Social Question

jonsblond's avatar

Women: What annoys you most about other women?

Asked by jonsblond (44421points) June 25th, 2011

@JLeslie started the generalization questions. go bitch at her :P

just kidding :)

Are you a girl who just can’t relate to other girls that much and would rather hang with the guys? Please tell me why.

Me? I’d rather watch football than get my nails done.
I’d rather shoot pool and drink beer than dance and drink fruity drinks.
I’d rather watch movies with zombies, not Carrie Bradshaw . :P

and yes, movies with zombies in the movie, not watch movies with a zombie. though, I’d rather hang with zombies than Carrie, so I guess either way will work.

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60 Answers

rooeytoo's avatar

I don’t get along well with most girly girls but then again I don’t relate to the overly manly men. I think most women and men are somewhere in the middle and I like their company. Truly I think it is more a situation of common interests than a gender thing. I just happen to prefer more past times that are considered manly than girly. But I do like to cook (well, most of the time) and do the wash and I can intelligently discuss those subjects.

@jonsblond – I get a kick out of Carrie and every now and then she accidentally wears something that I might wear too, but not very often! So I know what you mean.

What I find most upsetting are those women who choose to make a living by objectifying themselves sexually. I truly feel that behavior makes it more difficult for any female who is trying to progress in a man’s world on an equal basis.

Sunny2's avatar

What I most dislike about a lot of women is their tendency to be judgmental about other women. It seems so petty to me; I just don’t want to be around them. My friends are not like that, thank goodness.

I just read the above answer. I was thinking about the Carrie in the movie of the same name and the comment didn’t make sense. Duh!

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

Nothing, really. There are things that women do that men don’t, but only some women do and others don’t that annoy me. There are things that some women do and very few men do that annoy me. There are things that are considered “girly” or “feminine” that annoy me. But I cannot think of a single thing that all women do and no men do that annoys me.

faye's avatar

I don’t like prudish women, I don’t want to know a thing about your personal sex life but don’t purse your lips if someone makes a comment. I guess I don’t like prudish men either. Working as a nurse, I had the good fortune to meet so many fine women and someof us still hang out. I’m not a sporty woman so sitting in the kitchen laughing about whatever or playing cards would suit me better than football or playing pool. But I’ll have a beer and watch the pool. I don’t like women who only think about pleasing men either.

jonsblond's avatar

I’m really appreciating @JLeslie more and more. She can at least acknowledge the fact that there are stereotypes, whether we like them or not. Doesn’t mean every woman is like every other woman, but there are some major similarities. Why not address them?

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@jonsblond There’s a difference between acknowledging that such thinking exists and saying that we, personally, buy into that stereotype and condone the propagation of it.

jonsblond's avatar

m’kay @MyNewtBoobs. Can’t have a little fun tonight? Does everything need to be politically correct, at all times?

Kardamom's avatar

I can’t say that I don’t relate to girls in general or that I would rather hang out with guys, instead of women. I have a small group of friends, some male and some female, but I like them based on their specific personalities and their ways of doing things (usually in ways that are similar to my own ideals, which are not necessarily typically good ol’ fashioned American values, and they have similar tastes to me, or have similar life goals and interests and sense of humor).

I don’t like it when women wear tons of makeup (except to cover up acne or blotches or scars) and high heeled shoes. Most women, contrary to their own beliefs, do not look sophisticated or beautiful when walking in high heeled shoes. Although there are a few (very few) who can pull it off, and those women are on TV or in the movies, not in a nightclubs or walking around on campus or buying groceries. To me, high heeled shoes scream un-natural.

I don’t like it when women (who are not at the beach or the pool in a bathing suit) bare too much skin, for my taste. I don’t really want to see every nook and cranny of anyone’s body, unless it’s on my SO’s.

I think Sex and the City is pretty funny, but I cannot relate to any one of those women and I think most of Carrie’s outfits are truly hideous and ridiculous. The only thing I can relate to is Carrie’s extremely deep love and longing for Mr. Big, even though he often treated her like she didn’t matter very much. I can relate to that, and it hurts to think about situations like that. But all the obsession with shoes and clothes and glamour, just doesn’t compute for me. Although I do appreciate getting cleaned up and dressed up nicely, and appropriately for certain venues, I just don’t obsess over all that girly girly glamour stuff.

