar

I was at a 4th of July street festival this weekend and the woman working the Tea Party booth was wearing a t-shirt that said “I’m a bigot”. Nice. Probably not the image the party wants to convey.

laureth's avatar

My husband has finished installing and caulking the new shower enclosure. This morning, the caulk has cured for the requisite 24 hours. What this means is that after a week and a half, I am finally able to shower. I can’t wait for my turn!

tedibear's avatar

Had a great weekend away with the husband. And had some good discussion in the car on the ride back. He is really working on his communication skills. You can see it on his face, I swear! Really proud of him.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I’ve got some lurvely news: I had a total blast at the beach for the 4th of July holiday, and I now have an incredible tan.

It was really nice to get away for a few days and just chiiiillllllllll, but alas vacation doesn’t last forever. I’d like to say that all that relaxation helped my crankiness, but y’all are SOL. Sorry. :P

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@Dutchess_III I will when I show up at your front door, wearing only a thong and carrying several huge containers of chocolate syrup.

Seelix's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate – I can’t wait ‘til it’s my turn for that visit!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@Seelix Gitcha ass down to Texas and call me with your hotel room number. Don’t pack any clothes. Just chocolate. Oh, and a few sandwiches in case @bob shows up. =0)

MilkyWay's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate I’ll provide refreshments :P
Glad to hear you had such a good time sweetheart.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I’m starting to make real plans (and getting very excited) for my trip to the States in a few months. I was trying not to get excited but everytime I see or hear something about California I get excited butterflies in my tummy!

wundayatta's avatar

I’ll be on vacation next week. Little or no internet access.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

My poor doggy had to have her remaining teeth pulled today. Poor baby’s gonna be stoned on pain meds for the next week. Y’all keep your fingers crossed that she heals quickly, please!!

MilkyWay's avatar

Went to town with my mates today. Had a get together before I move to Coventry.
We all made each other look like chinese dolls using the tester cosmetics XD

FluffyChicken's avatar

I had another driving lesson today! I went the fastest I’ve ever gone! 50mph! I didn’t hit anybody!!

Bellatrix's avatar

Well done Fluff… you go girl! You really do GO!!! :)

erichw1504's avatar

This strep throat is horrid. I feel like I’m swallowing a porcupine and the only way to get my head to stop feeling like it’s being squashed by a trash compactor is to practically be in an ibuprofen induced coma. Everything seems so sooooft!

MilkyWay's avatar

I had a hangover this morning. Now my arms feeling all achy as I had my vaccination done at school too.

erichw1504's avatar

@Dutchess_III laughing at the expense of others? That’s just downright… awesome!

Brian1946's avatar

One of my wife’s cats caught fleas from me. :-0

Some fleas jumped me when I was outside, and I guess some of them escaped my notice, so that I inadvertently brought them inside my house.

Once they were inside, they jumped off of me and hopped onto poor Bo, who was flea-free up until then. :/

KateTheGreat's avatar

In an earlier post, I said that I was getting back together with someone that I had loved for a very long time.

Things didn’t work out at all. I got my hopes up and ended up thoroughly deceived. I’m so upset that I am not even able to cry, only stare into space.


chyna's avatar

@KatetheGreat So sorry this has happened to you. {{{hugs}}}

FluffyChicken's avatar

Oh @KatetheGreat I understand how you feel. My ex and I tried to get back together three times without success. I was the same way, but I’m finally seeing the light and being able to smile again! It DOES get better. singing and dancing helps

faye's avatar

I have planted and planted- so pleased with evrything!! A peony out of a super sak turned out to have bigger white petals around lots of smaler true yellow, yay!

MilkyWay's avatar

I’m moving house on sunday.
—@KatetheGreat No promises, but after I finish school, I’m coming over to the states to meet you. But in the meantime, you’ll have to make do with a virtual big ((((((( HUG )))))))

JilltheTooth's avatar

Just spent three days with my mother and I’m still not smoking. I deserve a medal. Or money. Or chocolate. Or something.

MilkyWay's avatar

* Hands @JilltheTooth some chocolate *
Well done honey :)

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@JilltheTooth WOW sweetie, I’m impressed. Kudos to you, and more chocolate!! And a (((hug))).

Seelix's avatar

In a few hours, I’m heading north to my hometown for a week and a half :)
My sister is getting married next Saturday, and it’s been such a long time since I’ve spent more than a couple of nights at home, so I’m looking forward to it. I won’t be around here as much, but I’ll try to drop in now and then!

Dutchess_III's avatar


Have fun @Seelix! :)

Dr_C's avatar

Tonight I’m cooking dinner for Mrs. C (something special), and we’re staying in to watch a movie. Our first relaxing night in a while.

Can’t wait!

Dutchess_III's avatar

My Grandson just came by! He’s 16 and he’s been in Seattle since last August with his dad! He’s back for a month. Man, he’s tall. And driving. OGM!

tedibear's avatar

@Dr_C – Have a great time and no Fluthering!

Mariah's avatar

My mother. I love her to death, but she is being ultra paranoid and it’s ruining my life.
I had a respiratory infection all last week, and I’m having a little trouble getting my surgical wound to heal up, and I’m having a little trouble putting weight on, and so she emails my surgeon and says I think we need to push back the surgery. And he’s going to be on vacation through most of August so now the earliest date I could get it is 8/24. I don’t fucking want my surgery pushed back. I’m probably doing as well right now as I’m ever going to be doing, because I’m hardly making any real progress anymore these days, so I don’t get what we could possibly gain by waiting longer. I told her that and she just bursts into tears and guilt trips me into agreeing to it. She and I usually get along great, but this made me really mad. I still don’t know what I’m going to do about it because I don’t want to make her cry again, but I’m feeling extremely depressed thinking about waiting an extra month…it would make it an impossibility to go back to school this fall.

KateTheGreat's avatar

@MilkyWay Dude, if I don’t see you soon, my life will be incomplete!

tedibear's avatar

@Mariah – UGH! I hate parental guilt trips. All guilt trips are bad but from parents they’re even worse. I’m so sorry this is happening. Isn’t part of you being able to gain some weight going to come from getting this last surgery done? (I guess what I mean is that it would be easier.) I could be wrong, but I think that if you could have your surgery sooner, and get back to school, you’re going to feel better all around. That’s just my two cents. Maybe in those words there’s a way to explain it to your mom. {{{Mariah}}}

augustlan's avatar

Hugs to those of you who are hurting. <3

I finally got some tenants for my rental house. Feeling very relieved!

Dutchess_III's avatar

I got my bedroom windows washed, the outside sill washed, the screen hosed down and got the curtains back up in my bedroom! After six weeks! Yay.

@Mariah Man, it is SO HARD to just stop being a parent. My son is very, very upset with me now for that reason. It’s so hard to just let go. So hard.

YARNLADY's avatar

I just took my son, his wife, and the two toddlers to The National Train Show and we had a blast.

FluffyChicken's avatar

I have nipple discharge that is a scary color :(

KateTheGreat's avatar

I just puked a little.

Bellatrix's avatar

To fluffy, nipple discharge that is not connected to breast feeding or pregnancy sounds like a bad thing. Off to the doctors with you woman. I hope you are okay. Try not to stress.

@KatetheGreat, that isn’t good either. Is there an obvious reason why or just you are feeling ill? Could it be you are feeling emotional? I always feel a bit nauseous when I get stressed or upset.

KateTheGreat's avatar

@Bellatrix I was responding to @FluffyChicken‘s statement above.

jonsblond's avatar

When we first moved to our new home 10 months ago a neighbor introduced herself and gave me her phone number if we ever needed anything. There are only 3 houses within ¼ mile of each other out here. The only other homes are more than a mile away. We took her up on the offer recently when our mower broke. We called and asked if she knew anyone who could mow for us. She offered her mower for us to use. My husband used it and returned the mower. He had what he thought was a nice talk with her. They both sat and drank a few beers and discussed politics. He left saying if she ever needed anything to please give us a call.

That was 4 weeks ago. We still haven’t been able to get our mower fixed. We have a riding mower (we need to mow about 2 acres of yard) and no truck to take it anywhere to get it fixed. Jon called our neighbor to ask if we could use her mower one more time. (we have someone to come out and fix ours, but the yard is a jungle having not been mowed in 4 weeks). Her reply “No. You sat and drank my beer and called me a liberal douchebag.” She hung up on my husband.

He never said such a thing. If anyone is a liberal douchebag, my husband is. lol. He may have used the term, but he would never call a neighbor that. She completely misunderstood. Oh well. Now she hates us. At least she’s a ¼ mile away from us. thanks for letting me rant

Bellatrix's avatar

Aaah I see @KatetheGreat. Good you aren’t sick then!

Bellatrix's avatar

@jonsblond :-( that is awful. I hope you get it resolved.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Last night, I played softball for the first time ever. Technically…. I played a sport for the first time ever. I’ve never played any sports except the ones that were forced on me in elementary gym class.

It was coed softball and they make it easy on the girls by rotating guy/girl batting order, and if the guy gets walked he runs to second, because the girl behind him automatically gets to run to first.

Surprisingly, I didn’t suck as bad as I thought I would; I hit the ball both times it was pitched to me. And apparently I can run my ass off, according to all the “holy shit“s and pats on the back that I got every time I hit home plate.

It was actually pretty fun, although I am a bit sore today.

Seelix's avatar

I’m up north in the gorgeous sunshine, enjoying the bee-yoo-tee-ful weather and loving it. I’ll try to get a photo later on :)

FluffyChicken's avatar

I lost another pound! That’s 26 all together since I started! 40 more to go until I get to shave my head!

MilkyWay's avatar

I’ve got to revise for a science test on tuesday, do a shitload of history homework for monday, finish packing, and move house on sunday.
I need some coffee.

FluffyChicken's avatar

I just missed the monkey flipping bus, because the bus schedule is different on Saturday for some god forsaken reason.

chyna's avatar

damn buses…

Seelix's avatar

It just cost me fifty bucks to fill my car with gas at this backwoods gas station!

augustlan's avatar

@FluffyChicken Why will you shave your head after the weight loss? Just curious. :)

FluffyChicken's avatar

@augustlan I’ve always wanted to, but skinny girls look better shaved than fat girls do… and It will feel like a right of passage.

I hitchhiked for the first time today! I got picked up within the first 5 minutes, and the guy was super nice.

bkcunningham's avatar

@FluffyChicken, WHAT? Hitchhiked? Oh dear.

FluffyChicken's avatar

There’s nothing wrong with hitchhiking.

chyna's avatar

Hitchhiking can be dangerous. Some creep could pick you up and just be creepy.

bkcunningham's avatar

I’m 50 (just had a birthday actually) and when I was growing up, people hitchhiked without too much fear. BUT my mother always said if I picked up a hitchhiker or hitchhiked myself…oh, there would have been hell to pay.

