What's your first memory from life ?
It may be just a flash or a picture of what you remember from your early days.
What do you remember ? :)
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43 Answers
I feel like this is probably the answer I’ve given the most times on Fluther….
Watching a (now historic) F5 tornado destroy the strip with my dad.
Having my diaper changed and peeing on my dad’s face while he did it this story has been confirmed by dad
I also remember standing up in my crib and looking at the wall.
Looking up at Cheerios pouring down on me.
I was about 1 and half, getting a bath in the sink. Apparently, while my mom was not looking, I grabbed the open box of Cheerios and lifted it upside down over my head. I only remember seeing them come down on me though. We even have a photo of it; me sitting in the sink with Cheerios stuck all over me.
Celebrating my 5th birthday… I think. It was at my place and the kids were all jammin’ to the latest Zambian music :)
Standing on a kitchen chair and throwing an egg on the floor.
Breastfeeding (apparently mom didn’t stop nursing til I was almost 3).
Not sure which of those memories is the oldest.
I was 2½. My older sister sat me on top of a dresser I couldn’t get off and I screamed bloody hell.
I swear I was going to die up there.
The earliest memory I had was riding in a car while my dad, pops, father, guy who donated the sperm was yelling at me.
I think I have answered this before, but sitting on my mum’s knee having a cuddle, while my dad slept on the sofa after work, listening to the clock tick.
Living in Spain from ages 2–3! Specifically, waving to my parents from my day care’s window while the lady in charge cut up a pear.
I’m not sure. It might be bouncing in a bouncy chair, age 1 or so.
I had a tumor removed from my larynx when I was four. Yes, I couldn’t make a sound until I was four. I hear the the blowup between between my mom and my dads mom was pretty fantastic when my grandma accused my mom of “making a retarded baby”. But after my surgery there was a bad storm that took out the bridges across the creeks to get to our house. I remember being carried across the cow bridges in the pouring rain to a house without electricity.
My earliest memory is watching a family friend doing magic tricks—he was a magician and had one closet that was full of magic items—I remember sitting in someone’s arms watching him do tricks, but also remember opening the huge closet doors to take a peek inside and remember a dove in a cage. I thought I was 2 but my mom swears I was much younger when we visited their home.
My sister nearly drowned in a swimming pool in Spain. I was about 18 months. I remember looking down into the water at her undefined shape. I knew it was her. My dad rescued her. She was fine but terrified of water for a long time. I also remember the stairs in the hotel that were made of stone that had sparkly bits in it. Apparently these steps were the ones I tripped on and split my head open (still got the scar) but I only have a good memory of how pretty they were!
I don’t think it was the best holiday for my parents, to say the least….
when I was 5–6 we had a summer house in another city, where I grew up.. it was a huge house thats next to the sea… i remember pulling grapes from the balcony
Riding a tricycle, then falling off of it with my mother running to me as I had my first asthma attack.
My aunt tickling me under my chin when I was just a baby in my moms arms. I was so upset that she made me cry too and she did this every time I saw her until I was 12 when I finally kicked her in the jaw as she had me on the ground tickling me until I cried. I hated her for that.
My Dad was lying on the living room floor and our dog came running in with this slobbery, dirty, flat basketball and rubbed it in his face. I thought it was pretty much the funniest thing I had ever seen. I think I was like, 3.
I remember being in diapers
When I was 3, we moved cross country. The radio played Volare over and over again. When we got to Massachusetts my parents’ friend played “Cap’n Pete and Dead Dog” with me.
Sitting on my dads shoulders, watching a carnival. I guess I was about 2 years old.
Hiding Cheerios in the base of our old-school cabinet TV. The TV swivelled a little on its base, and I’d turn it so that I could put Cheerios in the crack between the cabinet and the base, then turn it back so they were hidden. I thought it was genius, for some reason. I asked my mom about it once, and she said I was two when she caught me doing that.
I also remember learning to read when I was three.
My mom was a stay-at-home mom – and she played tennis all during my childhood. My earliest memory is of one of the child care rooms at a tennis place where she had a match. It wasn’t our regular (“home”) tennis club, it was one we visited only once.
She tells me I couldn’t possibly remember it because I was “too little” (my sister wasn’t even born yet, so it was probably somewhere between age 2 and age 3)..but she agrees in amazement that I remember it exactly as it was, every detail.
Anyways, what I remember so clearly (and I know it’s a memory because we have no picture of this) is that they had these big blue shag (it was the early ‘70s after all) GIANT steps..that were really more like giant shelves (covered in carpet) or risers that were at one end of a long narrow room and they went floor to ceiling essentially.
