What kind of weird foods or concoctions do you like to eat?
Right now, I’m eating a cheddar cheese and mustard sandwich for lunch. Everyone thinks it’s pretty weird.
What odd things do you like to eat or put together that you like to eat?
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93 Answers
If that’s weird, then I can’t begin to imagine what I eat that your friends would not consider to be weird. I mean, how bland can you get? Mustard and Cheese?
Do they put sauerkraut on their brats? Fried onions? Do they grill zucchini and asparagus and fingerling potatoes? Do they marinate their meat in ginger and balsamic vinegar? Do they cook with poblanos and fresh corn and chicken? I have no idea what to say here. Except to list my entire diet, which I’m not going to do.
I like to make myself a bowl of cottage cheese, mixed with black pepper and sunflower seeds.
Tuna fish salad made with mustard instead of mayonnaise. I also mix tuna fish in with macaroni and cheese. I love a toasted cheese sandwich made with mustard.
This is somewhat opposite of a concoction, but I have always ate cereal without milk.
When I was young, I lived behind my great-grandmother’s house and I would be playing and she’d yell out the window (imagine this in your best old Mexican lady voice) “Hey! You want a weenie in a tortilla?” and I’d sprint to her door as fast as I could and run inside because weenies in tortillas are the bomb.
1. Cook tortilla.
2. Put hot dog in microwave, cook
3. Roll up hot dog, or “weenie”, in tortilla.
4. Eat it
Grilled cheese with sliced tomatoes. Is that weird?
I once made some maki rolls filled with bacon, peanut butter and green peppers. Holy shit, that was good.
@mazingerz88 No, it’s really good :)
I used to put ice cream in a bowl of milk.
I also like fruit on pizza, not just pineapple, but pears, mango, apples etc.
Sandwich meat without the bread. Mustard, roll up and eat.
I open a can of peas – mix with white vinegar, salt, pepper, and onion, then eat it cold.
It’s awesome, but everyone I know thinks it is weird as hell.
I like green olives with my cottage cheese.
@Blackberry my ex boyfriend used to eat his ice cream with milk. He had me hooked on it for a while, actually. It’s good!
I like Cheddar Cheese and mustard sammiches too.
I also put Tabasco sauce on literally everything. Does that count?
Sometimes I get crazy and pair a Merlot with my chicken enchiladas, but that’s only when I’m in a really crazy mood! Haha!
@ANef_is_Enuf you know you’re always welcome. I put soy sauce on my steaks though.
I also like to dip my chicken nuggets and fries in a strawberry milkshake from McDonald’s.
So happy I quit vegetarianism!
@redfeather that sounds good, too!
I eat soy sauce on my green beans, while we’re on the subject.
When I used to eat fast food every day, I’d love to go to Wendy’s and get a cheeseburger, fries, and frosty. I’d dip the burger and fries in the frosty! So yummy. I still go and get some fries and a frosty every now and then. It’s still delicious =)
I like to have green grapes and some cubed apple with my fish and chips.
I eat curry and ice cream together.
I also like to have hot sauce with bread for a snack.
@ANef_is_Enuf now THAT’S interesting! I eat raw plain tofu for a snack
@Blackberry I’m pretty much immune to spicyness by now. I went to Mexico a week or two ago and bought the spiciest hot sauce I could find and it is just barely spicy to me. I only put Tabasco on steak if it’s not a very good steak. Really good steak is meant to be eaten on its own, which is what I typically do.
Oh, I forgot, I also eat loaded baked potatoes as a side dish when I eat hamburgers and I usually scoop out the potato stuff and put it on my burger. OH, and I also put jalapeno peppers on my tuna sandwhiches.
Holy crap, this thread is making me hungry.
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard “Oh, I forgot, I also eat loaded baked potatoes as a side dish when I eat hamburgers and I usually scoop out the potato stuff and put it on my burger”
Grilled cheese, peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Peanut butter on hamburgers isn’t too bad too.
@jonsblond Peanut butter and hamburgers? Sounds incredibly different!
@queenie I do the hot sauce and bread thing as well. I like to get bread rolls and soak them completely in the hottest hot sauce I can find and eat them up. It’s delicious.
Oh, another one. I like to put mustard on my pizza.
@KatetheGreat Never tried mustard on pizza before, might do next time ;)
I put shredded cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower (usually just one of these items) on quesadillas to add a nice crunch.
I add grilled mushrooms to my homemade baked macaroni and cheese recipe. It sounds odd, but it adds a whole other flavor dimension that is incredible.
As per tasting this concoction at a restaurant, I add mayonaise and peanut butter to my veggie burgers, along with the onion, lettuce and tomato. It sounds very weird, but it is tangy and adds a slight Asian flair/flavor to it.