Bellatrix's avatar

I don’t want to say you shouldn’t hitchhike. I never have and I wouldn’t want my children to but lots of people do though with no problems. There are serious safety concerns though and I am not sure how you can be sure the person giving you a lift is okay. Does it not concern you that you could be picked up by someone who could harm you? How do you negate that happening?

Brian1946's avatar


I agree that you’re not doing anything wrong when you hitchhike, and if you get a good ride from a decent person, then that’s great.

But even if you live in a small, historically crime-free town, there’s always a chance that someone like Ted Bundy or Gary Ridgeway could be driving through, looking for their next victim.

I’m not criticizing hitchhiking, so much as I’m expressing my concerns for your safety.

I hitched a few times myself up until 1972, and I did have an occasionally scary ride. One guy was accelerating the car up to about 90 MPH while he was falling asleep. :-0

FluffyChicken's avatar

Well nothing like that happened thankfully. I met a nice person, and got where I needed to go.

faye's avatar

My daughter visited this weekend and I enjoyed it tremendously!

flutherother's avatar

@faye ^^My daughter stayed this weekend also. It was really nice having her here.

MilkyWay's avatar

Settin up my new room :D

YARNLADY's avatar

@Milkyway * * * Y A Y * * *

My recliner has broken and I can’t get up.

MilkyWay's avatar

* Lends @YARNLADY a helping hand *

tedibear's avatar

I got to leave work a little early today. I stopped at the store for some stuff, then came home and made an excellent dinner.

KateTheGreat's avatar

My long lost sister is going to be here IN 6 HOURS! :) I’m so incredibly excited!

I also got stranded on a freeway today, with no gas. I had to push a car all by myself with my womanly strength. I feel quite accomplished.

MilkyWay's avatar

@KatetheGreat Oh my goodness!, Even I’m feeling all excited :D
Pics, pleeeze?
I’m gonna be going to my new school from tomorrow. Wish me luck.

KateTheGreat's avatar

@MilkyWay I’m trying to get a camera, so I’ll try to take pictures. I’m excited though!

faye's avatar

I cleaned out the yard beside my house, damn, damn maple trees. Back is pretty sore but I feel so noble!!

Stinley's avatar

I’ve got a job interview and two sets of people have viewed our house for sale

OpryLeigh's avatar

I started my puppy training job yesterday.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@KatetheGreat! How long now?! Are you going to tell her about Clyde?

One of my favorite useless snacks is Little Debbie Swiss Cake rolls. I put them in the freezer ‘cause I like them that way. Well, I hardly ever buy them because I love them so much. The other day I was cleaning out the freezer..and I found one that had been left in there since who-knows-when! I hid it for a rainy day. Which was today. Even though it’s not raining. It was just one of those, “I want something but I don’t know what….WAIT A MINUTE! I GOTTA SURPRISE SWISS CAKE ROLL!!” I’m so happy!

MilkyWay's avatar

My flight’s on thursday.

KateTheGreat's avatar

My sister came in last night and we are having a great time. We went to the beach, played volleyball, surfed, and got wasted. It was a great bonding experience.

KateTheGreat's avatar

@Dutchess_III She will be told about Clyde soon. I just have to find someone to distract her so she won’t get jealous! ;)

MilkyWay's avatar

@KatetheGreat That’s so great! Pics?
btw, who’s Clyde?

OpryLeigh's avatar

My grandmother was diagnosed with lung cancer yesterday although she hasn’t had the biopsy yet to determine what stage it is at. She says that she doesn’t want treatment. I hope we have a few months left with her but I don’t think she’ll be with us this time next year :(

JilltheTooth's avatar

@Leanne1986: Love her up good, tell fun stories, make her laugh. I just did all this with my favorite cousin, it’s an awful thing to go through, yet it was some of the best times I had with him before he passed.

OpryLeigh's avatar

@JilltheTooth She’s told everyone to carry on as normal. It’s so difficult to carry on as normal when faced with news like that but I definetely intend on spending as much time as possible with her.

JilltheTooth's avatar

General rule of thumb when someone in that case wants everyone to “carry on as normal”: Love her up good anyway, no weeping and wailing in front of her, and be hyper aware of her fatigue and pain levels. Cancer is exhausting and it hurts. Palliative care can only do so much. Help her to maintain her dignity, and know how much she’ll appreciate it that you are making that extra effort to be with her.
I’m so sorry you have to go through this. :-(

KateTheGreat's avatar

@MilkyWay Still trying to buy a camera. I don’t own one. And Clyde is sort of an inside joke here on Fluther that you missed.

bkcunningham's avatar

@Leanne1986, please do love her up good. Lots of laughs. Make some wonderful memories. All it takes is one minute of one day for something fantastic to happen. Record whatever moments you have and get prints if it is a digital camera. Best wishes dear.

augustlan's avatar

@Leanne1986 I’m sorry to hear that. {hugs}

KateTheGreat's avatar

I now have mastered the art of playing guitar with a hurt hand. Yay me!

Stinley's avatar

I didn’t get the job but both sets of people are coming back for a second viewing of the house and one has done this special scottish legal thing of Noting Interest (this is a good thing). So I’m a bit up and down.

FluffyChicken's avatar

My ex is coming over to bring me back my guitar tomorrow. I still want him back. I feel pathetic. I hurt so much. I wish I knew how to stop obsessing over someone who doesn’t love me.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@FluffyChicken Start obsessing about how much better off you are without him ;)

FluffyChicken's avatar

I’m not necessarily better off at the moment. I don’t know if I would have ended up going on this journey I’m planning, which is pretty awesome though. It certainly pointed some things out to me that need to be changed. I just wish I could take him with me on my jouney and help each other use the knowledge of what things need to change in order to do so.

bkcunningham's avatar

Get the knowledge first @FluffyChicken. Take it all in and then when you really understand, bring it back to share with him if he’s willing to listen. I have no idea what I’m talking about, but I think it might help you for some reason. : )

FluffyChicken's avatar

Thanks. It may be applicable. Even if it isn’t, I dig it.

YARNLADY's avatar

AAACCKKKKK, the tree in my front yard just split, and ½ of it fell into the street. I noticed the crack this afternoon and called our tree man. He is coming a 9 am.

It sound like really loud firecrackers, poppity, pop, pop.

FluffyChicken's avatar

@YARNLADY Oooh! that happened to the tree in my front yard a few years ago, except ours EXPLODED! wood chips everywhere!

I have temporarily quit Facebook. It’s not good for me. I’ll probably be spending a lot more time on Fluther though.

Bellatrix's avatar

Ms Fluff, did you go to the doctors?

FluffyChicken's avatar

I didn’t,but it went away. Also, the internets told me it’s ok for it to be that color (which was kind of translucent greenish)

Dutchess_III's avatar

My son and his girlfriend and kids are coming to our bar b que tomorrow. This is a BIG deal to me.

FluffyChicken's avatar

I’ve never hurt so much in my whole life as do now. I wish my heart would just explode. It doesn’t need to beat any more.

I wish he could teach me hot to not love.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Aw Miss Fluffy….

augustlan's avatar

My husband has just been laid off, for the fourth time in 3 years. Landscaping is just not a stable business to be in with this economy. Sigh.

Bellatrix's avatar

Hugs @Augustlan. That really stinks. I hope he finds something else very soon. if you were closer, I would get him to do some landscaping for me.

augustlan's avatar

@Bellatrix Thanks, darlin’. It’s just a temporary layoff, probably until about September 1st, so we’ll be alright. Another layoff is likely this winter, though. A different field altogether might help, but he’s been doing this his whole life.

chyna's avatar

@augustlan And I’m having the opposite problem. I can’t get the guy that is supposed to mow my lawn to actually come and mow it. It’s so late in the season, I can’t find anyone else. They all have their customers lined up.

MilkyWay's avatar

I’m painting. It’s therapy :)

tedibear's avatar

@augustlan – I don’t know where you live, but here in NE Ohio, landscapers often snowplow in the winter. Just a thought.

augustlan's avatar

@tedibear His company does plow, so they get called in for a snow.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Basil is abundant, pesto is being made.

tedibear's avatar

@JilltheTooth – Basil is abundant here, too! We’re having it with tomatoes and fresh mozzarella!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@augustlan Move HERE. My husband can teach your husband how to plumb. :P He runs his own plumbing company, and they’re in need of fresh meat a new helper.

Bellatrix's avatar

lol@fresh meat. I am going to out for a coffee soon. It is a beautiful day. The sun is shining. It is Sunday and my husband and I are going to go and people watch at the local coffee shop. That’s my amazing and earth shattering news for the day :D

tedibear's avatar

I got out of work early yesterday! After stops at the library box and the post office, I was home by 12:30. :D And I made a key lime pie for dessert…yummy and so easy!

MilkyWay's avatar

Okay, let’s get this over with.
I’m finally going to Pakistan. Hopefully, I’ll talk to you guys later.

Dutchess_III's avatar

My tooth hurts.

KateTheGreat's avatar

I’m taking a break from here for a while.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Come back soon, sweetie, we’ll miss you.

KateTheGreat's avatar

@JilltheTooth Thanks dear. I’ll try.

tedibear's avatar

@Dutchess_III – Booo! Hurts how? Hope it feels better soon.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s just getting worse and worse. It’s working it way along my jaw. Of course this happens on a weekend.

Brian1946's avatar

Because of the success of this excellent thread, it’s taking quite the while to load and to scroll back to the top of the page for me.

I move that janbb or someone of her choosing start a part two.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Uh econd at mouff.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@KatetheGreat Awwww, have a nice break and come back soon! We’ll miss you! <3

Dutchess_III's avatar

I feel better. Ibuprofin is magic stuff, jack!

janbb's avatar

@Brian1946 I will start a Part Two but it will be a few days before I get to it because I am going away. Thanks for the request.

chyna's avatar

^Jet setter.

janbb's avatar

@chyna Gonna go see my Mom.

FluffyChicken's avatar

I really wish my work would tell me when my coworkers call in sick, and I’m all alone at the hotel on a busy night. it would be nice to have some warning. Tonight I am the receptionist, maître d’, bartender, dishwasher, maintenance, baker, and room service.

My last day will be the seventh of next month. It seems like soooooooo far away!

Bellatrix's avatar

Not the cook? Who is doing the cooking? Seriously, that stinks @fluffy. Hope your shift is over soon xx.

FluffyChicken's avatar

Im hoooooooooome! It’s so nice to be curled up in bed. too bad it won’t last longer thanks to the bus system in the morning… BUT! when I get up I’m taking the bus over to GoWesty to pick the brains of the VW experts and get vehicular advice.

augustlan's avatar

My dishwasher is broken. Again. And my bathroom sink has a massive leak. Plumbing and appliance bills are in my immediate future. Again. :(

YARNLADY's avatar

I am losing the tree in my front yard tomorrow, and I’m really sad. That tree was so much a part of my life for the past 19 years, I’ve gotten attached to it.

