Are you ready to play Fluther Jeopardy?
Asked by
PhiNotPi (
June 23rd, 2011
This thread is a Flutherfied version of the TV show Jeopardy. Each contestant asks the question for the above answer, and writes an answer for the next contestant.
1) All contestants must pass a qualification test; however, we are Flutherites, so we automatically pass!
2) All replies must include the question for the above answer, a category and amount for the new answer, and a new answer.
3) You can keep track of your score by adding the amount to your score for a right answer, and subtracting it for a wrong answer.
4) Any contestant may point out when an answer is wrong, if they have proof.
5) No questioning your own answers! (no replying twice in a row)
Introducing your host, PhiNotPi.
Number That Spelling for $200:
This number, one of the first 20, uses only one vowel (4 times!).
Observing members:
Composing members:
161 Answers
What is Seventeen?
Geology for $400
Over time, granite is compressed into this rock.
What is my ex-boyfriend’s head?
Sports for $752.95
The winner of the first Kentucky Derby
What is Seventeen?
Greek Mythology for $800
The name of the goddess whom Hades took her daughter from to marry.
Hee hee. This is like Jeopardy on Meth!
Who is Sarah Palin? (Oddly, that is the question to BOTH answers)
Car Talk for $6
This year was the first for the manufacture of the Edsel.
What is Seventeen?
Comic Books for $1,566.01
Steve Rogers is this Marvel superhero.
Who is your daddy?
Culinary arts for $17
“Yuck” is another name for this delicacy.
What is meatloaf.
Self defense for $600…
Your mother in law is at the front door…
What is rope, a taser, and a branding iron?
Magazines for $3.99
This fashion magazine caters to young adult women.
What is Scientific American?
Alex Trebec for A BRAND NEW CAR!
He goes Commando except on Sundays
Who is Mickey Rooney?
Wildlife for £3.27 & a half eaten pork pie.
How high can a chicken jump?
@ucme Must be in the form of an answer!
@filmfann Let’s penalize him! Whaaa haa haaaa!
What is “chickens jump as high as they damn please.”
For a billion duckets.
oh poo, it was his fault Miss :¬(
What is dark pink?
Comedy for DAILY DOUBLE!
This British comedy film is famous for its holy artifacts (especially its hand grenades).
Monty Python and the Holy Grail—starring my lover,J.Cleese
“Thursday” for a ham on whole wheat
This woman’s glasses are nowhere to be found
Who is Aunt Mildred?
Party Themes for 5 Lurve.
This party will find many jellies without clothes and full of pancakes.
Who is Lucille!
For my firstborn son
He is your doppelgänger
Who is Clark Kent?
Decorating ,for a ride in a REAL firetruck!
Lawn clippings
What is my wallpaper?
Internet Memes for 3 banana peels.
This video depicts a pop tart cat flying through space.
Who is Lady Gaga.
Road Rage for a Pop Tart
Rear ended a Good Humor Truck
Who is @Cruiser?
Deep Sea Creatures for one meat dress.
This guy is hip, cool, and wears round glasses.
Who is Dr. J?
Music for an asteroid.
This song is the most dislikes video of all time on a famous video sharing service.
What is Baby?
Time Wasters for 10 golden eggs.
This #1 casual game debuted on the iPhone.
What was ‘Angry Birds’?
Douchebags for one U.S. Senate Seat.
This group of people are ridiculed daily for their mistaken belief that America was founded as a christian nation.
Who are “The Smurfs”
Math for a Labrador Retriever
4 is this.
What is the answer to “2 + 3”?
Fluther memes for $5.78 Canadian Dollars.
This question is the origin of “frizzer”.
What is under the swimming POOL?
Rooms for a buck three ninety-eight.
Favorite room to fluther.
Who is Janets?
For a high five from @lucillelucillelucille
He wore all black and said this, “Luke, I am your father.
Who is Darth Vader.
For a V.I.P. pass to the next nekked pancake party.