I don’t like it when women say stuff like, “That Debbie really sucks! I can’t stand her. Her boyfriend is really hot and I’m going to steal him from her, because she doesn’t deserve him.” That makes me cringe when I hear women say crap like that, like somehow, you can actually steal a man. They either like you or they don’t. But it’s really mean to purposely try to ruin someone else’s relationship, just because you don’t like the woman, or don’t think that she deserves that particular guy. He chose her, fer cryin’ out loud!

I don’t like women that are fake and disengenuine. I don’t like women that blow air kisses and say, “Let’s do lunch.” I don’t like it when women can’t respect their own bodies and feel like they can’t be whole or happy without getting fake boobs. Breast implants are a good invention, but I think they should be used exclusively for women (and some men too) who need breast re-constructive surgery.

I can’t stand women that drop their female friends like a bag of hot rocks, whenever some guy comes along and tells them they’re pretty, and then they end up completely obsessed with the guy, instead of incorporating their new relationship into their real life, with friends and family and work and other activities (like a normal person would).

I hate it when women do stupid things and then tell you, “I don’t expect you to understand.” As if somehow my lack of every single piece of minute knowlege about this exact and specific situation renders it impossible for me to understand that she is still sleeping with a married man, or letting some man abuse her, or disregarding the fact that her love interest doesn’t like her. I hate it when women get involved with some run of the mill douche bag and then try to explain to you without actually explaining or giving any details or examples, of how her douche-bag is different from all the rest. And then adds, “I don’t expect you to understand.”

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@jonsblond Oh, puh. Lease! Refraining from stereotyping doesn’t mean you’re against fun. It means you have a different idea of fun. Like watching Death At A Funeral. But don’t pull that “he who doesn’t engage in hate speech automatically has no sense of humor” bs.

jonsblond's avatar

@Kardamom Thank you for such a thorough answer. I appreciate it! =)

jonsblond's avatar

@MyNewtBoobs hate speech? lmfao sorry, was that too hateful for ya?

Ajulutsikael's avatar

I’m not big on hanging with chicks, ironic since I’m bisexual. I prefer male company and really now that I think about it, my sister is my only female friend.

faye's avatar

@MyNewtBoobs I don’t feel I was participating in hate speech. There are women whose only aim that day is getting men to compliment her. I find that annoying if I have to be near it. There are different kinds of people and, as a rule, we find each other annoying.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@faye Hate speech is, outside the law, any communication that disparages a person or a group on the basis of some characteristic such as race, gender, ethnicity, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, or other characteristic. Maybe you feel a it’s a bit strong of a term, I disagree. But more to the point, I was trying to address the goading tactic @jonsblond was using, a tactic which has been used quite a bit throughout history to condone violent speech and acts against people.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I’m annoyed by man hating women and women that constantly play the victim card. I know of a few women that have a massive chip on their shoulder and believe that men are solely to blame for all the crap in the(ir) world.

Women that are obsessed with the material also annoy me.

I agree with @faye about prudish women.

I wouldn’t say I don’t relate to women though. I probably have an equal amount of male and female friends and can relate to both. I have some fabulous female friends that stand up for what they believe in without throwing the “woes me” card.

@jonsblond I love these stereotype threads too. I get bored of this PC world from time to time!

Plucky's avatar

I know this isn’t answering the question but I actually had to look up Carrie Bradshaw. I had no idea who she was. I’ve never watched that show.

chyna's avatar

@MyNewtBoobs I think what @jonsblond was doing was trying to get you to lighten up. On every thread you have been on lately, you have picked at least one jelly to be snarky to. If you don’t like the question or can’t add to it, then why not move on?

marinelife's avatar

I don’t like women who are gold diggers and who are really shallow and obsessed with looks.

MilkyWay's avatar

What I don’t like about some other females :
Too bitchy : They always look for a chance to gossip about someone. Saying “She’s like this” and “She did that.” I’m seriously not interested what every other girl in the neighborhood wore to the party and whether it was a cheapie or not.
Always look at me in a weird way when I say I don’t like make-up: Hello, I’m @jailbait and I don’t like wearing make-up. I’d much rather go and have a game of football.
Get pissed off when I disagree with them: “Do you like that new girl Susan? I think she looks crap.”
Me>“I quite like her. She’s got this different way of dressing. I think it’s cool.”
(Rolls eyes) “Whatever, see ya.” ( Walks away )
Obsessed with how they look: Won’t ever have a kick around the park. It might “Mess their hair up”.
Moan and moan, but don’t ever do anything: When they go on and on about something or someone, but just don’t do anything to solve the problem.