The tree has to be removed because of safety concerns, at a cost of $2,900, which will put us in a financial bind, not to mention my emotional attachment.

Bellatrix's avatar

That’s sad @YARNLADY. I have some trees in my garden that I absolutely love and look forward to seeing in flower. We bought this house partly because of one of the trees in the garden. Can you plant another tree of the same type so at least in time you can see another one in the original trees place?

YARNLADY's avatar

The resale value of the house is better with a plain front yard, so we will probably not replace it. I don’t think a spindle of a new tree would help me.

Bellatrix's avatar

About seven years ago, my daughter dropped out of her degree. She had two courses left to finish. She finally enrolled in two courses to complete her degree but just told me she dropped out again. I am so disappointed. It makes no sense to me. She will have to start paying back the government loan she built up for the part of the degree she did complete because she has now reached the income level where you have to start paying the debt back. She is also just about at the 10 year limit to complete her studies. What a dratted waste.

I understand @Yarnlady. Sorry about your tree anyway.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@augustlan Have I mentioned that my hubby is a plumber? <giggle> It’s a pity he hates to fly or we could come see you and fix up all your stuff for the low, low price of a few beers!

FluffyChicken's avatar

Breast exam tomorrow. It’s about time. I had terrible terrible nightmares about it last night. the likes of which no one wants to hear.

augustlan's avatar

@FluffyChicken I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you!

@WillWorkForChocolate That would be awesome. Too bad we’re so far apart!

Stinley's avatar

I got a new phone and am fluthering from it right now. I think my spelling might suffer a bit.

Stinley's avatar

Oh, we have had TWO offers on the house

bkcunningham's avatar

@KatetheGreat, I hope everything is okay and you will hurry back.

Mariah's avatar

I just found out a six year old girl was stabbed to death by her mother’s boyfriend in my quiet little city this morning. My brain can’t even compute this information, just…why. Why.

FluffyChicken's avatar

I went to the doctor this morning about the situation with my boobies. She says everything looks normal. The funky color is because of seperation, and the tenderness is because of the particular birth control I switched to a few months back. Big exhale.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@FluffyChicken :) Glad to hear it Fluff! How did it go with your ex when he picked up his guitar?

FluffyChicken's avatar

@SpatzieLover It was really stressful. I was in tears when he left, but not because of anything he did, except maybe that he made it seem like he didn’t care about me at all. I called him 10–15 minutes after he left, but I hung up before he could pick up. He called me back and I just said nonsesical stuff that he probably couldn’t understand through my crying anyway, and then I apologized and told him maybe we should talk when I’m a little less out of my head, though I really don’t know what we would talk about at this point. it’s clearly over. I cried for half the day for a few days in a row. I wrote him a letter that I won’t ever send him. I’m doing a little bit better now, but I miss him terribly.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@FluffyChicken Write a couple more letters, cry a bit more, then burn the letters when the tears are done. So sorry!

FluffyChicken's avatar

kind of hard to burn .doc files… actually I’ve been posting all the negativity on my blog that none of my “real life” friends have the link to. that way I feel like I’m letting it go out into the world, and then later, in a few years I can go back and laugh at myself.

SpatzieLover's avatar

In my experience, journaling is incredibly healing and humbling. I consider blogging to be the same thing. Great Idea. I’m too critical of myself…I’d print ithem out, burn them, then delete the .doc files ;)

chyna's avatar

Way up there, in the beginning somewhere of this thread, I wrote about a friend of mine that had twins and one of them was really sick. Well, they are both home now, 8 weeks old and doing great! I got to see them today and they are beautiful! They never diagnosed the one, but he seems healthy and has doubled his weight.

FluffyChicken's avatar

@SpatzieLover I’m pretty self critical as well, but leaving them out there on the web is an exercise in risk taking, especially when they are a way to get rid of all the negative shit and are mostly written during my darkest of times.

@chyna Awesome! Today is a day of good news!

I contacted a couple ads I found about Eurovans and both have gotten back to me. A ‘97 that’s had two owners, and a ‘99 that’s had one owner who has meticulously taken care of it. I think I know which one I’m hoping for. looks like I’m going on a trip North very soon for a couple test drives.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I just booked my flights to America :)

FluffyChicken's avatar

I have 10 days to get my licence, and I’ve only had 4 or 5 driving lessons so far. I have no time in which to do this, and getting lessons so far has depended entirely on my friends being available and trusting enough to allow me to get behind the wheel of their car. I then will be spending about 25 thousand dollars on a camper which I will then drive back home down highway 1 by big sur. I’m going to have a mental breakdown, or a heart attack or an aneurism any second now. Oh god.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Today is Boob Wednesday. Where are all the boobatars?

SpatzieLover's avatar

Why do I not know anything about boob Wednesday’s? I feel like such a boob!

FluffyChicken's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate Ha! I don’t even have to change mine!

Stinley's avatar

We accepted the best offer for the house so it’s sold! And I’m off on holiday to France on Saturday though the journey starts tomorrow

janbb's avatar

I had a great visit with my mother (who is in a nursing home) on Tuesday and will see her again today.

laineybug's avatar

I forgot to mention this earlier, I finished middle school with four high school credits. Two language credits and two math credits.

Bellatrix's avatar

Well done Laineybug!

I met the deadlines I needed to meet and got three huge jobs finished at work I feel like I climbed a mountain and can ride downhill for a little while.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Yeah, I’ve got a personal [expletive deleted] rant. My poor daughter has an awful ear infection and I just had to pay 150 [expletive deleted] dollars for a teeny tiny bottle of eardrops. This bottle is not even an inch tall. This is only one of the many reasons I hate the [expletive deleted] drug companies and pharmacies; they’re nothing but wallet raping bastards. For $150, at the end of the 7 days, her ear had better be sparkling frikkin new and spitting out gold coins.

FluffyChicken's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate That blows! It sucks that they prey on our need for health and the willingness or moms to do anything for their kids. I hope your daughter recovers quickly.

I’ve decided to put dredlocks in my hair.

Bellatrix's avatar

That’s awful @WillWorkForChocolate. Forgive my ignorance, but do you not have a pharmaceutical benefits scheme over there? Here, many drugs that are prescribed are subsidised by the government. There are some that aren’t and people have to pay full price, but often they are subsidised. You can also substitute the brand named drug with the cheaper generic version. Same thing without the fancy name. $150 is a lot for ear drops. Would send you broke if you had a child who suffered from ear infections regularly.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@Bellatrix That was WITH the “drug saver program” card that I have. It took $30 off the cost. And there apparently is no generic of this, or so I was told.

Bellatrix's avatar

:O that’s awful. Far out.

flutherother's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate That seems a scandalous price. What is the name of these drops?

erichw1504's avatar

Well, the time has come to move. I’ll be leaving my last day of work here in a couple hours. Then come Monday, we’re off to Virginia.

Give me a week or two and I’ll be back with more wisdom and sarcasm than you jellies can shake a stick at.


JilltheTooth's avatar

Move safely, @erichw1504 , settle in well and come back soon!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@flutherother They’re called Ciprodex.

chyna's avatar

This has happened to me before, got a prescription, went to pick it up and the price was unreasonable. I refused it, went home, called the Dr. and told her she would have to prescribe an alternative medicine, I couldn’t afford the one she was pushing. There are too many similar meds on the market to be paying those kinds of prices. My doctor came up with another medicine that was ¼ of the original she prescribed.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@erichw1504 We’ll miss you. Seriously. Hurry back to us, okay?

faye's avatar

@erichw1504 Hope all goes well with your move!

I felt so good, I played superwoman. Now I’m in bed and missed a camping trip:(. But, the yard looks fabulous!!!

flutherother's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate Ciprodex sells for a third of this price in Canada. Something very similar is available on this website at a very cheap price but I don’t know how reliable it is.

FluffyChicken's avatar

I’m sleepy. And horny. and have currently no outlet for either of those types of energy.

MilkyWay's avatar

I’m sittin here in Pakistan. Boy did I miss this place!

FluffyChicken's avatar

My emotions are oscillating about my upcoming journey. I’m so incredibly excited, but I’m starting to panic a bit as the time approaches.

Mariah's avatar

I don’t know why I’m having this realization tonight, but I think I’m realizing how awful my attitude has been lately. I’ve been taking this very pessimistic view towards my illness and these surgeries, focusing more on the amount of time I’ve “wasted” in the past and present and less on what should (hopefully) be a much more normal life in the future. I’m starting to realize that when all’s said and done, if I get to a place where I feel good, I really need to celebrate that. I’m thinking of planning a summer trip or something. I don’t know what exactly, but I’m excited and happy and looking forward to the future and that feels good.

FluffyChicken's avatar

@Mariah HECK YES!!! It sounds like you have the right idea.

ninjacolin's avatar

Have a blast, @Mariah you deserve it

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@MilkyWay Well, this places misses you right back!!! Hurry home darlin’!

tedibear's avatar

I’m so excited! One of nephews and his wife are having a baby!!! Due in March! YAY!!!!

FluffyChicken's avatar

My plan is not going as smoothly as I had.. well, planned.

My mom can’t go up to Monterey with me to help me buy my van. Not sure how I’m going to get up there. . . Just when things were starting to go smoothly. I’m not sure what to do.

Dr_C's avatar

I admitted my aunt to the hospital today to perform a procedure that will restore most (if not all) of her knee function (range of motion, reduce pain, etc).

She’s my mom’s older sister, and my godmother. She held me during my baptism 30 years ago.

She was so proud of her nephew/godson the doctor (I have a couple of other cousins that are docs too… it seems I’ve gone farther faster), that she gave me a gift-wrapped box.

Due to the size and shape of the box I figured it was a picture frame, and I hoped it was a picture of me with my late uncle who was not only my favorite uncle, but also a father-figure and a big reason behind my going into medicine.

I tear the wrapper and am shocked to see a black, embossed Mont Blanc logo… inside is a platinum pen.

My jaw dropped to the floor. I was speechless.

This is one gift I will never forget… and cherish forever.

Bellatrix's avatar

That’s beautiful and yes, something to treasure. :)

Dutchess_III's avatar

Went to see a banker today. It really helped to clearly see out how totally screwed up our mortgage loan with the government is!

FluffyChicken's avatar

I might finally be about to sell my drums! woohoo!

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s about damn time @FluffyChicken! Keepin’ me up all night on a work night and stuff banging out “Wipe Out”...and not very well at that!

OpryLeigh's avatar

In 6 weeks time I will be on a plane :)

Bellatrix's avatar

I just went to see Harry Potter with my family. I am a bit sad now. How crazy is that? It’s the last one though…

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I have another ovarian cyst. Damned womanhood. Wish I could get a hysterectomy.

Mariah's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate Bleh, so sorry to hear that! Best wishes for quick healing! How come you can’t get a hysterectomy?