I make a killer breakfast wrap with a flour tortilla filled with crumbled feta cheese, a dollop of orange marmalade and some chopped hazelnuts.
I make a pannini style sandwich (that I bake in the oven) with fresh mozzarella cheese, sundried tomatoes and arugula.
I like pickled jalapenos on my pizza.
And as per @KatetheGreat‘s standard cheese sandwich (why is that weird?) I like to add Fritos to that sandwich!
P.S. How come you decided to give up vegetarianism? I got more ideas for snacks and stuff if you are now eating meat. I based all my answers on that other thread with the idea that you were still veg.
@Kardamom I was just eating my mustard and cheese sandwich and it grossed out my friends.
I gave up vegetarianism because it was getting pretty expensive. I eat meat very rarely now and I’m sure I’ll be going back very soon.
I dip tortilla chips in ranch
I dip my french fries in honey. I also dip them in ranch, too. (Not honey and ranch together though…....... but I bet honey-mustard would be good!!)
I have been whipping up smoothies for breakfast in my new Ninja blender and just thinking of some of the combos I have done on paper would make you barf but come out really yummy.
Today was strawberries, carrots, vanilla yogurt, tomato, raisins, blueberries, Old Fashioned Oatmeal and 2 ice cubes.
@Allie I have never had honey on French fries, but that sounds divine. Now you’ve just inspired me to come up with some sort of roasted potato dish with a honey/Balsamic vinegar glaze. That sounds sooooooo good!
@KatetheGreat While you are currently eating some meat, and trying to save some money, and wanting quick frozen meals, Michelina’s brand of entrees are usually only one dollar each and they’re very tasty.
@Kardamom When I was a kid I used to dip pieces of my baked potato in honey. It was the only way I would eat it. I don’t do that anymore though, but I don’t think I’ll ever cut out the french fry thing.
I like pineapple chunks with just a little milk added. Scrumptious. And the question reminds me of this…
I eat my peas with honey
I’ve done it all my life
It makes the peas taste funny
But it keeps them on the knife.
@Kate, I like ‘em, too. I put the sammich in the microwave for 20 or so seconds, and the cheese melts into the mustard. Mmmmm..
Bacon extra crispy on a peanut butter and cheese sandwich / wrap.
@queenie My wife wonders where I learned to cook.
@queenie I also have 15 different pepper and hot sauces
@Jude Ahhh! That sounds even better. I normally cut up a block of cheese, arrange it on some bread and cover it in mustard. I’ll definitely melt it next time.
@Michael_Huntington I actually have a recipe for grilled tenderloin (beef or pork) that calls for it to be covered with a rock salt, mustard and horseradish paste.
Totally baking some Mexican beer bread right now. Cornmeal + sugar + flour + Corona Extra + hot sauce + jalapenos + 45 minutes at 375 degrees = fucking awesome concoction.
I had a steak with hot sauce for dinner today. True story.
I ate it with a slice of broccoli roll, but now I think I would have preferred the Mexican beer bread that is in @Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard‘s oven.
Hmm, cold cottage cheese and ketchup sandwich. That’s the oddest I can think of right now.
I ate a delicious Italian sub for dinner. I was craving it all day!
Canned tuna with olive oil and lemon
Sauce sandwich- speghetti sauce with chesse between two pieces of bread
White rice smothered in worcestershire sauce
Scramble eggs with white rice and cheese.
A sandwich with two slices of bread, lettuce, cheese, and enough thousand island dressing so it drips out the sides.
I like baloney, velveeta and wasabe sandwiches with Polish dill pickles and bean sprouts.
@KatetheGreat Hey, don’t knock the cottage cheese with sunflower seeds til you’ve tried it! I used to think it was gross until my mom got me to taste hers.
I also make a breakfast “concoction”:
2 soft boiled eggs
4 crumbled saltine crackers
1 pinch salt
1 pinch pepper
2 pats of butter
Mash it all up in a bowl and devour it.
Cottage cheese (the large curd, creamy kind) with A-1 sauce. Cottage cheese in tossed salad. Cottage cheese with pancakes, or waffles, or French toast. I always loved cottage cheese. (I lived in Wisconsin for part of my life.)
I like to eat Ritz crackers with yogurt as dip.
And I am not ashamed.
I have a coworker that dips his chicken McNuggets in Jello chocolate pudding.
@WestRiverrat That sounds amazing.
I dip Club crackers in chocolate pudding.
Scrambled eggs with syrup.
Bananas with pine nuts.