This late actor once said, “Why so serious?”
Who is Heath Ledger?
For a high five from Chuck Norris
She is a famous actress who played Spideman’s love interest in the first Spiderman movie
Who is Kirsten Dunst?
For a history lesson from @Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard.
This jelly knows where the orange tree is.
Who is @wundayatta
For 1 burger
She’s the head jelly
(haha I’ll share my history tutor with you, @Jude)
Lady Marmelade
For a chance to pull off Wuydayatta’s flaking sunburnt skin—- 30 dolla’
Jelly who looks hottest wearing a banana hammock.
this was for erich’s answer
Who is @augustian
For 10 brownie points
She is Luke’s sister
“Jelly who looks hottest wearing a banana hammock.” “Who is @augustian”
oh la la
Who is Laura? (those soap operas are sick!)
Laugh In for a walnetto:
Well known figure famous for riding a tricycle while wearing a raincoat.
@filmfann I was looking for Princess Leia but I’ll let you off this one time :P ten brownie points for you
Who is Arte Johnson?
Beatles for Money Can’t Buy You Love
he was the best of the Beatles
John Lennon.
One week of house-cleaning with no questions asked.
Geography category: Asia is #1
What is continent population?
Zombies for all the pickles in Manhattan.
This is the best defense against the undead.
@Pied_Pfeffer watch out, I might go all Arnold on you.
A cricket bat is?
A cookie
We drink tea and have crooked teeth
Who are cavemen?
Answers for 45% of Leonardo DiCaprio’s estate.
What is the answer to everything?
A squirrel with a coke addiction
It’s in my pocket and it’s happy to see you.
What is your gun?
Question for the presidency of Zimbabwe
This country is the world’s least visited.
What is my house? (only 4 occupants, and we have to pay royalties to the US to keep our sovereignty)
Amusement Parks for two free tickets to six flags (not including shipping & handling)
This new racecar themed roller coaster built at a “royal” park in VA.
What is a gold leafed barf bag.
Skyscrapers for a bag of Airline Peanuts.
Stuck for 36 hours in an elevator with Lady Gaga
What is born this way.
Elvis Presley for 500.
What Neil Diamond song did he cover?
What is “Hair Today,Gone Tomorrow”
Speed Limits for a big fat ticket
Square wheels
What is going nowhere?
Breakfast Items for a gallon of syrup.
This breakfast food is commonly featured on Fluther.
What are pancakes?
Comedy: for a love child from Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Page 394
What is some obscure Harry Potter reference?
Jackasses for a toy car.
This Jackass found himself gone too early.
Who is Ryan Dunn?
Geology $300 —
For six days in April 2010 this volcano erupted. How do you correctly spell its name?
History for 1000
Napoleon Bonaparte’s love interest.
Who is Josephine Beauharnais?
Maths for 10 jellybeans
What is pie Pi?
Clothing Style for 3 and a half blades of grass.
These are ill-advised to wear with sandals.
What are white socks – which I find comfortable with sandals, so there.
TV for 1,000,000 lurve
Who were 88, 99 and quite smart?
Who were the agents on Get Smart?
TV for 99 bottles of beer.
This guy was shooting some bball outside of the school when a couple of guys who were up to no good, started making trouble in the neighborhood.
Who is the Fresh Prince of Bel Air?
Fantasy, for 1 gazilliontrillionbajillionmagnificillion dollars.
In this book/movie, Silvertongue can read books into reality.
What is Inkheart?
Jellies for half of my popcicle.
This jelly smells bad.
Who is erichw1504?
MadTV for Win Your Land Back
What is the secret word?
(To the audience: The secret word is ALABASTER)
What is a frizzer
Plastic Surgery for a Whoopie Cushion
A part of the body that would make you say ”WTH!!!
What is “labiaplasty”
Animals For all the king’s gold
This bear is best.
Who is Winnie-the-Pooh?
