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snowberry's avatar

I had a horrible experience going through airport security. What can I do to prevent it from happening again?

Asked by snowberry (27846points) June 25th, 2011

I wore a skirt thinking it would be cool and comfortable. Little did I know that would flag me as a potential terrorist! I was pulled out of line, and groped me in front of everybody else in line. I noticed that when I objected, they stepped up the “investigation”, and I got the clear impression that if I did ask for a private room, they’d get even more invasive. This woman shoved her hand in my crotch from both sides, in my butt crack, and under and over my entire bra. I felt as if I had been raped. When they finally finished, the “officers” smirked and said, “Have a nice day!”

What would you do if you were in my place?

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