SpatzieLover's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate—I’m also wondering why no hysterectomy. My mom’s brought her much relief

Bellatrix's avatar

I believe ovarian cysts can be very painful. My sister used to suffer with them. I hope you are not in too much discomfort @WillWorkForChocolate.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I can’t have the hysterectomy because we can’t afford health insurance. And since I have endometriosis, I get the cysts pretty regularly. It sucks.

augustlan's avatar

My kitty cat, Katy, is dying. :’(
She has liver failure, and we’re trying to make her last days as comfortable and happy as possible.

laureth's avatar

Auggie, I feel your pain here. Our Digger is going quickly, too.

tedibear's avatar

Oh Augustlan, I’m sorry to read this. And to you as well, Laureth. You are both in my thoughts, along with your fur kids.

chyna's avatar

@augustlan Such a beautiful kitty. I’m so sorry you have to go through this. {{{hugs}}}
@laureth {{{hugs}}} to you too. Losing a family member is so hard to deal with.
My thoughts are with both of you.

Bellatrix's avatar

That’s very sad @augustlan. I hope she passes peacefully.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@augustlan and @laureth: Oh, dear, I hope your kitties find a painless peace. Always a sad thing.. :-(

FluffyChicken's avatar

Did NOT sell my drums. ugh. Had a fantastic going away/birthday party last night though.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@augustlan and @laureth I’m flagging both your comments as SAD. :*(

augustlan's avatar

Thanks, guys. @laureth I’m sorry about your pup, too. :(

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I’m gonna pull back from Fluther for a bit. I see too much arrogant stupidity and I can’t deal with it right now.

Bellatrix's avatar

Well that makes me sad @WillWorkForChocolate. Really.

On a happier note, my daughter showed me these You Tube clips and I had to share. Made me laugh lots Link

I posted one to @pied Pieffer but there are lots of others.

YARNLADY's avatar

I have paid for an adjoining room from my grandson and his girlfriend because this weekend is similar to their honeymoon. I have agreed to let her move in with him at our house, and we are staying in a motel on the way home.

I met her parents this weekend, when they drove her half way up to our house. They and I are pretty much compatible. She has turned out to be a pleasure to travel with.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@YARNLADY I’m glad to hear it’s all working out so well.

erichw1504's avatar

Wazzup my jellies?!

I finally got my computer account set up in Virginia. Let the Fluthering commence.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Shouldn’t you be Fluthering with a charming little drawl now that you’re in Virginia, @erichw1504 ?

erichw1504's avatar

@JilltheTooth oops, sorry.

I finely got my puter account set up in Virgina. Let the Fluthring commance.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Thank You, that’s better. ;-D

MilkyWay's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate I’m gonna miss ya momma.

FluffyChicken's avatar

First and second vans both fell through. :(

..but I found another one!

faye's avatar

@laureth and @augustlan I’m really sorry about you’re pets- so hard.

My good news is that my daughter is home for a few days for my birthday. Can’t believe I’m this frickin’ old.

FluffyChicken's avatar

I’m taking the train down to LA on tuesday to test-drive my van, and hopefully buy it!

This friday, I’m going on a hike, out to lunch, and they kayaking with a very attractive fellow. I might be a little twitterpated.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I am currently trying to rehome a young golden retriever. The previous owners had to move and couldn’t take the dog with them so he will probably stay with me until I can find him a forever home.

FluffyChicken's avatar

I just updated my blog (the happy one!) and I’m getting VERy excited about my trip

Seaofclouds's avatar

I got a job!! I just have to wait for my drug screening and background check to be finished so I can start working. I’m excited about going back to work. It’ll be hard leaving my baby home to go to work, but I know he’ll be in good hands because my husband is going to be a stay-at-home-dad! :)

FluffyChicken's avatar

@Seaofclouds That’s stupendously Awesome! Congrats!

Seaofclouds's avatar

@FluffyChicken Thanks! I hope you have a great trip!

tedibear's avatar

@Seaofclouds – YAY!!!! This is terrific! Congratulations!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@MilkyWay I’m not totally gone, sweetie, I’m just staying far, far, far away from any question that’s even remotely serious and could get “ugly”. And not commenting much even on the fun, frivolous questions. And I’m only fluthering for about 5–10 minutes total per day instead of 3 or 4 hours.

augustlan's avatar

My kitty is still hanging on, but she’s so skinny. :(
She doesn’t seem to be in any pain, though, so we’re not having her put down (at least not yet). Are we making the right decision?

YARNLADY's avatar

@augustlan Yes, without obvious pain, I think you are right. Her vet would by able to reassure you.

Bellatrix's avatar

If she isn’t suffering, I think you should let her keep going until it is time or she is in pain.

chyna's avatar

@augustlan Yes, you are doing the right thing. Give her a lot of love as I’m sure you are doing, and know I’m thinking of you.

Seelix's avatar

@augustlan – She’ll let you know when it’s time. Trust me – you’ll be able to look into her eyes and know that she’s ready. Do what you can to make her comfy until then. (Hugs)

JilltheTooth's avatar

@augustlan : Going gently with love is a good thing. You’ll know when it’s time. Give her a little lovin’ from us…

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Awwww @augustlan. Poor kitty. Give her lots of soft strokes and kisses!

augustlan's avatar

Thanks, everyone. She can still (barely) purr, so we know she’s still receiving the comfort of being petted and held. We love that kitty.

Bellatrix's avatar

So sad. It is lovely that you are all there for her though @augustlan.

FluffyChicken's avatar

The two things I most want to manifest in my life for right now – My self-discovery adventure, and a passionate romantic relationship based on mutual love and respect – are in direct conflict with each other.

Mariah's avatar

@FluffyChicken What about one after the other? I think your adventure sounds like a fabulous idea, and sounds like just the thing to get you through your rough times, learn a bit more about what you want in life, and prepare you better for having a good relationship down the road. Just my thoughts.

FluffyChicken's avatar

This is true. Painful, but true.

MilkyWay's avatar

@augustlan I hope your cat gets better real soon. Just keep her on your lap for as long as you can.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I think I am going to have to start searching for somewhere else to live on a very low budget. I am feeling very insecure about the future at the moment.

Bellatrix's avatar

I am going home from work in a moment and will spend the evening with my lovely daughters. Always a joy.

Mariah's avatar

I might be jumping the gun on this, but I’m starting to feel like I’m coming down with (what I’m pretty sure is) pleurisy. Again. For the fourth time in two years, the most recent having been about a month ago. It’s most likely immune related so I’m thinking the increase in frequency is due to my surgery; my immune system’s old favorite punching bag is gone now and perhaps it’s found a new one. I’m having a very hard time calming down tonight. The most doctors have ever been able to do for me is prescribe pain killers. I’m imagining having to start immunosupressants again, which I was able to quit after surgery. It’s extremely painful and puts me completely out of commission for a week; I can not start having this once a month. I just can’t. But I can’t do jack-shit about it either.

tl;dr, I’m self-pitying the fuck out fluther, again, sorry as always.

SpatzieLover's avatar

{{{{{{Hugs}}}}}}} @Mariah I’m sorry to hear of it. My immune system is not kind to me all the time, so I understand your frustration and your wanting to kick it’s ass. Try to calm your mind and get some good rest. easier said then done…I know

augustlan's avatar

I’m sorry to hear that, @Mariah. {hugs}, girlie.

Mariah's avatar

@SpatzieLover and @augustlan, thanks for the support.

I’m not feeling quite so catastrophic this morning because I did some research and found that a short course of corticosteroids can often clear up immune-based pleurisy quickly. It won’t help me this time as I can’t take corticosteroids this close to surgery, but that’s an option for the future, so I’ve stopped going all worst-case scenario and imagining this ruining my life. Yay rationality.

In unrelated personal news, I’ve lost a $1500 per year scholarship because continuation of the scholarship was contingent upon federal funds being available, and its funding has been eliminated. Yay national debt. :|

FluffyChicken's avatar

My attitude about life is so healthy right now. My heart and mind are so open. I am loving and accepting myself more than I have in a long long long time. The more I love myself, I find the more I love an appreciate the world and the people around me.

Also, I got my van!! She’s a 1997 Eurovan Camper. She still needs a name. I find that none of the names I had been pondering really worked that well on her.

I can’t stop stressing out. I don’t even know what I’m stressed about but I can’t figure out how to relax. Every part of my body is so so tense. I am in constant panic mode. (which is really weird considering how awesome and worry-free and beautiful life is right now.

MilkyWay's avatar

Get well soon @Mariah <3
I’m still in Pakistan. It’s very boring.

augustlan's avatar

My daughter, @Fly, has been stressing out all summer about not finding a job easily. She finally shook it off, and applied to at least 40 jobs in her hometown, got called in for interviews to two places. The second one, they hired her on the spot! She is now gainfully employed. :)

chyna's avatar

Today August 13, 2011 is my third anniversary for joining Fluther. @JilltheTooth pointed it out to me. Thanks Jill!

JilltheTooth's avatar

Aren’t many that have stuck this long, @chyna, but I’m sure glad you did! I have never seen you be mean, you are always a caring and helpful influence here. I strive to be like you…

chyna's avatar

Aw shucks {blushes}.

JilltheTooth's avatar

And I’m glad you’re not a mod, that would severely curtail our gossiping!!!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I’m strongly considering having a gyno officially diagnose me with endometriosis so that I can have a hysterectomy. Without insurance. So I’ll be paying off the removal of my ladyparts for the rest of my life.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I’ll see if I can find you a Zombie who will take care of that at no cost. Seriously, though, doesn’t your state have some “non-insured” coverage thing pending? I’m pretty sure some do….

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

We live in the cracks. My husband makes too much for us to qualify for assistance and doesn’t make enough to afford personal coverage.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate : I have no idea if this will help you guys at all, my friend (who is uninsurable like me) says it helped her, and maybe there’s something in there for you. Can’t hurt to look! Wade through it and see what’s up. (I have yet to do so…)

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Thanks, I’ll check it out!

Stinley's avatar

My four year old daughter broke her arm on holiday. Ulna is green stick fractured and radius is cracked. She’s a tough wee thing and adapting to using her left hand. We were really worried as she had to have it set under anesthetic in a French hospital. Thankfully we had our health cards which meant the treatment was free. She will have the plaster cast on for six weeks. We are feeding her lots of foods rich in calcium and vitamin d:-o

YARNLADY's avatar

@Stinley Oh, dear, that is dreadful. I hope she recovers quickly.

FluffyChicken's avatar

Going to Santa Cruz with my best friend and the guy I like for a couple days. Hellz yes!

augustlan's avatar

My poor kitty finally left us yesterday. Seems she held on until my birthday, and then went gently. We loved her, and will miss her terribly. :(

My step-dad’s mother also apparently had a stroke yesterday, and is not doing well.

