The 1st great annual Fluther auction for charity - what would you contribute to it?
Asked by
_zen_ (
June 23rd, 2011
Let’s say we wanted to raise money for charity – or to keep this site going (just kidding) – and we wanted to have auction – a la ebay.
Do you happen to have an item or two that you might part with that could fetch a pretty penny?
Remember: it has to be something of value (an autographed Mickey Mantle rookie card, Spider-Man #2, a Fluther T-Shirt circa ‘07 signed by Gailcalled, e.g.) – and you have to be actually willing to part with it.
It doesn’t count if you have something amazing – and are not willng to part with it.
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65 Answers
I have a Dr J sticker circa 09 sent to me via snail mail by none other than EvelynsPetZebra. I would be willing to part with it.
The bidding shall start at 19.99. But wait, that’s not all. There is a bikini that this sticker has been on for fluther wear fashion purposes. You can get the sticker plus the bikini bottoms starting at 19.99. Let the bids begin.
Do I have to start flagging right away? Come on – put some effort into it. What flippers? Why are they valuable – what would the starting bid be? Come on – it was a well thought out question. I think.
I might part with one of my guns…
Starting bid would probably be around $600.
I don’t think I have anything that would be worth much. And if I did, I doubt if I would part with it. I’d rather give the money than deal with an auction. The amount of money would depend on what the charity was. But the range would probably be between $50 and $300.
My 60s Gibson SG
My Beretta 92 FS with walnut grips.
How about an original line drawing done by me of my old boyfriend,Psycho Bob?
You know you want it! LOL!
The Australian opal ring commissioned by architect Frank Lloyd Wright for one of his wives. The authenticity and appraisal ($5000) paperwork are included. I’d gladly sell it in order to keep Fluther going.
I’ll donate some risque pics that Jellies have sent me.
One of my fine stone carvings done before I was disabled. They would be a valuable addition to someone’s home decor.
@zen Yup. I’ll never wear it. It barely fits on a pinkie finger and weighs a lot due to the gold setting. I like Fluther more than the ring.
Happy Brownies, goose eggs and free camping on my property. Porta potties included and maybe, a raft trip.
Get in shape, Hellhole is a wicked boulder strewn dropoff whitewater zone. lol
I have nothing particularly valuable apart from a few celebrity autographs (Molly Ringwald, David Bowie, Antonio Banderas and Tim Curry), a WWII rifle, canteen and helmet (the rifle has been used, the canteen was taken from a fallen Japanese soldier and has his name stitched into the straps) and some ceramics/jewelry by some artists – but I couldn’t part with any of those items.
I would gladly paint something on theme and donate a work of art.
I would love to see something like this actually happen.
@asmonet ’‘I’ll bid for Tin Currys autograph….I love him!
@Coloma: Never gonna happen! He’s mine!! Grr. :)
And technically, the WWII helmet & canteen is my brothers according to him, but he just claimed them before anyone else saw them. I’m outliving him anyway so I’m just calling them mine now. Gotta get a head start if I’m gonna beat out everyone else. :P
@KatetheGreat If you’re willing to part with one of your guns does that mean that there’s room in your house with more than one gun or that you’re willing run the risk that you could one day find yourself in your broom closet, unarmed, but, hell, it’s for charity, so you’ll take your chances?
@asmonet holy christ, I’ll take the war relics. Seriously, if you give me details on the rifle, I can appraise its value for you.
I’ve got a small piece of the Berlin Wall. My sister was in the army and in Germany at the time it came down. She collected several pieces for the family.
I guess I love Fluther that much. :P
I am very glad Twitter has funded Fluther “ibn perpetuity”—or at least driven the wolves from the door.
Nothing super rare or totally hardcore, but I own a lot of special edition horror movies, and others in neat metal cases full of bonus swag. I could part with some, if the cause meant enough to me. I also have some few rare and foreign ones that people might wanna get their hands on, if they don’t want to pay 98 dollars for it on E-Bay.
Also, plenty of Halloween decorations, if people were looking for that.
I also bought a replica of a pear of anguish. (Spanish inquisition tool) It’s not real of course, but it looks pretty flashy, and actually opens. Technically I wouldn’t want to get rid of it, but if someone really wanted to pay for it, the store I got it at is currently still in business so, I’d just get another lol.
I have some valuable Lladro figures I’d be willing to part with. I actually plan on selling them on e-bay, anyway. I’d purchase and donate a Fluther hoodie, along with all sorts of other Fluther goodies, autographed if anyone wanted my terrible writing on their stuff.
I want a Fluther hoodie so I can put the hood on and yank the strings all the way. I always do that with hoods. Soft!
I would totally love a Fluther hoodie, especially if Auggie signed it.
My birthday is in 6 weeks, people.
Love hoodies. It’s the end of June and I get to wear one today since it’s in the 60s. lovin’ it.
Granny’s copious collection of snowglobes…..“rosebud”
I have a ball of yarn I could donate.
I have some lovely nudes that my girlfriend drew (charcoal).
@FutureMemory I’ll take one of those off of your hands. =)
I have a banana that is just a bit too ripe.
@Jude I think so, too. :)
@Jude Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
I have plenty O’crap on my eBay store already. I could def add to the mix.
My neighbor’s dogs.
I don’t know, actually….I like everything I have, and get rid of stuff I don’t….
By the way, I was just over at my Dad’s and I noticed his lady friend cleaned out the spare room (she moved in with my Dad, last week). A room which my Dad lets me store some of my things. Anyhow, I had stuffed the drawing above, under the bed (hidden). No one really goes in there, and I thought that it would be safe and sound until I was able to frame it. Well, his squeeze cleaned under the bed, and placed the drawing directly on the bed. So, my Dad’s lady friend (and hopefully not my Pops) got an eyeful. The drawing may or may not be of a jelly that y’all know.
@Jude My mom was a talented artist. She painted a nude once. Every time someone saw it they asked if it was me. I was freaking mortified. I was only a teenager.
Hahaha.. that would be awful!
@zen You might actually like the item that I have. It’s an autographed picture of Garret Wang (otherwise known as Ensign Harry Kim). : )
I used to call him collateral damage.
’‘Butthead voice’’
I always hoped he’d be killed off – also from the show.
@zen, That’s not nice. I love him! I even have one of the larger sized action figures of Harry Kim, and a nice selection of photographs. My best friend gave me the autographed picture, which she got at the Star Trek Experience in Las Vegas. I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting him, myself.
I would love an action figure of his – and perform a voodoo ritual with it.
@zen I wouldn’t mind having a life-sized action figure of Harry Kim, if you know what I mean, wink wink : – P
Would you accept a life-sized Picard look-a-like? I’ll autograph a boob.
I want an autographed Picard boob!
Would you like your boob autographed, @Symbeline or would you like an autographed Picard boob. The latter might prove difficult.
Picard don’t fear no challenge!
Call me a liar.
I, too, am usually naked in the shower. I could pull that off. It would be for a worthy cause, of course; if fluther needed charity.
Until then: dream on, girls.
@zen are you sure you’re not a writer for The Simpsons lol?
No – but I write for several top pimps in my ‘hood.
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