I just made vegetarian chili, into which I grated a cup of raw sweet potato and let that sweat down with the onions and garlic and tomatoes. I’ve never tried it before. It didn’t seem to add any particular flavor (which is probably good) but sweet potatoes are really good for you and they add a ton of fiber. I also added 2 chipotle peppers in adobo sauce, which made it really spicy and hot! Then I added a can of kidney beans, and package of Morningstar Farms fake ground beef to give it the right texture along with the tomato paste and spices, let the whole thing simmer for about 20 minutes. Sooooooo good.
@ANef_is_Enuf I’m pretty sure my grandmother bought those at Sears or Wal Mart like… 20 years ago.
Thanks for the reminder. I have a package of frozen ants in the freezer I need to use.
If I am really hungry, in the morning, and that is a big IF…
Two toasted Eggo waffles, with a crushed banana and peanut butter in between .
A lot of shit in there, but sometimes you just gotta make breakfast fun.
@erichw1504 I don’t like milk on my cereal either. I put fruit juice on it.
I had a brussels sprouts sandwich recently that was made with potato chips in it, outstanding! I did not make it though I got it here.
@mazingerz88 “Grilled cheese with sliced tomatoes” that’s a standard option around here.
@redfeather Veggie dogs in tortillas are a standard ‘guy food’ snack for me. Often with some cheese and usually with mustard.
@Kardamom I put cabbage and all sorts of other delights in my quesadillas
Yum Yum !!
@dabbler ewwww it’s gotta be Oscar Meyer for me. And straight up. Nothing else in it. And it’s not guy food! My great-grandma Virginia made them
for me!
A favorite from childhood: peanut butter and sweet relish sandwiches.
Also, carrots, summer sausage ground together with mayonnaise sandwiches. My mom had to grind the mixture by hand, so we didn’t have it often, but it was a big treat.
If anyone needs to sweeten their baked beans, try adding root beer instead of brown sugar. It really makes the beans tasty.
@KatetheGreat The next time you get a good buzz on, try adding some peanut butter to a hamburger. You’ll like it. :)
Oh, @Sunny2 made me think of my obsession with dill relish. I eat it on pretty much everything. Specifically bacon sandwiches with yellow mustard. It’s also awesome rolled up in a thin slice of salami.
@dabbler You might like this nifty raw, thinly sliced Brussels sprouts recipe that I just tried. Here it is (being a vegetarian, I used veg friendly Worcesteshire sauce sans anchovies, and I used fake Bacon and omitted the anchovy paste and substituted a little bit of soy sauce and lemon juice) It was delicous!
My Dad’s ex-girlfriend used to put corn chips into a bowl. Then pour buttermilk over it, like cereal. Plus, some salt and pepper. Absolutely disgusting.
Mmmmmmm Buttermilk! That reminds me, if you put half orange juice and half buttermilk into a glass, you get a yummy concoction that tastes similar to an Orange Julius. It also makes a good dressing for fruit salad.
@Kardamom I’ve never seen veggie Worcesteshire, I’ll have to look for that again, things have improved in that direction. That Brussels sprouts salad looks delicious! Thanks.
@dabbler There are a few different brands (which you can get at Whole Foods, not sure if Trader Joe’s has any or not) but one of them is Annie’s brand. And one is called Wizard’s Organic Vegan And her is one that is called Robbie’s And Geo brand.
Cooked up the ants last night – ant larvae I guess.
I bought them frozen at my favorite Thai grocery. Even the guy who owns the place thought it was weird.
Can’t say they were much of anything. Had Thai spices in them and that was what it tasted like.
They did look a little buggy. I found that eating a forkfull at a time was pretty non-eventy, but I couldn’t bring myself to eat the last individuals onsies on my plate. Kept hearing them talk to me in Wood Allen’s voice…
I answered this same question on a different thread as I wanted to ask this question, there was a few of them there. There are more answers on here so im sending you my weird concoctions too:
As a child my mother used to just put any old leftovers between two pieces of bread and give it to me as lunch at school I did used to have the micky taken sometimes some were horrible (peanut butter and cottage cheese or peanut butter and marmite) but others were delicious: cold mashed potato, mayo and tomato ketchup was a favorite but I have just discovered peanuts and cabbage which is great as a salad using fresh ground up peanuts or in a sandwich using peanut butter.
Marmite and cheese on toast is a standard mix of foods (maybe not for you guys in the US) but I like to add hummous to mine too… maybe not so normal but only once the cheese is melted. You just dip the marmite and cheese on toast into some hummous. (Must be cheddar cheese mind!)
I also like peanut butter, banana and cornflakes on toast (talk about calorific) but it is yummy. from this it seems to me peanut butter goes with most things
I also loveee banana on pizza: they sell it as a standard topping in south africa where I first tried it. Delicious!
Chips and chocolate spread are also a good standard one but has anyone tried crisps and fromage frais? Works best with plain, salted crisps and some rasberry or summer fruits petit filous.
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