It was not the best birthday, as you can imagine.

Seelix's avatar

Hang in there, @augustlan. It’ll get easier. We all love you a ton, and the religious of us are praying for you while the non-religious of us are keeping you in our thoughts. Sending many-tentacled hugs your way!

FluffyChicken's avatar

I have one day to get my entire room packed into my van. I somewhat regret going to Santa Cruz on a whim…. I also REALLY need to stop worrying about it and just do it.

tedibear's avatar

@augustlan – I’m so, so terribly sorry. You’re in my heart. Hugs to you and Laineybug.

augustlan's avatar

Thanks, guys. This hits keep on coming, too. Today, my car died on me, and it appears that the electrical system is shot. WTF, August? Such a cruel month this year. :/

OpryLeigh's avatar

In 3 weeks time I will be on a plane!

FluffyChicken's avatar

If I don’t have sex soon, my brain is going to overheat and start melting. It may have already started.

chyna's avatar

For the first time since grade school, I have short hair.

laineybug's avatar

My poor Mommy had the worst birthday ever.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@chyna : Haircut? Pics?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@augustlan Awwww man! I’m so sorry you’re having a crappy August!! :(

FluffyChicken's avatar

@augustlan Aw man. I wish I could share with you some of the awesome in my August. Truth is, my August has been pretty balanced as far as fun/not so fun. I’d still share with you if I could though.

chyna's avatar

I took pics, will try to post them on FB.

MilkyWay's avatar

@Stinley I hope she has a speedy recovery. How’d she break it?
Hey @chyna I wanna see too!
I went to the beach yesterday. It was fun!

JilltheTooth's avatar

I think this is the 500th post and it’s really not worthy. I cooked me up some quinoa today for the first time and I don’t like it. I’ve liked bugs and cougar, so it’s really pretty odd that I wouldn’t like quinoa. Hmmmm. So what is the appeal of quinoa?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@JilltheTooth I have no idea. My mother loves quinoa. She also makes this stuff called kefir that she pronounces “kee-fear” with the accent on the “fear”. Every time she says it, it childishly makes me think “queef-ear”.

laureth's avatar

@JilltheTooth – How did you use the quinoa? If you just eat it plain, that’s going to be about as appealing as eating plain rice. You gotta jazz it up with something. Here’s a sweet one, but it’s good as a base for savory dishes too.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@laureth : I like plain rice. I found the taste to be not neutral, but actively icky and the smell made me gag a bit. Well, I don’t like squash, either, so what do I know? ;-) Fortunately, @KatawaGrey loves it so she can have mine…

Mariah's avatar

I just changed my ostomy bag for (probably) the last time. In 48 hours’ time I won’t have it anymore!

I really can’t believe this step of the process is finally at its end. I’ve had the ostomy for seven months when originally I thought it would be two or three months. After a series of setbacks and obstacles it really felt like it would never happen, but it finally is, and I feel confident and ready. Bring it on!

tedibear's avatar

Go, Mariah, Go!!!! So happy that you are moving forward again!

tedibear's avatar

Tomorrow I start back at the bank part-time. My hours got cut at my baking job, so I called my former bank boss and asked if she had Tuesday & Thursday needs. She does, so I’m going back. I’ll be interested to see what I do and don’t remember.

FluffyChicken's avatar

Oh Mariah! Your life is going to be so fresh and amazing now! <3

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

My girls both had a fabulous first day of school and are super excited about this year!!! Yay!

Bellatrix's avatar

Happy, happy for you @Mariah.

Did you cry when you dropped them off @WillWorkForChocolate?

I finished The Jumper! It is a little bit too big, but quite wearable and he likes it!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@Bellatrix I got really teary when I dropped my little one off at kindergarten. I wasn’t teary with my 10 yr old, but I WILL be at her first orchestra concert in December.

Stinley's avatar

@milkyway she fell off a slide when I was just a few feet away. Omg that scream she did is still reverberating in my head. She totally unfazed by it all now! She starting at school soon but we will have to keep the plaster cast on for a week after she starts. And we moving soon too .

MilkyWay's avatar

@Stinley Aw, bless. I wish you both the best of luck :)
I’m going to go shopping to the bazaar soon, and have gotten better after a 2 days of vomiting. Doctor said it was food poisoning :-/

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

A good friend of mine is reconciling with his wife and she’s paranoid that something’s going on between us, so she’s cutting off our friendship. /sigh

JilltheTooth's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate : That just sucks. Sorry sweetie, I’ve been there and it’s no fun. Especially if there never was any “fun”!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Yeah. It DOES suck. He’s a nice guy to talk to. I’m wondering if maybe she’s discovered some other worrisome information and she thinks all his female friends are more than just friends. I’m hoping maybe I can wear her down. =0)

Mariah's avatar

Hi Fluther, I’m so hyped up on pain meds that my eyes can’t focus on my phone screen, so I apologize if the following is incomprehensible.

I’m done!!! I’m done with ALL the surgeries now! It went great yesterday. No more ostomy. It’s amazing. I’ve yet to experience the much anticipated first fart. Maybe it’s just all the narcotics, but I’m feeling just so, so, so happy and at peace right now. I thought this day would never come. I can’t even tell you how much I appreciate alll the support and encouragement I’ve gotten from you fine folks during the rough patches.

PS: I owe a few very thoughtful jellies PM replies, but typing is just so dang hard right now, so I won’t get to it for a bit. Just didn’t want you to think I was ignoring your kindness!

JilltheTooth's avatar

Oh, @Mariah , that’s wonderful! Enjoy your new and improved gut!

MilkyWay's avatar

I got an A!!!

Bellatrix's avatar

That’s excellent @MilkyWay! How do you know? Did your teacher let you know or are you back at school? What was the A for?

@Mariah… amazingly good news. So, so happy for you.

My news pales into insignificance but I am on holiday! YAY!!

tedibear's avatar

@Mariah – I can’t tell you how incredibly happy I am for you! I see a bright, forward moving future for you. Full steam ahead!

faye's avatar

That’s great @Mariah. so many things for you to re-appreciate without that damnable bag!!

chyna's avatar

@Mariah Yay! I’m totally excited for you.

augustlan's avatar

@Mariah That’s wonderful news! So, so happy for you, girlie. :D

@MilkyWay Congrats on the A!

My updates: Car is fixed, wasn’t as bad as we’d feared. Kitty number two has adjusted to kitty number one’s absence, and is doing quite well. We’re considering remaining a one cat household. She really seems to have ‘come into her own’ as the queen of the castle. Step-grandmother is improving day by day, but is still hospitalized.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@augustlan It looks like your September will be much better than your August! Yay!

Bellatrix's avatar

I just had my hair cut. That always makes me feel happy :D

OpryLeigh's avatar

@Bellatrix Me too! Cut and coloured :)

laineybug's avatar

I start school on Monday, my first day of school in the high school!

OpryLeigh's avatar

@laineybug Good luck, hope all goes smoothly for you :)

tedibear's avatar

@laineybug – You will do wondrously well in high school! Study hard and have a blast! In that order, young lady!

Mariah's avatar

@tedibear, @FluffyChicken, @Bellatrix, @JilltheTooth, @faye, @chyna, @augustlan, thank you so much for your well-wishes and for being happy for me. I’m happy for me. I’m doing great!

@laineybug, you will love it! I liked high school MUCH better than middle school, so don’t be scared (easier said than done, I know). What an exciting time for you.

So yeah, I got home from the hospital last night, and I pretty much can’t even believe how insanely well my body is working right now. How is it that my guts have been completely rearranged and I’m already feeling much better than I used to feel back when my colon would act up? I don’t get it, but damn, I’m not gonna question it, and my surgeon is on my Christmas list this year! :D

Dr_C's avatar

So I finally get to make my engagement to Mrs. C official (in the eyes of her family and a few others that “didn’t know”), and will be doing so in style.

I’m taking her to Barcelona at the end of October (our 3rd anniversary) to pop the Q… most likely in the Horta Maze.


chyna's avatar

@Dr_C Sounds wonderful! Congrats!

augustlan's avatar

Congrats, Doc!

Dr_C's avatar

Quick question you guys… considering the fact that both the Mrs. and I will be beaners in a strange land (not really since my grandparents are from there)... do you think hiring a mariachi band to sing background while I propose is a bit over the top?

JilltheTooth's avatar

I find the whole idea to be a bit over the top… AS IT SHOULD BE!!!! Be as corny and romantic as the moment will stand! as long as she won’t freak! the more out there the better! This stuff is great! I’m not a sap or anything…

Bellatrix's avatar

@Dr_C you know your lady, what would she think or a mariachi band singing in the background? As long as it is sincere and memorable, you should do whatever you think you would both love. Happy for you!

I am going ‘home’ today… bit nervous. First time since the early 80s.

tedibear's avatar

@Dr_C – Absolutely do the mariachi band! You very obviously love her and that’s just one more way to show her how much you want to give her everything that you can. (And yes, I’m a little teary thinking of it!)

@Bellatrix – Do you want to talk about the going “home” any more than that? If not, it’s cool… you just sound anxious.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Crap, now that @tedibear‘s said it, I will too, @Bellatrix , I’m curious ,too.

augustlan's avatar

I don’t know how many of you remember PupnTaco from Fluther, but I’m sure some of you will. For those who don’t know, he’s the guy who illustrated our error pages.

Anyway, he’s written and illustrated a book on our favorite subject, drinking! Home Bar Basics (and Not So Basics.)

The book is a Kickstarter project, which means individual people can back his project so it gets published. I donated, and I know a few other jellies have, and it’s now 90% funded! If you’re an old friend of Dave’s, and haven’t had the opportunity, go check it out! </end shameless plug for a great guy>

FluffyChicken's avatar

My dearest vehicle/home is in the shop right now. Getting cruise control diagnosed, and a pre-trip bumper to bumper. Leaving creeps closer.

Bellatrix's avatar

Hi people, I am fine. I was quite anxious but I am not really sure why. I think it is just going backwards to a place in your life that you left a long, long time ago and all that entails. People gone who should be here. Places that have changed from the way I remember them. So far so good though and thank you @tedibear, @JilltheTooth and @WillWorkForChocolate for caring.

Now I just have to get rid of the disgusting cold my children gave me just before I left. I have spent the last 24 hours in a hotel room. Now that I am not happy about.

augustlan's avatar

@Bellatrix Hope you feel better soon, and can get some enjoyment out of your blast from the past trip.

UPDATE: Dave’s book has been fully funded, and will be published! So excited for him!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Awww @Bellatrix, I’m so sorry to hear that! Eat some chicken noodle soup, isn’t that some kind of cure-all? =0)

faye's avatar

I bought a used snowblower! Yay! I’ve been worrying about snow shovelling for this winter as my youngest is moving out and I can’t do it. But now I can!! The kid even delivered it- yay, again!

OpryLeigh's avatar

In one week I will be on route to USA!