Style, For a whipping by auggie
A thong.
What is your mama wearing?
Sea life for a billion fish
Something spiney you step on in the surf
Ok, @Allie. I’ll give you that one. :p
What is a sunbathing zombie?
Shopping, for a pound of my Tiger Butter.
This store’s logo looks like a bad spider bite.
What is Walmart Target?
Internet Abbreviations for a thank you note.
This is abbreviated “http” in Fluther’s web site address.
What is Hyper Text Transfer Protocol?
Internet Abbreviations for a re-gifted blender.
This abbreviation is also a new pop-band’s name.
What is OMG?
Stupid people for control of ITV
These people are running against Obama.
Who are The Wolf People of the Black Eldenland Woods
Puppet friends for a kiss from @erichw1504
He’s red, has his own world, sings about it, and has a fish named Dorothy.
Who is Elmo?
Food for a sloppy kiss from @redfeather.
This yellow fruit turns brown before you know it and then you won’t want to eat it.
What are bananas?
Things that are white for the opportunity to watch myself and @erichw1504 kiss ourselves
These things hang in the sky and make rain and whatnot.
What are Tlalocs, Gods of Rain?
Outer Space for a one way trip there.
This body of gas is the closest star to Earth.
Who is @queenie?
Letters of the Alphabet for a set of magnetic letters with a missing ‘K’.
This comes after C.
What is E? (E isn’t before C, so it must come after)
Integers for -$1
This number is the first prime.
Who is Optimus?
Months of the Year for Baby Geniuses on VHS.
This month holds Swim a Lap Day.
What is June?
English for $7
Slithering, slowly & silently
What are six silent snakes?
NSFW for the tapes from last nights nekked pancake party.
Two of these are shown from Halle Berry in Swordfish.
What are gorgeous brown eyes.
Fluther trivia for a seafood dinner
He has asked over 1000 questions, and changed names only once.
Who is not @erichw1504?
Chemistry for half a Spam sandwich.
This is what you get when combining magnesium with carbonate.
What is magnesite?
Quantum Mechanics for a half of a Spam sandwich that is both eaten and not eaten.
This famous thought experiment involved a cat that is both alive and dead.
What is Nyan cat?
Gym Class for a strand of Donald Trump’s hair.
@zen was made fun of this in the locker rooms.
What is the Schoedringer cat?
What is a small bar of soap?
Cannibalism for 42
Hannibal let’s a child eat this part of a person in the Novel Hannibal
What is the left elbow?
Crazy Celebrities for $5.97 and a pair of Crocs.
This guy is winning!
Who is Charlie Sheen?
Old celebrities for $69
This guys’ son is winning a cocain abusing, prostitute fucking loser
Who is Martin Sheen?
Soft Drinks for a free night in the Mansion.
What is @erichw1504‘s favorite soft drink?
What is Tab?
Great people for $1000
This person is the head of Lockergnome.
Who is Christopher Joseph Pirillo?
Websites for 1,000 yen.
This website allows you to watch the lives of people more interesting than you.
What is Youtube??
Fluther for 5 lurve.
This was the first question ever asked on Fluther.
I’m going to go ahead and make a new answer. I forgot that there is a certian reason we never discuss that question. I missed the edit window, so here it is.
Same category, same amount
This company hired the Fluther team in 2010.
What is Twit – ter
Internet trends that won’t last til the end of the year for 1,000,000.
What is on this list?
Q&A sites for a membership with the best one.
This Q&A site is far inferior to Fluther.
What is every other Q&A site?
Famous tweeters for a hug off Jesus
He has a quiz show called QI
Who is Stephen Fry? (love that show!)
Food for a lifetime supply of chocolate
This purple vegetable is commonly known by two different names. (bonus points for naming both)
What is eggplant and aubergine ?
Cars for a lot of “hot air”.
US city were Stanley Steamers were made.
What is Newton, Massachusetts?
Cars for my newly aquired hot air.