Coloma's avatar

I’m with @marinelife and, I’d add, the gossip factor, overly emotional, hypersensitive, competitive.

I have always genuinely liked my female friends, but, many of them have fallen along the wayside for all of the above reasons. I think I am in the 10% of women that are not catty, gossipy, competitive towards others, and I don’t have a gold digging or exploitive bone in my body. I recently let go of a friend that after 7 years, and the FIRST time I confronted her with a bad habit she has of changing plans and not consulting with me/others, well…she showed me how emotionally immature she really is.

Male or female, I steer clear of mind games and those that cannot ‘own’ their shit and be big boys and girls.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

As I said before,I prefer to become enraged by the individual,rather than a group.
I will mention that my sister is on my last nerve though…not many women can say the word “oh” like her

ucme's avatar

The wife says those men hating, bra burning, stubble wearing gals “get right on her tit ends!”

Neizvestnaya's avatar

The going to extremes of trying to prove (to themselves or others) their feminism by putting down/denying femininity.

Yes, I can see by your Buddy Holly hairdo and non prescription eyeglasses that you’ve embraced your GrAYness but please don’t knock my heels and perfume and tell me I’m being imprisoned by masculine expectations.

Yes, I can see by your Moe (3 Stooges) hairdo, stretch pants and Threadless tee shirt that you’ve been freed from the Barbie clothes shackles but don’t complain if your guy thinks pinup girls are cute.

That sort of thing. Also, fake, affected laughter and the notion that it’s attractive to take pictures with their mouths gaping open, tongues sticking out.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I have yet to meet a woman IRL who likes to get into philosophical or intellectual discussions. Don’t meet too many men who like that either, for that matter.

Which is why I ♥ Fluther!

Coloma's avatar


Here, here..toasting you on that one! ;-)

faye's avatar

Come up to the frozen north, bit of supper, lots of wine. We’ll fix the world or mine the depths and discuss the whys of everything. I don’t ski you see. And in the summer we’ll have beer around the firepit and do the same.

tinyfaery's avatar

I used to be a guys girl. I’m not into make-up or shopping, and I hate gossiping. Now, since I don’t hang out with guys much, I guess I’m just a lesbian, even though I’m not. Same me, though.

I have stopped generalizing about women, really. My Women’s Studies classes really worked, I guess. The more women stay divided against each other, the more men will continue to subjugate us. Whether I like you or not, if you are a woman, I stand with you in your quest to be a full, self-actualized, individual, free of objectification by men.

Aster's avatar

GOD, they are so judgmental and gossipy like they detest each other but so sweetsie around each other. And now that I have the chance to sound like a grouchy old woman, what’s up with the upper thigh skirts that miss showing a crotch by 2 inches? Are women that desperate to be noticed by men that they have to flash crotches? Isn’t above the knee short enough? How in God’s name are men supposed to know how to act with a date who dresses like that? And if walking in a skirt that short isn’t bad enough they have to cross their legs-even on tv. If I were a guy who wanted to bring my girl home to meet mom I’m afraid I’d ask her to at least wear cute underwear to impress my parents. For Godssake.—and let’s just pair that skirt with a spaghetti strap top with plenty of cleavage and bra straps showing. I refuse to use the word that describes, to me, what women want to look like these days while expecting men to treat them nicely. Thanx for reading if you’ve gotten this far.

Vunessuh's avatar

@Aster Your post is amusingly ironic.

Aster's avatar

How is that? I was speaking of so-called FRIENDS who gossip about one another. My statement had to do with strangers’ dress. When I notice flaws in my friends I try my hardest to analyze why they do what they do and would feel it wrong to call someone up and go on about them. But I can *think” what I think but try and keep my mouth shut.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@chyna Fine. I’ll lighten up. Here’s what really annoys me about other women: When they get all offended at the merest chance that someone might see being a housewife as “less than”, but then encourage other women to bash women in a broader sense in the name of fun and games. And we give newbies shit all the time about trying to only get answers they want – if a newbie had asked this question, every single established jelly would have reminded them that you can’t control the answers, and you might not get what you wanted. Is that no longer true once people are past 10k?

Coloma's avatar


Standing ovation!!! Whistling, woo hooing! That about covers it!