FluffyChicken's avatar

I take my driving test on Tuesday. I MUST pass for plans to go smoothly. Wish me luck!

OpryLeigh's avatar

My car died today and there is (apparently) no fixing it. So I have to find another car on a budget of about £500 which is probably not going to be very realistic. I’m feeling very sorry for myself right now!

harple's avatar

Aw @Leanne1986 it’s horrid when that happens :( Get thee to Ebay!

OpryLeigh's avatar

@harple That’s my next stop!

tedibear's avatar

@Leanne1986 – Ugh! I’m sorry to read that. I would feel sorry for myself too! I hope you find a decent car in your budget. Or that you win a big lottery and get whatever car you want. :D

jonsblond's avatar

@Leanne1986 We’re in the same boat as you. Our only car died a few weeks ago and there’s no fixing it. My brother was going to give us his second car, but now that’s a no go. We have no money to get another car and we don’t know what we are going to do. It sucks. I’m sorry you are dealing with this too. I hope you are able to find something reliable. Good luck.

OpryLeigh's avatar

@jonsblond I’m sorry to hear about your dilemma too. Hope we both get sorted very soon!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I finally paid off my student loan today. Yippee!

Dr_C's avatar


faye's avatar

I’ve got the weeps this weekend- it’s hit me that ‘this is my life’. I feel cheated and I do know I’m better off than many, it’s just got to me this past few days. I got a letter from the hospital I worked at noting that I’m ‘not medically fit to return to any occupation’. I knew it, but seeing it in writing has thrown me off my feed.

augustlan's avatar

I’m sorry, @faye. That is hard to see in black and white, I’m sure. Hopefully it means you qualify for disability assistance, though, so maybe a silver lining? {hugs}

As for me, I think I have food poisoning. I’m puking my guts up.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Oh, dear, you guys! I’ll be over to Mom up both of you! @faye , I had the weeps last week, it’s hard to get moving during that, I wish fabulous insight to you to find a new passion.
@augustlan : Get rid of by puking, I guess :-( the bad stuff, little sips of water if you can without heaving, crap, I wish I could be there in person to comfort/care for you guys…

OpryLeigh's avatar

@faye I know how it feels to realise that your life isn’t where you would like it to be, through no fault of your own and that leads to the “cheated” feeling as you put it. Please don’t think that, just because others may have it worse than you do in some way, that your feelings don’t matter or you shouldn’t be feeling that way. I really hope it gets better for you.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@KatawaGrey has a good analogy for owning your own pain…“If you have 7 children and your neighbor has 10, you still have a lot of children!”

Dr_C's avatar

After a pretty bad muscle tear… I’m finally going to hit the golf course again this sunday to see if I can actually make a full swing without doubling over in pain. If it works.. I’m signed up for a tournament on the 24th!

I’m happy I get to test out our new putter!!!

faye's avatar

Thanks, guys, I was going to try to pollyanna today but I think I’ll wallow a bit more.

FluffyChicken's avatar

I passed my driving test with flying colors! I am now a licensed driver!!

My ex is back in town and wants to hang out. I know I shouldn’t, and that it will probably just cause more drama, but on the other hand, maybe it will be a positive experience. The fact that I still miss him so much leads me to believe that I’m not ready, and that it’s a bad idea. Guh.

tedibear's avatar

@FluffyChicken – Don’t see him! Look how far you’ve come – don’t go back my good young woman! Keep moving forward. You are strong and you can do it.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I probably won’t be on Fluther for 2 weeks as I will be on holiday in America! See you when I get back! Although I will be hanging around for the next half hour or so while I wait for my lift to the airport.

harple's avatar

Have a most amazing time @Leanne1986 ! You’ll be missed :-)

@FluffyChicken Congrats on passing your driving test! (Personally I’d recommend you don’t see your ex – I’m with @tedibear on this one…)

Bellatrix's avatar

Congrats Fluffy!!

Have a ball @Leanne. I am in Scotland tonight. Having a lovely, lovely time. Send us a message to say how you are going. Hope your flight is fabulous.

augustlan's avatar

So much traveling! Hope you guys are having a fantastic time!

Bellatrix's avatar

I am! Hope Leanne and Fluffy are too. xxx

FluffyChicken's avatar

My ex and I have been hanging out every day for three days straight. it’s amazing how much he’s grown up in just a couple months. I’m really proud to call him my friend. I had a bit of an emotional breakdown this evening, but we had a one on one talk, and then i took a nap and am doing much much better. It’ been a rough week, but I feel like I’ve learned quite a lot. He was able to clear up a few points for me. Even though there’s no way in hell we are going to get back together again any time soon, I feel more loved. A lot of the things he said during the breakup process were grossly misconstrued by me. I think he may have also said a lot he didn’t really mean. We both have a lot of growing up to do, it is quite clear, but I feel certain now that we can remain good friends for a very long time.

Bellatrix's avatar

I went to the crematorium and laid some flowers in the garden of remembrance for my parents. It was very emotional and sad. I miss them lots. On a more positive note, I showed my husband around ‘my city’ and my fears of being disappointed were not founded. I found pubs I used to frequent many years ago and we had a drink in a few of them, and showed him where I was born, went to school, etc. It was a very mixed day.

faye's avatar

My daughter is moving out in a couple of weeks. I’ll be living alone for the first time since not working. I need more hobbies, I guess :(

laineybug's avatar

I just played in my first marching band competition, and the first football game was yesterday. We got the second Highest score in the entire thing and first in our class. We also got the award for best percussion.

tedibear's avatar

@laineybug – Terrific!!! By the way, how’s that “getting everything done” plan going for you?

@faye – I don’t know your whole situation, but are you able to get out to do volunteer work? Tutoring, pet shelters, etc. might be able to use your help. If not, there are many hobbies you could pick up. It won’t be easy to not have your daughter around. Remember to come here if you need virtual hugs. {{{{Faye}}}

laineybug's avatar

@tedibear everything seems to be going well and being balanced at the moment, but I think I’m about to break that balance by joining the Student Government Association at my school.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s thundering a lightening outside! I mean, some SERIOUS thunder! I feel all shivery and safe! :)

faye's avatar

@tedibear Thanks, I do think about volunteering. I dare not go near an animal shelter, though, as I’d be the crazy old lady with all the animals. Fluther has saved my sanity many a time!

SpatzieLover's avatar

Today is my third Fluther Anniversary!
My thanks to Ben, Andrew & Auggie for the great experience!

laineybug's avatar

I’ve learned today that three people think I’m adorable, they each told me that for no particular reason at random times.

Dr_C's avatar

Got the ring on saturday. I’m excited!

chyna's avatar


Dr_C's avatar

Thanks :)

OpryLeigh's avatar

I am back from the most amazing American holiday. I feel bittersweet right now.

harple's avatar

@Leanne1986 wow, that time went by so quickly! I can sympathise.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@Leanne1986 : Well, I waved as you went by. Did you see me?

OpryLeigh's avatar

@JilltheTooth I wondered who that crazy lady was!!!

faye's avatar

Alberta was 28C yesterday- crazy fun. My daughter was home from Calgary and we had a fire and smokies and beer. Well, I had wine. I had some juniper boughs I had trimmed of, burned so fine!

tedibear's avatar

I am very worried about a friend of mine. She and her husband are on vacation in Nepal & Tibet. There was a tour plane that crashed their and two Americans were killed. I am hoping that they were not involved.

mangeons's avatar

I’m a bit late coming to this question, but I figured I’d go ahead and join in.

I’m doing surprisingly well (to me, at least) in school at the moment. Even with two AP classes, I’m still at straight A’s about a month into the school year. I’m starting to take more classes that are interesting to me (i.e. AP Psych, Sociology, etc.) and I think that has something to do with it.

I’m also making an effort to eat healthier and get somewhat more active. I’ve eliminated a lot of the unhealthy food choices I used to make (eating cereal for a snack, etc.) and I’ve played outside with my sister and stuff like that to get some exercise.

Overall, I’ve just been trying to make better choices and get more focused on schoolwork and stuff like that, and it’s going pretty well, which makes me happy. :-)

@tedibear I hope your friends are okay!

tedibear's avatar

Found an article with the passenger names. It wasn’t them!!! :D

mangeons's avatar

@tedibear That’s great to hear! :-)

Mariah's avatar

I am slowly learning some trust in my body.

My best friend visited from college this weekend and we had a faaabulous time! We were out late a couple nights in a row running around several various locales and I could keep up with her and her boyfriend (normal, healthy teenagers) just fine; my body didn’t hinder me at all this weekend. How long has it been since I’ve been able to say that? By the end, I was fairly exhausted, but it wasn’t even physical exhaustion, just emotional exhaustion…I am definitely not accustomed to getting so much socialization, these days. But it was truly wonderful to spend time with them.

Paradoxically, going through a small rough patch a few days ago has helped me to even further feel some new confidence in my body. I began to lose some hope when, for two days, I was feeling a very strange sort of awful. Well, I thought to myself, I knew it was too good to be true – my body will never be very reliable. But then it turned out I was going through withdrawal on a medication I had recently stopped. No fault of my body’s at all. Seeing these problems here and there, and how they can actually be easily resolved and don’t have long-term implications, is making a huge difference in my feelings towards my body.

I couldn’t be happier.

mangeons's avatar

@Mariah I’m super happy for you, I hope things keep going just as well or even better! :-D

OpryLeigh's avatar

I somehow managed to do a good deed today even though my intentions was a little less than moral!

harple's avatar

@Leanne1986 That sounds too interesting to just leave us dangling like that…................ ;)

Stinley's avatar

We got the keys to the new house and I am currently relaxing in my living room. We also have inherited three chicken. Who wants to come round for pancakes made with fresh eggs?

laineybug's avatar

I got my Spanish grade up, but sadly up was to a D. Stupid brochure…

tedibear's avatar

@Stinley – Yummmmmm!

@laineybug – What year of Spanish are you in? (That’s just because I’m nosey.) I’m sure you’ll work it out. :D

laineybug's avatar

I’m in Spanish three, which is supposed to be the hardest year of Spanish.

faye's avatar

My daughter moves out this weekend. I admit to a small frisson of excitement at having my house back! I know I will be lonely some, but I remember when everyone had moved out before and I liked it.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I plan on winning the lottery tonight.

tedibear's avatar

@laineybug – Yup, third year of a language is the tough one. They expect you to construct sentences in different tenses and everything – all on your own! Yikes! I don’t know where you live, but in NY, that’s the year of the state regents exam and it’s a tough one. Best wishes to you!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Speaking of Spanish…Google Translate is allowing me to talk to and teach a student who only speaks Spanish. No English. I don’t speak Spanish.