This is often considered the worst car model ever built.
What is YU -go this waaay. ?
Video for a dozen over-ripe bananas.
1080p is an example of this.
What is display resolution?
Supreme Court justices for $200
This Supreme Court Justice is in trouble for accepting gifts and donations from parties whose cases he is trying.
Who is Ryan Seacrest?
Hot air ballooning for a Red Ryder BB Gun…
I would NEVER do THAT!!
Who is Meatloaf?
Mustard for 5 bucks. Seriously, don’t pay more.
It’s French, it has wine in it – it tastes like a French woman’s underarms.
What is Dee John?
Golf Courses for a “Hole in One”.
This grass is common, in the sunbelt of the USA, for fairways, also known as Devil’s Grass.
What is Cynodon dactylon? (Is that correct? It’s what my yard has, but we call it Bermuda grass.)
Literature for free tickets to Disney World
This famous fictional castle resides in Scotland.
What is Brigadoon? Bermuda or Cynodon dactylon was CORRECT
Metals for a plug nickel.
This item was placed at the top of the Washington monument
What is my purple bra?
Music for a tight hug.
This jelly just got her first iPod? <giggle giggle giggle>
Who was @WillWorkForChocolate?
Countries for all the skunks in Russia
This country declared its independence from Morocco.
What is Key West
Muscle cars for a Hot Wheels,
George Washington’s first car.
What is a Liberty
(Trivia: Clinton likes Hummers)
NASA for a lark
He was the first astronaut to eat a Pastrami Sandwich in space.
Who is @bob_?
Yummy alcohol, for a drink or three. It’s a two parter!
1) This is @augustlan‘s favorite beer.
2) This is @johnpowell’s favorite beer.
What is Dos Equis and Dos Equis.
Internet Phenomenon for a stack of pennies.
This red object eventually nabbed Kyle MacDonald a house.
What is a paperclip?
Psst. Correct answers: 1) Rolling Rock 2) PBR
Plumbing, for a glass of water.
The constantly leaking fixture in @augustlan‘s house.
What is the television?
Mathematics for an obtuse triangle.
The number 8.
What is the number of times Cruiser’s MIL has passed out drunk at Denny’s trying to finish her Grand Slam Breakfast.
Technology for a red ribbon
McGyver never left home without it.
What is a block of cheese?
Summer Time for a box of girl scout cookies.
The best outdoor family game.
What is Frisbee ? ?
Inventions for Two Hours in an ICE HOUSE.
This man is credited with inventing modern air conditioning in 1902.
who is carrier?
TV channels for all the turkeys in Turkey
This network went downhill when some of the best regional channels were taken off the air.
What is the nervous system?
Movies for a Lord of the Rings box set missing the DVDs.
This is the first film to win an Oscar.
What is The Terminator?
Life, for a thumb tack.
This runs on batteries and keeps women happy.
What is a portable electric stove? >:D
Youtube, for something that keeps women happy.
Napoleon Dynamite and Napoleon Bonaparte went head to head in this battle
What were The Napoleonic Wars.
Sexual Fantasies for 50 cents.
A habitual activity while on an elevator.
What is picking your nose?
Candy, for a piece of it.
This treat is made from dark chocolate, white chocolate and peanut butter.
What is my next snack?
Sexual Fantasies, Again for 51 cents.
America’s favorite past time in the bedroom.
What is watching the tele?
Sex Positions for a wild night.
This is the number of people it takes to perform a reverse spit roast.
What is 666?
Sports for a stick of gum.
The first American to win a gold medal in the Olympics.
Who is Lucille for playing Men’s Hockey in a Sun Dress.
Assault weapons for a Chucky Cheeze token
This weapon has the most stopping power.
What is a frozen hot dog weiner?
Literature, for a Hamlet omelette.
In this tragic story, a group of attention seeking bitches cause mayhem and murder with their accusations.
What is “Steel Magnolias”
Car repair for my neighbor’s underpants
This is where you put the sugar.
