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blueberry_kid's avatar

Can you solve this riddle? (details)

Asked by blueberry_kid (5960points) June 26th, 2011

A cowboy rides into town on Friday.
He stays in town for three days and leaves on Friday.
How did he do it?


There was a happily married couple living in an apartment, the man kisses his wife good bye and goes to work. But while he is in the elevator and the power goes out and he says, oh no! My wife is dead!Why did he say that?

Write what you think and after 40+ answers, I’ll give you the solution!

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37 Answers

Berserker's avatar

The wife one; she was on life support at the hospital?

rock4ever's avatar

His horses name was friday!

Michael_Huntington's avatar

His wife is a lamp!

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

His wife was at home in ther appartment on a ventilator or some other life support that stopped when the powere went out and he was trapped in the elevator un able to go to her rescue.

The horse? @rock4ever seems the most plausable to me.

creative1's avatar

For the first one I believe @rock4ever correct too

Because his wife was in a breathing mask ran by power. When the power went out, the machine did too.

rock4ever's avatar

She is deathly scared of the dark. :p

zenvelo's avatar

His wife named Friday was in an iron lung.

And the cowboy found his horse while on a desert island so he named it Friday.

_zen_'s avatar

He rode his wife, Friday, into town and she was hooked up to life support.Also Colonel Mustard and the scredriver in the dining room.

Edit: @zenvelo I swear I didn’t read yours… we apparently have the same sense of humour – and some people think we’re one and the same – go figure why.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

New riddle please.

Berserker's avatar

He who builds it does not need it, he who buys it does not buy it for himself, and he who uses it will never be aware of using it. What am I?

Michael_Huntington's avatar

Apples? Church? Library? Mayonnaise?

Berserker's avatar

Nope, none of those.

rock4ever's avatar

I know a girl who likes kittens and puppies but not dogs and cats. Loves swimming but hates water. She likes the moon but not the stars. Loves moose and geese but not wild life. Loves food but doesn’t like to eat. Likes books but not reading. Loves basketball baseball soccer volleyball and football but not sports. Why does she like what she likes?

Sunny2's avatar

She likes words with double letters in them?

rock4ever's avatar

A man goes golfing in the winter. He hits his ball and it goes over a hill. When he gets over the hill there are two golf balls sitting side by side. One is his and the other not. They look exactly the same but the man instantly knows which is his. How?

dannyc's avatar

He left Tuesday, and came back into town on Friday of the following week, then left same day.

Mariah's avatar

@rock4ever The one that wasn’t his had been sitting out for a while and had gotten snowed on?

ratboy's avatar

Ice cream has no bones?

Hibernate's avatar

This question rocks.

jeremyh's avatar

For the first one its really simple his horse’s name is Friday.

The second one is little tricky there can be two reasons why he say that first would be his wife is on life support or his wife is afraid of dark.

Stinley's avatar

@rock4ever is the other one on a golf tee?

Stinley's avatar

I’ve got another one.

A car arrives at a hotel. Money changes hands. the car moves away.

What’s going on?

Stinley's avatar

No. You can ask questions and I can give a yes or no answer

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

They paid the valet…...easy….

Stinley's avatar

Nope. You can get clues if you ask

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

The car got sold to the bellhop…....simple.

blueberry_kid's avatar

Since people started writing their OWN riddles, the answers are:

His horses name is Friday.
The wife was on life support, and the power went out so she died.

pshizzle's avatar

The horse’s name was Friday. And, the wife had an oxygen machine which was ran by outlet power. So, since there was no electricity, no oxygen. No oxygen, death!

Stinley's avatar

I’ve started a riddle thread and will take my car and hotel there

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