He’s carrying a high B in a his “Skills for Living” course (he has to highlight the text then do ‘translate’ within the teaching system so he can read it in Spanish.)
I enrolled him in a second class…Spanish I :) He’s carrying an A. : )

Dr_C's avatar

Took Mrs. C to Barcelona for a week… proposed… she said yes! and now I’m back at work :(

JilltheTooth's avatar

@Dr_C : Yahoo for you!!!

mangeons's avatar

@Dr_C Yay!!!! :-)

tedibear's avatar

@Dr_C – WONDERFUL!!!! Congratulations! Let the festivities begin!

augustlan's avatar

Congratulations, @Dr_C!

Bellatrix's avatar

A fluther wedding. How fabulous. Congrats @Dr_C!

Dutchess_III's avatar

My son is having his first baby….this weekend, the Doctors say.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Congrats @Dr_C!!! How exciting!

augustlan's avatar

@Dutchess_III New grandbaby! Yay!

Bellatrix's avatar

I hope @Dutchess_III comes back and tells us about the baby soon.

MilkyWay's avatar

I missed so much!
I’m home now, back in school and extremley proud of the 3 As I got inn Science, English Language and Religious Studies. I can walk without crutches now, and am glad to have my life back on track.

faye's avatar

I think I have herniated a disc and am having sciatic nerve symptoms so back to bedrest until I see my doctor, blah!

Dutchess_III's avatar

We closed on our five wooded acres with a pond last Wednesday!!! Bonfire time! Ya’ll invited!!

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Bellatrix son’s girlfriend is a freaking psycho nut case. She isn’t even due until Nov 25th, and she’s convinced my son no less than 5 times in the last two weeks, that she’s in labor and he has to rush her to the hospital 20 miles away. Nothing. No contractions on the monitor, nothing. The last time it was in the middle of the night. They were at the hospital until 2:30 a.m., and he had to get up at 5:00 for work. She’s doing it to get attention. I really, REALLY dislike that girl. She think this baby is the key to something….not sure what. She stands there rubbing her hands up and down her belly almost constantly, I guess to bring attention to it, and it’s gross. It’s like QUIT TOUCHING YOURSELF!!
My daughter said that Chris’ girlfriend said she didn’t know what labor felt like. Chris asked how that could be since she has two other children. Her answer….“Because I had an epidural with them.” She is stupid, too.

Anyway, I have informed all and sundry, and now I’m informing ya’ll, the baby will come on the 19th! Mark my words!

Bellatrix's avatar

Oh… :-) I shall wait for the announcement some time on the 19th then.

I have all this joy to go through.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Thanks for listening to me rant!
Yes, ya’ll will bet the 15th or 16th to know! I promise!

augustlan's avatar

@faye Sorry you’re feeling badly, again. :(

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Bellatrix She took us by surprise! Born at 9:03 this evening (November 13th, 2011). Six pounds even, 18” long. Looks like a baby in that picture, doesn’t it! : )

Dutchess_III's avatar

Thanks Auggie….

Bellatrix's avatar

It does look like a baby. Very beautiful and both mum and baby are well so all is perfect.

faye's avatar

@augustlan thanks, glad it’s winter now if I have to be still.
@Dutchess_III Congratulations!!

Mariah's avatar

Last Friday a friend and I left to visit another friend at her college 6 hours away. I’ve been so busy and have had so much fun over the last four days, a very nice change from my past year! I just got home.

This trip was awesome for more than just the visit though. I know I couldn’t have done something like this a year ago without feeling ill. Well I felt fine and I found I had no trouble keeping up with my friends’ pace. AND…

I got drunk on Saturday. And nothing bad whatsoever happened!

After five years of severe health problems and the associated fear and anxiety that went along, it feels so great to have relaxed, have engaged in a normal “teenagerish” activity, have taken a “risk,” and have seen that there were no dire repercussions.

faye's avatar

I do have a ‘bulging’ disc but it’s getting better, as long as I mostly lay around (fatter and fatter :( ) My youngest now wants to move back to Calgary- oy vay! She moves so often!

augustlan's avatar

Sorry about your disc, @faye. Perhaps we should all have a drink with @Mariah! :)

faye's avatar

@augustlan I’m up for that!! @Mariah ?

Mariah's avatar

LOL, sure, why not. Then we could all do some flunkering.

JilltheTooth's avatar

And aren’t we all glad that even after a few glasses of wine my filters are still intact. I mean really. I’d be blasting some really fucking nasty shit right now if they weren’t. Hooray for me.

Mariah's avatar

The transition back to college was going very well. Now I think I’m having a serious complication from my surgery. I think I’m going to need more surgery which probably means getting pulled out of school….again….

If life could stop shitting all over me for more than one week at a time, that’d be really cool.

augustlan's avatar

Oh, no. I’m so sorry, @Mariah.

chyna's avatar

@Mariah Oh, that just sux. I hope it turns out better than you are expecting.

mangeons's avatar

@Mariah That’s terrible! I hope that everything turns out okay.

Mariah's avatar

Thanks everyone. I have an appointment for an examination with my surgeon (several states away from my college…) for Thursday morning to confirm what’s going on. I guess at that point we decide how to go about treating it and whether it will be managable without pulling out from school. I’ll keep you updated.

Mariah's avatar

Oops, I apparently misunderstood. Appointment is not this Thursday, it’s in two weeks. Great. Apparently my situation is not an emergency, which is good, but I’m gonna be fretting in the meantime.

mangeons's avatar

Today I went to a Chinese buffet with @augustlan and Co. for dinner and I ate a whole baby octopus! This is actually an accomplishment for me, considering the fact that I’m an extremely picky eater and I’ve come a long way in terms of trying foods!

augustlan's avatar

We were all in awe of her ^^ food bravery. She really has come a long way!

@Mariah Keep us posted, please. We’ll be fretting right along with you!

laineybug's avatar

My PSAT score was 166, the average for sophomores is 141, and I’m a freshman.
@Mariah I hope you can stay at school!

Mariah's avatar

My surgeon encouraged me to try and see my local GI. I have an appointment for Tuesday.

I’m so scared because what’s happening to me right now corresponds with a high rate of pouch failure, which would mean reverting to a permanent ileostomy. Back when I had the ileostomy I thought it wasn’t so bad, but now that I don’t have it anymore I really don’t want it back.

I’m having a hard time because I really don’t have a support system in place away from home. I’m usually okay when I don’t think about it too much though.

augustlan's avatar

@Mariah If the pouch fails, is there any way they can try the procedure again, or is it a one-shot deal? I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you, girlie.

chyna's avatar

@Mariah My thoughts will be with you, but remember, us jellies are your support system when you aren’t home.

Mariah's avatar

@augustlan You know, I’m not positive, but I think pouch failure usually indicates that the pouch, for one reason or another, isn’t compatible with the body. I have never heard of somebody trying twice. If it failed again you’d be down an awful lot of small intestine.

That’s so sweet, @chyna, thank you.

harple's avatar

I second @chyna‘s sentiment @Mariah – we’re here and we do care.

Stinley's avatar

I got a job. Some of you may remember that I’ve been looking for a while. So I’m well chuffed. It’s a librarian post in a community college, looking after e-resources so right up my street and plenty of challenges. My kids won’t like it so much but we have been increasing our debt every month since June so it is a necessity

JilltheTooth's avatar

@Stinley : Congrats! You’re in good librarian company, here!

Bellatrix's avatar

Congratulations @Stinley!

harple's avatar

I’m having a bad time tonight as it’s the anniversary of my father dying tomorrow… I’ve found myself being snarky on a question here when that’s not normally my style (at least I hope it’s not!). I’ve been in floods of tears earlier on, which is the first time in years that I’ve bawled specifically about my father. No matter how many decades pass, it’s still a hard time of year on the anniversary, and it’s still with me all year round.

Just wanted to share how I’m feeling tonight. Off to bed now…

Great work on the job @Stinley :-)

JilltheTooth's avatar

@harple : So sorry about your Dad, I still get a bit weepy on the anniversary of my Dad’s passing, it’ll be 6 years in April. Sleep well…

Bellatrix's avatar

My dad died almost 27 years ago, and I still find myself crying at times and definitely around the anniversary and his birthday. Sending you hugs @Harple. Another jelly suggested Cocoa on another thread. Cocoa always makes me feel warm and loved. Reminds me of my childhood. So, whatever makes you feel like you are getting a big hug, go and make some for yourself. Have a @Harple day today. If you feel like it, look at your Dad’s pictures or letters he sent you. Spend some time thinking about him and be kind to yourself.

Mariah's avatar

Thank you, @harple dear. Sorry you’re feeling low. I hope the world looks brighter for you tomorrow.

I had my doctor’s appointment yesterday, didn’t accomplish much, he just talked to me about what the next steps need to be. I’ll have an MRI next Tuesday and then I’ll know more. The good news is that what’s happening to me isn’t an emergency, so if I do need more surgery I might be able to hold off until the semester is over so I don’t have to miss more school.

augustlan's avatar

Congrats on the job, @Stinley!
I’m sorry you’re feeling down, @harple. {hugs}
@Mariah That is good news! I hope more good news is on the way for you.

My oldest daughter (@Fly) found out that she’s been accepted by the Honors College at GMU. She doesn’t know if she’ll go there, yet, but it’s nice to know they want her. :)

Mariah's avatar

Go go go @Fly! She seems like such a smartiepants. Don’t let her overwork herself though.

My doc scheduled me for a consultation with a colo-rectal surgeon in my college town, which I didn’t realize he was going to do. The news surprised and scared me at first but after talking with my doc I think he’s just being proactive. At first I poo-pooed the idea of getting another surgeon involved, until doc said this guy is their best and he specializes in the problem I’m having. I figure a consult won’t hurt, especially if my MRI on Tuesday shows that it needs immediate attention, it’d be nice to get it taken care of here rather than at my usual surgeon’s location 10 hours away. I really hope that’s not the case though. I don’t know how intensive the surgery is but I can’t imagine being able to stay in school if I need surgery right away.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Well, Zuppy’s been really “off” for a few days, he’s at the vet, now, wish him luck! He’s usually a very “well” dog, this is unusual.

OpryLeigh's avatar

@JilltheTooth Get better soon Zuppy.

Bellatrix's avatar

Poor little Zuppy. Hope he is fine. Let us know @JilltheTooth. You must be worried.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Well, he’s got a pretty nasty tummy, special foods and meds required for a bit, poor droopy fella. He’ll be OK, I just hate when he’s not his usual self… Thanks for caring, guys…

tedibear's avatar

@JilltheTooth – Sorry to hear about Zuppy! Sending him good healing vibes. My cat, Cloudy seems to be getting better. (She was having some issues on her backside.)

Mariah's avatar

@JilltheTooth Glad Zuppy’s getting the attention he needs!

I had my MRI on Tuesday and nothing showed up on it. However, my symptoms leave no room for doubt as to what’s going on; this just means that the MRI didn’t see the problem, which isn’t uncommon. So more diagnostic tests will be needed.

