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chyna's avatar

Let's welcome Aster to the mansion for hitting 10K!

Asked by chyna (51769points) June 25th, 2011

Aster has made it to the mansion. Let’s give her a big welcome!

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86 Answers

syz's avatar

All right! Congratulations!

Aster's avatar

Thanks so much, syz !! I had NO idea !

Aster's avatar

@chyna How sweet of you; thanks !!!

tinyfaery's avatar


Aster's avatar

Thanks, @tinyfaery!!! How nice. (;

JilltheTooth's avatar

Congrats, @Aster ! Plenty of room for the doggies here, and lots of others to play with!

SavoirFaire's avatar

Félicitations, @Aster!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Congratulations!! :))

Aster's avatar

How thoughtful, @JilltheTooth . Thank you!!!

Aster's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille thanks so much! I sure hope you’ll meet me there!

Aster's avatar

@SavoirFaire have we met? I hope we meet there! thanks!

bkcunningham's avatar

Well done, @Aster. Congratulations.

SavoirFaire's avatar

@Aster Only briefly. Here’s to changing that soon!

Aster's avatar

@bkcunningham thanks so much !
@SavoirFaire Yes! Let’s get acquainted fast !

marinelife's avatar

Congratulations @Aster! Welcome to the ranks of 10k.

Aster's avatar

@marinelife thanks to one of my favorites!

jca's avatar

Congratulations are in order! Job well done!

Aster's avatar

@jca thanks so much !

bhec10's avatar


Aster's avatar

@bvdshec17 Ohhhhhh thank you!!!

blueiiznh's avatar

yippie skippie….congrats

Coloma's avatar

Cheers, I enjoy your sharings and humor.
The ‘Yellow Aster of Texas” arrives! ;-)

Aster's avatar

@Coloma You are indescribably delightful. And Ditto !!

MilkyWay's avatar

Extremely sorry I’m late Aster. Congratulations!

shego's avatar

Congrats!!! 10k yay!!!

redfeather's avatar

Hooray! 10 K!

Aster's avatar

@queenie Late?? Nah; thanks so much !!!

Aster's avatar

@redfeather thanks a lot !!

Aster's avatar

@shego thanks a bunch !!

augustlan's avatar

Congratulations, Aster! Welcome to the mansion. :)

mangeons's avatar

Congratulations, @Aster! :-)

stardust's avatar

Congrats :-)

Aster's avatar

@mangeons thanks so much!
@stardust Lovely name. thank you.

AmWiser's avatar

Cheers! o/\o o/\o @Aster. You have always been one of my favorites. Congratulations!!!

Aster's avatar

@AmWiser Mine, too !! Thanks very much.

rebbel's avatar

Congratulations @Aster , well done!

Cruiser's avatar

Congrats on the 10 grand kiddo!

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Big congratulations on reaching 10K!

MissAnthrope's avatar

If we were in Italy, I would say, Auguri! Congratulazioni!, Rallegramenti!

Great job!

Aster's avatar

@Cruiser thank you SO much !!!
@ANef_is_Enuf Thanks a bunch!
@MissAnthrope How sweet; thanks.

TexasDude's avatar


_zen_'s avatar


aprilsimnel's avatar

@Aster -

Fah who foraze! Dah who doraze!
Welcome @Aster, come this way!
Fah who foraze! Dah who doraze!
Welcome @Aster‘s 10K Day!


bkcunningham's avatar

I love it when someone takes the time to thank each poster. Such nice manners.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Well Done!!!!!!!

Aster's avatar

@jailbait Hi; how ya doin? Thanks and come on in !!

Aster's avatar

@aprilsimnel Not sure what you said but how adorable to write a little poem. Thank you!!

Aster's avatar

@Lightlyseared thanks so much !

