Social Question

blueberry_kid's avatar

Is there anything funny you would like to share with us?

Asked by blueberry_kid (5960points) June 26th, 2011

This question came up while I was reading other questions. This one may seem similiar to @janb’s question but it’s not.

THIS TIME! It has to be funny! Go crazy people!

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48 Answers

MilkyWay's avatar

I’ve got a pimple on my left cheek.

zenvelo's avatar

@jailbait And none on your face? ;-)

Coloma's avatar

Just woke up this morning and was wandering out into my living room in the almost still dark zone when I saw a cat ‘toy’ on the floor. I thought ” Oooh, THERE’S that lost Hamster toy!”..I hadn’t seen it in weeks, figured the cat found it on her night time romp somehwere in the house.

Bend down and grab it…HOLY SHIT…it was REAL dead Gopher! Gaaaaah!

Flung it off my deck and ran with my ears covered so I didn’t have to hear it’s little fat body go thump in the weeds! :-/

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I walked around all day yesterday at an art fair,then garden tour with a price tag hanging off the back of my dress.It’s a great accessory.
Then a few days before that,I waited at the Secretary of State’s office for well over an hour to renew my driver’s license which doesn’t have to be renewed until a full year from now.
I really need to read completely through my mail and get some sleep….so I can dress myself properly…which reminds me of the time I left the house with the pocket of my t-shirt on my back…;)

MilkyWay's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Hey Lucy, shoelace is untied.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@jailbait That’s ok..I’m wearing them on my hands.;)

ucme's avatar

I just got in from taking the dawg for her walk. Had to cut short the fun because it started raining. A clap of thunder rattled across the sky which kind of startled her. Well, basically I tripped over her landing in a heap on the field. Thankfully there were no witnesses to this spectacle…..other than whoever reads this of course :¬(

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@ucme Points and giggles XD

ucme's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Yeah go on, laugh it up, I got a sodden grass stain on my arse cheek for my troubles too….not fair ;¬}

MilkyWay's avatar

<——— Roars with laughter.

Coloma's avatar



Once, I was coming to the end of an escalator in a dept. store, and I tripped at the step off, catapulted myself into a giant display of down comforters on a table dead ahead…at least it was a soft landing. haha

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@ucme -Get yourself a pair of these{keyword}&gclid=CKft_PGH1KkCFUPBKgodMWjaMg# in everglades green! All your troubles will disappear!and so will your friends,but that’s ok!
@Coloma-LOL! I bounced down the stairs at a restaurant on my rump roast during the dinner rush.
Grace and speed is where it’s at! :)

ucme's avatar

I’m beginning to think it was a mistake mentioning this XD
@lucillelucillelucille I’d probably be better off wearing a suit of armour or some iron pants…... my butt still smarts :¬(

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@ucme- Iron pants in the rain are highly recommended! As are sponge pants.
That way your walks will become more leisurely! Take your time to stop and smell the roses.Spongeucme Squarepants.
@Coloma falling into DOWN comforters is no suprise either.XD

Coloma's avatar

I am pretty sure I would win the award for most car accidents at home! haha
I have backed into the same tree about 4 times, ran into my own gate, oops, thought it was open, it was dark and, clipped the wall in my garage, scraping my car and ripping a chunk of wood of the wall, and, I don’t even want to talk about the time I backed over my darling little goose ‘Maybelline.’ ;-(

ucme's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille So you’re suggesting I wear…& lets be brutally honest here, an adult diaper!?! XD

Coloma's avatar


Well..they don’t have to beadult size, if your arse is still the size of a 2 year old. lolol

ucme's avatar

@Coloma Well i’m not one to brag, but I could crack walnuts on my peachy bot XD

Kardamom's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille I really do need to clean my glasses. I just read your post and I thought to myself, WTF! She went to an Air Fart? What does that entail?

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I was rubbing my guy’s back and my little doggie kept pushing in and pawing my guy’s back, almost to say, he’s my papa, mine…

Coloma's avatar

Just came in from moving the sprinkler around in my yard which is totally secluded, across the road from 20 acres of woods and I only have one neighbor that lives at the dead end below me. Even out here, in the country..never f—king fails…I am in my skimpy nighty and HERE THEY COME, the ONE neighbor, and I am running to hide behind a tree.

I’ve got it DOWN, I know just how to slowly pivot around the big tree so I am safely hidden until they pass. hahaha

zenvelo's avatar

@Coloma don’t be so shy! You might meet amazing people!

Coloma's avatar


—Haha, well, I’d rather stop and chat when my boobs arn’t hanging out of my lingerie and I am wearing underware. lol

Dutchess_III's avatar

My six year old grandson is on this “Have you noticed…” kick. Almost everything he says starts with “Have you noticed…?” Yesterday he asked his Mom, “Have you noticed that after the meteorite hit the earth all the dinosaurs died?”
She referred him to me.
I referred him to my husband.
My husband referred him to his Great Granpa (my husband’s dad,) who is 88.
Then we ran out of old people to ask if they’d noticed that.

