Social Question

bob_'s avatar

People: what annoys you the most about other people?

Asked by bob_ (21942points) June 26th, 2011

After seeing questions about what annoys men about women, women about men, men about men and women about women, it’s time to move beyond gender stereotpyes—and whine about people in general.

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47 Answers

dappled_leaves's avatar

It annoys me when they make broad generalizations.

zenvelo's avatar

Not using their minds to think about what they are being told, but parroting things because they heard it from someone on television they think is nice.

Dutchess_III's avatar

People who can’t think up their own questions!!!! MUHA HAHAHHHAHAAHAHAHHA!!!

Michael_Huntington's avatar

This question is difficult because I hate everyone for different reasons.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Talking excessively loud in public.

Gum snapping.

Dragging, scuffing feet as they walk.

Showing up dirty and/or sloppy to invited events or restaurants.

Babies in movie theaters.

Unattended kids in stores touching stuff I’m expected to pay for.

Talking with mouths full of food.

Littering, especially gross stuff like used condoms and dirty baby diapers.

Not using turn signals while driving.

Sense of American entitlement that invisible elves somewhere will pay your way if you

happen to start out, become or end up “poor”.

People who put their legs up on the seats in front of them before the theater is filled and the movie starts. Yeah, I’m really going to choose in sit in front of those people.

bob_'s avatar

People who complain about ESL speakers, even when they speak only one languages themselves (and in a rather imperfect way).

dannyc's avatar

When they get pushy in a one minute lineup.. go tsk, tsk, and diss the service with that superiority shrug. Patience seems to missing in the world. I diss them back and tell them that the person serving or at the cashier has a job that is not as easy as it looks… or they are learning.

flutherother's avatar

People who are in my way and are walking too slowly.

Jellie's avatar

People who are genuine. 90% of people I interact with on a daily basis are fake or put on a face.

marinelife's avatar

@sarahhhhh So, you are annoyed by people who are genuine?

ucme's avatar

Those fuckers who ooze negativity & positively seek out confrontation.

Mariah's avatar

People who make a huge fucking deal about things that just shouldn’t matter that much.
People who get a superiority complex by judging others’ decisions and deciding that they’re subpar, without understanding the circumstances surrounding the decision. (Long rant on that topic for your reading pleasure.)
People who self-pity constantly, all over my facebook news feed.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Bunches of stupid stuff.

disenchanted_poisongirl's avatar

I really HATE IT when people tell me what to do, or what not to do, or when they tell me what’s right for me. Like I don’t know what’s best for myself.

Jellie's avatar

EDIT: People who aren’t genuine. 90% of people I interact with on a daily basis are fake or put on a face.

tinyfaery's avatar

Humanity’s inhumanity is the most annoying and tragic thing about humanity. Did I say humanity?

Berserker's avatar

When people expect/assume that I’m part of their daily life and environment, and therefore expect me to act in accordance thereof. I’m just going to get smokes or getting to class, fuck off, don’t talk to me.

People who don’t look where they’re going when walking around in halls and other indoor public places. It seems a fad around here. People walking while talking to someone behind them, looking at something else or cutting turns really fast. I’m always dodging and avoiding being smacked or running into folks because nobody ever looks where they’re going.
I think I’m good enough to be a ninja at this point.

When people try to instruct me how to live through their own personal choices, opinions and views. I hate it when people discount everything I say and expect me to change my life around just based on what they believe.

Drive by commenting. I blood hate this. Damn cowards always yelling things at me when the car passes by; worse is, I notice that it’s always the passenger seat people who do this. Fucking colon munchers.

When a group of people take up all the sidewalk. Get the fuck outta my way please, thank you. Scumbags. Incidentally, people who take up all the room in a shopping aisle and congregate there as if it was a bingo hall piss me off.

Excessively negative people.


Michael_Huntington's avatar

@Symbeline I remember when someone drive by commented me. Some guy in a red hummer yelled out “PUSSY!” at me (I was the only person walking on the sidewalk). An excellent example of the pot calling the kettle black…

MilkyWay's avatar

Moaning constantly.
Picking out all the negatives out of a situation or person.
Pessimistic most of the time.
Not being able to accept when they’re wrong.
Arguing just for the sake of it.

bob_'s avatar

@jailbait You know, there are situations in which moaning constantly is good. You’ll see when you’re older XD

MilkyWay's avatar

@bob_ I perfectly understand at my age already :P

Cruiser's avatar

Argyle socks worn with plaid pants….just plain wrong.

King_Pariah's avatar

They all drive on the wrong side of the road, I mean seriously, what is up with all these nuts?

Kardamom's avatar

I hate it when people are smug. To me, smugness is just a veiled form of rudeness, that’s attempting to be cute.

I hate it when people (usually women) see you coming down the aisle at Walmart and then they purposely push their shopping cart into the aisle on an angle, completely blocking everyone else’s path. Then when you say, “Excuse me.” Then they give you and up and down look and a dirty stare.

I hate it when people yell in the aisle at the grocery store, whilst talking on their blue tooth phone (that I can’t see) so I assume they’re yelling at me. Then they give me an up and down look and a dirty stare when I ask, “What?”