My parents came out today for my consult with the surgeon. I’ve been sort of in suspense because I don’t know much about my situation. I refuse to google it because the one time I did I read more information than I wanted to know and ended up very depressed. Well, now I know some stuff. I know that there is a 50% chance of successful treatment. And I know there’s a 25% chance that I’ll lose my j-pouch altogether.

I’m a mess tonight. My parents just left and I don’t know what to do with myself. I’m terrified and there isn’t anyone around here who understands. Probably tomorrow I will try to make an emergency appointment with my counselor.

In another two weeks my parents will be coming back up to be with me when I go to the surgeon again. He’ll be putting me under and doing an exam to learn more details about what’s going on. At that point he’ll decide what course of action needs to be taken.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Oh, @Mariah , you really can’t seem to catch a break! I’ll be thinking of you and sending you green light and wishes for the best possible outcome for you!

Mariah's avatar

Thanks, Jill.

augustlan's avatar

{hugs} @Mariah. I’m going to be here all night, if you need to talk.

harple's avatar

Oh @Mariah, sending you huge hugs. Hoping you got that appointment you wanted today and that it helps…

auhsojsa's avatar

Will have my first born in April! Any tips on raising a baby boy?

Bellatrix's avatar

Congratulations @auhsojsa! Just love him and don’t be afraid to cuddle him and encourage him to show his affections no matter how old he is.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Congrats, @auhsojsa , have a ball!

OpryLeigh's avatar

Tonight I will be working at a puppy workshop which is an opportunity for owners with young puppies to socialise their pup and get a taster of what they will experience at training classes (which we hope they will book up with us by the end of the evening). So, long story short, tonight I will be surrounded by puppies! What more could a dog lover ask for?!

Mariah's avatar

My exam under anesthesia is tomorrow, which means I’ll finally get answers. It couldn’t come sooner because not only am I weary of being in suspense, but I’m in a lot of pain these days. Worst case scenario he can’t do anything to save the j-pouch and I get a permanent ileostomy. Honestly, that’s starting to sound a-okay to me because even though I’d probably need a lot of therapy to get through the body image issues, I’d most likely be done with all the bullshit.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Fingers are being crossed, prayers are being said, green light is being sent, pick whichever one suits. I’ll be thinking about you, @Mariah .

chyna's avatar

I have finally sold my mom’s house and the closing is today. To me it is kinda odd that one year ago today I had found and read love letters from my dad to my mom that were written in the 50’s. This is the only house the two ever had.

augustlan's avatar

Best of luck, @Mariah. I’ll be thinking of you.

@chyna Bittersweet, I imagine. {hugs}

Mariah's avatar


I do have a fistula (which I already knew), but it’s tiny and it’s not located in the j-pouch; my j-pouch is absolutely fine. It had caused an abcess, which was what was causing me pain, and which the surgeon drained. This is the easiest sort of fistula to heal. The surgeon inserted a small tube to help it drain, which will stay in place for three months. It is possible that this drain alone will heal it, but even if not, no action is needed for three months (and I’ll be out of school by then, so this is NOT going to interfere with school), and my chances of successful treatment are much, much better now. It’s a mystery why this happened, and if it will continue to happen again in the future, but I’m not going to dwell on that.

I was braced for the worst, I really was. This is such a relief. Thanks so much to all you jellies for thinking of me during this rough patch.

Bellatrix's avatar

That is such wonderful news @Mariah. Congratulations (seems a bit of an odd word to use but appropriate!).

SpatzieLover's avatar

I’m thrilled for you @Mariah. Yippee!

chyna's avatar

Mad, crazy screaming for @Mariah! Yay!!

laineybug's avatar

Yay @Mariah! That’s great!

mangeons's avatar

@Mariah Yay!!!!!!!! I’m so glad things turned out okay! :-D

augustlan's avatar

Yay Yay Yay! That’s fantastic, @Mariah! Thank you so much for keeping us posted.

wundayatta's avatar

I’m happy for you. Hoping for no further complications, too. Feel better fast!

Bellatrix's avatar

I hate using the numbering system in Word. Just wanted to share that. I HATE IT. It drives me nuts…

Thank you.

tedibear's avatar

WOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!! So glad for your, Mariah! Sending you good healing vibes!

Mariah's avatar

@Bellatrix @SpatzieLover @chyna @laineybug @mangeons @augustlan @wundayatta @tedibear Golly, thanks! Just look at all those good jelly friends! :)

harple's avatar

Just clocked in after a week away skiing (I managed not to break any bones, whoop!)... Great to read your good news @Mariah :-D

mangeons's avatar

I got my learner’s permit today!!!! :D

Bellatrix's avatar

Yay you @Mangeons! (Did anyone notify the highway patrol to put up the warning signs?)

Just teasing… I am sure you will be a great driver and you will love the independence being able to drive will give you. Just be patient with your parents who will go through some painful transition moments while they get used to it.

Dr_C's avatar

I got married in a civil ceremony on Feb 25th. I’ve been legally married for 3 weeks now!
The big one is on April 21st…. the weird thing is I’m not the least bit nervous or anxious. Even the day of the civil ceremony… I came to the office and was taking care of some paperwork when my assistant walked in in near-hysterics asking why I wasn’t getting ready, and why I was so calm.

I told her, “I sign about 97 documents every day… the only difference now is that I’m signing one on a saturday”.

She was not amused.

Is it weird that I’m not nervous at all? I’m incredibly happy… just not nervous. (which may change when I look at my bank statement).

chyna's avatar

@Dr_C I think you aren’t nervous because you are so happy and know you are doing the best thing in the world for you. Congrats!

laineybug's avatar

I just got back from Florida where my school got first in our division for parade bands in the Disney music festival. Most of the time was spent on the bus there and back, but I had a lot of fun and managed to not get a sunburn for once!

chyna's avatar

I want to thank @Marinelife for helping me make a life decision.
My brother, however, isn’t so happy with her.~

Mariah's avatar

In the hospital with what is probably an intestinal blockage. These aren’t uncommon after surgery. They usually resolve themselves after a while but if not they have to be resolved surgically. The pain is incredible, but dilaudid has helped.

funkdaddy's avatar


Get well soon.

augustlan's avatar

Hoping for a speedy recovery, @Mariah!

Bellatrix's avatar

Feel better soon @Mariah. We are all thinking of you.

mangeons's avatar

I really hope you feel better soon, @Mariah!

Mariah's avatar

Thanks jellyfriends! It was a blockage, and it has been resolved. Through the use of a naso-gastric tube, which was one of the most unpleasant things I’ve been through, but at least I avoided surgery, and the tube has recently been removed and now it’s just a matter of slooooowly getting myself back on food after the “trauma” my guts have been through. They’re not letting me even drink anything until tomorrow! All I want is orange sherbet. I look forward to the popsicles that tomorrow holds.

SpatzieLover's avatar

{{{{{{{{{{{{{Healing Thoughts}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Sent your way @Mariah.

FluffyChicken's avatar

I’m traveling through Switzerland, and I believe I may actually have over done it on the cheese and chocolate. So much hurting in my guts.

Mariah's avatar

I’m getting discharged today. Happy Easter!

harple's avatar

Congrats @Mariah – that’s great news!

For my part, I’m having a really good and relaxing weekend, and managing to not feel innately glum. Given the way I’ve been for the last month this is promising news indeed!

FluffyChicken's avatar

I went to the food museum yesterday. It was delicious.

wundayatta's avatar

My tulips are delightful! I finally planted some that grew, and they are big and really bright and they set off the corner of my garden perfectly.

Dr_C's avatar

Had a wonderful Zombie-Jesus day with the fam. I have a very hectic work-week ahead of me before I have to leave early on friday, pick up Mrs. C’s wedding dress from alterations, pick up my tux, move into the new place on saturday, play a round of golf on sunday and fly off to Mazatlan on Monday to iron out all the final details for the wedding. Then Saturday just walk down the aisle and say “I do”. (that should be the easy part).

P.S. Mrs C insisted that this would be important information for some of the ladies. The only alteration being done to her dress is the addition of something called a “bustle”. The phrase she’s been living with (and driving me insane with) over the past couple of months is “you don’t alter Vera to fit you, you alter yourself to fit Vera”.

I hope that made sense to some of you. It didn’t to me.

chyna's avatar

@Dr_C It makes perfect sense! Report back with wedding details when it’s all over. Well, not all the details.~

Plucky's avatar

@janbb I think we need a new thread for this – it’s too long for my pc :P

Can you start a new one, pretty please?

marinelife's avatar

@Dr_C Congratulations on your impending nuptials. May everything go smoothly or, if not, may it make you laugh.

FluffyChicken's avatar

I am experiencing strong feelings of inexplicable guilt.

FluffyChicken's avatar

I don’t know. It’s inixplicable. I’ve also been having weird dreams and nightmares for about a week.

harple's avatar

Erm, my ex-husband was on Britain’s Got Talent tonight… Erm – not quite sure what to say! (It wasn’t an act I would have expected!)

Bellatrix's avatar

Can you tell us what he was doing or would that give away too much information? Did you know he was going to be on the show or were you sitting watching it and then….........what the???

augustlan's avatar

Haha, that’s awesome. I hope he was doing something embarrassing! ;)

harple's avatar

Erm, I think it was supposed to be from the Rocky Horror Show?!?!?! I had been pre-warned, but had no idea of the content – was quite a shock, I can tell you!

FluffyChicken's avatar

@harple anything from RHPS is embarrassing among the wrong crowd. Was drag involved?

I’m leaving Europe in a week. I can’t wait to see my puppy. I wish I had more time on the continent though.

FluffyChicken's avatar

I’m in love with a straight girl.

tedibear's avatar

@FluffyChicken – If you’re 100% sure she’s straight, do what you can to protect your heart from hurting too much. Here’s your hug {{{FluffyChicken}}}

I have a second interview for a training job tomorrow!!! I decided a while back that I wanted to get back into, for a variety of reasons. So tomorrow, off I go to my interview at yet another bank. If the one where I currently work part-time was looking for a classroom facilitator I would stay, but they’re not.

MilkyWay's avatar

There should be another thread like this… maybe a part 2.

Dr_C's avatar

Haven’t been here in a few years… Just went over this thread and re-lived the few months from when I decided to propose until a few weeks after the wedding. Things I hadn’t thought of for a while up until recently. Especially recently.

Just got divorced. Haven’t fully digested it yet. But it felt nice to see how happy and excited I was at the beginning.

chyna's avatar

@Dr_C So sorry to hear of your divorce, but glad you came back. Hope you stick around.

Stinley's avatar

@Dr_C I’m sorry to hear about your divorce. I re-read this thread with you in mind and you seemed so positive. You now seem a bit shell-shocked. If Fluther can help in any way, you’ve only got to ask.

Dr_C's avatar

@Stinley thank you. It’s a process but it gets a little easier every day.

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