Social Question

Blackberry's avatar

If you were visiting your hometown and redeveloped feelings for an old crush, would you do anything about it?

Asked by Blackberry (34356points) June 22nd, 2011

And by “do anything”, I mean revealing the strong feelings you have for them. If you spent a few days together and had a great time, but you know you have to go back to work (thousands of miles away, for example), is it worth even taking it to a more serious level? Should you just enjoy the time and appreciate that you got it instead?

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15 Answers

TexasDude's avatar

I would go for it.

I’m in a similar situation right now.

zenvelo's avatar

It depends on whether the circumstances foster pursuing it.

After 25 years I reconnected with a woman I met three days before I moved from Santa Barbara to San Francisco. It was wonderful to get back together, and we actually talked about getting closer. But our circumstances with kids and schools and exes would have been too disruptive for each of us.

Hibernate's avatar

If I am happy then I wouldn’t do anything about it.
If I were to be single then I’d share the feelings.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Don’t go to the grave with regrets about what you didn’t say to the people you care for.

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

No, I wouldn’t. I never want to live in my hometown again, and chances are if I got together with someone from there they would want to hang around. Plus I’m counting myself out of the dating scene for a while.

DarlingRhadamanthus's avatar

Yes I would….of course I would! Do it!

I reconnected with an old boyfriend from high school a few years back and what was interesting to me was how we still looked at each other as if we were still 17. However, in my case, he was married, I knew his parents, brothers and sisters so I was not going to let it blossom into anything. Its a shame though, because he still looked at me the same way when we went to the prom. It was like time travelling. Had he been single, I would have pursued it, alas, he was not.

There is a psychologist who wrote two books about this and she has (I think) a website link

The first book: link

ucme's avatar

Been there, done that….don’t have the tee-shirt though,way too cheap & nasty looking.
Yeah, if you happen to be in a long term relationship it’s usually wise to just chill with this person & catch up on old times. Better for both our healths that way, the wife packs a mean punch.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

If you are single,why not?
@RealEyesRealizeRealLies said it well.

Cruiser's avatar

No…they are ex’s all for good reasons. There is one though that under very different circumstances I would be open to if I were single again.

creative1's avatar

I would see if an actual relationship could develop, if not who knows you may just end up getting a good friend in your old town.

Just to clarify that this person is someone you had a crush on but never actually dated…

Blondesjon's avatar


Jesus Christ, she’d be like 170 years old now.

although i guess if a fella could get past the smell of preparation h and decomposition it wouldn’t be all bad . . .

Ajulutsikael's avatar

There is no harm in trying at all. I’m currently back in a long distance relationship after having to move back to the east coast because of financial reasons. If you both share the feelings, it’s worth trying out.

Blackberry's avatar

@creative1 Yeah, we were both dating other people when we knew each other.

wundayatta's avatar

I’m a sucker for love, so yeah, I’d do it.

creative1's avatar

@Blackberry Then it isn’t ex’s getting back together I say go for it, you never know where life will take you. Peope can move from one place to another to be together so I would definately go for it.

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