Meta Question

mazingerz88's avatar

If a ghost opens an account on Fluther, would we know?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29341points) June 24th, 2011


In case this happens, is it even possible for us to detect this kind of web haunting? Would this ghost, based on his or her answers, unintentionally give us a hint that something strange is happening in our midst?

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31 Answers

linguaphile's avatar

Would we be able to see the account? Is this a suggestion that you’re a ghost?

_zen_'s avatar

I left an invisible message ^.

mazingerz88's avatar

@zen I’m sprinkling Holy Water on my screen right now…

_zen_'s avatar

It’s a ghost, not dracula.

mazingerz88's avatar

Well, I’m assuming it’s a malevolent ghost possessing a computer, hence the act of exorcism.
: )

linguaphile's avatar

shooting silver bullets, getting out the garlic garland
Well, something’s got to work!

Plucky's avatar

Gadzooks! I’ve been discovered!

ucme's avatar

Well I think a few are heavily into their spirits, vodka, whiskey, gin…...

rebbel's avatar


Zaku's avatar

Possibly. Depends on the ghost.

flutherother's avatar

Yes, we would see right through him.

Berserker's avatar

A ghost, in order to register, would still have an IP address, based on what machine it’s using. But that’s by being logical…to bring out the true nature of a haunting, as defined by popular ghost tradition ever since the middle ages…this strange account would have no focal point to find. Like a car without a driver, a ghost ship, or doors being opened on their own. No IP address to be seen, or an account that no mods or staff member could delete, no matter what they do…

As to what this ghost would say…we’d probably hardly notice that it was a specter, based on how fucked everyone here already is. :D

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Can you see me now? Good.

wundayatta's avatar

The only place I know where there could be ghost IP accounts is under the Orange Tree. Or rather, in the Orange Tree. I’ve felt the ghosts at times when the tesseract opens. But as far as I know, not one has tried to establish fluther accounts yet. I think I would have felt that if it had happened.

Ladymia69's avatar

Well, seeing as poltergeists frequently register as machine terrors, we should’ve had at least 10 or 12 fluther ghosts by this point.

incendiary_dan's avatar

I basically assume a large portion of people might as well be walking dead anyway, so a ghost isn’t much of a stretch.

Some_Ghost's avatar

Lol waddup peeps.

Berserker's avatar

’‘points above’’ omgwtf

Plucky's avatar

@Symbeline Have you ghostbusted it yet?! We are all counting on you.

linguaphile's avatar

The frizzer just levitated!!!

Berserker's avatar

Oh I’ve ghostbusted it alright…^^

Some_Ghost's avatar

Meanie. I’m just a lonely little ghost, trying to find the means to transcend into the next world.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Some_Ghost Casper! Go to your room right now!

Some_Ghost's avatar

Come now, you can’t speak to the dead this way. I won’t have it ol’ chap! I just won’t have it! Some manners now, hmm?

mazingerz88's avatar

Gen. George Patton?

Some_Ghost's avatar

I used to be a foreman at some factory. Now I’m just this dead guy.

Bellatrix's avatar

I like @Some_Ghost. I agree @linguaphile, he is cute. Now you can be the foreman of fluther @Some_Ghost

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