I get what you’re saying, but hey, for the record, I think being a housewife/mommy is a very meritorious possistion, as long as the woman isn’t left holding the baby barefoot & penniless should the marriage go belly up. :-)

cockswain's avatar

why is this in my recommended questions?

rooeytoo's avatar

@tinyfaery – ga and a thousand more if I could! That really is a great answer.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@cockswain NO idea. I wonder why the NSFW questions are in MINE…

jonsblond's avatar

@MyNewtBoobs So you pull the housewife thing on me? wtf is your problem? This was meant for fun, not to bash anyone. Why the fuck aren’t you all over the other “annoyance” questions bitching at the users there? You single me out, for what? You are the only person I see bashing people. That housewife comment made by another user on that thread you are referring to was not a joke. There is a difference.

jonsblond's avatar

women with potty mouths annoy me. sorry ladies ;)

cockswain's avatar

a good old fashioned catfight. reowrr!

JLeslie's avatar

Here is what I hate, but I want to say that I am reluctant to write it because certainly not all men do it, but when it happens I think it really sucks. First a sentence or two of background. Girls grow up being overlooked and dismissed in too many stuations. There have been studies of girls in primary and secondary school not be called on in class or allowed to expand on answers. We are socialized to be obedient and to follow, be a good girl. Of course this is changing more and more, but it still exists. Also, girls do tend to be more emotional, and many times emotion is looked down upon.

What I can’t stand is when. Man treats me like an idiot. Worse, then when I finally react or can’t stand the insult or begin to feel and act insane or hysterical because my self worth and ability to feel sure of myself is under attack, I, women, are accused of being crazy or annoying. When. Woman pretty much knows a guy is cheating, lying, or just totally full of shit, we are expected to be calm and accept it by that really crappy guy.

Even as benign as the cable guy telling me it is my tv, not the cables. 10 of the channels are not working because my tv is malfunctioning. I had to go upstairs carry down another tv, and plug it is to demonstrate it was the cable, not the particular tv. Thanks for adding a little boost finally and then all the channels worked. I have had so many incidents with male service men I can’t count that high. Maybe they are too stupid to fix whatever the problem is, but I think if I were a man, they would feel more pressure to get it right in my opinion. Even doctors who are not really listening to me and basically dismiss, what I am saying. Maybe they do it to men also? But to me it feels again, reminds me, of a man treating me like crap and treating me like I am a hysterical girl.

The thing that is unfair is that probably some of us women do react or overreact to men who are not really trying to treat us differently or badly, but the baggage we have gets thrown in their face.

@tinyfaery I found your answer interesting. It sparked my memory to something that really bothered me on this thread. Near the very bottom @mrshinyshoes talks about the privelage of being a man, and it disgusted me in that context. So, here that you point out you think men are not aware of their privilege makes wonder what men really think regarding it.

rooeytoo's avatar

@JLeslie – another ga, you and @tinyfaery are both my heros of this question!

Coloma's avatar


Did you date my ex husband? He was king of the crazy making…it’s a wonder I got out with my sanity intact, well, marginal at the time. lol

JLeslie's avatar

@Coloma That’s the thing. There are all too many men like your exhusband. And, yes, I dated one for many years. Thank goodness I didn’t marry one. Although he does do other male thngs like talk and burp at the same time. I hate that.

Plucky's avatar

I haven’t posted my opinion on either of the threads regarding women vs men; other than the couple jokes I made. The reason why? I actually had a really hard time trying to generalize. I’m not used to thinking in that way. And, I really did try for these

I can think of plenty of women and men that do things that annoy me. But, I cannot generalize it to be all women or all men…because I know better. I’m certainly aware of the stereotypes and find some of them funny (whether true or not). The most generalizing I can do is by type of woman/man. There are certain types of woman and men that tend to get on my nerves.

So, for this question, the types of women and men that annoy me are:
Constantly judging others.
Man haters.
Woman haters.
Superficial ..hung up on physical looks.
Macho or jock.
Have constant wandering eyes.
Superiority complex.
Using sex/body as means of control or manipulation.
Very competitive in pretty much anything.
Complete and utter dependence on someone (usually their SO).
Always using the line, “Oh she must be PMSing” when a woman is upset.

Obviously there are other things such as racism, sexism, abuse, violence, etc ..that annoys most human beings.