Dutchess_III's avatar

You like it and you know it @Coloma!

Coloma's avatar



Oh yeah, I love being caught in all my ‘morning glory’.
Funny, Grandpa from the dinosaur dynasty! haha

Dutchess_III's avatar

It was just hilarious! Kids are so great without even meaning to be!

Coloma's avatar

You know, it’s kinda funny, trying to catch a fly in a cup. WHY will they NOT get off the freaking window glass and just GO in the cup!!!?

Okay…I should clarify, this is NOT your average housefly, it is some sort of exotic glowing blue & green fly/bee thing, sooo, I feel compelled to reunite it outside to find it’s psychedelic friends.

The rescue mission will continue when I find my Pith helmet. ;-D

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Coloma…. UR NUTS!! You keep me up at night thinking about all the animal shit that happens to you!

MilkyWay's avatar

You wanna know some even more wacko animal shit that happens? Come to me. It’s like I’m a magnet or something.

Coloma's avatar

I always say I live in a farside cartoon, Gary Larsen drew my life.
Did I mention the 10 inch Lizard lying on a Farside book last week? LOL
And hey, finishing up around here on some chores, but, just wait til cocktail hour in anoher 90 minutes, I’ll really get my ‘animal house’ rockin’. haha

Dutchess_III's avatar

Animal House! You got that right, crazy woman! Can’t wait to be a part of it! My husband will fit right in!

Well, @jailbait do tell!

Jude's avatar

My girlfriend and I just went bikini shopping. I am living off of very little sleep and got a lot of sun this weekend. When we went to get dressed, I grabbed her bra (totally different from mine. Mine is red and hers is white) and put it on. We were sharing a change room. I had no idea until she pointed it out that I was wearing her off the shoulder boulder holder.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Speaking of…when I was nursing (seems like it was non-stop over 4 years and two kids) I was also a teacher in the 1 – 2 year old room at church. I had a baby in my lap, chatting away with another teacher, and the baby started fussing. I didn’t break stride in the conversation, just made prep for nursing. I was so practiced by then I didn’t even have to look or anything. The first thing I did was drape a blanket over my shoulder, and the baby, and work the mechanics of the bra and all from there, behind the blankie. Suddenly, something wasn’t right…yeah. It wasn’t my baby AND it wasn’t a breast fed baby!! I LOL’d so hard!!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Kardamom Might as well have been one!

KateTheGreat's avatar

I am now wearing a retainer in attempts to straighten my teeth.

It gives me the hugest lisp. And paired with a Russian accent, it is NOT pretty at all. So at work, I have to talk to people a lot and it seems as though the customers are finding it hilarious.

Coloma's avatar


Haha..I had a retainer way back when, I’d pull it out during the night in my sleep and then, have to search all over my bed and room to find it the next morning.

Once, I couldn’t find it anywhere, had just called my dentist and told them I lost it when…I sat down, and crunch it was fine but… must have laid it on my chest and it had gone down my nightgown and was stuck in my underware!

Told the dentist..never mind, I found it! lol

Another time I threw it away by accident at a lunch place about 40 miles from home, I went back and went through the trashcan in the parking lot and found it, covered in rancid avacado!

KateTheGreat's avatar

@Coloma It’s pretty funny, I do the same things. At night, I go to sleep with it in and when I wake up, it’s not there! I have to search my bed for it.

I don’t even like to take it out anymore. Taking it out to eat and then putting it back in really hurts me! I just eat a lot of mashed potatoes and ice cream.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I hate memories of retainer days!

woodcutter's avatar

Old story. Really frikken old. I was in the ER one nite for something, forget why but it’s not important. I was laying there with my pants down on the gurney and the doc was trying to stick a needle in my butt. Sedative, tetanus, maybe? I was nervous and I really hate needles. He says he’s not going to get the needle in if I keep clenching or it’s really going to hurt like a mother if he forces it in anyway. I tell him to bring it on because I can turn a walnut into dust if you put one in there.
The guy loses it so bad laughing he rips off his latex and goes out in the hall to calm down. He says’’ Man of all the things I hear in this place that one is a first, you gotta have a pretty tense ass to pull that off”.

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL! Rarebear has to hear that one!!

Coloma's avatar


LOL..reminds me of my last pap smear, my doctor said he couldn;t find my cervix, I said ” well, you found it LAST year, it’s GOT to be there, keep spelunking!” He and the nurse were cracking up. Nothing like humor in the stirrups!

woodcutter's avatar

humor and anxiety seem to go together. Some of the stuff that comes to mind can be hard to explain sometimes

Coloma's avatar


Where? Don’t see a comment by her in that link. :-/

MilkyWay's avatar

@Coloma I was replying to her when she said ”@jailbait do tell.”
You know, of my weird animal encounters.

Coloma's avatar

Oh, got’cha!, I’m not awake yet. lol

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