Someone either placed me high up or I crawled high up on one of the carpeted shelves and I just sat there on the dark blue shag and surveyed the whole room – watching the other kids.
Climbing/falling out of my crib around 18 months old and landing on an area rug on the hardwood floors that slid me across the room and under my mothers bed. lol
I remember lying under the bed and her bending down and saying ” My WORD, HOW did you do that! hahaha
Sitting on the floor between two beds and watching 2 movies, both in black and white: Popeye, and Betty Boop. I remember the sound of the projector clacking. I was two.
Also when I was two, yelling out the window at kids who were playing on my swing set. My mom came in and was angry with me. I didn’t understand why she was angry. Many years later I told my mom about this memory. She said, “Oh, yes. I remember that. You were in your room because you had drawn all over the wall in crayon.” I didn’t remember that!”
Getting a sliver in my bum whilst going down a wooden (indoor) slide in J. Kindergarten.
I wanted to tell my mother something, but she kept telling me she didn’t understand, and asked me to repeat it. I knew exactly what it was I was saying, but I could not speak clearly. Eventually I lost my temper and threw a tantrum, she picked me up and dumped me in my crib and left the room. I am pretty sure I was in diapers at the time.
18 months old. I had pneumonia and was in the hospital.
I can still see my mom zipping me into the oxygen tent and telling me that everything was going to be ok.
Riding a tourist train in Cape Cod. It was open sided and it had these steep steps to get in it, and I think my Grandfather was with me. I was probably 4.
I solemnly swear I’m not making this up: I remember laying on my tub floatie, as a baby, and my mother would sing softly to me while she squeezed a rag full of warm water over my body. I remember how good the warm water felt and how soothing her voice was, and it made me feel sad when bath time was over.
Being attacked by my cat after I took off my diaper and tried to put it on him. I think I was about 2 years old.
@ANef_is_Enuf..I can’t resist! The tornado used your dad to destroy the strip? Bummer!
My first memory is of being picked up so I could look in a bassinet at my new baby sister. Didn’t understand what all the fuss was about. I’d seen babies before. Then I went outside to play.
Holy crap @ANef_is_Enuf! That’s a scary picture!
At about 18 months old, I was placed on my belly on a table in a drug store. I was looking at a plastic bag of green toy soldiers. Later in life, I actually got to see a photo taken of that moment.
From Wikipedia: “It has been suggested that the average age of the first memories is three years, six months, with the vast majority of subjects dating their first recollection somewhere between ages two and five years.”
I swear I remember when I learned to walk. Early memories, (also most of my life) is just bursts for me. Bits and pieces. Meaningful events and moments. FYI, I learned how to talk before I learned how to walk…fun fact, also creepy pasta.
I was in the hospital when I was 2 or 3 for an operation to make my testicles descend. I distinctly remember the nurses holding me for blood draws. I wondered why are these people being so mean to me. I escaped my crib one time and so they installed a netting over my crib to keep me secure. Eventually Mom came and bailed me out.
Hard to believe, but I remember my first night home from the hospital after being born. I didn’t know where I was. It was dark. I knew that my bed was out in the hallway. I knew that my two sisters were in the room to the left and my parents were in the room to the right. I couldn’t see what I was lying in but it felt like a dark hole with steep sides. I was cold and my stomach hurt, but what woke me up was this terrible, annoying noise. After I got more awake, I realized the annoying screaching was coming from me! That scared me so I screached louder. I heard my mother get up and I heard my dad grumbling, and that made me even more scared because I thought he was going to come in and kill me for making that noise, and I didn’t know how to stop.
Then my mom picked me up and I got warm, the light went on so it wasn’t so dark, and my stomach stopped hurting, so I fell back to sleep.
My mother has confirmed that she had my bassinet out in the hallway when I first came home from the hospital. The part of this memory that really puzzles me is that I was already aware of the family members in the house and the layout of the house. How strange!
That and how could you possibly know your father would become mad.
I heard his voice. I didn’t understand language, but it was essentially “grrr, grumble, grumble”. I knew he was not happy because of the tone, and I figured that it was my horrible bawling that woke him up and made him mad. I know it’s hard to believe, but I was there and I remember. I really thought I was about to be killed, so maybe that is why I remember this one blip of babyhood.
No, he was just a normal 20-something guy that worked in the steel mills and was supporting 3 little kids and a wife. As a little tot, I was afraid of him because he would get mad and yell sometimes. But then, sometimes he would bring home play-doh and penny candy, and sit on the floor and play with us. As a newborn, I didn’t have any point of reference, but I knew enough to know that the person making the grumbling noise was an adult male who wasn’t happy, and that couldn’t be good.
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