I hate it when sales clerks or cashiers mumble something to a senior citizen, and when the senior citizen doesn’t respond because he/she couldn’t hear the clerk, they let out an exasperated, angry sigh and then shout rudely at the senior.

All they had to do, in the first place, was to realize that most seniors don’t hear and see as well as younger folks, so they need to look them directly in the eye and enunciate clearly (taking care not to mumble or shout) and to use regular language instead of slang/jargon.

I hate it when after sitting in a long line of traffic, and waiting patiently to get off the freeway at the next exit, while letting other’s entering the freeway from my right side get past me, some joker darts in from the left lane, practically causing a pile up, just because he thinks he deserves to be there and he/she is too lazy to wait in line, or just go up to the next exit and double back, instead of risking lives. I’ve witnessed lots of horrible accidents on our freeways due to this kind of sh*t.

Bicyclists who demand more than their fair share of the roadway, but never, ever stop at a stop sign or stop light, or use a hand turn signal and never give pedestrians the right of way. All while wearing those ridiculous skin tight, wiener emphasizing pants as though they were racing on a velodrome, rather than driving down the middle of a heavily populated shopping area and then having the gall to put their hand on your car, because they haven’t yet learned how to balance.

People that look at me with disgust and ridicule, when they find out that I’m a vegetarian.

People that are hurt and disgusted when they find out that I’m an agnostic.

People that are angry and disgusted by Christmas traditions, even though they are self-proclaimed Christians, and then they make fun of me and my family (who are agnostics) for celebrating Christmas. These are the same people that often say, “If I hear one more Christmas song, I’m going to f*cking kill someone!” While at the same time, grabbing a whole handful of the Christmas cookies that I made for the whole group.

People who don’t teach and demand that their children use common courtesy and manners.

Jude's avatar

Pretentious fuckers.

rock4ever's avatar

When they get mad at a person trying to help them.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I don’t like fuckers or son of a bitches.

Berserker's avatar

@Kardamom ’‘I hate it when sales clerks or cashiers mumble something to a senior citizen, and when the senior citizen doesn’t respond because he/she couldn’t hear the clerk, they let out an exasperated, angry sigh and then shout rudely at the senior.

All they had to do, in the first place, was to realize that most seniors don’t hear and see as well as younger folks, so they need to look them directly in the eye and enunciate clearly (taking care not to mumble or shout) and to use regular language instead of slang/jargon.’’

Agreed. I’ve seen this happen before, and not just with older folk who can’t hear so well. Some clerks lack a lot of professionalism. I sell clothes at work, and sometimes I get frustrated and pissed, but you don’t see me taking it out on clients. It may seem extremely strange coming from me, but it really isn’t that hard to have a bit of patience and remain polite.

Worse clerks ever; GameStop. Egads.

Dutchess_III's avatar

How the hell old IS @jailbait anyways??

Kardamom's avatar

@Symbeline See, you know exactly what I’m saying. It’s not that hard to act like a professional and have some compassion for folks.

Berserker's avatar

@Kardamom Yeah, some need to make a bit of effort, at least on the job.

wundayatta's avatar

I rarely think about things that annoy me about other people. I figure it comes with the package. No one is perfect, and I’d rather not dwell on that stuff.

But one thing that never fails to set me off is when people slow down on the on-ramp instead of speeding up.

SuperMouse's avatar

I am a card carrying curmudgeon, so pretty much everything annoys me about other people. Ok as far as I know there is no such thing a registered curmudgeon, but if there was such a thing I would be one.

wundayatta's avatar

@SuperMouse I’ve been trying to get my curmudgeon card for years now, but they keep on losing the paperwork. Anything you can do for me?

Dutchess_III's avatar

@King_Pariah I take it that means 18? I would have never thought of her as that young…

@SuperMouse You are the first ever, card-carrying curmudgeon! I so knight you so because I’m Dutchess and THAT’S what you get for modding me the other day!! You viscous mouse!

@wundayatta Ok. Alright. You get one too. So Knighted. Sigh. My work is never done.

Response moderated
rock4ever's avatar

The fact that most people never learn from their mistakes.

DeanV's avatar

The fact that this question has more responses than the “What do you like most about people” one.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I’m applying for one of those Curmudgeon Cards. A co worker (male) told me today that no one (men) wants to date women over 50yrs old. I responded that it’s a good thing then that I’m getting married before (the sooner than later for me) cut off point so he won’t have to hear my woes.

zenvelo's avatar

@Neizvestnaya I date women over 50, just as long as they don’t act like they’re 60.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

@zenvelo: I’ll be 45 this year and don’t feel like I’m ready for my coffin yet!

flutherother's avatar

@zenvelo I date women over 50, just as long as they don’t act like they’re 20.

markylit's avatar

Arrogance. It’s a big turn off.

wundayatta's avatar

Women over 50 are de bomb!

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

The only person that annoys me is that Sick Fuck in the mirror.

jonsblond's avatar

People who are impatient.

The only thing impatience will do for you is either make you stressed or kill someone. Take a deep breath and realize 5 more minutes won’t kill you.

your impatience might though.

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