Oh, I don’t care for jewellry much (especially expensive jewellry). Some women find that to be blasphemous to womanhood or something.

JLeslie's avatar

Damn, I misread the question. I answered what annoys me about men, instead of what annoys me about women LOL.

I don’t have a generalization I can make about women as an entire group. I do think some women can be incredibly angry, which really rubs me the wrong way. They feel like everyone is out to get them, overly defensive all of the time, and quick to make judgements, I assume it is some sort of defense mechanism? Similar to what I wrote about above, our antennas up when we feel passed over or not listened to, but this is to a different degree, when the behavior seems over the top, happens too often, and unwarranted.

rooeytoo's avatar

@JLeslie – I still agree with what you said even if it wasn’t the answer to this question!

JLeslie's avatar

@rooeytoo It’s kind of funny that I received four GA’s for that answer so far and it did not really answer the main question.

Plucky's avatar

@JLeslie Because we understood it was a simple mistake are forgiven (smacks your forhead). Plus, it can be hard to keep track of all these woman/man questions in the past couple days. :P

Plucky's avatar

*forehead ^

jonsblond's avatar

@PluckyDog I can think of plenty of women and men that do things that annoy me. But, I cannot generalize it to be all women or all men…because I know better. I’m certainly aware of the stereotypes and find some of them funny (whether true or not). The most generalizing I can do is by type of woman/man. There are certain types of woman and men that tend to get on my nerves.

This is exactly how I feel about these questions! Thank you for putting it so well. I do not believe any of us who have started these threads asked in a way to bash men, women or teenagers. We are all intelligent enough to know that not all men, women and teenagers are the same. It was meant for fun, as if we were stepping into a comedy club. Look at comedians who make fun of their own. They don’t make the jokes to “bash” others, they are just making fun of some of the similarities within their group or other groups. Does my saying I’d rather watch football than get my nails done really hurt anyone? Yes, I know not all women love to get their nails done and hate football, but from all the women I have met in my life, I haven’t found many that would rather go watch the game with me.

A good example is Russell Peters He isn’t saying any of these things to bash a certain group of people. It’s a form of comedy.

cockswain's avatar

—speaking of women as targets for comedy, I just learned the Bristol Palin has written a memoir

jca's avatar

New and late to this thread – women can be catty. They will insult (behind others’ backs) women’s clothes, hair, body type, houses.

Dutchess_III's avatar

To expound on @JLeslie….Once upon a time I owned a mower shop. It’s a very macho kind of thing, I suppose, motors and stuff. The little town we started in was especially male-chauvinistic…so many of our male customers would have been mortified to realize the I owned the sumbitch! Me and me alone. A girl.

One time a guy walks in, carrying his trimmer head. I said, “May I help you?”
And he snaps, “I need to talk to The Man (my husband.)!” And he marches on back to the shop (in spite of the signs telling customers to stay out of that area.)
He goes back there and I hear him ask my husband, “Hey Rick. Can you wind this line back on my weed eater head?”
I about fell over.

One customer in particular got VERY upset when he saw me working on equipment. He literally came to back once and pulled me away from the mower I was working on and said, “This is no kind of job for a woman!”
I never did tell him that I owned the sumbitch…but, as the boss, I threw down that that guy’s particular equipment was MINE to work on when he brought stuff in! He would always come in and tell the guys what a fantastic job they do on his stuff…..then he died before I could ever break the news. : (.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Women who confuse being plain pushy and rude for affecting an air of professionalism.

Sunny2's avatar

@Aster “When I notice flaws in my friends I try my hardest to analyze why they do what they do” Why on earth would you analyze anybody’s “flaws”. The flaws are only in your personal perception of perfection in the first place. This kind of thinking is what I was talking about. It’s judgmental and petty. I found a lot of it in my sorority in college and it has unduly colored my feelings about women in general. Fortunately, once out of college, I found a lot of women do NOT think that way.

Aster's avatar

@Sunny2 what I meant was if I notice a friend showing off her crotch and shes over sixty I remember all her great qualities and say to myself, “well; maybe she’s mourning her lost youth by doing that.” Instead of thinking, “how slutty; I think less of her for this.” while secretly coveting all that pink lace.

chyna's avatar

@Aster I really hope there aren’t any 60 year olds out there showing off their crotches. No one wants to see them.

Aster's avatar

Maybe not but I bet there are in their fifites. LOL !!

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