Aster's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard how sweet ! thank you!
@zen thank you very much!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Congratulations @Aster!! We lurve you!

aprilsimnel's avatar

@Aster – Dr. Seuss wrote it, actually. I just adapted it!

lillycoyote's avatar

@Aster Congratulations. I just adore you and think you’re fabulous, really, I do, just letting you know. You’re a hoot too, one of a kind. And Your 10,000k is a real tribute to your tenacity, good nature, natural curiousity and contributions to this site. Congratulations. Stay real.

YARNLADY's avatar

* * * Y * A * Y * * * CONGRATULATIONS ! ! ! GOOD WORK ! ! ! * * * Y * A * Y * * *

FutureMemory's avatar

Congrats Aster :)

tedibear's avatar

Wonderful! Congratulations! Terrific work! How’s that tooth issue, by the way?

Ladymia69's avatar

Congrats, missy!

cookieman's avatar

You are one of my favorite flowers. Nice job.

creative1's avatar

Hip Hip horray for Aster!!! Great Job!!! Enjoy your room in the Mansion, can you save me room when I finally make it there!

Kardamom's avatar

Welcome Welcome! Now just sit there, right where you are. We know that you don’t enjoy traveling, so we put the ol’ mansion on wheels and parked it right in front of your house.

There was one point when point when @zen threw his back out while we were pushing it down the road, but lo and behold a giant spaceship landed right in front of us and 2 big giant Bichon space doggies hopped out and came to our aid. They helped us hitch the mansion to their spaceship, and they towed the thing all the rest of the way to your house. So here we all are : )

So sit back, while I fix you a cup of herbal tea and then come on down to the gourmet kitchen where one of those celebrity chefs is waiting to teach a class on cooking with cous cous and communion wafers. But watch out, because some of the boys might be throwing some of those Frisbee sized mushrooms across the room. We’ll just tell them to add the right seasonings before they realize what they are and throw them on the grill.

And as a small token of our affection, we’ve decided to let @WasCy come home with you, briefly, so he can fix your computer, and put your toolbars back where they belong.

And speaking of Toolbars, after dinner, come on out to the deck where we’ve got a really nice cocktail bar set up, and no tools are allowed, just awesome people like you!

filmfann's avatar

Congo Rats to a terrific contributer! Great Googlie Wooglie, you rock!

Aster's avatar

@lillycoyote OMIGOSH GEE WHIZ I lurve you too !! Thank you SOOOOO muchie !!!

Aster's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate love your presence on fluther and thanks so much, WWFC !

Aster's avatar

@Kardamom I’m humbled by the effort u put into that and I LURVE u for it. Thanks !!

Aster's avatar

@filmfann Much lurve to you and thanks !!

Aster's avatar

@creative1 You betcha; wanna room with me? Thanks!

Aster's avatar

@YARNLADY thanks so very much !!

Aster's avatar

@FutureMemory thanks !!! You are a great contributor.

Aster's avatar

@Ladymia69 Thank you!!!!

Aster's avatar

@cprevite thanks very much !!!

Aster's avatar

@tedibear thanks so much! And if isn’t one tooth issue, it’s another ! LOL

Buttonstc's avatar

That was pretty quick. Good for you. Congrats.

Aster's avatar

@Buttonstc thanks very much !

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m late! Congrats Aster!!!!

Aster's avatar

@Dutchess_III You, my friend, make fluther worth fluthering. thank you.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Wow! Thank you!

bob_'s avatar


Seelix's avatar

Congratulations, @Aster! Welcome to the mansion :D

Aster's avatar

@bob_ thanks, Bob !
@Seelix Thanks so much.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Congrats Aster! I try to steal an extra day on the weekend and look what happens. :)

erichw1504's avatar

Congratulatioitoryism @Aster !!

A Simple, Tactical Easy Rider

Jude's avatar


LuckyGuy's avatar

Whoa! I’m late for another party. Congratualtions Aster! . The mansion awaits. But please leave the pet horse by the stable.

Aster's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe thanks from a fav !
@erichw1504 thanks! Who’s simple, anyhoo?
@Jude thanks very much !
@worriedguy Thank you !

wilma's avatar

Congratulations @Aster

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