What is on my lips
Off roading for a set of mudflaps
What is pulling my wagon?
This is pulling my wagon.
What is a 500 pound gorilla?
Current Trends for a half eaten cheese stick.
This clothing item is popular with hipsters.
What is a thong.
Current events for a trip to Japan.
This is the most expensive reactor ever.
What is elephant and kinkijui?
Monkeys for a $5 and a half eaten cell phone
This stupid kind of person also has the same name as a type of monkey
What is a baboon?
Appliances for a diet grape soda.
This is not something you want to get stuck in here at Fluther.
What is a mod?
Medical science for a case of the clap.
This is something you can’t cure with antibiotics.
What is ignorance?
TV Shows for a Rick Roll.
This sitcom ended abruptly upon the stars outlandish remarks to its creator.
What is Lost?
Physics for an nuke exploding in your house while your in it.
This is what happens when an unstopable force meets an inmoveble object.
What is a crash?
Radio for 5000 euros
A market is considered podunk when it has more than 8 stations running this format.
What is Bluegrass Music?
Uncommon Sports for $98.45 and a puppy.
This sport is growing quite quickly in America. It involves a massive pushing, and is almost similar to both soccer and hockey.
What is Black Friday?
I know it’s Rugby.
This is where podunk is for $1000.
What is Connecticut?
Pizza for $5.00.
The favorite topping in US on Pizza pies.
what is pepperoni
Villains for €4000
This one is the Republican front runner.
Who is Mitt Suckass Romney?
Entertainment Gossip for $3 bajillion, a fashion puppy, a purse that costs more than my house, a round of liposuction, a bad dye job, a 16 day marriage, a date with psychotic Tom Cruise, a trip to the Oscars, Jimmy Choo high heels, millions of dollars worth of rented bling for the evening, and a Fisker Karma.
Miley Cyrus is engaged to this yummalicious actor.
@WillWorkForChocolate I thought the question was going to be What is pepperoni?, just like the last answer.
Who is Liam Hensworth? @Adirondackwannabe It was Lacrosse…
Body parts for $100, a puppy, a fake fur coat, and a broken bottle of rum.
The body is born a mutation if it can process these type of products.
What are dairy products?
Fruits for $1000 in tomatoes
This religiously named, bright yellow fruit might just possibly resemble the tentacles of a jellyfish.
What is a hand fruit (Buddha’s hand fruit)?
Vegas for $1
You will not see one of these in a Las Vegas casino.
What is a clock?
Dancer for a “buck three ninety-five”.
Favorite partner was Ginger Rogers.
Who was Fred Astaire
War for a bullet in the skull
for bonus points: what is this group normally called
Because no one can answer my question: the answer is Navy Special Warfare Development Group, commonly known as SEAL Team 6.
New question: Novels for a copy of the novel I am talking about.
In this novel a Soviet submarine captain tries to defect to the US with a top secret, highly advanced, submarine.
What is ‘Red October’
useless things for a vasectomy and a lobotomy
This search engine delivers horrible results, it’s not well-known website.
What is
Chocolate for chocolate
This “chocolate” isn’t chocolate
What is white chocolate ? ? ?
USA coinage for “three cents” nickel. HERE’S ONE
A coin from the WWII era,. that had silver replacing the copper in the coin
What is a penny.
The US greatest professional sports city of the past decade.
NOT, it was a nickel. The penny was made of steel in 1943.
I’ll keep the nickel.
And what do you win ? ?
What is Bean Town? ( Boston )
Counting things for “two bits”
The number of notes between the C4 ( middle C ) and C5.
What is eight.
Crazy people for a straightjacket.
This famous physisist would be considered mentaly challenged in our modern society.
@Mr_Paradox The number is twelve for all the notes, not the notes in the scale of C. I won a radio phone contest fifty years ago with the answer.
Oh, you wanted flats and sharps as well?
Answer this question